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Jackie Allen Yoga in Ballarat, Victoria | Meditation centre

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Jackie Allen Yoga

Locality: Ballarat, Victoria

Phone: +61 418 323 773

Address: 108 Lewis Street 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Can’t tell you how happy I am to have the gorgeous Lily doing 2 classes on our timetable now. And I know there will be a lot of you happy about this too. If you haven't done one of Lily’s classes, book yourself in you will love it. Lily’s background in movement comes from a career in contemporary dance after having trained at the Victorian College of the Arts through both secondary and school and university. ... Yoga has been the foundation of Lily’s practice for over ten years, with her curiosity of the mind/body connection opening her up to a diverse range of practices including the study of anatomy, kinesiology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Zend Shiatsu (Aust College of Shiatsu) contact improvisation and Middindorf Breath training. As a teacher Lily leads a class that activates the body without force, dwelling in the creative space between strengthening and softening. Expect to be challenged in her classes while at the same time being soothed into a state of pleasure and relaxation. To book a class with Lil go to

22.01.2022 I love this little quote. It is a reminder to allow ourselves to be with whatever we are feeling - your thoughts, feelings, body and breath. In yoga there is a practice called santosha which is about cultivating an inner peace that is not dependant on what is happening in our lives. It's letting go of the striving of what you don't have and accepting with joy what you do. Santosha is a peace that doesn't change regardless of what is happening externally. It is about finding contentment in the now.

21.01.2022 Happy first day of Winter ! I went for a walk this morning at 6.30am and it did feel like Winter. Let's say it was ...... invigorating I planted this Coral Bark last year - Im going to miss the Autumn colours. I do love the change of seasons in Ballarat though.

21.01.2022 Sending lots of positivity and resilience your way. As we work through these unusual times, it is more important than ever to keep strong connections to those who matter most, whether that's through Skype, FaceTime, a phone call or maybe a walk. Depend on your strong, like-minded, meaningful tribe and focus on who and what makes you feel better and helps you be your best. Look out for your ‘Lockdown videos’ sent out today, focusing on the heart & hips. I've also done a short... Downward Facing Dog tutorial. A lot of people struggle with this pose so I thought it might come in handy, whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting out. When we release tension from the hips, it creates space in our bodies and also our minds. To balance this grounding hip work, we work on the upper back/heart area to bring lightness and balance. These classes will lift your mood and increase your energy flow. Especially nice when needing to shift things around from a feeling of tightness to openness, from nervous to fun. A very cool new music playlist to go with these classes too. As I can’t legally have music playing in the background of my videos, you can just pop on the playlist in the background and we are all good with the legal eagles. If you have any requests or songs you think would suit these playlists - let me know !! If you are not on our list to receive these videos and would like to be, just inbox me and we will sort that out

20.01.2022 We have a new class on the timetable ! Restorative with Che - Sundays at 5pm. Restorative is a slow, meditative, floor-based class with passive, long stretches. Pranayama and meditation are also used in this class. ... Restorative is suitable for all levels - for those that wish to sink into a meditative state, those that are healing or those that wish to still the mind, balance the nervous system, boost the immune system and enhance mood. Props are used in this class. At this stage, we ask you to bring along your own towel (to cover over our bolsters), your own blanket and pillow. Restorative is truly a deep nourishing rest that we all need right now. Che’s passion for yoga began after the birth of her son to aid her recovery and ease anxiety. She has now been practicing yoga for over 20 years. Having experienced the healing benefits of yoga practices she was drawn in to yoga teaching in 2012. Che’s teaching now focuses on healing practices of pranayama, Restorative Yoga, Yin, Meditation and Qi Gong. Che has worked in education programs to support mental health and wellbeing working with organisations like Beyond Blue and Smiling Mind. Che's wish is to support students to connect to their inner wisdom and wellbeing through yoga. Book your spot at

19.01.2022 Studio re-opening 12th Jan with our new Summer timetable. New prices including concession, 2 week intro is back and also our term passes which are now called '3 month memberships'. All passes, memberships start from the date of your first class, not your purchase date. ... Check out our costs here :

18.01.2022 In yoga we call it prana, the Chinese call it chi. Both philosophies and teachings of each tradition are closely aligned. Both intuitive and wise. Prana moves through all the koshas and like water needs to keep moving or it can become stagnant. When prana reserves are low it is difficult to stay in a positive frame of mind and you can feel stuck. This sequence is a fusion of yoga and tai chi designed to move prana and keep our mind in a positive groove. If you havent checked out my YouTube videos, head there now and subscribe at

18.01.2022 With the luxury of extra time lately, I did a jigsaw puzzle. If you looked close enough you will see this 1,000 piece jigsaw only has 996 pieces. Now, I'm not blaming anyone or pointing fingers, but someone around here can't look me in the eye. That plus the fact another 6 pieces have tooth marks in them, leads me to think .......... someone has broken in, taken 4 pieces and also stabbed a few pieces too. It's a bad neighbourhood and its just lucky i have Nellie for prote...ction. Well I must say i was a little disappointed with the announcement on Sunday. I really thought we would get the go ahead to open the Studio soon. I keep thinking each announcement that we will hear something positive, but not as yet . So I'm now waiting for the announcement on 1st November - fingers crossed we will get some clear direction then. In the meantime, new flow videos and meditation recordings have dropped to our YouTube channel today. Enjoy

17.01.2022 As you know From Sunday 11.59pm it is mandatory for all Victorians to wear masks. Nellie is ready to go. While it is not necessary to wear masks while practicing yoga, we have decided that it would be good practice to wear them in class anyway. We had a trial run at class this morning. I was worried about how my voice would project out to the class, but this was fine. We had 8 out of 10 people voluntarily wear masks to this morning’s class and they said it was fine. ... I do recommend wearing the disposable masks though to class rather than the handmade fabric ones as they are easier to breathe in. I have a few spares at Studio if you are having trouble finding them to start. Thanks Jackie

17.01.2022 Practising the standing splits. So close ...... yet so far ! A gentle practice every day and hopefully one day flat against the wall. One can dream.

17.01.2022 Check out our gorgeous new timetable. Just head to to book a class.

17.01.2022 Just in case you were wondering how the Studio plants are going. Well they're pretty happy - although they mentioned they are missing you lot. I feel the same. I miss checking you in, asking how you are, the collective breaths, the laughs, seeing your relaxed faces as you float out of the studio after class, the absolute joy I get from our community. Last weekend I was a bit frustrated with the monotony of lockdown, but it seems that regional Vic are doing exceptionally w...ell and we might have some restrictions released sooner than later. I would really love to be opening the Studio this term. Fingers crossed. It feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel. YouTube classes this week are designed to move from a state of frustration, irritation, annoyance, feeling stuck - to feeling pretty fantastic. Yoga is good at doing that. This Flow and Gentle Flow class have a few variations of Sun Salute, and has a focus on the whole body, from shoulders, chest, hips and lower back. There is an emphasis on poses that stimulate and nourish the liver. The liver is in charge of the emotions and cleans the body of toxins and hormones. Out of balance is can cause annoyance, irritation and anger. In balance the liver is associated with kindness. The aim of these classes is to move you from a place of feeling stuck or frustration to inspiration. And if you're not frustrated to start with, then you'll just feel fab. If you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel it would be great if you could. And if you enjoy a class - press the like button. That will help a lot.

15.01.2022 A heartfelt thanks to you all for supporting the Studio as we have struggled through a very difficult year. It’s sometimes said that if you want to know who you truly are, go into business for yourself. Running a small business is coming face to face with the good, the bad, and the ugly, and 2020 has put all that into overdrive. It seems we have constantly opened then closed and then gained momentum and then lost momentum. ... 2020 has really concreted what a strong community we have. It was this sense of community that I missed the most in lockdown, but just sending out our newsletter each week, attaching a couple of videos and saying ‘hello’ felt pretty good. The word yoga actually means ‘to yoke’ or ‘union’. At its very essence yoga is about connection, whether connecting your mind, body and soul on a microcosmic level or connecting with community and the world around you on a macrocosmic level. After practising yoga for half my life, I can say I fully understand the true meaning of yoga. And I think you guys do too. A student came into the Studio the other day and said how much she missed the Studio. She said I can come to do a class at the Studio and without even talking to anyone, I feel a connection and a belonging. I think 2020 has made us realise how precious this connection and belonging is. There is always good to come out of bad and this realisation is definitely a ‘good’. We have also gained (through being forced haha) to set up a booking system, which is working well, and also a library of yoga videos on YouTube. Please use these videos as much as you need over the break. Make sure you subscribe and if you like the video, press the like button. Wishing you all the best Christmas. Much love Jackie x

15.01.2022 After the announcement about the latest restrictions yesterday, I am sorry to say that we are closing the Studio doors today. We will continue to offer yoga and meditation videos throughout the lockdown. Just give me a few days to get my digital head together again. I will be cancelling all classes on our booking system, so if you have classes booked you don't need to worry, you wont be charged for them. Any passes you have paid for will be held in credit until we re-open the... doors post lockdown. If this is placing a financial burden on you, please contact me. Hang in there everyone. It does feel a bit like ‘Groundhog Day’, but it can't last forever. Thank you for your ongoing support. We are truly fortunate to have such an incredible community. As always, feel free to contact me on FB, email or by phone if you have any questions, ideas or concerns. Jackie xx

15.01.2022 Lucky I was standing behind a glass door !

15.01.2022 Chocolates and coffee with the gorgeous Mariko today to wish her well for her move to Melbourne. Mariko has been teaching at the Studio for close to 4 years now. She is going to be so missed. I know her loyal students will also miss her infectious smile, happy disposition and her caring way of teaching. Melbourne you are lucky to get this one !

14.01.2022 New videos on YouTube now. A 30 minute Wake Me Up flow and a 20 minute Beginner class. Just head to YouTube And put in Jackie Allen Yoga.

13.01.2022 I’m over the moon about this news ! I know you guys will be too ! Michaela is back teaching Sundays 10am Gentle Flow from November 15th. For those of you that haven’t met Michaela, you need to experience one of her classes. ... Michaela’s classes are slow moving and aim to cultivate a deep sense of compassion and care within oneself. She bases her classes on the notion of building the practice from the inside out; using invitational language and offering some alignment suggestions as ways of navigating shapes and moving towards a sense of support. Her classes tend to have a focus on introspection and always include an element of grounding into the body or meditation. She is passionate about accessibility and inclusion within yoga and educational spaces and takes a reflexive approach to her teaching practice. She has experienced firsthand the healing effects of the practice and strives to facilitate experiences that are intentional, welcoming of difference and full of care.

12.01.2022 Classes this week are designed to strengthen the core and the flexibility of the hips. The poses chosen are also to help us deal with change. Sometimes we want change and sometimes we resist change. But whether we like it or not, change is inevitable, continuous, and unavoidable. Everything changes. The Buddhists call this impermanence. Every moment, every cell, is part of this flow of creation.... This flow is happening with the flow of seasons, tides, and culturesand on a microcosmic level, through the various shifts in your physical states, the ups and downs of your life, and the flow of thoughts and emotions in your mind. If you understand the divine nature of the process of change, it becomes easier to surrender to it, to move with it and allow change, rather than resist.

12.01.2022 We can have 20 but I’ve spaced out 18 spaces and it’s a nice amount for now. I haven’t put numbers up for next week yet as the booking system won’t let me yet so great idea to put yourself on a waitlist for next week. I will be changing next weeks classes up to 18 from Sunday 12 noon xx

11.01.2022 Yep you read it right ! Sooo can't wait ! We are re-opening the Studio on Friday 30th October. We will still be at a limit of 10 people and you will need to bring your own mats like before. ... Our booking system is ready to take your booking whenever you are ! Just head to See you soon xx

10.01.2022 Watch out for our latest video Recharge Flow, coming your way this week. This class explores pranayama and asana that access and gently stimulate the adrenals and kidneys to restore that all important kidney energy, to leave you feeling recharged and zen. The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system and sit directly above the kidneys. The adrenal glands relate to the kidney energy. ... The adrenals can get fatigued through continuous, unresolved stress. This stress can be emotional, mental, physical or external, such as too many stimulants in your diet, emotional trauma, excessive exercise, physical trauma, working to hard without enough rest, and lack of sleep. When this stress is ongoing, and the adrenals are constantly producing cortisol, this can lead to sleeping issues, weight gain, tiredness and low moods. The kidneys house our internal prana or chi. This is your energy, your aliveness, your creative power. If you are interested in these weekly videos, just shoot me an email or text and we will sort it out.

10.01.2022 Check out our range of new props at the Studio. Great gift ideas for Christmas or just for yourself for home practice. Gift vouchers also available

10.01.2022 A couple of spots have become available for tonight’s classes. If you wish to grab a spot head to

07.01.2022 Such good news ! From 23 November our current cap of 10 people on a class moves up to 20. No more missing out on your favourite class !

06.01.2022 Yoga and Meditation this week are focused on Satya. In yoga philosophy, the word ‘sat’ literally translates as ‘true essence’ or ‘true nature’. Sat means something that is unchanged and pure. Satya means truth in though, speech and deed.... All of our thoughts, emotions and moods are extremely interchangeable, yet these are the things that create our own truth and our whole life experience. If ‘sat’ means ‘unchangeable’, then this can make us aware that much of our experience of life is brought about by paying more attention to that which changes, rather than the unchanging truth. We often identify completely with our emotions and irrational thoughts; ‘I am a bad person because of this.’ or ‘I’m not good enough because of that.’ And it is exactly these vrittis or fluctuations of the mind which we look to still through our yoga and meditation practice. When we let our mind run away with us, we define ourselves by how we feel at that very moment instead of seeing things how they really are. Complete honesty with ourselves requires us to create a little bit of space, stillness or at least some slowing-down of the mind. And that’s what were working on this week.

05.01.2022 If you’re exhausted, rest. If you don’t feel like starting a new project, don’t. If you don’t feel the urge to make something new, just rest in the beauty of the old, the familiar, the known. If you don’t feel like talking, stay silent.... If you’re fed up with the news, turn it off. If you want to postpone something until tomorrow, do it. If you want to do nothing, let yourself do nothing today. Feel the fullness of the emptiness, the vastness of the silence, the sheer life in your unproductive moments. Time does not always need to be filled. You are enough, simply in your being. - Jeff Foster See more

05.01.2022 Just sent out two new classes this week: Gentle Hatha A gentle hatha / low intensity class suitable for all levels, including beginners. This class ends with a nice long juicy yoga nidra. ... Dynamic Flow An energising flow that will challenge your strength, flexibility and balance. This class encourages you to experiment with different poses in order to discover your possibilities. This sequence will leave you feeling energised, sweaty, and connected with the energies within you. Enjoy ! Xx

05.01.2022 We’re super excited to be re-opening the Studio on Friday 3rd July. We have a brand new booking system and you can book your classes right now. Head to See our Covid19 protocols at See you soon ! Yaayyyy !

04.01.2022 2 spots left for tonight ! Tuesday 7 July 7.30 - 8.30pm Book now: Tonight we are focusing on Patanjali's 8 limbs and the Yamas and Niyamas, we will be practicing some pranayama, mantra, healing meditation and a nice long blissful yoga nidra. Our room is lovely and toasty, but we are not supplying props at the moment, so can we ask you to bring your own blanket, cushion, and don't forget warm socks.

04.01.2022 The Studio is looking super gorgeous and the JAYoga team can’t wait until classes start again this Friday 3 July Book classes here: For those with term passes or 10 class passes from Term 1, contact me regarding credits. ... Xx

03.01.2022 Can’t stop singing this .....

02.01.2022 Teach Nellie yoga they said. It will be great they said. I’m still working on getting her to sit in the corner at this stage.

01.01.2022 Check your email tongiht for an energizing and blissful sequence, that seeks hormonal balance and peace of mind through our chakra system. Both men and women can benefit from performing hormone-balancing poses. From a yogic perspective, it is interesting to note that the endocrine system is very closely aligned with the chakra system (yogic system of energy centers in the body).... If you draw a map of the body showing the location of the seven major chakras, and then a drawing of the endocrine system, you will see that each major chakra contains one, or sometimes two, endocrine glands. These energy centers, impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. When one chakras out of balance it is usually felt on a mental, emotional and physical level. This class is designed to move through all of the chakras from the base up to correct any imbalances. There is also a Meditation designed for grounding and releasing. If you are a JAY student and not receiving these emails, please contact me at [email protected]

01.01.2022 You’ve probably heard of the term heart opener in yoga and it is used to describe back-bending, chest-opening postures. Heart opening in yoga affects not just the physical structure of the chest, where the heart resides, but the energetic and emotional levels too (love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude, to name a few). In yoga when we work on the physical level, it affects all layers of your being. It’s nearly impossible to affect one without having an affect on the other.... In yoga, we largely focus on this how the movements, postures, and breath within our physical body affect our internal landscape shaping our thoughts, emotions and our whole state of being. Through postures that extend, expand, lift, and add more mobility and space to the chest, it encourages better posture. Our entire life is one of forward movement. Think about how we live How we move through every day tasks Most of us in everyday life doing some type of task that involves rounding of the shoulders and closing off the chest; driving a car, cooking, dishes, sitting at a desk typing. So I see these heart openers as a counter pose to life in general. Giving us better posture and making us feel taller. With heart-openers, we may feel a release of emotions, joyful or sad and this is just yoga doing its job, so understand that and feel the feels whatever they may be. Look out for your heart opener classes this week

01.01.2022 Hope you got your video email yesterday. An awesome Flow class that I thoroughly enjoyed doing where we focus on the elements earth, wind and fire. There’s also a Gentle Hatha class suitable for all levels including beginners which focusses on hip mobility. Important to keep those hips mobile - you know what the yogis say - the hips are like the emotional junk draws of our bodies. Free the hips - free the mind.

01.01.2022 Love our symbol Om on our wall. Om is not a word but rather an intonation which like music transcends the barriers of age, race, culture and even species. Different sounds can have positive or negative effects on our bodies. The human body is over 70% water, and water is the perfect resonator of sound. I miss chanting Om in class at the moment with covid. Chanting Om is the oldest of all yoga practices. It’s good for the heart, increases the good hormones and decreases the stress hormones and can help lower blood pressure.

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