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ITEC Group Australia in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health

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ITEC Group Australia

Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 4044 1000

Address: 47-49 Sheridan Street 4870 Cairns, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 We all have a role we can play in keeping the children of the world safe. ITEC Group is dedicated to ensuring children and youth who have entered the statutory child protection service are placed within safe, culturally appropriate, foster and kinship programs. ITEC Youth work in conjunction with Safe House programs to provide highly experienced intervention specialists that take into account the needs of the young person and their family. We also understand the importance of ensuring our young people feel safe and supported while transitioning to independent living arrangements and endeavour to provide age, gender and culturally appropriate services throughout Australia. #ITECYouth #speakup #nochildunheard

23.01.2022 We currently have exciting opportunities for Disability Support Workers to join the ITEC Health team in Atherton. Becoming a Support Worker for ITEC Group Australia is a career path that lets you be a part of a dynamic team, have the opportunity for growth, while enhancing the quality of lives of those faced with barriers. #ITECHealth #disabilitysupport #jobs #Atherton

23.01.2022 We're very proud to have approximately 25% of our 600+ staff who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Our companies like ITEC Health and ITEC Youth support many Indigenous NDIS participants and young people too. Therefore we very much value the wide variety of resources that can be found, especially supporting #SEWB. Thank you to the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council for this #deadlytips poster that incorporates some great, and easy to do, #wellbeing activities. #MHW2020 #TuneIn #THRIVE #buildinghealthycommunities #safetytogether #weareallinthistogether

23.01.2022 Today is Indigenous Literacy Day and all Australians can take the time to learn about the value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples first languages. Visit the Indigenous Literacy Foundations website to learn more. #Indigenousvoice #weareallinthistogether #alwayswasalwayswillbe

23.01.2022 Taking care of our health has been a key message this year and we all need to also encourage good health for others; children, friends, colleagues, family and communities. Take control, and if youre struggling please reach out for help. #healthmatters #WorldNoTobaccoDay #keepourmobsafe #itsoktoaskforhelp

22.01.2022 Such beautiful and unreserved artworks created by children expressing what makes them feel #safe. In its 30th year #NAPCANs National Child Protection Week will take place from 6 to 12 September. The theme for this year is #puttingchildrenfirst. There are a number of ways to get involved including taking the pledge which ITEC Youth has done in the past and again this year. We encourage other organisations who support National Child Protection Week to visit the website and #t...akethepledge! #NCPW2020 See more

21.01.2022 So proud that our RAP Ambassador Patrick Mau and his deadly Mau Power crew have been selected as finalists in the National Indigenous Music Awards again this year! We added this album to our staff Spotify playlist and theyve been loving it! Keep up all the great work that you do! #NIMA2020 #indigenousvoice #talent

21.01.2022 We can still come together for National Reconciliation Week 2020, just a little differently this year. Online we can all take the time to learn about our shared history and culture, as well as about how we can all contribute to striving for reconciliation in Australia. Lets reflect on the journey so far and on all the work ahead.This years theme is #InThisTogether2020 Visit the #ReconciliationAustralia website for at least 20 ways YOU can be part of #NRW2020 - ... take part in a virtual launch and Acknowledgement to Country today at 12pm Tomorrow Thurs 28 May - Facebook live debate re 20 Years On: Crossing Bridges for Reconciliation Friday - In Concert Together: Deadly Musos Live in Concert #keepourmobsafe See more

21.01.2022 Calling on people of Port Augusta; share this with your neighbours. ITEC Group will be hosting a number of NAIDOC events around the county this week - including a luncheon this Wednesday at our Port Augusta office. Join us for some kai kai from 11am. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #languagematters #NAIDOC2020

20.01.2022 Were taking our #ReturntoWork very seriously considering we have numerous #vulnerable participants, young people, staff, and their families and communities around Australia to consider. #everyaustraliancounts #keepourmobsafe #staysafeandwell #handhygiene #physicaldistancing #stayconnected #bekind

20.01.2022 Australias first 24-hour hotline to assist Aboriginal men was launched a month ago. The line is staffed by Aboriginal men, including elders, and supports Aboriginal men seeking help during the coronavirus crisis. The crisis number is 1800 435799 - share with all of your Aboriginal male friends and colleagues. #brothertobrother #weareallinthistogether #stayconnected

20.01.2022 Are you passionate about caring for people? Would you consider a career in disability support? Come along to the DisAbility Care Connection event - ITEC Group will be there, along with other providers sharing information about prospective jobs in the Yorke Peninsula, Mid North, Port Pirie, Copper Coast and other surrounding regions. Join us! #disabilitysupport #careers #ITECHealth #regionalSA #supportworkers #familybusinessaustralia #registeredNDISprovider

18.01.2022 Here in Australia were fortunate enough to have one of the richest and oldest continuing cultures in the world. This is something we should all be proud of and celebrate. ~ Dr Tom Calma AO, Reconciliation Australia Co-Chair. #NRW2020 #InThisTogether #shareculture #learn #develop #grow

18.01.2022 What a great contribution to cultural education and for awareness during #NRW2020. There are few books in Kriol in existence making this book - Bigismob Jigiwan Dog - a welcome and important addition to resources available to Kriol speakers. Congratulations Yugul Mangi Stronger Communities Ngukurr. The book is available for purchase online.

17.01.2022 NAIDOC has been postponed to November. Our refreshed Reconciliation Action Plan progresses and were also looking forward to setting a new date for the postponed launch of our RAP 2020-2022. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 #THRIVE

14.01.2022 Tomorrow we acknowledge #MaboDay2020 and our RAP Ambassador Patrick Mau will inform you about the impactful man that was Eddie Koiki Mabo. #indigenousvoice #advocate #educate #MaboDay2020 #nativetitle #reconciliation #NRW2020 #Mabodecision #recognition #landownership #humanrights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images of deceased peoples.

12.01.2022 What Is Mens Health Week? This year Mens Health Week is June 15 to June 21 and the goal is to educate people with regard to preventable heath issues and draw attention to the early detection of common diseases in boys and adult males of all ages. #MensHealthWeek2020 #preventabledisease #healthylifestyles #talkaboutit

12.01.2022 Its fantastic to see this up and going! Our partners Gr8Motive Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation will introduce a program which looks at a "holistic model" aimed to restore culture in Indigenous youth. Mr Anderson said the goal was to reduce the numbers of young people entering the correctional system, by showing the "positives" they had to offer back to the community. "What were trying to do is get them back to their self-identity and obviously a cultural spe...cialist is part of the component of On Country delivery," said Mr Anderson, Board Director. "This program is designed to put them into a positive light, and I suppose, creating opportunities around making better choices around those more positive circles. Using respect and using that on country, strong cultural component from there and bringing it back into the community." #OnCountry #youth #Indigenousyouth #culturalprogram #community #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #Inthistogether

12.01.2022 Huge congratulations to our Regional Manager NSW/SA - Child, Youth and Family Services, who won an award on Friday night at a zoom ceremony for Lake Macquarie's Business Excellence Awards. Daniel was awarded Outstanding Young Employee and one of his colleagues summed him up very well - "truly amazing with all that you achieve!!! You’re an incredible role model for the young people you support and also an incredible leader and support person for those working with, around you". Keep up the great work Daniel! It not only contributes to enhanced quality of life for vulnerable youth it also inspires your workmates in NSW, SA, and all around Australia. #staffexcellence #leadership #ITECYouth #THRIVE #community #congratulations #acknowledgement

12.01.2022 Its a few weeks to #RUOKDay and you can ask your friends, colleagues, family how theyre going on ANY DAY! And remember theres #moretosay. For tips on how to ask, getting ready to ask, and other conversation resources visit the website. #aconversationcouldchangealife

12.01.2022 ITEC Group are currently expanding their People and Engagement Team. If you are an experienced Advisor and looking for a new career direction, then this is the opportunity for you. Click below for more information #ITECCareers #Humanresources

11.01.2022 National Pyjama Day is on Friday 17 July this year. A day to jump into your fave PJs and raise awareness and funds for children in foster care. The Pyjama Foundation support little kids with BIG dreams. With over 51,000 children in foster care in Australia and many missing out on stable schooling and positive and health family relationships, the Pyjama Foundation contribute countless hours, their Angels, training and much more to support foster children. Visit their websi...te to find out more, apply to volunteer, donate, host an event, or refer a child. Get your office and friends involved too! #inthistogether #youthvoice #PyjamaDay2020 #inmypjs See more

10.01.2022 ITEC Health are looking for highly experienced Disability Support Workers to care for high/extreme needs participants. We are seeking support workers with AOD experience/training that are available to work a 24/7 rotating roster. Please click the link for further information. #ITECCairns #ITECHealth #ITECNDIS

10.01.2022 Eat, chat, be merry and enjoy family connections. That's how our Wellbeing Officer - Justice in Port Augusta, SA celebrated NAIDOC this year. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 #culturalconnections #THRIVE #sharestories

09.01.2022 A fantastic way to celebrate International Day of People with Disability - check out ABC’s line up of radio, tv and music performances from artists living with disability. And, share a story of someone you know living with disability and what they have achieved. #THRIVE #humanitythroughbusiness #ITECHealth

09.01.2022 The month of May 2020 was a massive month for many businesses around Australia, including for our multiple companies and partners. Super proud and honoured for this little contribution that our Cairns Head Office made for the rest of the world. #givingback #carbonoffset #corporateresponsibility

09.01.2022 ITEC Health in Charlestown are looking for experienced and motivated Disability Support Workers to join their team. For more information click below #itechealth #iteccharlestown #iteccareers

09.01.2022 This is just fantastic! Elbow bump to the amazing minds that created this app. Share with participants as well as people living in communities and remote areas to encourage necessary access to NDIS. We can help you with your disability support and NDIS questions too. Get in touch! [email protected] | 1300 00ITEC (4832).

08.01.2022 On Tuesday this week we acknowledged our national #SorryDay which this year marked 23 years since the Bringing Them Home Report was tabled in Parliament. On this day we remember and honour the strength of #StolenGenerationsSurvivors and reflect on how we can all contribute to a healing process for our people and nation. Through storytelling, singing and dancing, and education and actions we will see the pathway to the truth and healing for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities. #NRW2020 #InThisTogether

08.01.2022 ITEC Housing - projects and collaborations

08.01.2022 It was great to see a number of our offices around Australia celebrating #NAIDOCWeek2020. We shared kaikai, stories and time together learning about our First Nation's people. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #indigenousvoice #RAP #culturalawareness

07.01.2022 ITEC Youth are looking for experienced youth workers to support a diverse group of young people with various needs. If this sounds like you then click below for more information #iteccairns #itecyouth #iteccareers

07.01.2022 STEP UP. SPEAK OUT. MAKE THEIR VOICE HEARD. The Queensland Family & Child Commission is encouraging us all to support the kids in our lives to have their say. Through surveys, postcards and art activities, children can express about their community, hopes and worries. #growingupinqueensland #kidsvoice #THRIVE #talkingfamilies

07.01.2022 In My Blood It Runs hits living rooms this National Reconciliation Week! After an incredible cinema release, the film is moving to online events and on-demand rental. From director Maya Newell (Gayby Baby), in collaboration with Arrernte and Garrwa families onscreen you wont want to miss this essential story about the strength and resilience of First Nations communities. In My Blood It Runs: a personal and moving film that should inspire us all. See online screening options here >>

06.01.2022 A great way to celebrate #NAIDOC2020, gather with colleagues, mates or family for the Virtual Indigenous Film Festival. Share stories and learn more about the #indigenous culture, achievements and contributions of our First Australians. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #culturematters #languagematters

05.01.2022 This would be very valuable information. Beyond Blue is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to participate in this survey to learn more about how you look after your mob. Share away! #weareallinthistogether #takecareofyourmob #staysafeandwell

05.01.2022 John is stoked with the birthday cake that his Support Worker made as a surprise last week. What a wonderful Support Worker our David is - keeping his participants safe, well and extra happy on their birthday, in this case by baking John a cake honouring his favourite band - AC/DC!! Fantastic job David!! #goingtheextramile #happybirthdayvibes #ACDC

04.01.2022 ITEC Health are looking for experienced and qualified Aged Care support workers to care for elderly clients on Thursday Island. Click below for more information #itechealth #itecagedcare #iteccareers

03.01.2022 Is there someone out there that you havent spoken to for a while? Whether its a colleague, friend, or family member make the time this week to reach out and connect. The world is a better place when were #allinthistogether #StayConnected

03.01.2022 Given that Remembrance Day falls within NAIDOC Week this year it is also good for us to remember the countless Indigenous veterans who haven't always been acknowledged. Indigenous Australians have served in every conflict and peace keeping operation since Federation. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have also been involved in work from home to support the war effort, for example some communities in Northern Australia did construction, farming and butchery for the... army in WWII. In addition there were Indigenous units such as Torres Strait Light Infantry, Northern Territory Reconnaissance Unit and NORFORCE, which continues to operate today with at least 60% Aboriginal membership. Some stories of Aboriginal veterans in the link below... #indigenousveterans #rememberanceday #NAIDOCWeek2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe #wewillrememberthem See more

03.01.2022 Very happy to announce that the licence for the former Girls Guides hall in Tanilba Bay, NSW was awarded to Centre For Hope and ITEC Youth. A dramatic makeover can now be underway thanks to a $10,000 donation from Komatsu Australia as part of the Live Your Dream initiative. The donation was coordinated by The Smith Family Communities for Children (Raymond Terrace/Karuah). The space will be transformed into a hub for children, young people and families. ITEC Youth are keen t...o commence collaboration with The Smith Family and several other agencies to bring vital support services to Tanilba Bay. #ITECYouth #communitysupport #youth #CentreForHope #tanilbabay #KomatsuAustralia #smithfamily #liveyourdream

02.01.2022 This week we celebrate Children’s Week and acknowledge the right of children to enjoy childhood. 2020's theme is from the UNCRC Article 15 "Children have the right to choose their own friends and to safely connect with others." National Patron; His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia noted in his 2020 message that the theme is in alignment with the current climate influenced by the global pandemic and the ongoing concerns of the safety of young people online. #ChildrensWeek2020 #PlayYourPart #keepingkidssafe #cybersafety

02.01.2022 Alone we are great, together we are powerful Were super proud of our amazing RAP Ambassador Patrick Mau, OBHIEG and Tagai Management Consultants. These impressive humans are paving the way for collaborative recovery. We should all look up to them and learn about our new future. Well done #THRIVE #collaboration #partnerships

01.01.2022 The All Abilities Expo is a FREE community event in Darwin which enhances the lives of people with disability by bringing together local providers. The event will provide an opportunity to connect people living with disability, their families and carers with service and product providers, and to build networks among service providers, organisations and agencies. ITEC Health will be there next Friday, 28 August, so drop by and say Hi! to our fantastic staff member Jordan; who is probably a familiar face as he is a regular volunteer for community organisations in the region.

01.01.2022 Super proud to see two of our well known and highly deserving employees nominated in the Northern Territory Disability Services and Inclusion Awards. For Outstanding Disability Service Employee - "Dallas advocates and promotes a positive awareness of the participants wellbeing and wishes, whilst also encouraging and promoting a balanced level of community engagement."... For Excellence in Advocacy and Promotion of Human Rights - "Jordan goes above and beyond the duties of his role, he takes on the role as advocate to government bodies to break down barriers for vulnerable people who don’t otherwise have support to navigate their way through services and government agencies." Congratulations to all individuals and organisations that have been nominated this year. Click the link to cast your vote!

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