Inverell Show Society | Community organisation
Inverell Show Society
Phone: +61 492 954 276
23.11.2020 by Keith Flor For the first time in 5 yrs, i went into the showgrounds to dump my van toilet & put a bit of water in tank & a gentleman told me i have to pay to top up water, he was on a four wheeler & sprinklers going every where ?
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25.01.2022 Congratulations to the new Bundarra Show Society executive.
25.01.2022 For our horse owners information.
24.01.2022 Photos of the Showjumping Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
24.01.2022 Part 4 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
24.01.2022 Found at the show 1 X Apple I phone S A cap A Holy Trinity cattle team shirt.
24.01.2022 Photography Section 2020 Inverell Show.
23.01.2022 Part 3 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
23.01.2022 Another initiative to help our young rural entrepreneurs. V
23.01.2022 Thank you to the attendees at the Inverell Show who respected the creations of the Inverell Community Men's Shed that were placed under trees at the Showground for the pleasure of our children. SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE FROM THE USER GROUP THAT HIRED THE SHOWGROUND LAST WEEKEND WHO STOLE THOSE CREATIONS.
22.01.2022 *** Taken from the stables at the Inverell Showground today after the dressage.** A Samsung Phone Spurs 2x horse rugs In a plastic tub.... The owner left at the stables while he took his horse to the Equestrian Centre. If you know anything about these missing items please phone the Show Office on 67234409 and leave a message please. See more
22.01.2022 Important notice re: Membership closing date for AGM. A membership allows you to participate & vote at our AGM & monthly meetings - Covid - 19 restrictions allowing. Also entry into the 2021 show and (depending on the membership purchased, and also depending on the membership purchased, entry for a guest and children and your vehicle.)... We appreciate those residents that have renewed their membership early. See you all at the AGM on 23rd August 2020 at 9am at the Inverell Showground - Covid 19 restrictions allowing. #closingdate #inverellshowsociety #AGM #votingrights #inverellshowground #membership
21.01.2022 Brian Baldwin OAM - a remarkable man. Brian's story below, was courtesy of Mike Witherdin. This is the Inverell Show Society side of the story that was posted on the Inverell Jockey Club Facebook page. Brian called it a day on his calling of the Harness Racing at the Inverell Show this year - 2020. He started in 1958, what an achievement to have supported the Inverell Show Society for 62 years. Continuing on from Brian's story below - he was awarded an OAM in 2013 for his w...ork in many community and church organisations and much of that work continues as will his involvement with racing, it’s just he won’t be callingunless, no, he has definitely retired, again. #inverell#showsociety#harnessracing#brianbaldwin#retire See more
21.01.2022 Congratulations Will, from the Inverell Show Society.
21.01.2022 The AGM of the Inverell Show Society was held yesterday 22nd August 2020. Thank you to those members who attended. With the Covid 19 restrictions, we were fortunate that the numbers allowed us to hold the meeting indoors and observe the necessary rules. Congratulations to the new and re-elected Executive. Congratulations also to the Indoor Pavilion Steward - BJ Walters, also to the Outdoor Steward - Doug Roberts.... Thank you to those members who have volunteered as Stewards of the indoor and outdoor sections of our show. We will be making a decision within the next couple of months as to whether our 2021 show will go ahead, taking into consideration the necessary Covid 19 restrictions on gatherings and the Crown Lands rules at the time. We also have to consider the health and safety of those attending, the Show Committee,our volunteers and the Australasian Guild of Australia members who run sideshow alley. Also our contracted entertainment and competitors.
21.01.2022 Sapphire Windfarm Community Grant - Cattle Pavilion Power Upgrade -success.
21.01.2022 ### March 7th 2020 at the Nullamanna Memorial Hall. ### A very large crowd gathered to honour the memory and life of Geoff Mather. A remarkable man that had the distinction of being an honorary Life member of The Inverell Show Society, The Inverell Pony Club and the Inverell Polo Cross Club. The posthumous recognition of 60 years of service to the Rural Fire Service was presented by Chris Wallbridge, Superintendent of the New England RFS and Adam Marshall, member for New England to Geoff's widow Leonie.
21.01.2022 Thanks again Russell Blanch.
21.01.2022 Part 1 of the photos of the Woodchop Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
20.01.2022 Some history of our show. Follow the link for 1955 history.
19.01.2022 Part 2 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
19.01.2022 What a lovely post. I hope you don't mind that I have shared it on our page.
18.01.2022 Photos of the Stud Beef Cattle Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
18.01.2022 Poultry Section 2020 Inverell Show.
17.01.2022 Update - 8th May 2020. Due to the COVID-19 virus and for the health and safety of our volunteers in the office, the Inverell Show Society Office is still closed until further notice. We will still be monitoring our emails and Facebook messages daily. Please note our landline phone number cannot be accessed due to the office closure. Telstra has announced that the line has now been repaired, but we are unable to check this until we can go back to the office.... If you need to contact us, please do so by Facebook messenger or by email: [email protected] We will get back to you ASAP. Please be patient during this difficult time. Our meetings will be suspended until the crisis is over - to comply with the new Government Laws.
16.01.2022 If you know a life member, can you ask them to confirm their contact details to our email address, so we can send our AGM notice out to them. #membership#nominations#stewards#executive#inverellshowsociety#lifemembers Executive nomination form link Steward nomination form link
16.01.2022 A few snaps from the show ring. Featuring supreme rider Toby Adams Supreme Led Rosedale Matilda supreme hack Lyndhurst Up Town Girl, supreme led stock horse CD spice girl, Supreme stock horse CD Spice Girl.
16.01.2022 Subject to current Covid 19 Restrictions.
16.01.2022 An 83-84 year old memory that I found cleaning up at the Show Society office.
15.01.2022 Part 5 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
15.01.2022 Part 2 of the photos of the Sheep Dog Trial Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
13.01.2022 Since 1868, for 150 years, the Inverell Show Society has hosted the local show. The first show was held on the banks of the Macintyre River behind what is now Coles. In 1873 it was moved to Kamilaroi Park which is now a sporting oval. Our current location, which we have enjoyed since 1914, is the Inverell Showground which is on the Tingha Road on the edge of town.
13.01.2022 Part 8 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
13.01.2022 Wool Section 2020 Inverell Show.
12.01.2022 The Inverell Show Society will be advised on 1st July 2020, by the Crown Land's -Land Managers, as to when our Show Office can re-open. As our office is unmanned, please send any enquiries by email to: [email protected] Or by Facebook, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.... Our AGM has been postponed until we can access the dining hall in the Show Ground, and the memberships have been paid for entitlement to voting rights. When this has been decided, we will send all previous members an email to update them with the information. Membership applications, as per the Constitution will also be emailed. Then the - 3 week compulsory public notice will be posted & advertised for the AGM. Thank you for your understanding.
12.01.2022 We encourage all the young artists, that support the Inverell Show Society with their amazing entries in our Fine Arts section, to enter this competition.
11.01.2022 Some of the Rural Health Initiative stands at the 2020 Inverell Show.
11.01.2022 Demolition Derby at the 2020 Inverell Show.
11.01.2022 Some Outdoor Displays at the 2020 Inverell Show.
10.01.2022 The entrance to the Inverell Showground. In 2018 the light's once again were shining brightly after many years. This was following some much needed electrical repair work by Rod Hill Electrics andJustin Carslake who volunteered to give his time to help with the electrical. In 2020, once again the lights guided the way through the front entrance. Rod said: The oldest living ticketed member says he couldn't remember the lights working ... can't just remember who that was ...... Do you know how long ago that the lights actually worked? See more
10.01.2022 Woodworking Section 2020 Inverell Show.
09.01.2022 Shearing Section 2020 Inverell Show.
09.01.2022 The Inverell Show Society was saddened to learn of the loss of one of our Honorary Life Members in March 2020. Janet Lillian Watson was a valued volunteer for the Show Society for many years. The existing volunteer members that worked with Janet, recall her happy disposition and willingness to help out in the Canteen, whenever there was a Show event. We extend our belated sympathy to Janet's family.
09.01.2022 The STAFM team broadcasting live from the Pavilion at the 2020 Inverell Show. Following is the link on the 2020 STAFM Facebook page. A memory from the 2019 Inverell Show.
08.01.2022 The Inverell Show Society thanks the Hunter New England & Central Coast Health for their grant to support the Health Initiative that occurred at our Show. We anticipate that the contacts made by the members of the public that attended our event, have made it easier to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic repercussions. If you are in need of advice or support we encourage you to contact any of the health support groups listed in the flyer attached. Keep Safe and Well.
07.01.2022 Part 3 of the photos of the Woodchop Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
07.01.2022 || SHOWJUMPING RING || Over the 2 day program the Showjumping ring was very well represented with 132 entries across 29 riders over the 16 event program with LOTS of young and up and coming show jumpers being put through their passes. Thank you to our course builder & Judge Pauline McClements Thompson & John Thompson along with our steward Suzi Mills for running such a brilliant program.... Massive thank you to our Amazing sponsors many whom are regular supporters of our program. The Jump Shack Hygain Mitivite Sapphire City Steel & Pipe Inverell Vet Clinic Rural Wrecking McDonald's Inverell The Brown Family
06.01.2022 Thanks to Lyn Adams, some more Show Schedule covers from past shows. 2008 and 2016.
06.01.2022 The kids Entertainment at the 2020 Inverell Show.
05.01.2022 Part 2 of the photos of the Woodchop Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
05.01.2022 What a tough decision, for your committee. We will have to face this decision later on in the year with the restrictions for Covid-19.
04.01.2022 Thank you Russell for your photos, I hope you don't mind the Show Society re-posting them as well.
03.01.2022 Part 1 of the photos of the Sheep Dog Trial Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
02.01.2022 MISSING 1 6ft white day rug 1 black slow feed hay net... Missing from B BLOCK stables Saturday afternoon The owner of these item would really appreciate their return - please return or forward information to the Show Office. Thank you
02.01.2022 Part 1 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
01.01.2022 Please see following the Covid 19 plan as per Crown Lands Requirements.
01.01.2022 #membership#nominations#stewards#executive 2020-2021 Membership prices. #inverellshowsociety If renewing your membership, an email will be sent, with the relevant application to last years email address.... If you would like to become a new member, please PM us or send an email with your details, so we can email the application in time for the cutoff for the AGM (14th August 2020.) When paying by direct debit, please use your name as a reference. Then copy & email the completed application for the office to hold on file. This will enable us to print out your gate pass for 2021. Membership application link from website: Nomination application link for Executive: Nomination form link for Stewards position:
01.01.2022 ######### IMPORTANT ######### NOTICE ###### Please advise by email your intention to attend the AGM as the venue will be chosen to comply wth COVID-19 Restrictions: [email protected]... The AGM for the Inverell Show Society, will be held - Subject to current Covid 19 Restrictions. 23rd August 2020 @ 9am. To be held in the Inverell Showground near the secretaries office or if the numbers to comply with Covid-19, exceed that space, we will relocate the meeting, subject to approval to another building on the Show Grounds. Note - to be eligible to vote at the AGM - your membership needs to be current as at the 14th August 2020. Thank you to those who renewed their membership by Friday.
01.01.2022 Part 6 of the photos of the Campdraft & Stockman's Challenge Section at the 2020 Show. Courtesy of Chris Cook Photography.
01.01.2022 Today, 1st July we were informed by the Inverell Showground Land Managers that the possible date for reopening of the Showground will now be - be 20th July. This is due to the upgrades happening at the Showground, the safety aspect, as well as the Covid 19 restrictions imposed by the Crown Lands Department. We are contactable by email - [email protected] or here on Facebook
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