Jabiru Community Engagement in Zillmere, Queensland | Non-profit organisation
Jabiru Community Engagement
Locality: Zillmere, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3269 0044
Address: 70 Murphy Road 4034 Zillmere, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.jabiru.org.au
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24.01.2022 Hello This week we are sharing some thoughts on schemas in childrens play. Janet Lansbury and Lisa Griffen-Murphy reassure us that when it comes to children learning through play - they have got this! And Jason Gibson will support us to reflect on our connection with our child though a simple activity we can try right now. Play Why does my child keep doing that? It can be helpful to understand common schemas in childrens play in the early years. Schemas are defined as a pat...tern of repeated actions. Through this repetition, childen are trying to make meaning, learn new skills and understand the world around them. In fact, schemas are essenitail for our childs brain development and set up the foundations for later learning. If we dont recognise the signs of these common schemas, we can misinterpret associatedbehaviours as our children acting out. Just remember, this will also pass and we can help our child to meet their needs by providing alternative positive activities. Below is a graph to help identfy the signs and some activity ideas to help your child. If this sparks some interest, you can find out more detailed information about each of the schemas through a Google search and more activity ideas by simply following #schemasofplay #childhoodschemas on Instagram. Learn Kickstarting Your Childs Learning and Play at Home (with Lisa Griffen-Murphy) Acclaimed early childhood educator and play-master Lisa Griffen-Murphy joins Janet Lansbury in encouraging parents to release themselves from the pressure of making play and learning happen for their kids. Lisa shares from her vast experience facilitating childrens play in every environment imaginable. She offers specific, open-ended ideas for inspiring learning through play and assures parents that their kids know instinctively what theyre doing. To listen, search for Janet Lansburys Unruffled podcast on the Apple or Google podcast app or listen on your computer by clicking on this link: https://www.janetlansbury.com//kickstarting-your-childs-l/. Connect As parents, it can be really hard to reflect on our own parenting and whether we are striking balance between correcting, directing and connecting with our kids. In this video, Jason Gibson tells us how to work out what our parenting feels like for our kids right now and from this simple awareness activity can come some positive change. Watch this short video: https://parenttv.com//is-there-more-correction-direction-/. The Jabiru Children and Families Team continues to facilitate a variety of programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected]. Dee, Anna, Catherine and Sarah
24.01.2022 Coming up tomorrow!!! Head down to Hidden World Playground from 9am for some school holiday fun :)
23.01.2022 https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6D9WHQT During these times of COVID 19 we have been making an effort to stay connected and send you a weekly post about play, connection, and learning with you children and support for your families well-being. We value your feedback. Was this something you found helpful? what would you like to see from us in the future?... You are welcome to answer some or all of the following questions. This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. This feedback will contribute to information provided to our funders about our programs- All your responses are confidential and anonymous. Thank You! The Jabiru Children and Families Team- Dee, Anna, Catherine and Sarah White Dorsey
22.01.2022 Each week, we are sharing three of our favourite bite-sized resources that are easy to pick up and run with so you and your young ones can Play, Learn and Connect during COVID-19. Take what you need, leave the rest and please contact us if there is a specific topic you would like information about over the coming weeks. Parent and Family Wellbeing: Family rituals are things that only you and your family do, and they can help you and your children feel a sense of safety and ca...lm while everything is rapidly changing. It is likely you already have some family rituals; it might be a song you sing before bed or a secret handshake you do before saying goodbye at school. These simple rituals give you and your child a shared sense of security, identity and belonging. Rituals like these can all offer beautiful moments of connection. While there is lots of change going on around us at the moment, family rituals can help children feel safe by providing an anchor in the day that never changes. What rituals do you already have? Is there a new ritual you and your family could create together? For more information: https://raisingchildren.net.au//routines-ri/family-rituals Child Health: The Elbow monster is a simple way to talk to your children about being safe and hygienic when coughing and sneezing. Simply grab a pen and draw a monster in the crease of your childs elbow. Their pet Elbow monster only eats coughs and sneezes! (Image below. Fig.1 - ABC Life: Stacy Gougoulis) Community: If you are like us and are looking for some new books to read to your children, you will be happy to know that Brisbane libraries have a large collection of picture ebooks that can be borrowed. Its worth having a look around on the library website, as there are lots of fantastic resources from baby rhyme-time sessions to educational games. https://library-brisbane.ent.sirsidynix.net.au///eLibCat/ The Jabiru Children and Families Team continues to facilitate a variety of programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected].
22.01.2022 At our Story and Song Sessions on Tuesday 3rd November, the team from Zillmere Library will joining us for a special story time presentation. Join us for a fun morning of stories and singing! Snacks and take home packs provided. Please see details for the session on the flyer.
21.01.2022 Changes to our programming These are unbelievable times! How are you and your family? We are sad not to be able to see you and your families at our Early Years Place for now but we hope to stay in contact. There will be some changes to Jabirus services in the coming weeks. In particular, the latest Federal Government restrictions on public gatherings mean we cannot continue our face-to-face programming such as our scheduled groups, workshops, information sessions, and play...Continue reading
21.01.2022 For anyone wanting some information on enrolling your child into a Kindergarten program, this event is for you!
20.01.2022 There's more to say after R U OK? Today is R U OK? Day but this is a great question to ask those around us any day... especially at the moment when we are in such uncertain times! Sometimes we might not feel prepared for what could come next when we ask someone if they are OK. Take a look at the ideas below - these can guide you and help you to feel better able to have the next part of the conversation. If someone you know is in crisis and in need of immediate support enco...urage them to contact an organisation with folks who are trained to respond. Lifeline (24hrs): 13 11 14 Kids Helpline (24hrs): 1800 55 1800 Beyond Blue (24hrs): 1300 224 636 Suicide Call Back Service (24hrs): 1300 659 467
20.01.2022 The Better Together Van will be at the Nundah Community Health Centre tomorrow from 9am to 12pm!
19.01.2022 Zillmere Library has some free workshops coming up on supporting early language and literacy development for bilingual children. These events will also be live streamed on the Brisbane Libraries Facebook page.
19.01.2022 Coming up in September!
19.01.2022 Parents and carers, we want you to remember that you are doing great! Living through a pandemic is not life as usual. Coronavirus has thrown so many changes and challenges at us, it is not surprising that we might feel more anxious, have questions and are concerned for our families. Here are our three favourite bite-sized resources that we hope make life a little easier. This week we share a link to a Parent TV session on alleviating stress and anxiety, some ideas to support your children's emotional wellbeing while moving and having fun, and links to other events happening in our local and global community that you might like to join. https://mailchi.mp//jabiru-early-years-place-changes-in-re
19.01.2022 Join us at our Create and Connect parent group tomorrow. We will be making felt rocks and chatting about the ways we can use these to support children's play and leaning. You are welcome to come with or without your children. Catherine and Hannah are experienced early childhood educators who provide onsite childminding so you can take a moment to connect with other parents and reflect on parenting while making and creating and having a cup of tea or coffee! Places at this FREE workshop are limited so please test or call Anna on 0438 542 746 to book you place.
18.01.2022 Hello! We are back again with another lot of our favourite resources to share with you all. This week we continue to explore how we can support our childrens emotional well-being, as well as some tips for getting back into the swing of the school routine and all the lunchbox glory. Parent and Family Wellbeing: There has been so much change for families this year. I know for us it has felt like a whirlwind. With kids going back to school and kindy, its nice to feel like thin...gs are getting back to normal but for children, this can be another big change and leave them feeling unsettled and anxious. Children sometimes dont have the language to share their feelings with us, which can be frustrating for everyone! The Colour Monster is a wonderful book to start exploring feelings, what they look like and how they feel, and can help you and your child to talk about what they are feeling. You might even like draw your own monsters full of feelings and share them with each other. The Colour Monster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpLmzxbeVmU. Child Health: We are back to school lunches and the daily grind of lunch boxes, so now is a good time to reflect on whats working and whats not. The Early Years Count has some great and simple tips for a healthy lunchbox: https://www.earlyyearscount.earlychildhood.qld.gov.au//he/. You could also bring any questions you have to our nutrition workshop (see below)! Community: Our nutrition workshop is coming up with Nutritionist Crystal and we would love to see you there. It will be packed with tips for fussy eaters and there will be opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about childrens nutrition. Dont miss out on Sing & Grow music sessions via Zoom on Tuesday mornings. There are still a couple of weeks left of this program. We can also send you the program information with pre-recorded video links so you can watch them at a time that suits you and your family. We hope to partner with the Sing & Grow team for some more sessions when we can meet for face-to-face activities again, so please let us know if youd like to be part of those sessions as we plan them. Contact us to find out how to join the Tuesday Zoom sessions or register your interest in face-to-face Sing & Grow for next term. The Jabiru Children and Families Team continues to facilitate a variety of programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected] Dee, Anna, Catherine and Sarah
17.01.2022 The holidays are upon us and what better way to relax and refresh than getting outside. We know that being outdoors has a huge range of benefits for both yourselves as parents and your children. For children, being in nature and particularly playing in nature supports almost all areas of development. Outdoors, children can take bigger and wider ranging movements which support gross motor development, things like jumping of ledges, walking over uneven ground and running. These... sorts of actions support muscle development for things like balance and reaching helping them with every day self-care tasks such as getting dressed (standing on one leg to put on pants), putting toys away or sitting up all day in a classroom. Beyond supporting gross motor skills, children who can play in nature and outdoors tend to be calmer, more confident and display more resilience and persistence. In outdoor play children can try new ideas, discover and create. This allows children to practice skill like critical thinking, testing things and refining, learning how to ask for help and communicate ideas to supporting adults. In play this might look like building a dam out of rocks in a small creek or testing how they can move over tricky terrain, and for younger children feeling what happens when you scrunch a leaf or moving their hand in water. More information: https://www.parentingscience.com/benefits-of-outdoor-play.h Lucky for us, there are many places in our local neighbourhood where we can go to engage in this outdoor play. Below are a few of our favourite parks to visit but you can certainly find ways to explore outdoor play in your own back yard or local park. Be creative! Seventh Brigade Park (375 Hamilton Rd, Chermside): This local park has a lovely walk that goes through to KidSpace playground on the other side, with plenty of opportunity to stop and explore the local wildlife or stop for a picnic in the shade. Enoggera Dam (3A Mount Nebo Rd, The Gap): A great family day out, theres a small beach for swimming, plenty of walking tracks for all ages and fitness levels and a wildlife centre to explore. Brighton Park (596 Hornibrook Hwy, Brighton): When the tide is out this park becomes a great place for little ones to play in the tide pools, explore the mangroves and walk along the sand bank. Hidden World (411 Rohgan Rd, Fitzgibbon): Just down the road is Hidden World. This park has a great playgroup for all ages, a big green space, BBQs and walks through the Fitzgibbon Bushlands. Brisbane Kids also has a list of parks for you to explore https://www.brisbanekids.com.au/map-of-brisbane-playgrounds/
17.01.2022 CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. We hope to see you all at the next park play in the june/july holidays. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
17.01.2022 While we are spending more time at home and practising social distancing, our connection with the natural world is more important than ever and can help us to remember that the simple things are often the best. Each week, we are sending you three of our favourite bite-sized resources that are easy to pick up and run with, so you and your young ones can Play, Learn and Connect during COVID-19. Take what you need, leave the rest and please contact us if there is a specific topi...c you would like information about over the coming weeks. Play: If you are looking for a simple way to keep children of all ages engaged and having fun at home, think about setting up a simple mud kitchen. Set-up can be a simple as you like it! You just need water and a bit of dirt. You might add an old bowl, cup, spoon or old pots or pans. Maybe go on a garden treasure hunt to find flowers, leaves, sticks and stones to add. Follow Puddly Laboratory on Instagram for some mud kitchen inspiration! Check out the story highlights, where you can view a variety of creative mud kitchen set-ups and so many different ideas for mud play. https://www.instagram.com/muddly_puddly/ Nature Play Queensland also has some great ideas for getting started https://www.natureplayqld.org.au//f/03%20MUD%20Pits%20.pdf Learn: Mud kitchens are more than getting messy and having fun; they have so many benefits for early childhood learning and development. A fabulous opportunity to engage all the senses, explore, experiment and learn new skills. A simple mud kitchen can promote learning across all the learning and development domains from language, maths, science and art, to physical development and emotional wellbeing. Got water and a bit of dirt? Then, Lukas Ritson says youve got an excellent opportunity for your kids to learn through play https://parenttv.com//jab/videos/the-benefits-of-mud-play/ Connect: Spending time in nature with your children may be the simplest and yet one of the most beneficial ways to connect with your children whether youre dealing with a fussy infant or a recalcitrant teen. Even spending few minutes each day in the back yard, a little walk around the block to look at flowers or exploring a nearby natural area together can eliminate day-to-day distractions and build closer, stronger connections with your children. Read more in this article Together in Nature: Pathways to a Stronger, Closer Family (2013) Children & Nature Network. https://www.childrenandnature.org//FamilyBonding_En_20141. The Jabiru Children and Families Team continues to facilitate a variety of programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected]
16.01.2022 Hello! Each week, we are sending you three of our favourite bite-sized resources that are easy to pick up and run with so you and your young ones can Play, Learn and Connect during COVID-19. Take what you need, leave the rest and please contact us if there is a specific topic you would like information about over the coming weeks. Parent and Family Wellbeing In these times of heightened stress in our communities, it can be easy to overlook the power and importance of taking...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Our Circle of Security Parenting group is coming up next term. For anyone interested please contact 0438 542 746 or email [email protected]
14.01.2022 While our programs still look different to what they would usually, there are several ways you can stay connected with us and other families in the coming weeks: Family Support is offered virtually, via phone or video call (Zoom). Focussing on parenting support and family relationships, these sessions offer tailored information, support, counselling and advocacy. This connection might be a one-off conversation or ongoing support or counselling. We can also work with you to ...connect with other specialist services. Zillmere Zoomers Playgroup continues to meet via Zoom every Friday morning (9:30-10). If Zoom isnt an option that fits for you, then playgroup families are also keeping in touch via a private Facebook group. Let us know if youd like to join. Sing&Grow music sessions (with a registered music therapist) are happening weekly via Zoom. These sessions focus on strengthening family relationships, supporting childrens development and encouraging the use of music in everyday life. Again, if Zoom doesnt work for you, there are other ways to be part of this program. Please chat with us about ways to connect! Parenting Support Groups are offered to small groups of interested people via Zoom. These group sessions provide opportunities to connect with other parents and carers, in a safe, supported space. All sessions are facilitated by one of our staff members. We are still offering free Childrens Activity Packs (Stay at Home Play at Home) to interested families. If you havent already let us know youd like to receive one of these packs, please get in touch. For those who havent received their packs, yet, they will be on their way very soon! Packs include a variety of resources to keep children and families busy while supporting childrens development and wellbeing. While we are still not able to return to our regular face-to-face activities, Jabiru is now planning for this in line with Queensland Government guidelines. We will keep in touch with you in the coming weeks as COVID-19 restrictions continue to shift and our face-to-face activities start up again. For more information about any of the activities listed above or to book a place in one of our upcoming sessions, please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected].
13.01.2022 We would love to see you at Sing and Grow next Tuesday for singing, dancing and fun! Please let us know if you are intending to come so we can make sure we have space for everyone
13.01.2022 We understand that parents and carers are currently being bombarded with information. To cut through the information overload, here are three of our favourite bite-sized resources to help you and your young ones Play, Learn and Connect during COVID-19. Play: The Outdoor Sensory Scavenger Hunt is perfect for getting your 2-8 year-olds out of the house and keeping their brains busy. This scavenger hunt encourages children to notice the natural world around them and use all thei...r senses, which has been shown to have a calming effect while burning some of that energy. See the Outdoor Scavenger Hunt image below that you can print or view on your device. Learn: ABC TV is providing educational programs for children throughout the school day, starting with Prep at 10am. The programs are also available on ABC iview on demand. This is a great place to start if you are having some tricky times with schooling at home.(https://www.abc.net.au/tveducation/). Connect: While talking to your child/ren about Covid-19 can be difficult, it is important. Children are experiencing drastic changes to their lives and daily routines, which can increase their stress and anxiety levels. Emerging Minds has some fantastic resources to help you talk to your children about what is happening, with tips for every age group. (https://emergingminds.com.au//communicating-with-your-chi/). Please dont hesitate to let us know if there is a specific area you would like information about. The Jabiru Children and Families team continue to facilitate a variety of parent support programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Call us on 07 3269 0044 or email [email protected]
12.01.2022 Music is such a fun way to play, connect and learn with your young one. Over the next four weeks we are working with Sing&Grow Australia to offer free music sessions for families. There are different ways to join in with these sessions so why not drop us a line to find out more! Call us on 07 3269 0044 or email [email protected]
10.01.2022 Zillmere Festival Update - COVID-19 May 2020 To our valued Zillmere festival stakeholders, We hope that you are traveling well in this uncertain time.... The effects of the global pandemic, COVID-19, are being felt all over the world. Our team has been closely monitoring the continuous updates and advice offered by Queensland Health and the Australian Department of Health. Due to this government advice and Jabirus commitment to the safety of our community, we have made the difficult decision to postpone this years Zillmere Festival. To all of the communities and stakeholders involved in delivering this wonderful event, we thank you for your support and patience and we hope to be in touch soon with a new date. In the meantime, if you or someone you know is experiencing challenges at this time, please access our website for information about supports in your local area. https://jabiru.org.au/about-jabi/jabirus-covid-19-response/ Stay safe and keep in touch. Kindest regards Brett Roland Chief Executive Officer
10.01.2022 Here's this weeks bite sized resources that are easy to pick up and run with so you and your young ones can Play, Learn and Connect during COVID-19. Take what you need, leave the rest and please contact us if there is a specific topic you would like information about over the coming weeks. Play: With countless play ideas currently being shared across social media, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. However, it is well known among early childhood educators and child developme...nt experts, that unstructured, free play is the best type of play for young children. This is the play that happens spontaneously, when there is nothing else planned and children have some free time and space to use their imaginations. The Raising Children Network has some helpful videos on this topic that show what can happen when you give children some space to play, inside or outside, and add a simple item such as a cardboard box or a blanket. https://raisingchildren.net.au//play/why-play-is-important Learn: Coronavirus has resulted in a lot of added pressure on families trying to juggle work, family life and their childrens education. In this short video with early childhood and outdoor educator Lukas Ritson, we are reminded of the most important thing we can be doing for childrens development and wellbeing during this time which is to be loving, nurturing and present. https://parenttv.com//videos/following-your-childs-lead-p/ Connect: In this short Parent TV episode, Sandi Phoenix speaks on the importance of connection in childrens lives and how many behaviours that could be seen as attention seeking are actually connection seeking. Sandi is a behavioural specialist and is highly regarded nationwide as a speaker, coach, mentor and professional-development facilitator for the education and care sector. https://parenttv.com//videos/all-you-need-is-love-and-con/ The Jabiru Children and Families Team continues to facilitate a variety of programs and can provide you with individual parent support and advocacy. If you would like to connect, chat and figure this out together, we are here. Please give us a call on 3269 0044 or email [email protected].
09.01.2022 Our next play event is coming up on the 24th October. Please contact 0488 771 577 or email [email protected] for more information or to RSVP!
09.01.2022 Due to the evolving nature of the Coronavirus situation, we have decided to cancel the Playdough Possibilities workshop which was scheduled for this Wednesday, 18th March. The health, safety and wellbeing of the community is our top priority and we believe that this event is not in the best interest of families with young children at this time. We plan to reschedule this event in the future and we thank you for your understanding.
09.01.2022 This week, we will explore some simple, low-cost ways to give your children a great school holiday experience! After months of staying at home, many families may be wondering what else they can do with their children over the next couple of weeks! Nature Play Queensland has shared some tips to help give your children a holiday that they will remember, while giving you peace of mind that you are supporting their healthy development: Encourage outdoors instead of indoors Va...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Unfortunately due to the weather we have had to cancel our Park Play event for tomorrow.
08.01.2022 Only a few more days until YouthFest 2021 kicks off! Kidspace Park 4pm - 9pm Thursday 15th April live music, sausage sizzle, rockclimbing wall, disco dome, and hot hot chippies galore! ... Base Zero - Mobile Rock Climbing Brisbane Bouncy Giggles Jumping Castles Fast Food Snacks - Food Truck Beat Connection - DJ, Photo Booth & Live Music BLK BOX CO.
08.01.2022 FREE workshops on children's eating, presented by a qualified Nutritionist. For more info or to book: [email protected] or 0488 771 577
07.01.2022 Oh Baby the year you were born! What a year it has been, and for families that found out they were pregnant or welcomed new babies in 2020 it has come with its own unique challenges. Would you like a place to finally meet other local parents with babies? Would you like to learn more about baby sleep, feeding and crying challenges?... Looking for a non-judgmental space to share your parenting triumphs and struggles with other families? Join Debbie Spink, PIPPS Peer Support Manager for Possums for Parents with Babies, for a special morning tea to learn some tips to help you manage those common challenges. Date: Thursday 19 November Venue: Hall 1, Fitzgibbon Community Centre 545 Roghan Road Fitzgibbon Time: 10-12am This event is for expecting parents, new parents and those with babies 0-12 months, however older siblings are very welcome. Qualified early childhood educators will facilitate activities for older siblings. Hope to see you soon!
07.01.2022 Visit Cooee Speech Pathology tomorrow at 10am for a shared book reading event with Little Birdie Books
05.01.2022 Worldly Women gatherings haven't been able to happen for a while so we are looking forward to reconnecting with you this Saturday for a Picnic in the Park! With COVID-19 guidelines in mind you are asked to bring your own picnic blanket or chairs as well as your own food and drinks. For more information please call or text the mobile number on the flyer.
05.01.2022 Feeding the whole family is tricky! Come along to this free workshop, presented by qualified Nutritionist Crystal Cole. Have your questions answered, connect with other parents and learn new ideas to make food fun and less stressful for the whole family. Friday the 9th October 2020, 9:30-11 at Zillmere Community Hall.... Please call or email us to reserve your place. We hope to see you soon!
04.01.2022 The pop-up library has started up again in local parks. Visit their website for dates in parks in your area. https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au//library-lo/pop-up-library At the Pop-up Library you can:... -read books, magazines and newspapers while relaxing in comfortable seating -browse library collections and borrow items to take home, including children’s picture books, adult fiction and FastBack titles -enjoy library programs, including children’s storytime sessions, craft, games, basic coding and robotics workshops. See more
03.01.2022 Coming up next week.. please email [email protected],au or phone 0488 771 577 for more information or to RSVP.
03.01.2022 It's been a much quieter year for the Pop-Up Play Bus. This Sunday you will find Jabiru staff out with the bus ready to play at the Moreton Bay Kids Festival. If you are planning a visit to the festival stop by and say hello!
03.01.2022 Come along to Circus Kids Rock! Next Wednesday the 10th of June, 9:30-10:15 online Zoom. See the flyer below and contact us for more details. Hope to see you soon
02.01.2022 Come and hang out with an amazing group of women at the Worldly Women event on 29 August
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