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25.01.2022 Microsoft's support for Microsoft Office 2010 has ended. There will be no more security updates or patches. You now use this software at your own risk. Please upgrade to Microsoft (Office) 365 immediately. Office 365 Personal costs $99/year. 1 user, 5 installs.... Office 365 Home costs $129/year. 5 users, 5 installs each. Go to to sign up. If you choose auto-renewal you will get a month for free so that makes the price a little more reasonable. If you need any help with this, please contact Island Computers
25.01.2022 Here is a quick guide on how to pause the Windows 10 updates for seven days. Since yet another update (#KB4556799) from Microsoft is causing more problems, including Blue Screens, audio and deleting files. Pause the updates for seven days, or more, so they have time to fix their mistake ... again.
24.01.2022 Telstra's ancient Bigpond email server is up and down like a yo-yo so often it really isn't wise to use their email service. Island Computers recommends switching to Gmail or Outlook immediately and redirecting your Telstra/Bigpond email to that. If you are crazy enough to run a business using a Bigpond email address, please consider getting your own hosting. Prices are extremely good through me so get in touch if you'd like a quote.... If you need help to do this, please contact me on the usual number. Please watch my video about this issue, here:
22.01.2022 So Apple will soon be releasing iOS14 and it looks like they will finally be using the Android OS ... Just kidding!! But seriously though, they have finally added a tonne of features that have been on Android for (like) forever. So, welcome to the future Apple. Good of you to join us. lolz. The best feature they have copied from Android in this release is the app drawer, kinda; and widgets! haha. ... Anyway, enough of me hanging dags on Crapple, maybe watch MKBHD's video instead for the full run down.
21.01.2022 The minister for communications stated on ABC News this morning that by 2023 8 million 'premises' will be able to order 1GBPS internet. But what about the other tens of millions struggling to get even 25mbps on FTTN and the decrepit Telstra copper infrastructure?! NBN Australia keep avoiding this subject but it won't go away till they resolve it.
20.01.2022 As good as this chat is to see it's going in the right direction, it's also very frustrating for me because I expected us to be using AR to a much greater degree by now. Hell I expected us to have built a moon base, a space elevator and colonised Mars by now. Hurry up humanity! I would like to see AR used in cars for HUDs but also to notify people of traffic changes, accidents, alternative routes, immenent red lights, speeding warnings, etc. Once we have ocular implants the...n a whole new level of technology and ways of communicating will begin. See picting from Greg Bear in his book Eon. Viewing things on a screen will only be used when you say "project that to the wall over there" or swipe it to a wall or surface. Perhaps projected from an external sensor pod or handled by the occular implant and the system behind it. Imagine how entertainment, both indoor and outdoor could be changed though. I imagined some sort of full visual emersion system that could be manipulated by a controller back when I used to go clubbing. Lasers are fun and all but what if we were suddenly dancing in a waterfall or on the moon, etc. Outdoor classical music playing the planets and you are literally enveloped in outer space. Imagine advertising that could be created without paying for billboards, projections or physical construction but could be pushed to the implant or eyewear of everyone in the local area, or even further afield. Blade Runner 2049 depicted this well. In some ways this would be bad because I can imagine the sudden barrage of in-eye advertising might become so common it would be distracting or offensive. It just seems like everything takes too long these days. Too much red tape and delaying because people are afraid of where this technology will take us. Perhaps the cities of Rapture and Columbia in the Bioshock games were on the right track - maybe not with the splicers though.
20.01.2022 So my NBN connection went down on Friday after an NBN Australia technician disconnected the cable to my service to rectify an issue with someone else's. The level of incompetence astounds me. How many times does this have to happen before the NBN stop their stupidity and improve the service in my suburb? So who's paying the bill for my lost earnings for those days I couldn't work? It definitely shouldn't be Aussie Broadband as it's clearly not their fault.
19.01.2022 I'm reposting this to get it back at the top of the page for some customers who are looking for new machines. ' . 7 2020....Continue reading
19.01.2022 Damn you Upper and Lower filters!! Why do still even still exist?! If you know, you know. LinusTech, Jayztwocents, Scorptec Computers. Windows auto repair actually worked!!! Whoa!!! What a relief not to have to reinstall Windows and all my software!! I'll check it tomorrow as I'm now exhausted from stressing out over this issue.... Reason: my USB DVD drive wouldn't import music so I made "some changes."
19.01.2022 If you are using an older Android phone - Samsung, Google, Sony Mobile, HTC, LG, etc then it's time to start thinking about a new phone. Phones with Android 7.1.1 or older will become even more unsafe than they already are with certificates used for devices globally no longer being possible so this leaves you wide open for attack. A year for a phone is the equivalent to 20 human years so they don't last long unfortunately and it is VERY important to upgrade for this very reas...on. The same goes for Apple devices which also suffer from a similar vulnerability when they get past a certain age. Anyone owning an iPhone 4, 5 or even 6; plus iPads older than iPad 2 and iPad Air 2 are also at risk because they are too old and Apple refuse to patch them, forcing people to upgrade. The same goes for the Apple TV 1 - that is still unpatched for the WPA2 vulnerability from several years ago! Rather than patch it, Apple just told people to go buy a new one. Sounds typical for them.
18.01.2022 Regarding taking screenshots in #Android11. For all those struggling with the changes to taking a screenshot on their Android devices. Go into Settings and search for Gesture Navigation. Change it to that from 3-button or 2-button navigation - which I was on. Oh boy! Something new to get used to. Google - don't fix what ain't broke! Pressing the power button to take a screenshot was fine. Why did you have to screw around with this option?! Developers. SMH
18.01.2022 This old girl is presently in my office. ... ... , ! . !! I'm attempting to get the data off it. Flash drives don't work. It doesn't have a CD or DVD burner. My only option, pull the drive out and use a dock. ... How is this machine still running? I hear you cry. Probably because it's never been on the internet.
17.01.2022 Seems legit. ... ... Don't do this! K? K.
16.01.2022 There seems to be an almost constant query about the condition of the internet on Phillip Island so I have put this video together so I, basically, don't have to keep repeating myself all the time. This video is mostly relevant for the residents of Phillip Island and San Remo but others may find the information useful. Facts: NBN sucks on the island; especially FTTN (Fibre to the Node) 4G signal can also be terrible, depending upon where you live. ... 4G towers on the island: Telstra = 13, Optus = 6, Vodafone = 2 (plus the 13 they rent off Telstra.) Black spots for the island are: Sunset Strip, Smith's Beach, parts of: Ventnor, Red Rocks, Cowes West, Silverleaves, Sunderland Bay, Rhyll, etc, etc. Choices to avoid: Wireless NBN is an abomination. DO NOT GO THERE! NBN satellite is also terrible. Do not go there either. Normal satellite is appalling too. Avoid it. Solutions: Best NBN solution: move into an estate that already has FTTP (Fibre to the premises). Otherwise you take your chances with the rusty decrepit copper lines and distance from the node, like the rest of us. Best 4G solution: install an antenna, run a cable into the house and plug it into a decent router. Alt 4G: get a modem that has a sim card slot and use that. But you must have good signal already (3-5 bars) or it won't make much of3 a difference. Always make sure you have line of sight to the nearest tower. Please feel free to call me to discuss your situation. If you need to complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, just remember this is a complaint directed at your internet provider, NOT the NBN, who have made themselves pretty much untouchable and unaccountable. Grrr! But, to be honest, you get what you get. Complaining doesn't get you very far unfortunately. :( Apologies for the low volume. I also meant MyRepublic, not Republica - that's a coffee company. Oops. Please use to test your speed. Best providers. Recommended cable and antenna installer: Marty from Mav.TV. Please follow, like and subscribe to my Facebook and Youtube pages. It really helps and gives me confidence to produce more helpful videos.
15.01.2022 It feels like I'm literally watching Telstra implode right now. Let's hope their 4G service doesn't go the same way as their email because I do not want to go back to Optus as their service sucks in my region. If ever there was a time to put more towers here though Optus, that time is now!! Overly dramatic? Haha! Read the comments on the link below. I have been trying to help as many people get to lifeboats as I can. But when you put to sea in a colander what the hell do you ...expect?
15.01.2022 Now this is a nice ASUS Vivobook available from JB Hi-Fi for $1017.45. It's only 15" but that's fine for most people and with a decent Ryzen CPU and 500GB SSD that definitely puts it above it's rivals. 15.6" Full HD LED LCD Display (1920x1080).... AMD Ryzen 5 Dual Core R5-3500U Processor. 512GB SSD Storage.
15.01.2022 For $499, this is a fantastic deal from I have this monitor and I can highly recommend it. It may not be a Samsung or LG but it still punches above it's weight. The 3440x1400 aspect ratio is suitably epic. The 144hz is accurate and I haven't experienced any tearing at all during games. Battlefield V, 1 and 4, The Witcher 3, Alien Isolation, Wreckfest, Elite Dangerous, EVE Online, Far Cry 5 all look incredible! I tested a LOT of games when I got this monitor. :D Pro... tip: avoid using HDR though; and make sure night light is off when playing as they can both mess up your colour and tone settings in-game. You need to fix that Kogan. The stand isn't so great but when you can buy a monitor arm off Kogan themselves for just over $50 then just mount it on your desk like I did. Job done! I'm not paid by Kogan. I wouldn't mind being a product reviewer for them though. Ahem! ;-)
14.01.2022 Oh dear. More trouble for Apple and the macOS. I keep saying that it's not secure. It may not be quite as disastrous as the infections you get on Windows or the destruction Microsoft themselves cause with their updates. But Mac's still get infected so it's very important to have decent protection on your MacBooks, including antivirus AND a better firewall than the stock one that comes with the macOS.
14.01.2022 So, if you're thinking of getting one of the newly released #iPhone12, n, models from Apple for its 5G capabilities ... well tough luck. We don't have this technology yet. Does that means it's a waste of time getting the phone? Not really. It's still going to be an awesome phone but you'll probably have to disable the 5G 'feature' ... or move to America. (Good luck with that!) From a future proofing aspect vs the life of the phone it's a bit of a stretch too as Telstra and O...ptus have only rolled out the sub-6Ghz range so far and will likely only be rolling out millimetre-wave frequencies in the 26GHz range (25.1GHz to 27.5GHz) in three or more years; and that's only for metropolitan areas. The wireless frequencies haven't even been made available by the Australian Government yet! Plus, what about us peasants in regional areas who still have black spots everywhere and both Telstra and Optus deny exist "because the map says you're covered." Sigh. SMH Anyway, it smells like yet another gimmick from the Kings of Gimmicks and overpriced tech; especially since they partnered with Verizon on the launch. My guess is purely with the intent of driving customers to their network over others. Your phone will likely be superceded before the technology is available. I'm sure it will give the anti-5G loonies something to celebrate though. Anyway, read more about it in the link below if you're interested.
14.01.2022 Yep, there is an outage going on. It's an NBN fault, not specifically Telstra, Optus, iiNet, etc. You can find more information Downdetector Australia
13.01.2022 #lestweforget2020. Please remember to observe one minutes silence at 11:00am for all those that have lost their lives in combat around the world. It's only a minute, it's not that difficult. Island Computers pays special tribute to the soldiers who fought, died and survived in the siege of Tobruk in WWII. Lest We Forget.
12.01.2022 Yup. Microsoft have done it again. More bad updates causing serious problems for some people. Pause those updates again peeps. See my video if you need help to do this. Linked in comments
08.01.2022 Wow! I want one!!! Around 26GB/s!! #geekfest PCMasterRace LinusTech
07.01.2022 Island Computers are not available on the weekends or public holidays. Computers dropped off on a Friday are unlikely to be ready on the Monday morning or next available working day. Deal with it or move along. ... That is all. And here's a funny meme to lighten the post.
07.01.2022 Announcement regarding Rona 2.0. No home visits until the lockdown is over. Computers can be dropped into me. I will steralise them on the way in and out. You cannot come in to discuss your issue but you can stand outside if necessary. Orange tape on the ground marks the boundary.... Remote support is always available using AnyDesk, which can be downloaded from My daughter will be off school and she will be my priority. I am likely to be looking after her a lot so I will do my best to get to work as soon as I can. But that may mean working in the evening or weekends. Stay safe and please wear a mask. They DO help.
07.01.2022 HOW MUCH?!?!?! Scorptec Computers. Surely NVIDIA are taking the piss? "I could almost buy my own ship for that!" #notworthit #showmethemoney #takingthepiss
07.01.2022 Since we're all home right now I'd be careful of this one.
05.01.2022 This is an announcement to let everyone know I have a slight chest cold so I've got myself tested for COVID-19. So now I have to self isolate until my symptoms are gone. Yay. Better safe than sorry though eh? So I'm back to the same procedure I did during the first lockdown. Remote support using AnyDesk or dropping machines to me so I can work on them here. Obviously I will continue to clean them using isopropyl alcohol but I will understand if you would prefer not to drop m...achines into me until I get the all clear - hopefully. EDIT: The test results came back VERY QUICKLY as negative. Hurray! All clear. I still have to wear a mask when visiting people until my symptoms are gone; and I would also suggest they do the same. I will also be sterilising any keyboards and mice I have to interact with at a home visit.
04.01.2022 I can't work like this. Only being able to work all day Monday and Friday, squeezing in one uncomfortable close-contact site visit on a Wednesday and trying to work late into the evening and weekends, trying to home school my child on a Tuesday and Thursday, PLUS trying to get some downtime AND family time has taken its toll. I worked myself half to death during Rona 1.0 and I've done it again for Rona 2.0. Well, it feels that way to me. It's not fair to ask someone to work this so I'm out. Done. Kapput. For now. So, for my mental and physical well-being, and the sake of my family, I'm fully booked until further notice. #ftsio It also feels like it's been months without a haircut too. #shaggyman
03.01.2022 Replacing keyboards on a notebook (laptop) is not an easy process. Which is generally why I DON'T provide this service because it's usually not worth the time and service charge. But when it's gotta be done, then it's gotta be done. To replace the keyboard on this Toshiba Satellite I had to remove around 50 screws, 30 if which were teeny tiny ones. So the use of a magnetic mat is definitely a wise choice. As I say, it's not something I normally do but can provide this service... for 'some' Windows notebooks. Apple on the other hand I'd prefer to avoid. Note: if you're one of those unfortunate owners of a butterfly key MacBook Air or Pro then you should be contacting Apple directly as they are offering to replace the faulty ones under warranty conditions.
01.01.2022 Repost to fix video. As good as this chat is to see it's going in the right direction, it's also very frustrating for me because I expected us to be using AR to a much greater degree by now. Hell I expected us to have built a moon base, a space elevator and colonised Mars by now. Hurry up humanity! I would like to see AR used in cars for HUDs but also to notify people of traffic changes, accidents, alternative routes, immenent red lights, speeding warnings, etc. ... Once we have ocular implants then a whole new level of technology and ways of communicating will begin. See picting from Greg Bear in his book Eon. Viewing things on a screen will only be used when you say "project that to the wall over there" or swipe it to a wall or surface. Perhaps projected from an external sensor pod or handled by the occular implant and the system behind it. Imagine how entertainment, both indoor and outdoor could be changed though. I imagined some sort of full visual emersion system that could be manipulated by a controller back when I used to go clubbing. Lasers are fun and all but what if we were suddenly dancing in a waterfall or on the moon, etc. Outdoor classical music playing the planets and you are literally enveloped in outer space. Imagine advertising that could be created without paying for billboards, projections or physical construction but could be pushed to the implant or eyewear of everyone in the local area, or even further afield. Blade Runner 2049 depicted this well. In some ways this would be bad because I can imagine the sudden barrage of in-eye advertising might become so common it would be distracting or offensive. It just seems like everything takes too long these days. Too much red tape and delaying because people are afraid of where this technology will take us. Perhaps the cities of Rapture and Columbia in the Bioshock games were on the right track - maybe not with the splicers though.
01.01.2022 So all the reviewers are putting in their 2 cents about the new Google Pixel 4a. Thanks to Dave Lee for his honest review. Please be aware, as you will discover form the price stated in his video, and the other review videos, that the Pixel 4a has an inflated price in Australia of AU$600. That's $100 more than the currency conversion from US$350. I don't see why they elevated it by that much to be honest. But it's better than the $120 boost Apple gave the SE v.2 which has a b...ase price of AU$750! Not exactly a budget phone for Australian consumers in my opinion. If people are looking for a decent budget phone over here then the Samsung A20 at AU$299 or A30 at AU$350 are the way to go. When you examine the numbers, generally no one buys phones outright in Australia - not the majority of people anyway. We get them on a two year plan with our telco and pay it off over time. So unless Google can bring that price down to where it SHOULD be at $500 then most people will probably ignore it unfortunately. Or wait for the 5 ... and get it on a plan. I won't be recommending either the 4a or SE v.2 as a 'budget phone' because they just aren't. Goes to show how much we get screwed in Australia for technology. But if you do want to buy one outright, at the inflated price, then JB Hi-Fi have them on order.
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