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24.01.2022 Ola amigos, estava pensando no que eu poderia postar hoje, e logo com muito amor decidi postar esse suco verde cheio de vida, aquilo que chamamos de suco de verdade, frutas, folhas, raizes e sementes, segue a receita: 250 ml de agua; 1 maca; 5 uvas... 1 talo de salsao, 4 fatias de pepino; 1 folha de couve; 1 mao cheia de folhas de espinafre; 1 colher de cha de maca peruana; 1 pedacinho de gengibre( esse pedacinho pode ser do tamanho uma uva pequena); metade de um limao; 1 colher de sopa cheia de chia hidratada; colocar tudo no liguidificar menos a maca, chia e o limao, usar uma peneira pra coar e depois de coado voltar para o liguidificar e adicionar a maca e 5 pedras de gelo, e por ultimo ja no copo pronto pra tomar adicionar a metade de um limao coado e 1 colher de sopa cheia de chia. Super deliciosa maneira de alavancar o seu dia com energia vital!!! Hello friends, I was thinking about what I could post today, just with love decided to post this green juice full of life, what we call real juice, fruit, leaves, roots and seeds, follow the recipe: 250 ml of water; 1 apple; 5 grapes 1 stalk celery, 4 slices of cucumber; 1 kale leaf; 1 hand full of spinach leaves; 1 teaspoon of maca peruana; 1 piece of ginger (this piece may be a small grape size); half a lemon; 1 tablespoon full of hydrated chia; Place everything in a blender less the maca Peruana, chia and lemon, use a sieve to strain and then strained back to a blender and add 5 ice cubes and maca peruana, and finally put in glass add half a strained lemon and 1 tablespoon full of chia, already to take. That so delicious way to kick start your day!!
23.01.2022 Para os que esperavam uma receita Vegana simples, ai vai uma de "Tomates Recheados com Tofu" Compre um Tofu firme; Use um ralador para ralar o tofu; Refoque o Tofu usando oleo de coco seu tempero a gosto,dica importante quando estiver quase refogado, esprema meio limao;... Tire a parte de dentro dos tomates rechei com o tofu e leve ao forno para gratinar.... Seja Feliz!!!! See more
22.01.2022 HEALTHY EATING HABITS Today I am feeling energized after 5 days of detox , I am breaking JUICE FAST & RAW FOOD CLEANSE... My lunch:... Gluten free pancake with tahine and salads See more
22.01.2022 THE ROOT CHAKRA KOMBUCHA! Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine and it is associated with the element of earth and your sense of smell. It governs your feet, legs, perineum and rectum, and relates to your most basic, animalistic nature and your need to survive. The root is the first chakra to develop and it does so from birth to age seven. Before we come into this physical realm, we are pure consciousness. After conception, the root chakra starts connecting us to the Earth and our natal family so we can learn how to live in a body, be part of a tribe, and survive.
22.01.2022 The Kombucha Story: One such story is that it was invented in the Qin Dynasty (220BC) for the Emperor Qinshi Huangdi. The Chinese are famed for their quest for all manner of longevity elixirs. From Kombucha to Chinese medicine, the Chinese have always looked to nature to cure what ails them. At that time it was called The Tea of Immortality. Chá () is the Chinese word for tea. In China, Kombucha has been called Sea Treasure (), Stomach Treasure () and Sea Mushroom(). Today, it goes by the names hongchajun (literally red tea bacteria/fungus/yeast), hongchagu (red tea mushroom), or chameijun (tea mold). During the Cultural Revolution, every household had a pot of Kombucha brewing, but it has fallen out of the daily routine of the modern Chinese lifestyle.
19.01.2022 Iones Kombucha - The Crown Chakra Organic herbs: green tea and Rose Here the human being connects with the universe. The totality of person, as combined from the other chakras offers itself to the divine forces of the universe. The individual experiences knowledge beyond words of intellect. Interfacing with cosmic energies and pure consciousness.... Lots of Love See more
16.01.2022 The Kombucha Heart Chakra Symbol Interpretation: Yor heart chakra is located in the center of your chest, and it governs your heart, lungs, and diaphragm, as well as your armas and hands. Its associated with the air element and your sense of touch. Not surprisingly, your heart chakra relates to compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, healing and love!!!
14.01.2022 Como e bom estar aqui com voces!!! Vou deixar mais uma das minhas receitas praticas e saudaveis... Canudo de berinjela: Corte berinjelas medias em fatias, em uma espesura que nao quebre, pincele oleo de coco e leve ao forno somente para amolecer... Depois faca um pure de batata doce colocando algumas sementes a gosto, gergelim & girasol....... recheiar as berinjelas e podem levar ao forno novamente para grelhar.... Este prato pode ser acompanhado com um molho de tomates naturais organicos temperado com paprika defumada, alho e salsinha. Nao vou deixar a quantidade exata, mas para uma forma grande sera necessaria 4 berinjelas pequenas e duas batatas doce medias.... Com muito Amor & boa sorte !!!
13.01.2022 Bolo banana e cacau
11.01.2022 The Benefits of Kombucha: It Strengthens Your Stomach Walls Another component of kombucha is a substance called Butyric Acid, which is another by-product of the fermentation process. Butyric Acid is known to have antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic properties as well as being known to strengthen the walls of your gut, kill parasites and protect against yeast infections. Its an interesting substance that promotes overall digestive health from the inside out.
11.01.2022 Kombucha Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol Interpretation: From the belly of the sun, emblazed in golden light, emerges Manipura, our Solar Plexus Chakra. Ten yellow lotus petals form a circle, within an inverted triangle stands, representing fire the power of your inner fire ignithin within us courage, dynamism, willpower and drive. This chakra houses the flames of our digestive fire burning away like a furnace as it converts our food and the sunshine into life-force energy for the body. This chakra is a vortex of personal transformation. Awakening this internal fire, we rekindle our connection with the deep spark of light within.... Our fundamental sense of Self.
09.01.2022 Unlock your Third Eye Chakra with Iones Kombucha!! Enables the recognition of being, Connects to the part of creation wich is beyond ad physical manifestation. The Knowing of spiritual matters is passed down and so influences all other paths of an individual.
08.01.2022 Querida comunidade brasileira na Gold< Peco licence aqui para oferecer o meu produto. Eu vendo Kombuchas. Pra quem nao sabe Kombucha é uma bebida milenar feita a partir de um chá ou mais infusão adoçado que, a partir da fermentação controlada, oferece qualidades probióticas (organismos compatíveis com a nossa flora intestinal), enzimas que auxiliam a digestão, além de vitaminas do complexo B e K provenientes do processo metabólico dos microrganismos e outros beneficios.... A diferenca em minha Kombucha entre as que sao vendidas nos shops e que faco elas somente uma vez por semana e cada semana eu trabalho com ervas diferentes de acordo com um Chakra. O dia da semana que para tudo para a producao das kombuchas e um dia muito abencoado, meu dia inicia com mantras para ancorar nossos anjos e guias espirituais durante o processo de producao. Colocando intencoes de harmonizar, equilibrar e alinhar o ponto energetico do dia. Alem das intencoes direcionadas aquele Chakra do dia, Sempre ressaltando que a Kombucha prevaleca o AMOR e traga muita CURA. Alem de tudo reutilizo garrafas de 750 ml, Nossa Mae Natureza fica feliz. Eu moro em Tugun e faco entregas em Byron Bay toda segunda feira, onde ja tenho alguns clientes regulares, iniciei fazer entregas aqui na Gold toda terca feira. Se tiverem interesse de saber mais sobre as Kombuchas dos chakras siga me no Instagram, ( LoVegan Food), onde faco post relacionado ao chakra da semana. O preco de uma garrafa e de 750 ml $10 ou 3 por $25. Aberta para pedidos para ser entregue na proxima terca feira. Com as energias de alinhamento do Chakra Plexos Solar, nosso terceiro chakra...
07.01.2022 Many people underestimate the ability to heal with chakras, This could be due to the fact that it seems too simple. But the truth is, Chakras are a huge aspect of healing. Drinking Iones Kombucha of Chakras unlock and balance your true potencial! This week this the Throut Chakra, speaking your truth with Iones Kombucha... with so much LOVE
06.01.2022 Canudo de Berinjela recheado com pure de batata doce...
05.01.2022 Kombucha the fermented drink help you to stay Strong and stay active as well removes toxins... The chakras Kombucha from Root to Crown advice and unlock your true potencial.
04.01.2022 Kombucha Sacral Chakra Symbol Interpretation: Within a circle of six lotus petals rests a crescent moon. The moon faces upward as a chalice, carrying with it the tidal waters of emotional balance, pleasure, and empathy. The tides of Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra, are said to contain our unconscious desires and emotions wich can easily sweep us away in the pursuit of illusive pleasures, consuming much of ours time and energy on a daily basis. When the chakra is in balance, Svadhisthana offers the gifts of conception, creativity, connection and the energy of change and harmony.
03.01.2022 Some more benefits of Kombucha: Loaded With B and C Vitamins In addition to being full of many other good things, kombucha is loaded with Vitamins B and C, both of which are essential for optimum health. Vitamin B helps ease stress levels, curb sugar cravings, lower your risk of heart disease, and help memory functions. Its clear that B vitamins are pretty powerful, but those C vitamins present in kombucha have their own set of benefits. Among them are increasing the health ...of our immune system, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and playing an important part in eye health. Thats a lot of benefits in one bobby beverage! This week the Chakra Crown made with organic green tea and Rose, bringing Pure Being, Understanding and Consciousness!
03.01.2022 Helps With Digestion: Speaking of those probioticskombucha is full of healthy bacteria that do a lot of good for our bodily functions. One of the primary benefits is that these probiotics, yeasts, and enzymes help with digestion by breaking down food for better nutrient absorption. They also promote growth of healthy gut flora, which help us digest our food better and maintain a healthy PH level. Your gut also gets a break as it doesnt have to work as hard to break down fermented foods because the bacteria have already done some of the work.