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Ivy & Tulip Giftorium | Shopping & retail

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Ivy & Tulip Giftorium

Phone: +61 438 824 306


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25.01.2022 Lady Marjorie Brioche of MarketPlace . . Well I DO love a good market

23.01.2022 I want to apologise for my Facebook silence lately...I have been a bit distracted at home finding another new hobby/passion . . . Now what piece of furniture will be my next victim?!?! ... Don't worry though...I have been keeping busy for Ivy & Tulip too #personalproject #upcycle #oldnew #diningtable #hutchcabinet #whiteandwood #love #betterthannew #whatnext

23.01.2022 While baby was away, mama did play! #newtechniques #fun #practicepracticepractice #colour #ivyandtulip #resinart #anytipswelcome #differenteverytime #trynewthings

22.01.2022 | life lessons | . . Trying new things can be daunting, especially when they don't always work out how you imagine. It's times like these I like to remind my kids that mistakes are made to help you learn, not give up!... . . This attempt at a Resin Board didn't quite work out, so it is back to try again... #resinboard #resinart #ivyandtulip #someyouwin #someyoulose #trytrytryagain #Giftorium #creativity #smallbusiness #supportlocal

21.01.2022 I am really looking forward to the @lollipopmarkets this Sunday...mostly so I can trial... | ON THE DAY PERSONALISATION | Place your order, have a shop around, come back and collect!... #ivyandtulip #giftorium #lollipopmarkets #personalisedgifts #christmas #personalisedwhileyoushop #baubles #ordershopcollect #sundaymarket #supportsmallbusiness #handandhomemade #supportlocal #giftsforallages #lovemarkets

20.01.2022 Cookie Dough Tubs Hands up if you like COOKIES Hands up if you never have time to make them Hands up if you like eating frozen cookie dough ... Hands up if you wish you could just grab a tub, scoop some dough and bake . Wait...I CAN do that!?!? Help me help you by helping my daughter's fundraise for their school! 9 delicious human flavours, and 1 doggy flavour are just a click away! Thanks everyone!! Need to be able to collect from near Glenelg

20.01.2022 | TEACHER'S GIFTS | We are nearly at Term 4 (finally!), and what a crazy year it has been for our awesome educators! Help show your appreciation for their dedication to teaching our kids by giving them a little something special at the end of the year.... #ivyandtulip #giftotium #teachergifts #teacherappreciation #punnyjars #minipot #newwebsite #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #gifrtsforalloccasions #lovewhatyoudo #endofyeargifting

19.01.2022 Spring has sprung

18.01.2022 | CHRISTMAS SACKS | A fun and eco-friendly way to celebrate Christmas. These sacks come personalised with the lucky recipients name! Just mad wrapping dash on Christmas Eve, no paper carpet the next morning as the presents are ripped into; these Christmas Sacks can give you that!... And as an added bonus they can be used year after year! Available on the website NOW!

18.01.2022 When it's been a while between markets and you have to practice the set up again! #1weektogo #henleysquaremarkets #27september2020 #covidaware #countingdown #ivyandtulip #giftorium #fillupthespace #nervousexcited

18.01.2022 Christmas has arrived! Just a snapshot of some of the Christmas stock on offer today at the Make It Mine Market - Port Mall - Saturday 24th October 2020

16.01.2022 | MARKET MARKET MARKET | So very excited to be at a Market again, and what a fantastic Market to make a comeback! restrictions don't change before as I really miss seeing you all at Markets.... Make sure you come down and say Hi

14.01.2022 I truly love getting messages asking for help for a gift. Whether it is for a last minute gift or planning in advance, I have always loved helping people find the right, unique present. #ivyandtulip #giftorium #glitterwineglass #insulatedtumbler #giftsforall #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal #lovewhatyoudo

10.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Father figures out there in whatever form you may take! Keep smashing it out the park and remember...deep down, the kids really do love your jokes

09.01.2022 On track with my hydration! #watertracker #ivyandtulip #giftorium #beaflamingoinafieldofpigeons #hydrate #salocal #waterislife

08.01.2022 Having a play with something new today...custom Temporary Tattoos #ivyandtulip #potentialnewproduct #schoolholidaysfun #temptattoos #customfavours #funforallages

07.01.2022 | NEW PRODUCT | . . ~ Money Box Frames ~... The perfect way to save some dollars (for whatever occasion), in a fun, stylish and potentially personalised way! Great for kids or adults, these lovelies are reusable...simply watch your savings add up, open the back, spend spend spend, and let the cycle start again! Only a handful available to be customised, or grab one of these pre-made beauties. $32 each or $35 for custom...get then while you can! #shoplocal #moneybox #giftorium #giftsforallages #handmade #swearjar #plantaddict #datenight #shoppingfund #adventureawaits #supportSA #mummamade #homemade

05.01.2022 What a beautiful day to start the market season! #henleysquaremarkets #ivyandtulip #giftorium #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #imbackbaby

05.01.2022 | BAUBLES | So many Baubles to choose from, so little time until Christmas! flat baubles (great for posting or stocking stuffers - comes personalised)... booze balls (great for secret Santa or stocking stuffers) glitter baubles (great for adding a bit of sparkle to the best time of the year - comes personalised) monochrome baubles (goes with everything, and looks amazing too...if I may say so myself ) All available on the website NOW! #ivyandtulip #christmas2020 #supportlocal #baublesfordays #Giftorium #christmasiscoming #christmasdecor #suportsmallbusiness

03.01.2022 big news I have a WEBSITE! It is a work in progress, but one I am very proud/excited about. If you can spare a few minutes to take it for a test drive, any feedback would be welcome. I can't fix what I don't know about. *products are constantly being updated, so remember to check back often!*

03.01.2022 | Trolley Keys | . . Pretty & useful! These Trolley Keys are a game changer...simply insert it into the $2 coin slot to release the trolley then slide the token to the side to release IT from the trolley!... Never lose or forget your token again, just keep it attached to your keys and make your shopping a breeze Available in 4 glitter-riffic colours, for $5 each. Message me for yours today #ivyandtulip #trolleykey #supportlocal #Giftorium #moveoutgift #mummagift #daddagift #glitterriffic #gamechanger #returnyourtrolleysplease

02.01.2022 Love the vibe at these markets, so happy to be back in action!

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