Hope Church in Newhaven, Victoria | Religious organisation
Hope Church
Locality: Newhaven, Victoria
Phone: +61 490 960 939
Address: 895 Phillip Island Tourist Road 3925 Newhaven, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.islandhopechurch.com
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25.01.2022 I believe this true...have you asked God to clothe you and has he done it? We'd love to hear your experience of being clothed by God....
25.01.2022 Boundaries - are yours going to be stretched in the lead up to Christmas and holidays? Some people find boundaries make them feel confined, while others are relieved to know exactly how far, and in which direction they CAN go. The books of the Old Testament set out many geographical boundaries. You know, like so and so can go here and you can go there and so on. I put it to you that there was a young man who wanted his share of his father's inheritance before the father had ...died! Can you imagine the audacity or maybe desperation of that son to go up to his father and ask for his share, and let's have it today dad! Leaving aside for one moment the boldness of that son, he also had a brother. How do you think the brother felt staying at home and looking after the family business with the father, while the other son went out and had a great time for some years, UNTIL THE MONEY ran out! Amazingly the father did grant his bold son his request for his share of the inheritance. After a while the son who'd taken the inheritance early, realised it had for him been foolish. He felt quite alone, and once again decided to talk to his Father about it. Before he had the chance to open his mouth to ask for a job as an employee in the family firm, the father, AMAZINGLY welcomed him with open arms. Fed him, clothed him and restored his place in the family. While this young man had crossed big boundaries, cultural and family ones, he realised his mistake. The faithful and kind father restored the son on his request. So, from this story, called the Prodigal or Lost son and found in Luke 15:11-32, NIV bible, encouragement to boldly come to Father God even when you feel you've messed up, or if like the son who stayed with the father for the whole time, you did the right thing but feel hard done by, Father is there to restore and encourage you to change your mind, or to forgive, or both! May you experience that beautiful exchange with Father God, through the love of Jesus and Holy Spirit flowing into your life today. You are loved, you are wonderfully made, and may the life and light of God flood your hearts and souls right now. See more
24.01.2022 Only 2 sleeps until we meet at the Fig and the Bay, Corinella. Only 2 seats left at our table so if you will join us just send me a quick message before 11 am tomorrow. Confirming numbers with the cafe tomorrow morning.
24.01.2022 This Sunday please join us for a very special Christmas Carols service - 4:30pm
23.01.2022 May our way and the high way be one and the same. Let’s choose to live in liberty, not be taking liberties! As we read in the book of Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Freedom to do what? That freedom is to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. Have a great day dear Hopeful hearts.
22.01.2022 Dear Hopeful hearts, when you’re looking for some music to enhance quiet space and prayer time try this y tube DappyTKeys. Breathe and Enjoy today. When your strength is gone and you can hardly breathe (Daniel 10:17) take time to breathe in God’s presence....yes you can because there is a promise that as we come to Jesus he will give us rest for our souls (soul as in mind, will, and emotions). In times of joy or upset that promise stands. Jesus didn’t wait for people to change their lives before loving, we change because he first loves people. Be free to share how God has touched your heart as you have come to Jesus. Felicity.
21.01.2022 A Prayer for Today - please help me keep the main thing, the main thing. I choose to focus in the moments, minutes or hours ahead and commit to giving whatever I can, to be the light in your world.
21.01.2022 Today we remember the goodness and faithfulness of God. The image shows a single lily in full bloom on the lily pond. It reminds me of the beauty our creator has placed within each person. To exude beauty the lily is positioned perfectly and simply has to respond to it's surrounding conditions. I pray you are positioned perfectly to bloom and show those around you the beauty within. I know it's not easy and may you be greatly encouraged by knowing that you can call on God in ...the good as well as bad times. Sometimes you will be surrounded by those who are unable to bloom, for whatever reason, you can still bloom and encourage those around you to simply BE and bloom to the max that they can at this point in time. The way I see it the lily doesn't have to DO anything specific to show beauty it simply is. It responds, and flexes, with the surrounding conditions and experiences different stages of growth and development in the process. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. See more
21.01.2022 Happy Easter to you all. I pray that as you remember what Jesus did today you will understand how incredible this gift is. His love for you is amazing. I always feel so overwhelmed at this agape love. If I was the only one on the planet Jesus would have gone to the cross. This is the same for you. Let us be so ready to tell others about this precious gift that is theirs as well. Love you all stay safe and enjoy this reflective time. Love Ruth
20.01.2022 Encouragement to Hold Fast to what you know is true - Reg and Di have pointed us in the direction of the Faith Tabernacle of Kremmling website. They particularly wanted to share the following word from Marsha Burns (from an email they received recently) and is called Small Straws in a Soft Wind. Marsha Burns wrote "When you encounter delays, do not try to force anything. Let your current circumstances play out. You have heard that the devil is in the details, but that is not true. I am in your details when you commit your life to Me, and I will give you the guidance you need to succeed. Hold fast to what you know is true and trust Me to direct your steps. Psalm 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. There are also links on the Faith Tabernacle of Kremmling to the following podcasts. Enjoy!
20.01.2022 Enlarging our hearts - is that a good thing? Isn't an enlarged heart problematic? Well in this context I believe it could refer to our capacity to love particularly in the light of Jesus response to a question concerning the great commandment in the law, from a lawyer in Matthew 22 verse 37 paraphrased here is YOU love the Lord your God with ALL our heart, soul and mind. Jesus added a second command and that was to love your neighbour as yourself. While a physically enlarge...d heart might cause us some complications I believe the simplified great commandments that Jesus spoke of to the lawyer/pharasee covered the whole of the ten given commandments of the Old Testament and clarified how his disciples and Christians world-wide demonstrate the way of Jesus in this world then and today. So I believe this type of enlarged heart is a great gift to the world. Have a great day. See more
18.01.2022 Spring is here and here is one happy bird nesting for the season ahead. Hidden in the bush is a safe place to be. The bird has a partner that is helping her build the nest. James 5:7 encourages us to be patient as we look for Jesus’ return and to think about the farmers who wait for autumn and spring rains. The farmers are eager for the harvest to ripen. As we pray for our neighbours let’s be patient while looking toward harvest time. Have a great day filled with Hope.
18.01.2022 Exciting times ahead with Chris and Lauryn Hodgson stepping into the position of Location Leaders for Hope Church. Join us this Sunday as they speak and share their journey so far in how God has brought them to this new role
17.01.2022 Hi Hope Church so many great things are happening and we are excited to see what God is going to do. Have a wonderful day.
16.01.2022 God is so good. He often helps me to find things I’ve mislaid. Have you mislaid something? Be bold and ask God to help you find them. Today is a day to breathe sure in the knowledge that God has good plans and purposes for you to do today and plans to walk with you, not ahead of you or behind you but with you. Psalm 98:1 O sing to the Lord a new song. For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
15.01.2022 Thanks to Resound Church for the online message from Mitch at Resound church. Great to see you Ruth and Resound worship team. Blessings to all watching from Phillip Island from Felicity
15.01.2022 Friday food for thought... A prayer for Friday May I always honour you my God and my King. Establish my home as space dedicated to you. Thank you for food and health, family and friends.... Lord Jesus, thank you for your faithfulness to all who call out to you . You are my desire. You fill me with joy and peace. Number 1, you are my number 1. You have, do, and always will provide everything I need for life, for abundant life. I will delight in you Lord today and every day. You are lover of my soul and the King of my heart. I hear God say to you..child of mine Continually offer praise with lips professing my name. Ask yourself is what I am growing for giving away or for pruning?. Live in the world but remain informed by my love and held by me. Speak of my purity, blamelessness and incorruptible nature. Meditate, think on my unfailing love. Our response to these words can be like Psalm 7:17 which is I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness; I will sing the praise of the name of the Lord most high. Another response is to say to Jesus, how easy it is to sit here and write these words while listening to beautiful music, in a land with no war, no famine. A land that has a health service, where I have a home, a family that is alive and loves me. It feels easy today because I am aware of having been held, forgiven, and shielded by God’s mercy and grace. All I can say is thank you I am so grateful to be able to share these words with you today. Be blessed this freedom Friday our facebook and HOPE friends. As always, if you have enjoyed these posts please share them with others. Prayer requests welcome. Image reflects a range of colours placed carefully but came out quite 'wonky' just like some days can be! Enjoy your day today.
15.01.2022 Less then 2 weeks until our special Christmas Meal! Lots of yummy food and good company in a relaxed environment.. join us!
15.01.2022 God is faithful always and in all ways. May our being, be every day filled with hope and thanks for God's compassion. I've found Christian life is a daily, even minute by minute, second by second walk. Sometimes, walk, run, meander or still, whatever the day brings I thank God for the compassion he showed all people by and through Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Is it the same for you?
15.01.2022 Turnaround Tuesday We know that some people hung on every word that Jesus spoke, even when he was silent. (Others though tried to trick him into saying things he didn’t mean. In the face of the question (Matthew 26:64) Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God Jesus turned it back on to the questioners saying You have said so. Some people took offence at Jesus's very existence and still do so today. You can be sure they didn’t ask Jesus back again once they were offe...nded. I pray that today as you ask the Lord about what, if anything, there is to turnaround for you today, you will experience the reality of God’s love. Let me clarify quickly we can define love in at least four different ways. Love that is an affectionate type. Love that is friendship. Love that is based in erotica, and the divine gift that is the love that desires the best for others. Today I pray you experience the love that you need to do a 180 degree turnaround. Make this a tremendous Tuesday. See more
15.01.2022 Felicity first published this in 2015, does it resonate with you? It's a longish read, so we hope you have a cuppa ready and enjoy thinking on whatever things are of good report. There are five keys to holding your vision steady at the bottom of this post, just in case you want to skip ahead to that part! Felicity began by asking herself "Church on the beach whatever next?" She thought to herself "Some people might be surprised at talking about church on the beach, however,...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Interesting story in the book of Mark - highlights one problem of making land or home an idol! It's really as clear as the text on the photo today. Love God and love our neighbours. Sometimes simple is not easy. Have a great day friends.
14.01.2022 Due to the closure of the Newhaven Visitor Centre - Hope Church will be meeting Sunday 4:30pm at : Allansfield, 15 Reid St Rhyll With all the sensible precautions for these testing times
13.01.2022 We are a couple of weeks in and still ironing out the tech kinks but.. You are welcome to join us tomorrow for our service as follows: 4pm - Prayer Meeting on Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6256086532 Meeting ID: 625 608 6532 4:30pm - Service start - https://resound.church/athome ... (Scroll down to "WATCH & DOWNLOAD HERE") 5:30PM - Zoom Service Conclusion - (back together on Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6256086532 Meeting ID: 625 608 6532 See more
11.01.2022 Gift idea - we’ve just heard about this Beautiful calendar - highlighting and fundraising for pastoral carers on Bass Coast. Here is a link... https://www.facebook.com/karen.thorp.39/videos/10222190695983935
11.01.2022 Expressions of God's beauty #2 calls attention to God's beauty being a fragrance. We can't forget the gift of Frankincense given to Jesus around the time of birth. Then the woman who brought an extremely expensive perfume and poured it over his feet at the dinner table. It was something she'd save for herself but then lavished on Jesus, much to the annoyance of some also in the room. Look at 2 Corinthians 14 and 15 where we read "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in... triumph in Christ [the annointed one and His anointing] and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.For we are to God the fragrance of Christ (the annointing) among those who being save and among those who are perishing." I don't know about you but I can't say I have thought deeply about the fragrance that comes through Jesus and His anointing and how much God enjoys that fragrance. Praying that all who read this today will experience beautiful fragrance, and even more that you will through the fragrance get a sense that you are very much loved and God is closer than ever as you walk in the Kingdom. See more
10.01.2022 Tuesday Thank you Lord for the strength you give through the grace you supply when we submit to you. Please may we have hearts willing to live for you wholeheartedly A message for you dear one .... while I wait you move and when you move I wait. Like a chess game with kings, queens, knights and pawns in play the timer starts and stops. You are being guided across the board sometimes zig-zagging to avoid being pulled out of the game. You tell me you are mine to move, so righ...t, be still until I lift you to another place. You feel weak, but I am strong. I know all the moves to make you don’t. I’m asking you today to rely on me and see my plays, my moves, get you where you need to be. James 4:7 Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Today let’s do the good we know to do and help others where the need is clear. When these posts touch your heart we ask that you would please share it/them with your friends. If you wish for prayer from Hope church please DM us. Have a great day.
08.01.2022 Are you feeling crushed today? Ancient wisdom speaks of a cheerful heart being good medicine but that a crushed spirit dries up the bones.....how true is that proverb? Truth then, and a truth today...... we all find it difficult to find that cheerful heart at times.... I call it losing my song. Some of today's wisdom is that we seek out the positives and ignore the negatives, others suggest using mindfulness techniques to let the negatives just sit there and be and count the...m as simply another thought.....both of these approaches can help .... I have one other possibility for you to pursue if you are feeling crushed.... that is to talk to someone who can heal your heart, open to talk simply for your asking.....His name is Jesus. Ancient wisdom also says that Jesus sits at the right hand of God interceding for those who call on His name. Whether you decide to talk to God about these things first or as a last resort, you can count on God to faithfully and lovingly answer often placing peace in your heart and always offering you a new way of being in this world. You see there is a promise for all people and that is while we are going through the stuff this world throws at us, or feeling the devastating losses that come at us, He is with us, for us. The God I worship loves His creation and he created you to know Him - will you reach out for this? This counter- cultural way of being and doing life where lives are dedicated to an upside down way of looking at life? Don't be afraid to explore a different way of being - reach out today.....enjoy the bread of heaven4u God4u. always..... See more
08.01.2022 Saturday Script In an ancient book of wisdom called the Old Testament it is written, (Psalm 7 verses) 14 The wicked man conceives an evil plot, labours with its dark details, and brings to birth his treachery and lies; 15 let him fall into his own trap. 16 May the violence he plans for others boomerang upon himself; let him die. 17 Oh, how grateful and thankful I am to the Lord because he is so good. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord who is above all lords." (The Liv...ing Bible version) Have a super Saturday. Blessings from all at Hope to you. It is also written "may they fall into their own pits they have made, may the trouble they cause recoil on them and may their violence come down on THEIR heads". Lord please protect the innocent of this world, across the world. Let their voices be loudest to you.Which voices do you think draw the most attention? The easiest, loudest, persistent, closest? I wonder also what actions draw your attentionthe sacrifice of thanksgiving, performing vows, surrendering to your commands, praising God for His goodness or someone yielding to God. Yielded and still, this Saturday maybe you will further seek God’s will for you. We have some clues about God’s will, in the New Testament, like those found in the commission to act in Matthew 28:18-20. Make disciples, baptize and teach everything Jesus has commanded. And in Matthew 22:37, love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbour as yourself. God will is also as in Micah 6:8 that we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
06.01.2022 A beautiful benefit of a small Church is we are now able to be meeting together again, keeping to social distancing restrictions - we are not yet returning to the Newhaven Visitors Information Centre but please contact [email protected] or call/text 0490 960 939 for details of gathering. We will still be offering the service via Zoom as well Zoom meeting ID: 625 608 6532 CURRENTLY WE ARE MEETING FOR 2PM PRAYER & 2:30PM SERVICE START TIME.
06.01.2022 How are you today? Feeling peaceful? Thoughtful? Stressed? Wondering what to do? It can help to take some time out to ponder and to pray about it all. A moment or a morning, either length of time is fine. Praying you are refreshed today. Peace on the way to seek God in truth. Standing, sitting or lying down, there really is no special posture for prayer, simply an open heart and a voice sharing joys or sorrows and everything in between.
03.01.2022 Hey everyone is welcome!
02.01.2022 Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him singing with joy. Psalm 100:2 What a glorious friend you are Jesus and what beautiful friends and family you have given me. If you are not in a position to say this, I pray that today will be a turning point for you. That today you will not simply know of God, but you will experience a greater understanding of how even in the middle of overwhelming, disrupting, or gross situations and circumstances there is still ONE who loves a...nd cares for you. I believe the followings words are for you today. Be still even though you are striving to find things, that will soothe you. Things like music created for relaxing. There is so much more to this life than you are currently experiencing. More beauty, more relief, more joy, more kindness, more gentleness to be found in me. You need not be jealous of those who believe in and rely on me you can know the same love. Come with me today and find your lane, and once found, you will experience such contentment. I know it matters a lot to you to achieve, yet that has gone by the way as you have had to learn simply how to survive. The times are changing. I don’t change but I can quickly change your circumstances. Come to me. Look to me for your salvation. I won’t fail you in the way others have failed you. Stay close, refuse to give up, surrender to my way of life. For there you will find truth and be satisfied with good. Receive my peace today. I have forgiven you your faults, both the hidden and the seen. Come take my hand and walk beside me through this ungodly world. If you have enjoyed this facebook page, please do like and share with other people who you think might also enjoy it. Blessings to you from all at Hope Church. Photo is a original watercolour by Felicity Morris called Surf Beach Fields. If you make art, write poetry, or would like to encourage others with your contribution to this page, please email [email protected] to discuss. Can't wait to hear from you.
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