Jacksons Carry Me Camper | Local business
Jacksons Carry Me Camper
Phone: +61 8 8531 2700
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24.01.2022 This strange Covid world we live in! Monday I went to the clinic to get my wrist checked as I'd had a little incident with a cordless drill prior to heading off to the desert. Two weeks had passed and it wasn't healing like I thought it should. Having come back into so called civilisation Sunday night from the divine isolation of the bush, we found ourselves greeted with this latest Covid out break in Adelaide and upon entering the clinic being faced with a barrage of very ...necessary questions. Had I been unwell, had I been around people who had been unwell, had I been in contact with any known cases, had I been in Adelaide, had I been interstate etc etc. all absolutely necessary questions. Then, as I sat in the waiting room I started to wonder... how much of a spin would it have put the poor girl on the door into if I'd said I’ve been in and out of SA, QLD and NT multiple times in the past few days... all be it by simply walking around a concrete pole in the desert multiple times within a matter of minutes, then returning to the ute parked in SA and on down the Warburton Track. Not trying to be a smart arse but clearly there is interstate travel and there is interstate travel! Ps. The wrist no breaks but apparently, things take longer to heal as we get older! See more
22.01.2022 Martin and Renate spent some quality time with the Jacksons Team last week, planning their new Land Cruiser build with us. They love quality Australian manufactured products, as you can see by their awesome @slrvexpedition Commander. What a weapon!
22.01.2022 How time slips by... seems like we’ve only just got home, yet it’s two weeks since we were sitting here having lunch, in awe of the white salt lake and the blue sky contrast! Who knows where I took this pano?
14.01.2022 Monday was a little busy, so imagine I say Tuesday in the video!
14.01.2022 Robert and Robyns 79 Series Land Cruiser is ready to rock n roll! The paint job on their Jacksons Tray really looks mint! Their camper is not far behind either - stay tuned! #jacksonsbuilt 08 8531 2700 [email protected] http://carrymecamper.com.au... Made in Murray Bridge South Australia See more
14.01.2022 More campers WA bound! Claire and Tim have been hanging to get their Ranger out exploring - and now they are ready with their Jacksons Tray and Hard Lid Camper! Enjoy guys! #jacksonsbuilt 08 8531 2700 [email protected] http://carrymecamper.com.au... Made in Murray Bridge South Australia See more
11.01.2022 I have no doubt many of you, our Jackson Camper family, are like us "champing at the bit" to be out and about on a decent trip. The recent long weekend saw Margie and I get away with the team from Jacksons 4x4 Accessories for a pretty chilled out weekend. We found an awesome spot on the banks of the Mighty Murray thanks to Arj and had decent weather for most of the weekend. All bar a bit of a storm rolling through on Sunday afternoon. Red Rain falling from the dust storm in the distance coated everything leaving me to question my decision to use one of our demo Hardlid Campers! Although it was great to get away for a short break, it has done nothing but further fuel my desire to hit the road! To say I'm itching to be on the road is an understatement!
11.01.2022 We are very proud to be involved with Adaptive Manufacturing as the premium tray manufacturer for these vehicles!
10.01.2022 The Dog Fence - the longest fence in the world Over the years we have been extremely fortunate to travel great lengths of the Dingo Fence in South Australia wit...h approval from the Department of Defence and the many great pastoralists that I know. The best part of this is that we have got to see many remote parts of South Australia that very few people ever get to see and feel very privileges to have been given permission and had the opportunity to meet a couple of Doggers out on patrol. Following on from Ash Gibson’s great images the other day about the Dog Fence, here is some more information and details that many may not be aware of. As far back as 1880, many remote stations erected vermin proof fences to protect their properties from dingos and keep their stock safe. Then state governments then joined in the action and built fences that would eventually stretch from Dog Fence Beach on the far west coast of South Australia and end in Jimbour on the Darling Downs near Dalby in Queensland with a total length of 5,614 kilometres today. Prior to 1980 when there was a major reconstruction of boundaries of where the fence was actually needed the length then was 8,614 kilometres. Now to relate that to South Australia, there is 2225 kilometres of Dog Fence here in South Australia that is in remote pastoral land. The dog fence consists of wire netting, most times up to 6 feet tall and at regular intervals, large gates to give access to other sections of the pastoralist property. Now the only section that does not have wire netting is at the very beginning over the cliff at Dog Fence Beach and a short distance after the cliffs and is made from strong reinforced plastic netting that does not rust so close to the sea. The dog fence does not contain barb wire and in sections were wombats are an issue, an additional small plain wire fence about 2 feet from the main fence that carries an electrical current courtesy of solar panels and batteries. The small current will not kill the wombat, but give it a shock, and stop them from digging under the fence and giving access to wild dogs. The Dog fence in South Australia crosses three main bitumen highways that most people would never ever be aware that it is there and these roads are the main Eyre Highway west of Nundroo, on the main Iluka Road heading to Maralinga and the Stuart Highway north of Coober Pedy, as well as a number of main outback dirts roads including the Anne Beadell Highway, Birdsville and Oodnadatta Tracks and the Kempe Road. Where it does cross a road, large cement boxed colvets and grids will mark their presence. The most accessible place to see the Dog Fence is just north of Coober Pedy and on the Breakaways Loop drive. Here people will see the open gibber planes that stretch to the horizon, a vast contrast to the pastoral country well to the south. All the images below are all taken at various locations along the Dog Fence entirely within remote South Australia, stretching from the very start of the Dog Fence at Dog Fence Beach and then through to east of Coober Pedy. So next time you head bush, take your time to stop and inspect the largest man made, Continuous fence in the world.
08.01.2022 To our valued customers and suppliers. Following the State Premier’s announcement this afternoon it looks like we are in for some turbulent times in South Aus as we head into a 6 day lock down effective midnight tonight. We aim to be back into production as soon as possible, but unfortunately as of close of business today (Wednesday 18th Nov) ALL manufacturing will cease pending further instruction from our State Government. Stay safe friends and we will keep you posted. On... behalf of the team at Jacksons Carry Me Campers/Jacksons Australia. And remember - keep your distance!
06.01.2022 At Jacksons Australia/Jacksons Campers we're a little excited today to finally receive a long awaited new toy. Thank you Bridge Building Supplies for transport and Trent from BMH - Buddle Material Handling for the lift... and for both making this happen at short notice. We've had our new Guillotine on order and paid for since early June and its been a long wait... feels like it's sailed around the world three times to get here. Commissioning early next week, then I'm sure the... team will be eager to have a play and clear the processing backlog. The new Guillotine with a cutting capacity of 8mm x 4m will be a perfect match for our existing 150T x 4.5m Press brake and will simplify many processes. #jacksonsbuilt 08 8531 2700 [email protected] https://carrymecamper.com.au https://jacksonsaustralia.com.au Made in Murray Bridge South Australia
05.01.2022 A wonderful review on the Jacksons Hard Lid Camper; "There is no perfect arrangement as there are so many variables to choose from and it depends on the criteria needed to satisfy one's needs. We have progressed from travelling on our legs with a pack on our back, to a ute and a nylon tent, then a ute with a canopy, and now a ute with a camper. This progression has been a result of the number of birthdays under our belt. We will never get to the really up market end of trave...lling first class to a 5 star resort. Campers can be a bit like your wife or partner, you never get to know them properly until you have had them for a while. This is our second carry on your ute type camper. The first was a well known popular brand we did a couple of trips in with many good features but some points we were not comfortable with though we would have happily tolerated them. This was until we were browsing on the computer and discovered the Jacksons Hard Lid Camper. We took a trip to the Brisbane caravan show to have a look, and as a result ordered one. Until recently, because of coronavirus, it has not been conducive to tripping about so the camper has served as a flash garage on the farm for our quad bike. Constrained by State Border closures we took the plunge and decided to explore the NSW part of the Darling River. The Camper had a real workout with a variety of bad weather which included very high winds and rain and towards the end some hot weather. I mention this as the two stage hard top proved far more capable in all these conditions than our previous camper. This design is far more robust, weather proof, and the insulation when it got hot noticeably better than none. We also appreciate the fact that it is quick and easy to set up and pack away and as a result never intended to take the camper legs when we travel. Compared with our previous camper having the solar panel inlaid into the hard top saves a lot of time and effort, no wires and panels to set up is way more convenient. For what my wife and I need we have seen nothing better. A bonus is that it looks good. Summary: It is an impressive bit of gear. Stuart and Denise Murray." See more
01.01.2022 They say "Happiness is a journey not a destination". I think it's time our "Journey" finds some red roads, wildflowers and red desert sands between our toes... Campfires, sand dunes and sunsets are calling! #jacksonsbuilt... 08 8531 2700 [email protected] https://carrymecamper.com.au Made in Murray Bridge South Australia See more
01.01.2022 Oodnadatta claims to be the hottest town in Australia... well it was certainly warming up when we were through a couple of weeks ago. With the ute registering 42 degrees ambient, we dropped in to fuel up and grab a cold drink. Before we had the tank full, we were deep into conversation with one of the owners of the iconic Pink Roadhouse. I fielded a barrage of questions about our camper and next thing I knew, I’m in the car park opening it up showing Peter how quick and sim...ple our Jackson Hardlid is to setup. It’s great getting out and about and it’s nice to see people truely appreciate what we build... even better to be able to give people in the bush an opportunity to see our product first hand, as for them, trips to the city can be few and far between. With the camper all packed down and a nice cold Coopers enjoyed under the roadhouse aircon, it was time to hit the road in search of camp. Armed with some local knowledge pointing us in the direction of an amazing waterhole we were off, only to realise we’d left town and forgotten to take a photo of the roadhouse... so glad we turned back as the clouds above the bold pink building and the Jacksons Hardlid in the foreground came up a treat. #jacksonsbuilt 08 8531 2700 [email protected] https://carrymecamper.com.au Made in Murray Bridge South Australia