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Jack & Emily

Phone: +61 428 310 795


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25.01.2022 Every single one of us sits and thinks about how life could be better or think imagine if this happened?... Well we are pretty chuffed sitting around and thinking about this because we are actively working every. single. day. to change our own future by the means of taking control of our own lives and making sure we are our first priority! I can’t wait for the day that I can sit around and tell people what I used to do and explain how I’ve ended up where I am! ... We are determined, ambitious and relentless! Are you but???? Hit the message button at the top of the page and get involved!

23.01.2022 Change doesn’t happen overnight! Some days you feel that shift and growth towards a better and more successful you and others you feel like you’re not moving forward at all. But rest assured every little action you put toward self development is compounding into something amazing and if you put in CONSISTENT effort in small amounts and trust the process, one day you’ll wake up the best possible version of yourself and all your hard work will be worth it!

15.01.2022 If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive! ‘Criticism is dangerous’- this book line really stuck with me because it really is in more ways then one. Definitely when interacting with other people but also within ourselves- speaking from a constant self criticiser! B.F Skinner, a world famous psychologist proved with his experiments that animals who were rewarded for good behaviour learned much more rapidly and retained the information much more effectively than ...animals punished for bad behaviour. Turns out the same applies for humans! Criticism, whilst it can be directed with good intentions, has proven to be an ineffective means of changing behaviour due to the hurt and resentment that tends to come along with it. So if not criticism then what? Rather than criticising others or ourselves, attempting to understand is much more effective than jumping to criticism and will get you much further with another person. It’s much easier to condemn someone than it is to be understanding and forgiving and takes a hell of a lot more character and self control. So practically- next time you think it will make you feel better to spray someone for a mistake, write that text or email. Write everything you want to get off your chest and don’t send it. By all means come back to it if you need but try to understand where that person may be in life, their own circumstances and practice understanding. And before you criticise yourself and take that onboard, write down your own self doubts and read it back. Most of what we tell ourselves we’d never say out loud to another person so why to ourselves? Treat others and yourself the way you’d like to be treated! Love Em x

14.01.2022 It’s very easy in catastrophic times like now to focus on the negative and who is to blame. Not as easy to hone in on the stories of human kindness during such a tragedy. Keep continuing to band together Australia, help each other in any small way you can as every little thing counts.... #australianbushfires #community #everydayaustralians

14.01.2022 Falling off the wagon. Falling off the wagon happens to everyone at some point or another. It might be that 10 different things are battling for your attention at once and you need to prioritise. Life happens and it tends to happen HARD. The key is to get back on that bloody horse!!... Get back up every. single. time. You’re only a failure if you don’t try again or if you fail to learn from the barriers that held you up last time. Only you can find that stubborn determination inside of yourself and you alone. Find your motivation and get it done

09.01.2022 The importance of REST We are conditioned by society that the expectation is that we work and work HARD- basically until we die. And to be completely honest at least in the short to medium term, this is the only way to get ahead in the long term. Put the effort into the right places and success will eventually follow. Nobody became successful by sitting on their arse 356 days of the year. However I wanted to focus on converse to this- REST. I’ve had a challenging week with levels and fatigue. Early in the week I set goals for myself to achieve but the key was they were ACHIEVABLE goals for that week. Coming from a musculoskeletal background I can confidently say how important it is to rest in terms of healing and recovery- but this can be applied in a much broader sense to life in general. While it’s important to continuously learn and grow by putting in the consistent, hard work, it is equally important to rest when your body tells you. Your body and brain NEED the downtime to consolidate that new knowledge and retain it. You wouldn’t go ham at the gym every single day without any sort of recovery, otherwise you would literally go backward in development... so why wouldn’t you have the break when your body needs it in every day life? So this week has been slower, it’s raining in Cairns so we are winding down with family inside and allowing recovery to happen. While it’s important to celebrate achievement of your goals, it’s equally as important not to feel bad and cut yourself some slack when you need the break. Love, Em

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