I Pure Soul | Meditation centre
I Pure Soul
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25.01.2022 TIP#4 WATCH YOUR BREATH AND SMILE Sit for meditation, consciously breathe slowly and deeply for at least 2 minutes. Continue to breathe normally and observe your breath. Be the witness only. Bring a smile to your lips. Positive energy is generated from a smile. Sit for 5 minutes only observing your breath with a serene smile on your lips. Stay focused on your breath. Your smile helps your mind not to think of the past or future, therefore staying in the Now. #ipuresoul #inthenow
24.01.2022 "Why am I not happy? Content? Peaceful? Not grateful? The reason is that you are not holding happiness, peace, gratitude, contentment etc with full faith and confidence inside you. You just let it go. We let our contentment loose, but if we put it in a sealed container inside and don't let it go, we would be content and happy. Instead you hold onto greed, jealousy, anger, misery and so it doesn't leave you. Why doesn't it leave? Because you are holding onto it. What you don't... need to hold, you are holding; and what you need to hold so tight, lock it inside so it doesn't go, you let go! Hold onto happiness, contentment, your virtues. Instead you are holding onto the vices. If you hold onto the virtues you will be so happy, content. Just as you won't give your password to anyone, keep your happiness as tight and safe within yourself." #ipuresoul See more
24.01.2022 The entire creation is a delusion of your mind. You are the Eternal Self creating this dream. You are Atma, Soul, Self. Nothing exists that is not You. #ipuresoul #selfawareness #selfrealisation #meditation
24.01.2022 Be in the Now! Theres nowhere else to Be. #ipuresoul #inthenow #selfawareness
24.01.2022 Traditionally, listening to music while meditating was not encouraged. Traditional Eastern meditation in particular, aims to transcend the five senses and using the sense of hearing during meditation would be counter-productive. Not having any external stimulus encourages us to reach deeper inside to connect to our own Source. The deepest states of communion with the Soul are experienced in deep silence. Read more here: https://www.ipuresoul.com.au/sound-meditation/
23.01.2022 Enjoy the melody and bliss of this kirtan at the Soul Sounds session that saw everyone get up and dance, young and not as young! #soulsounds #kirtan #ananda #ipuresoul
22.01.2022 "In any relationship, take responsibility, do your duty. But don't get attached. See the other person is also Atma (Soul). In a relationship it's important to detach from the other person's thoughts, not the relationship." #ipuresoul #spiritualrelationship #nonattachment #freedom
22.01.2022 "You cannot have a better tomorrow if you are still thinking about yesterday". #mindfulness #presentmomentawareness #happy2021
19.01.2022 Without the knowledge of the Self all other forms of knowledge are useless. The body and the mind are only instruments. Do not identify yourself with these instruments. You are the Master - Atma (Soul). #ipuresoul #meditatenow #meditation #selfrealisation #advaita
17.01.2022 Some yoga wisdom on this International Day of Yoga. #ipuresoul #selfrealisation #yogawisdom
17.01.2022 The Sanskrit word mantra means tool for the mind manas means mind and tra means tool. It is a tool used in meditation practice to fix the mind on a high-quality sound an uplifting vibration that our Being resonates with. The vibration of a mantra can reduce the background chatter of the mind and increase awareness. Mantras can lift our vibration. An example is the Tibetan singing bowl. One US study found that being exposed to Tibetan singing bowl sounds had a posit...ive and measurable effect on mood, anxiety and physical pain. Traditionally, the Tibetan singing bowls are considered to emulate the sound of the great void this equates to the sound Om. Chanting 'Om' has numerous positive benefits including a demonstrated calming effect. Join us for Soul Sounds on 15 Aug at 5.30pm and experience the power of mantra. #ipuresoul #meditation #selfrealisation See more
16.01.2022 Don't forget Temple Meditation is coming up Wednesday evenings. Please follow the link to register. #ipuresoul #meditation
16.01.2022 "Self knowledge and knowledge of this Universe are not different. This knowledge enables us to see the unity in all the diversity around us; it enables us to transcend this worldly material existence. This is the Supreme Knowledge". Darshan@ I Pure Soul #ipuresoul #selfknowledge #selfrealisation #meditation
16.01.2022 "When the mind is directed inward, it realises its own Source". #soulatmasource #ipuresoul #meditation #inwardpath
16.01.2022 Dont forget temple meditation is happening tomorrow! Follow the links to register. #ipuresoul #meditation #inthenow #soulmeditation
15.01.2022 At present, the Krishna festival is going on. Saileshji is giving daily talks in the temple. Here is a short snippet from last night about the importance of space when we are meditating: "I am speaking on all levels. Have some space around you. When you sit for meditation, one thing you should understand, you should sit away from others. Meditation will only become proper meditation when you have space around you. When we have space around us we dont pick the vibes of ot...hers so fast. It is very important to practice this. Mental space is also important. How do you develop mental space? If you have negative thoughts, if you are processing negative thoughts inside your mind, you will become ignorable. Good things will come in front of you, but you will ignore it. Mentally you will always think something negative about life, or another person. Negative judgement makes you ignorant. This is one of the things which we all need to remember it is not the dharma (right conduct) of the Soul. If you are a Soul, your dharma is always to be noble. All what you need to be is positive. A being who always thinks positive will become noble. Negative thoughts make you ignorant. Positive thoughts make you noble. If you have no thoughts, then what will you become? You will have so much peace, you will be a Pure Soul. A state of no thoughts takes you into that space where you will find peace, shanti, daya, priya. You will be pure love. Just pure love. That is the ultimate mental space." #meditation #ipuresoul See more
15.01.2022 The power of Om chanting. Come along to Soul Sounds this Saturday 530pm-630pm at Raw Power yoga for some chanting, kirtan live music and meditation. Go to our event for more info. https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au//the-power-of-om-how-chan
15.01.2022 "Situations come to us, to check and to see how much power we have." #selfawareness #ipuresoul
15.01.2022 We can't wait to be able to resume Soul Sounds. Chanting is so beneficial for all levels of our being. #ipuresoul #soulsounds https://mobile.abc.net.au//chanting-practice-red/12046736
14.01.2022 New Batch of I Pure Soul incense is now available. This divine premium quality masala, hand rolled incense fragrance is very uplifting to your sacred space. Your Home!
14.01.2022 Please join us on Sunday! This one is hosted by Raw Power Yoga. Its a huge space so very easy to physically distance. See you on Sunday everyone.
13.01.2022 Stay inside. Focus your awareness on your breath, on your deep peace and silence inside. When you think of the past or future, become aware of your breath and smile - to ground in this moment. "When my mind is directed outwards, thoughts and world arises. When it is directed inwards, it realises its own Source and stays as Space without any objects or situations. Stay in this moment. Stay focused inside." #ipuresoul #inthenow #selfawareness
13.01.2022 "Most of the time you dont want to hear Atma (Soul), only your mind. You are easily distracted. The first step of meditation is silence. When you are engrossed in Atma you can hear each and every sound. Thats how powerful peace is. Peace is silent. Mahatmas (great Souls) are always peaceful. Even if your body is busy, if you are Atma, you can hear everything inside, emanating from the peace within. The more you hear what is within, Atma will heal your body, the place where Atma is living. When you hear that far away sound, from deep within, it is Atma. Your very Self".
13.01.2022 Competition and comparison #ipuresoul
13.01.2022 What an uplifting Soul Sounds that was! Thank you to everyone who came and joined us today. We are busy editing the clips and music and will share with you very soon! #ipuresoul #soulsounds #chanting #kirtan #meditation
13.01.2022 "Most of the time you don't want to hear Atma (Soul), only your mind. You are easily distracted. The first step of meditation is silence. When you are engrossed in Atma you can hear each and every sound. That's how powerful peace is. Peace is silent. Mahatmas (great Souls) are always peaceful. Even if your body is busy, if you are Atma, you can hear everything inside, emanating from the peace within. The more you hear what is within, Atma will heal your body, the place where Atma is living. When you hear that far away 'sound', from deep within, it is Atma. Your very Self".
13.01.2022 "Within a relationship, leave the problem or solve the problem but do not dwell on the problem or keep on focusing on the problem. You are giving more and more energy to the problem. Once this problem becomes part of the relationship with you, then you will become the problem." #selfawareness #selfassessment #ipuresoul #inthenow
11.01.2022 "Most of us polish our ego to feel better about ourselves. When you polish your reality through meditation, bliss is yours. Polish your reality, not your ego. " #ipuresoul #meditation #ananda #bliss
11.01.2022 Last practice before tomorrows Soul Sounds - Saturday 15 August at 5.30pm at Raw Power Yoga. See you tomorrow for live music, chanting, meditation & kirtan. We have such gratitude that we are able to resume Soul Sounds, our first for 2020. Come and sing and chant with us and together we will raise our energy.
11.01.2022 "When you sit for meditation, your mind may activate. If you identify with your mind, you may struggle to stay in the Now. If you know you are Soul, your happiness will increase. Most people do things for happiness. Do things WITH happiness. I Pure Soul meditation shows you what you are and to experience that- Soul. If you are still looking for happiness, you are still unripe. If you know who you are and live in that happiness, then you will be eaten for your sweetness. Do everything with happiness. Be happy. " #ipuresoul #selfawareness #inthenow
11.01.2022 "Time cannot heal us. We choose how much time we take to heal ourselves". Darshan @ I Pure Soul #selfawareness #ipuresoul
10.01.2022 "You are the Solitary Witness of All That Is, forever free. Your only bondage is not seeing This". Ashtavakra Gita. Sailesh Darshan delivers Ashtavakra Gita every Monday 7.30pm. #ipuresoul #advaita #awareness #selfrealisation
10.01.2022 "Master your breath, master your smile, then you will master your thoughts". #meditation #ananda #smile #ipuresoulmeditation
09.01.2022 We are thrilled to share the first of our Soul Sounds music videos! Def sound on for this post! Hope you enjoy this kirtan dedicated to Mother Divine. #soulsounds #ipuresoul
09.01.2022 "Our body is breathing in each moment. Are you conscious of breathing? Are you mindfully breathing? During meditation that is the only time you are aware that you are breathing and the Soul is breathing through this body. Awakening, Understanding and Merging if you really understood this, your Life Force would become so strong. It would allow you to live even longer in this body. Awakening, Understanding, Merging AUM." #ipuresoul #meditation
09.01.2022 For all those struggling with their new year's resolutions: "When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt". #ipuresoul #awareness #meditation
09.01.2022 Please join us on Sunday! This one is hosted by Raw Power Yoga. It's a huge space so very easy to physically distance. See you on Sunday everyone.
08.01.2022 TIP#5 LET GO & RELAX When you sit for meditation, focus on your breath and smile. Tell yourself I am relaxed, I am relaxed. Breathe deeply and feel the stress leave you. Keep smiling. This is a process that requires daily attention. Don't be stressed about meditation! Don't struggle to sit on the floor. Don't stress about how long to sit. Be completely stress-free. Let go of what you are holding on to in your mind and body completely. Breathe. Smile. Relax. #ipuresoul #selfawareness #selfassessment
08.01.2022 Nothing outside me needs to be perfect for me to experience my perfection inside - my own Soul. #ipuresoul #meditation #mindfulness #soul #atma
08.01.2022 We cant wait to be able to resume Soul Sounds. Chanting is so beneficial for all levels of our being. #ipuresoul #soulsounds https://mobile.abc.net.au//chanting-practice-red/12046736
07.01.2022 Everyone on this planet is looking for happiness. Where are you searching for happiness? Some of us walk through life with our body, others with their body and intellect and others with their body, intellect and heart. Are you a sanskari, sanyasi or gyaani? This is a short excerpt from a longer talk on Ashtavakra Gita. Talks are held weekly.
07.01.2022 Why do you have such mental tiredness? Because you are constantly escaping reality in your day-to-day life. In our lifestyle, it has become normal to constantly think whats next, whats next? It has become normal to strive for our next job, next entertainment, next drama and so on. We are also unhappy because we are so attached to others with an attitude of expectation. We have expectations for a lot of things from the people in our lives. We dream and fantasise about ob...jects, fulfilment and people, which further escapes reality. In astanga yoga we call this line of thinking, horizontal thinking. Our thoughts move along a horizontal plane, always striving, fulfilling desires, driven by fear, projecting to the next moment until the end of our lives. When we observe or witness what is going on in the present, this process of escape stops. When we become aware that our mind rarely stays where our body stays, we open to the possibility of living in the present. When we start observing, and then directing our thought patterns in the vertical direction, then we open up to a bigger aspect of existence. Want to read more? Read our latest article on mental peace here https://www.ipuresoul.com.au/mental-peace/ See more
06.01.2022 We are all on a spiritual journey. What is the best type of travel for a spiritual seeker? This is a small excerpt from week one of Ashtavakra Gita classes which are currently held weekly on Monday nights in Brisbane.
06.01.2022 Chanting helps us to synchronise the body, mind, voice and breath. This alignment creates inner peace and without trying, we are in the moment. Chanting eventually takes us into a meditative state and to spiritual awakening. #ipuresoul #soulsounds #vedicchanting
06.01.2022 Thank you for a great Soul Sounds today. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Short videos on the way. #ipuresoul #inthenow
05.01.2022 Be in the Now! There's nowhere else to Be. #ipuresoul #inthenow #selfawareness
05.01.2022 I am not this body. I am not this mind. I am I. I AM. #ipuresoul #inthenow #selfawareness
04.01.2022 Treat your temple with the love, respect and consideration it deserves #ipuresoul
03.01.2022 #ipuresoul #meditation #inthenow #iami #selfawareness #soulmeditation
03.01.2022 Last practice in the temple before tomorrow's Soul Sounds. All new chants and kirtan!
03.01.2022 #ipuresoul #selfawareness #inthenow
02.01.2022 "You are Soul occupying the temple-body. Be the witness, the observer of the world. Your senses will draw you to what is outside the body. Be the observer, not the absorber." #selfawareness #ipuresoul
02.01.2022 Tip#3: Conscious breathing to start your meditation. Mindful breathing is a practice by itself. Start your meditation practice with slow, deep breathing. Count to 3 as you inhale. Feel that when you breathe in, you are filling your lungs from bottom to top: expand the abdomen, the middle rib cage and finally the upper chest. Count to 2 as you hold. Count to 6 as you exhale. Envision your breath emptying from the top to the bottom of your lungs. Your exhale should be longer than your inhale for maximum benefit. Repeat for 2 minutes.
01.01.2022 Last practice before tomorrow's Soul Sounds - Saturday 15 August at 5.30pm at Raw Power Yoga. See you tomorrow for live music, chanting, meditation & kirtan. We have such gratitude that we are able to resume Soul Sounds, our first for 2020. Come and sing and chant with us and together we will raise our energy.
01.01.2022 Hello everyone, our very own Sailesh Darshan is one of two guest speakers at this free community event. Please come along and don't forget to RSVP to our hosts. #nohealthwithoutmentalhealth
01.01.2022 This is an oldie but a goodie! One of our most viewed - about the incredible life of Saileshji who created I Pure Soul. #ipuresoul
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