IPS Institute in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Education
IPS Institute
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3290 5359
Address: 11/3352 Pacific Hwy, Springwood 4127 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: https://www.ipsinstitute.com/
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25.01.2022 The restrictions are lifting and the future looks brighter. Just posting this little parody to remind us all of what living in a pandemic is like, so we dont become too relaxed too early. Enjoy.
23.01.2022 Tells you where your natural genius lay How to leverage your talents and strengths for career and business success Gives you the road map on how to create more wealth You'll learn and understand your leadership style more... Dont waste time studing the wrong course, being in the wrong job and purchasing the wrong business. Learn more about your talents and strengths and how to create more wealth then click the link below and take the test today: https://bit.ly/2UXLVX3
23.01.2022 A smooth administrative system is key to the success of any business. That is why our BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration is developed specifically to give you the confidence to tackle any challenges in administering a business. For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #ipsinstitute #smallbusiness #upskill #onlinecourses #studyfromhome #studyanywhere #education #educationiskey #industrytraining #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore #onlineeduction #learnonline #educationmatters #educationispower #studylife #unlockyourpotential
23.01.2022 We had an email from a person whos just had his pay cut by 70%. Though he didnt email from a place of fear. He wrote to say that he realised that now is the perfect time for him to focus on himself and what he really wants to do. He felt that this situation is giving him the push he needs to make some different decision and start his own business to prepare for when things become normal again. Do you feel that way too? Or are you feeling lost, full of fear and unsure abo...ut whats next for you? If you are feeling fearful, thats totally understandable, but thats actually not doing anything good for you or your family. This is the time for you to take action, better yourself and get clear on what you actually want. During times like what were experience, its essential that you make decisions from where you want to be and learn how to get there... because we all know that there will be a time than we will move through this chapter and onto the next. Where do you want to be? Start planning today.... and have a chat with us. Book time here - http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
23.01.2022 Take advantage of this time in lock down. With so many people looking for jobs right now - how can YOU stand out from the others and leverage yourself to the top? For now and in the future... learn how.... ask questions. Book some time here: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
21.01.2022 How does one prepare for this new world.... this new paradigm? Answer: by making sure that you continue to learn and upskill your qualifications. We wanted to reach out to let you know that you can study single subjects or create a bespoke course through us.... We will help you get ready for a certificate or diploma, skill up for a new workforce or new job, and fully invest in your own professional and personal development. Offered through our Micro Skilling Program (MSP) you can choose from a wide range of subjects both at certificate or diploma level. Completing a single subject of study is an excellent pathway option that allows you to: Develop your skills and knowledge in a specialist area Contribute to your vocational and personal development Take the first step to applying for a Certificate IV or Diploma Single subjects can be chosen from industries such as - Civil Construction | General Construction | Landscaping | Work Health & Safety | Project Management | Business & Administration | Accounting & Bookkeeping | Leadership & Management | Human Resource Management | Process Plant Operations | Food Processing | Hospitality Use this time wisely to design your career with us and go from trade level to management easily. Are you interested to find out more? Book a call with us today - http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
21.01.2022 30th June.... Less than a week away! Have you reviewed your training budget? There are still some government subsidies programs available, these include:... Certificate 3 Guarantee HIgher Level Skills for priority industries Construction Skills Queensland for employees in the construction industry Plus the Small Business Grant Program is opening for round 2 on 1st July... next Wednesday... here is the link to the forms. https://bit.ly/3fTTiag Plus CSQ has several funded courses including: Skills Assessment and Gap Training Progam Higher Level Skills Program Apprentice Advance+ Program To discuss any course, qualification, funding, or subsidy we are here to help! Book a call below to discuss the plethora of opportunities that you may not even be fully aware of. http://bit.ly/2Ul2BGW
19.01.2022 Are you a small business owner who struggles with managing their business finances... maybe this short course could help? Check it our here: https://bit.ly/3dpmnJC And if you believe this is for you then make a time to speak with us today: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
19.01.2022 Uplifting quote for Wednesday!
18.01.2022 **** What are the 7 Benefits of Learning Online **** 1. Delivery Times - you can learn at midnight if that suits you. 2. Learning Pace - you can go as fast as you want to get it done and get that promotion... 3. Access to specialists - have all your questions answered via email or zoom calls and have them answered almost immediately via email... no time to waste 4. Focus on Vital Data - create your own bespoke course and get the vital information you need today to get a job or that promotion 5. Up-to-date Information - our courses are relevant and our trainers have real world experience 6. Lower impact on the environment - not having to drive to a place of learning saving on fumes. 7. Lower costs - again no driving, no car parking fees, no extra petrol expensive, wear and tear on the car etc
18.01.2022 IPS Institute BSB30415 Certificate II in Business Administration enables you to explore the ideas and foundations of business administration in the real world, giving you the confidence to handle practical, real-world problems in the workplace. For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #ipsinstitute #smallbusiness #upskill #onlinecourses #studyfromhome #studyanywhere #education #educationiskey #industrytraining #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore #onlineeduction #learnonline #educationmatters #educationispower #studylife #unlockyourpotential
17.01.2022 Are you feeling lethargic, down - or just not like yourself these days? Finding it hard to focus and get things done? If you are feeling this way, know that this is a very natural response and totally understandable. The emotional toll of this situation is real... and it feels like we are living the movie Ground Hog Day! ... Reducing the amount of negative news you consume can help. Here are 2 simple ways you can start right now: 1. Reduce your news consumption to one serving of 5-10 minutes a day. 2. Increase your GOOD NEWS consumption with the 5:1 rule. It takes a lot more positive news to combat the negative news basically 5 good news stories to replace 1 negative. Mute or unfollow negative accounts that are in your social feeds and replace them with uplifting ones
16.01.2022 Found this little gem for you today. Dr John Demartini being interviewed by the amazing Kerwin Rae. John does wonderful work around identifying your internal values and removing obstacles (among other things) and Kerwin is fantastic at scaling businesses ( among other things). ... You will need a cuppa, but well worth your time investment to check them out. Let me know your take-aways!!!
16.01.2022 Whilst we are no longer conducting face-to-face meetings with our customers, our staff are Zoom-ready if you wish to speak to us in person, and always available to take your call. Now would be a great time to find out more about the JobKeeper package! Want a book a call?... http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
16.01.2022 Depending on your own beliefs... lock down could be for another 4 weeks or another 6 months... we dont know... no one knows... however at IPS we are busy trying to help people upgrade their qualifications so that they can be future fit for their careers! We do courses in Civil Construction, Food Processing, Landscaping, Project Management, Workplace Health & Safety and anything to do with Business. For a no obligation chat on your career aspirations click here: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
15.01.2022 The pain is real!
15.01.2022 Remember tomorrow is the end of the financial year... so if you want to sign onto a course and pay before EOFY to claim any self-education tax deduction contact us today! 07 3290 5359
13.01.2022 Interested in undertaking a single unit or a cluster of units to advance your career? << We offer both! >> Talk to us today about your needs. Book a call now. http://bit.ly/2Ul2BGW
13.01.2022 The safety of yourself and others in the workplace is a central component to a successful environment. With the IPS BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health Safety, you will be a superstar in best workplace practices to ensure that your mates stay in tip-top shape. For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #ipsinstitute #smallbusiness #upskill #onlinecourses #studyfromhome #studyanywhere #education #educationiskey #industrytraining #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore #onlineeduction #learnonline #educationmatters #educationispower #studylife #unlockyourpotential
12.01.2022 Download the book today and discover your genius area for success!
12.01.2022 Just for a laugh!
12.01.2022 Time a precious commodity... look at this lock down situation as a gift. A precious gift of time to invest in yourself. Use this time constructively. Bridge the gap of where you are to where you want to be! Find out how... schedule some time today to discuss your options: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
11.01.2022 Happy Wednesday! Once again, we hope to inspire you to use your time wisely during this pandemic. You have a chance to start a business that youve been dreaming of, work on your own personal development, transform your bank account, become a leader, gain more machine tickets, take short courses, expand your knowledge - learn more, earn more. The power is in your hands.... what are you going to do with it?... Talk to a career consultant today about what course you can do to improve YOU! https://calendly.com/ipsinstitute/training-overview (Remember subsidies may apply, if eligible.)
11.01.2022 How did Victoria learn which career would be better suited to her than the one she was already in?
10.01.2022 We hope you and your family are staying safe. Weve got some ideas on how you can keep learning and leveraging your skills during this pandemic. Whether its a short course, long course or just individual subject units.... Want to have a chat? http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
10.01.2022 Something to make you smile.
10.01.2022 Victoria talks about how she helps business owners create genius enterprises.
09.01.2022 Have you studied before? Have you a good number of years work experience? Yes - you say.... Have you had both your learnings and years of work experienced combined into a RPL? RPL - recognition of prior learning. IPS Institute can assess your previous learning and issue Statements of Attainment that can then be used towards completing a Certificate or Diploma. Interested in fast tracking your next qualification? See how we can help today: https://bit.ly/35EqmPI
09.01.2022 Bet you didnt know that the Premier announced $200 million for a COVID Works for Queensland program. Bet you didnt know that the program is available to all Queensland councils. Bet you didnt know that these councils will need capital works done... landscaping construction will be one of the biggest requirements.... Need qualifications in Landscaping? Then book a call with us today: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
08.01.2022 Have questions about courses? What to know more about how to future you? Have time on your hands and want to leverage your knowledge enabling you to earn more? Well now is the time... what are you waiting for????? We do - civil, construction, business, food processing, financing, project management, health & safety, landscaping and so much more!... Book a call... you may even be eligible for some funding... Remember you never ever know until you give it a go! https://calendly.com/ipsinstitute/training-overview
07.01.2022 There is no better time than now to begin your business journey - start today at IPS Institute with our extensive range of highly specialised business courses! For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #ipsinstitute #smallbusiness #upskill #onlinecourses #studyfromhome #studyanywhere #education #educationiskey #industrytraining #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore #onlineeduction #learnonline #educationmatters #educationispower #studylife #unlockyourpotential
07.01.2022 Aspire to run your own buisness? IPS Institute BSB30115 Certificate II in Business will equip you with the skills and knowledge to take you there and beyond. For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #ipsinstitute #smallbusiness #upskill #onlinecourses #studyfromhome #studyanywhere #education #educationiskey #industrytraining #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore #onlineeduction #learnonline #educationmatters #educationispower #studylife #unlockyourpotential
07.01.2022 We have a new phone number! We retained the old one for a while after the move but have had to change over: 07 3290 5359 - lock it in!
07.01.2022 Interested in undertaking a single unit to increase your knowledge in a particular area? Interested in undertaking a cluster of units to increase your chance of promotion? << We offer both! >>... A learning pathway for either a single or a cluster of units. << It all depends on your needs. >> Plus you can either soak up the knowledge and do the assessments or soak up the knowledge and dont do the assessments. << Again it all depends on you. >> We offer flexible training to boost your knowledge for a brighter future.. Talk to us today about your needs. Book a call now. http://bit.ly/2Ul2BGW
07.01.2022 Should you have your children at home and home has become school then this FREE micro-course may provide some practical tips on the fundamentals of establishing routines and other useful home-schooling tips. https://bit.ly/2Sll06f
06.01.2022 You may be aware that the Qld State Govt. announced funding for all Qld council regions as part of their COVID Works for Qld program. This funding is aimed at delivering job-creating infrastructure and maintenance projects across the state. Many of these projects may involve Landscape Construction jobs!... Here is the government overview FYI : http://www.dlgrma.qld.gov.au//news-media/covid-19-w4q.html If this is your field... here is the link to check out the tender opportunities that the public sector will release. https://www.lgtenderbox.com.au/ Should you need or your staff need to upgrade your qualifications for these tenders... then dont wait there is $200 million up for grabs! Book to talk to us today: http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
05.01.2022 We dont know your situation and how much time you have... however we wanted to let you know that if you are thinking of your future and wondering what you could do differently or better... then talk to us today about doing single subject units or a short course. If you are even curious about gaining a qualification, single units or short courses are an ideal gateway. Talk to us today about how we can help!... http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
04.01.2022 Our daily lives have taken on a strange and unfamiliar routine thanks to COVID-19. Many of us are locked-down or are in social isolation, and its enough to drive anyone mad. But, were still here to keep you company and to keep you thinking and learning... talk to us today about doing single subject units or short courses! http://bit.ly/2wmWCcC
03.01.2022 Did you know we have funding options available to our students? An IPS Institute course is like no other; our courses include: Training delivered on-site Flexible learning options Nationally accredited qualifications Confirm your eligibility by calling us on 1300 225 477.... For more information visit our website or call us on 1300 225 477. #construction #onlinecourses #training #onlinetraining #studyfromhome #studyonline #ipsinstitute #motivation #education #learnmore #earnmore #learnmoreearnmore
02.01.2022 FINISHED YOUR APPRENTICESHIP | TRAINEESHIP Have you recently completed a traineeship or apprenticeship? Are you now seeking to continue to develop your skills by participating in Short Courses or add to your skills with a higher level of Certificate or Diploma?... If so... then talk to us today!! Be quick... we have a very limited number of 100% funded courses available. For eligibility and available courses - CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS. https://bit.ly/3eWg7K3
01.01.2022 A guide to help you pass the time, understand your work style and explore careers you may never have thought of.... here is a link that Job Outlook an initiative of the Australian Government developed. https://bit.ly/3eBChla
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