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It's A.O.K Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 407 776 311


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24.01.2022 something I take great pride in It is one thing to let someone you’ve never met before into your world, but it’s a whole other thing to let that once upon a time stranger into your world & allow us to be a significant part of your child’s life, for as long as they may need it.. i thank you for your trust in us & our OT process, I hope you always feel included & heard & I am proud to be able to share in a piece of your world, working towards the same goal, helping your lil one grow into the best versions of themselves, no matter the circumstance

22.01.2022 It’s World Autism Awareness Day today so many special humans in my life that are on the Autism spectrum & they each fill my days with magic, laughter, happiness and love! Just a different brilliant Love needs no words #maasssquad #fatheringautism #worldautismawarenessday #otweek

22.01.2022 This week was OT week in Aus A time to recognise all that OT adds to the lives of people that need us most each day. But for me as an OT it’s a time for me to be thankful that I get to be part of the lives of such special people and help them make a difference for themselves as they grow and become the best version of themselves they can be! So thank you to my clients, their families and the wonderful clinicians and teachers I get to work with each week #ot #otweek #thisisot #itsaboutourkids #otlife #thankful

22.01.2022 To my families, we see you we’re here!

22.01.2022 I will be creating some online content & do it at home packages for my clients & their families during this time! If you are interested, please message me and I will organise for you! If you are not a current client, but have had alterations to accessing OT services, message me and I will be happy to provide any at home interventions where possible Learning and development is important, but so is time with those you love and to ensure that you and your kids stay as stres...s free as possible Stay safe & healthy everyone! Allana

21.01.2022 Love my job Adds and I took a walk, 632 steps for Adds to be exact! 632 steps more than he had in a public place in a long time. This is what Addam would like you to know; Say hello having a physical and noticeable disability attracts the attention of others, yes, but please don’t stare, or feel sorry for me, I would much rather a hello! Walking in packed places around able bodied people can be stressful. I will always think I am in your way and will often stop or my balance thinking I need to move for YOU. If you see me or someone like me walking around, please give us some space to continue, or slow down/stop to wait for us to pass if you get the chance If you’d like to chat we can! But please try and address me, not the person I am walking with, or my efforts to walk in the first place. I can talk, make funny jokes and hold a great conversation about anything footy or family if you ask and give me a shot if you own a shop or are using public spaces please be aware of three things; 1. If items are placed to close together for an able bodied person to just fit through, I won’t, neither will my companion, nor my wheelchair if I need to sit and rest 2. If you sit at a table in a food court or cafe, pls tuck your chairs in, every time. If you leave your chair out and I don’t realise, again, there is no room for me to pass. I can’t push your chair in for you, even though I’d like too!! & it’s a hazard for my companion to leave me to balance myself when I’ve been working hard to tuck in your chair 3. My name is Addam & I’m working hard at smashing my goals, your encouragement is much welcomed and will always be thanked! Come for a walk with me, say hello and don’t be surprised when I talk back to you, a physical impairment doesn’t always mean intellectual challenges too Have a good Monday Addam & Lans !

20.01.2022 *I take no credit for the progress made in this video* This is my beautiful baby cousin Taylor. T has Cerebral Palsy & has been working on various movements and activities that challenge her coordination. Here she is setting up & playing Wii Tennis all by herself This post is to show what progress can be made through continuous and intensive therapy, a lot of determination and patience ... Tay is the reason I’m an OT & I couldn’t be more proud #proud #occupationaltherapy #progress #activity #determined #independence #yougotthis #hardwork #paedsot #goldcoast

20.01.2022 Comfort . Being a therapist is a pretty special experience at times.. loads of first moments experienced with families, days filled with the sweetest of smiles and the tightest hugs. When 1 week for them feels like a lifetime away from you & they want to show you everything they’ve done since they last saw you. When they choose to lean on you, sit in your lap or hug you tighter know that for them you are a safe place, never ever take that for granted.. in the eyes of a ...child a place they feel safe is a place they’ll thrive . To be welcomed into a family home or classroom with open arms is something I’ll always cherish about my job, you really do become part of each of their little families in your own way . Rapport is everything, if you’re an up and coming therapist or considering a career, work on your people skills and rapport first, the clinical stuff will all fall into place after . #paediatricot #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #itsaboutourkidsot #itsaok #love #kids #happy #therapist #lucky #comfort #safeplace #grow #learn #change #laugh #goldcoast #myjobisbetterthanyours #hugs #tinyhumans

19.01.2022 in a world that constantly tries to change you, to be yourself is truly beautiful, any which way that looks

19.01.2022 Swapped my overalls and cons for my boss lady pants yesterday growing my lil empire

18.01.2022 This is my mate Adds Addam has an ABI from an accident he had when he was 3 years of age. He has also had several falls post injury that have contributed to changes in his strength and deviation of his wrists. Addams strong hand required surgery and plate after a fall, resulting in his fist closing over and being unable to externally rotate from his elbow, this meant Addams non-dominant hand became his dominant one. One of Addams many goals is to be more independent when... feeding himself. 4.5 weeks ago Addam was leaning his head down to the table to use his hand to place food in his mouth, meaning he could only do this independently when he was eating fruit or items he didn’t need utensils for. 4.5 weeks ago Addam couldn’t lift his right hand off the table without assistance & full support. This is Addams progress in a month of strengthening his bicep and triceps and practicing the motion of flexing at the elbow. The point in this video where Adds arm reaches 90 and the remaining movement to his mouth is all Addams own strength Practice makes perfect and Adds has one of the strongest willpower’s I know! The extra special part for me.. I’ve known Adds for 18 years & he’s a champion human! Proud of you mate . #itsaboutourkidsot #itsaok #bigkid #proud #abi #therapy #occupationaltherapy #independence #hardwork #willpower #acquiredbraininjury #feedingskills #livinglifewithABI See more

18.01.2022 Comfort . Being a therapist is a pretty special experience at times.. loads of first moments experienced with families, days filled with the sweetest of smiles and the tightest hugs. When 1 week for them feels like a lifetime away from you & they want to show you everything they’ve done since they last saw you. When they choose to lean on you, sit in your lap or hug you tighter know that for them you are a safe place, never ever take that for granted.. in the eyes of a ...child a place they feel safe is a place they’ll thrive . To be welcomed into a family home or classroom with open arms is something I’ll always cherish about my job, you really do become part of each of their little families in your own way . Rapport is everything, if you’re an up and coming therapist or considering a career, work on your people skills and rapport first, the clinical stuff will all fall into place after . #paediatricot #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #itsaboutourkidsot #itsaok #love #kids #happy #therapist #lucky #comfort #safeplace #grow #learn #change #laugh #goldcoast #myjobisbetterthanyours #hugs #tinyhumans

18.01.2022 Some more info for you all

17.01.2022 laughed out loud to this one! #otlife

17.01.2022 Be gentle with each other in this next week, it’s a big adjustment for our little people

17.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT As well as working hard on growing my lil business It’s A.O.K Pty Ltd I have also been working on a lil something else Very excited to announce and launch my specialised OT based netball program The Athlete Within Me ... TAWM is an Occupational Therapy based program designed by me as an OT & a development level netball coach, to introduce, continue & teach children with varying special needs or disability the game of netball. The program runs for 10 weeks at a time and incorporates the development of age appropriate skills children with special needs may have challenges learning and achieving due to their disability through netball based drills. So it’s basically a therapy driven session completed within a team sport environment, supporting physical, intellectual, social development within an all inclusive environment ! The first round of the program will start in May @Tweed Netball Association & run weekly on Saturdays, inclusively alongside our NetSetGo & club netball competition This is a huge passion of mine & im so excited to hopefully be able to create an environment where children can access both Occupational Therapy based interventions as needed, within an inclusive setting, supported by a group of individualspssionate about making a difference & giving back within our community If you or anyone you know are interested, please email [email protected] & if you would be kind enough to share, it would be much appreciated Many thanks!!!!

16.01.2022 Be gentle with each other in this next week, it’s a big adjustment for our little people

14.01.2022 This is 100% the number 1 conversation I have almost daily!!! Please if you aren’t aware or have never heard of this look into it.. it could explain a lot about the kids you see at school or in the shops or at the beach or even in your own family ..

12.01.2022 Hate & misunderstanding is taught. Love is learned

11.01.2022 A beautiful way to explain the spectrum we all have a different combination of colours that makes us, us!

11.01.2022 There is no miracle solution to stopping a melt down - but if you use your own energy to encourage them that they are safe & what they are fearful or angry about isn’t going to hurt them & that how they feel matters, then the meltdown subsides & they can see the world with a calmer & clearer view

11.01.2022 At this stage, it’s business as usual for our It’s A.O.K Pty Ltd fam With this Covid-19 Virus occurring & rapidly changing at the moment I just wanted to check in with all clientele and their families. I want to keep myself and all of the clients I work with safe and healthy during this time, so I urge you all, if you have been sick, your child has been sick or someone in your household (particularly home visit clients) has been sick, please cancel sessions and get better... prior to returning. I understand that cancelling is inconvenient and frustrating in many ways however, there are some children on my caseload who are more vulnerable to getting sick & picking up nasty germs this virus carries and I have all of my kids to consider during this time. If you have to cancel, but want to continue sessions, I can provide therapy via a system called TeleHealth, which is like a video call session, whereby I instruct you as the parent or your child to complete activities and check in as regularly as normal, without the 1:1 contact. If you would like to access this type of therapy delivery, can you please contact me and I will organise. Please stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourselves and please call or message if you have any questions or need any advice. I am seeking constant communication with the OT board of Australia to advise each day during this situation as it comes and I thank you all for your help Many thanks, Allana

11.01.2022 Each child, teenager, adult - human person, is different and unique and offer different skills and attributes and face different challenges or obstacles. Just as their diagnosis, disability or impairment varies from that of another. We must tailor our interventions to each child, not to their diagnosis ! ... #asd #onthespectrum #differentbrilliant

11.01.2022 You will always be so much more

10.01.2022 *I take no credit for the progress made in this video* This is my beautiful baby cousin Taylor. T has Cerebral Palsy & has been working on various movements and activities that challenge her coordination. Here she is setting up & playing Wii Tennis all by herself This post is to show what progress can be made through continuous and intensive therapy, a lot of determination and patience ... Tay is the reason I’m an OT & I couldn’t be more proud #proud #occupationaltherapy #progress #activity #determined #independence #yougotthis #hardwork #paedsot #goldcoast

09.01.2022 just dinosaur-ing around and having a great time doing it Today we worked on rolling and our upright sitting posture while trying to crash tackle our Dino friend before we got eaten !! Activities that involve multiple skill acquisition and muscle groups, but also make you laugh are the best kind! It ain’t therapy when you’re having this much fun how in the can you not love your job when it’s filled with little humans like this who make your heart full... Enjoy the heart melt! #occupationaltherapy #otlife #cpawarness #dinosaursmash #hiccupsfromlaughing #peadsot #goldcoast #businessowner #privatepractice #laughter #fun #success #meaningful #activity #play #silly #bear #lovemyjob #therapy #itsaboutourkids #itsaok

09.01.2022 Play is every thing

08.01.2022 Pure heart. All soul A perfect reminder of why our external shell, our disability, illness or condition does not define us as a whole & will never limit our capabilities if we are surrounded by love and acceptance. This is Kodi Lee, singer.. not Kodi Lee with Autism or Blindness. Empower others, every single day

07.01.2022 #occupationaltherapyismedicine #ot #behaviour #youngorold #feeling #symptom #cause #reason

07.01.2022 With many kiddies returning to school this week they may be showing more anger and emotion than normal after having so many changes happen in recent weeks! The reason behind their anger and emotion may be any of these other factors on the wheel try to be patient, we’re all adjusting & it’s a big deal for them, sometimes a lil too much

05.01.2022 It’s World Autism Awareness Day today so many special humans in my life that are on the Autism spectrum & they each fill my days with magic, laughter, happiness and love! Just a different brilliant Love needs no words #maasssquad #fatheringautism #worldautismawarenessday #otweek

05.01.2022 Crawling initiated !!!! We have lift off . We have been working on a range of mobility, strength, tummy time, trunk control and ROM activities with this little man & he has built up his strength enough to now push himself along in his Scoot with both legs . You can tell how pumped we are he’s reaching his goals by the cheering sorry in advance for your ears! ... . Next step - crawling without Scoot watch this space!! . #scoot #mobility #occupationaltherapy #ot #occupationaltherapist #itsaboutourkidsot #itsaok #wegotthis #liftoff #crawling #cerebralpalsy #goldcoast #paediatricot #kids #laugh #cheer #goals #success #happy #yay #proud See more

05.01.2022 Thoughts..? Developmental we learn more through play & interaction with others than we do in any form of learning #technology #occupationaltherapy #ot #goldcoast #northernrivers #kids #play #learning

05.01.2022 Louder for the people at the back

05.01.2022 At this stage, it’s business as usual for our It’s A.O.K Pty Ltd fam With this Covid-19 Virus occurring & rapidly changing at the moment I just wanted to check in with all clientele and their families. I want to keep myself and all of the clients I work with safe and healthy during this time, so I urge you all, if you have been sick, your child has been sick or someone in your household (particularly home visit clients) has been sick, please cancel sessions and get better... prior to returning. I understand that cancelling is inconvenient and frustrating in many ways however, there are some children on my caseload who are more vulnerable to getting sick & picking up nasty germs this virus carries and I have all of my kids to consider during this time. If you have to cancel, but want to continue sessions, I can provide therapy via a system called TeleHealth, which is like a video call session, whereby I instruct you as the parent or your child to complete activities and check in as regularly as normal, without the 1:1 contact. If you would like to access this type of therapy delivery, can you please contact me and I will organise. Please stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourselves and please call or message if you have any questions or need any advice. I am seeking constant communication with the OT board of Australia to advise each day during this situation as it comes and I thank you all for your help Many thanks, Allana

02.01.2022 Wooo weekend time!! Made it through another busy week This week I was able to use a range of interventions with my clients, including; Sensory & exploration play using rice & kinetic sand to promote reach & touch skills in my client with CP gross motor obstacle courses to encourage heavy work & big, whole body movements for two of my kiddies with ASD ... A pool session to increase ROM & strength in UL & LL of my client with an ABI Emotional regulation strategies including an emotions board & feelings card game with some of my kiddies at school introducing scissor skills to my kindy groups (no fingers were injured/lost ) loads of puzzles, mazes and games that require a look and find strategy to promote visual perception and attention concentration, perfect for classroom learning & I found this quote and think it puts so much emphasis on why PLAY is so important for our kiddies ! That’s just some of what I got up too this week! Hope you all had just as much fun! Happy weekend !!

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