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25.01.2022 RSA - Responsible Service of Alcohol. Bookings are now open for RSA training sessions for the Thurs and Sat morning classes. Looking for part-time work in a Hotel or Bar, now is a great time to apply but you will need your RSA Certificate.... Or if you are an organisation/club or business and have a min of three(3) we can organise a time to come to you. Talk to us and see what can be organised.
18.01.2022 It's amazing what you stumble across in the least expected places. A podcast on the ABC - Great moments in Science: presented by Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (the fellow with the flamboyant shirts). "Tricks of the Menu Trade" (29.08.17). Dr Karl's examination of the "Menu engineers"(??!!) reveals that these boffins apply various methods (tricks)to entice you to spend more money, give the feeling you are in control and that you have had a good time.... These "Menu Engineers" apply methods such as: - Choices. Keep choices in each section (enter, main & desert)to an optimal of seven (7) in each. The boffins are of the opinion that too many choices creates paralysis and confusion on the customers part. - Price positioning. Place the price of the item immediately after the item, without the $ sign, using the same size font so the description camouflages the price. Another technique for pricing is to have an outrageous priced item at the top, giving the impression that all items that follow are reasonably priced. This supposedly is a big money earner.(research by the Centre of Hospitality suggests such) - Item positioning. The MEs suggest placing the most profitable items on the upper right because as a Western-English speaking society, our first glance is always to the right when we read. - Description. The MEs are of the opinion that the item creates a bigger impact if it is dressed with colourful (fancy) words, giving the impression they are getting more value for their money eg Handcrafted Pie instead of Pie. And once you have dressed your item, this gives the opportunity to increase the price slightly. The MEs are of the opinion based on research from the Centre of Hospitality that customers think that the slightly more expensive items taste better! All this to make the customer feel the pleasure they indulged in, was cleverly crafted by themselves. Bon Apetit!
16.01.2022 Eating out in Australia 2019 Report Takeaway stats. (www.hospitalitymagazine.com.au/eating-out-in-australia-2019) The recently released 2019 report as analyzed by Future Food indicates the Australian public is still loving their takeaway.... The takeaway food market has now reached $22 Billion. Some immediate stats to think about - Average takeaway transaction per person over the year in Australia was 65 - Total annual spend per person is $880 - Average spend per person per transaction is $13.60 - Average spend per person at Dinner is $15.20 - Total annual transactions was 1.6 billion - Average daily transactions was 4.5 million Based on these figures, on average, about half of the households in Australia have a minimum of one person ordering takeaway daily. The report also indicates the love for takeaway crosses all demographics. It doesnt matter whether you are old or young, university graduate or high school graduate. Australians love their takeaway. The spend growth rate of takeaway from 1983 to 2019 has been 5.8% annually very impressive when the average inflation rate over the same period has been 3.4%. And it appears our desire for takeaway is about the same over the four seasons. Our annual spend is spread over the four seasons about 25% per season. Keep on eating!
16.01.2022 The GABS festival (2018)was on again in Melbourne last week. I had a great time, there was certainly a buzz of excitement and good times. It was great to chat to the brewers and enjoy their enthusiasm for making beer. Dan from Westside Ale Works - Sth Melb certainly loves what he does.
12.01.2022 iVET at Halloumi Festival Melbourne 2018 The Cyprus Community of Melbourne and Victoria hosted the Halloumi Cheese Festival on the 17th and 18th of November 2018. It was wonderful to see how a simple village staple of Cyprus has crossed the culture boundaries and sits on many different restaurants of varied cuisine.... The festival was great combining the music, food and demonstrations in the making of Halloumi. Although it did feel there was a need for more organisation. But overall a good time. Look forward to the next one.
12.01.2022 RSA - Responsible Service of Alcohol $50pp. Looking for that part-time job in a Bar/Hotel - Hospitality Industry? You'll need to have your RSA Certificate. Volunteering in the bar at your club/organisation? An RSA Certificate is needed.... Contact us to see how we can help you.
11.01.2022 I came across some interesting statistics on food waste care of Foodwise. The next time your at the supermarket doing the weekly shopping, think about this: - Australians discard up to 20% of the food they purchase. This equates to 1 in 5 grocery bags thrown out. - For the average family this means $1,036 per year is ... thrown away. - Australians throw out $8 Billion of edible food every year. - Australians waste 4,000,000 tonnes of food each year. The equivalent 345KG per household which is the same weight as 3 average size refrigerators. - Out of the $8 Billion we waste every year $2.67 Billion of fresh food - 33% $2.18 Billion of left overs - 27% $1.17 Billion of package and long life products - 15% $727 Million of drinks - 9% $727 Million of frozen food - 9% $566 Million of takeaway - 7% - Some of the reasons why food is wasted * We cook to much * We don't know how or want to use leftovers * We don't check the cupboards/fridge before we go shopping. * We don't check use-by date or best before date before the food is thrown out. * Buying takeaway at the last minute instead of cooking the food we have at home. - An estimated 20-40% of fruit & vegetables are rejected before they reach the shops because they don't meet the consumers and supermarkets cosmetic standards. With just a little thought a lot of money can be saved and a big amount of waste can be reduced. So the next time your at the shops stop and think. It's a shame that so much wonderful food ends up in the bin.
10.01.2022 Superfoods or Supermyths. Dr Tim Crowe - Nutrition scientist. Deakin University. A talk given by Dr Crowe at a Deakin University Alumni event, recorded for Big Ideas RN ABC.... Listening to Dr Crowe are drawn to the idea that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Produces put out new so-called superfoods, make them sound wondrous and upon examination are no better than the old true and tested. Dr Crowe with 20 years of research experience has put together his suggested top 10 superfoods with he understanding they are by no-means definitive. And that another nutritionist could put a variation of his. TOP 10 Superfoods. 10. Yoghurt - full fat. It is naturally low in fat and full of positive bacteria - probiotics , calcium, proteins. Low fat yoghurt not so good because fat is taken out but something else like sugar, gelatine to make a bulk structure reducing the goodness. 9. Tomato - high in antioxidants especially lycopene (the red color) which has many positive benefits for eye health, cancer prevention. Lycopene when mixed with say olive oil in cooking becomes more bio accessible. 8.Soy - high in protein, with isoflavoniods which has oestrogen properties similar to mammals. 7. Dark Cacao - nutrients dense in flavoids that lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, helps protect skin against UV damage, improves mood improve HDL (good) cholesterol & more. 6. Fish - high in Omega 3and other nutrients that lower risk of heart attack, increase grey matter of the brain & more. 5. Berries - all berries, high in fibre, antioxidants polyphenols which can assist digestion issues, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease. 4. Tea - black or green, with milk or not, is high in flavonoids, polyphenols, low in caffeine, possible cancer prevention benefits, atherosclerosis benefits. 3. Nuts & Seeds - high in proteins nutrients, good fats, positive effect in the textural process of chewing your food. 2. Oats - high in soluble fibre & nutrients, rich in antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, can lower cholesterol improve blood sugar & more. Oats are better for you than Quinoa. 1. Cruciferous vegetables - Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower Bok Choy etc. Almost no calories, high in fibre, vitamins & minerals, anti-cancer properties, promotes cardiovascular health, high in antioxidants, helps with diabetes, high in B group vitamins. The more the green and least processed the better. The important point is, that there is no single miracle food to ensure good health. VARIETY is the key to good health, a good mix of fresh fruit and vegetables. You should aim to have at least 30 different foods in a day. Australians on average have about 15-18 different foods a day. And your food should be processed as little as possible to get the maximum boost. Happy eating. There's a great undiscovered world of food and eating.
07.01.2022 Eating Out - Yeh!!! What a great idea!!! Who doesn't like to eat out or get some mouth watering parcels delivered?!?... Intermedia has recently released their annual market research report - EatingOutinAustralia_2017. Some eye watering figures! The average Australian household spending is around $4900 a year on eating out. Wow! In Australia the total revenue spent was $45 billion in the last year with the biggest slice of the revenue pie going to the fast food outlets at $6.5 billion. This is followed with a lovely slice of $4.5 billion to restaurants. The food and beverage industry is huge at $45 billion! Intermedia puts it into perspective - the Coal industry in Australia generates $34.3 billion and doesn't employ no where near the hundreds of thousands the F & B industry does! Keep on Eating!
04.01.2022 iVET at the Strawberries Festival 2018. The Blue Hills Berries & Cherries farm in Silvan, held their Strawberries Festival on the 10th and 11th of Nov. The strawberries and raspberries were delicious. Picking and eating the day away. You just don't get the wonderful flavours from the store bought berries.... There's something comforting in eating something you just picked. The flavour, fragrances, the realness of the picking and eating. A great day, food, entertainment, picnic areas and the weather was perfect. It was a bit early for the cherries so I'll be back there just before Xmas to get a fill of cherries
02.01.2022 Things are a changing. POP!!! On my last trip to the UK I went exploring south of England. A short train ride to Surry Hills and I was immediately in Wine country. Yes wine country, in the UK. One of the wineries I indulged in was Denbies. A very professional set up producing some very good wine especially their sparkling wine. ... On the weekend l finished my last bottle of their Cubitt Reserve, quite impressive. From what I am told, the soil there is very similar to the Champagne region of France, add the warming temperatures and there is the making of new great wine region. I guess I'll have to make another trip to top up my supplies and have an ale at the craft brewery behind the main building.
02.01.2022 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) A New Year - New Opportunities. RSA training courses are now available. ... Get your RSA Certificate now and apply for that job. To work in the Hospitality Industry it is a legal requirement for you to have completed an RSA course. Contact us and get yourself booked in.
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