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Jack van Raay | Entrepreneur

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Jack van Raay

Phone: +61 425 744 579


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25.01.2022 Happy Friday!! Another working week gone!! And just 2 days or 1 for most tradies, to do what ever you want and enjoy. Do you feel like your weekends fly and before you know it’s Sunday night and your thinking about slugging away for another week waiting for the next weekend to come around?... Does this sound like you? I know, I was like this!! Until I found a solution A 7 step online platform that can change your life. Which can make everyday feel like a Friday!! Work anywhere in the world!! at anytime in your day!! you can do this at what ever place you like, spending minimum 1 hour of your spare time to create a better future for yourself. For just $1 you can get a 7 day trial to show how likeminded people are making a new freedom for themselves. If you want to know more reach out and send me a message or comment freedom!!

25.01.2022 YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!! For so long I didn’t really care what I put in my mouth as long as it would fill me up and give me energy to get through the day. - Buying breakfast in morning because it was easier.... - Bringing lunch to work which would mostly be the leftovers from the night before. - Getting some sort of takeaway on the way home because I was always starving after slugging away on site all day and couldn’t wait for dinner. - Eating a massive dinner so I would have enough energy for the next day.( Well that’s how I thought it worked.) I did this for 6 years straight thinking to myself why am I always tired and sluggish? Not even taking what I’m eating into consideration. Then it hit me after listing to a few podcasts saying you are what you eat I decided to change my routine and eat healthier and less food. I’m not saying don’t treat your self with a snack and go on a strict diet. I’m saying just eat a little healthier and you’ll see the difference. So after 4 months of doing this I’m more energised for the day, I’m not feeling sluggish on a job site, not tired and I still have plenty of energy after work to do the things I love to do. If you want to live a better lifestyle, you need change the way your living so why not start with the most important thing and that’s what you eat!!

24.01.2022 So awesome travelling over the the Great Barrier Reef in a plane. Unreal scenes and so grateful to be able to do this!!

22.01.2022 Do you work for your money or does your money work for you? In today’s day and age there are smarter ways to generate an income other then working those 60 hour weeks. We have been taught from the past generations that the harder you work the more money you make.... But show me a happy positive tradie working 60 hours a week doing things he loves, spending time time with there love ones with a healthy body? GOOD LUCK!!! So when I did find a platform helping me find other alternatives and creating multiple streams of income I couldn’t say no! What I love about this the most is helping other tradies create a life they have always dreamt of living life on their own terms with more freedom and security. It’s an awesome feeling helping others!!! Do you make money when your sleeping or doing things you love?

20.01.2022 Happy Friday!!! Do you have dreams but just don’t know how you can make them become true? Well this was exactly me 6 months ago living pay check to pay check thinking everything will just fall into place.... But how wrong I was!!! If you want something its up to you to go get it. It’s up to you to build that path to your dreams. Without letting anything get in your way. So don’t wait because the time will never be just right!!!

19.01.2022 SHOOT FOR THE MOON!! Are you one that feels like they are always sitting on the fence with things or looses passion pretty quickly and never is fully committed. To better yourself as a person you need to fully commit to what you believe in. ... If you want or is thinking of starting something new to better your life I say go for it. I love this saying shot for the moon even if you miss you’ll land among the stars What that means is go hard with everything you do and if you don’t make it at least your closer then what you were before hand. Always fall forward!!

19.01.2022 Happy Wednesday How good are Wednesday’s so close to the weekend!! Every now and then we get set backs.... Set backs in work or general life Today I found out that I have two tears in my elbow tendon and a floating bone so I’m off work for a little bit. Yes it sucks but it’s all about how you take it. You can be all negative and say why me I can’t work, I can’t do anything. Or you can be positive and say I’m going to come back better and stronger, I’m going to do everything I can fix it. It’s up to you to think positive and not let little set backs get the better of you.

17.01.2022 HAPPY TUESDAY!!! First day of spring and the weather has turned it on!! As the weather gets better you feel more motivated to do things. ... As we only have 3 more months of 2020 left why can’t we set a goal to better ourselves and finished the year off with a bang. For the rest of the year I’m going to exercise everyday and better my mindset. Even just going for a walk everyday can better you in someway. So what are you going to do? If you feel stuck and always procrastinating about doing something it’s time to get out of your comfort zone. You only live once so why not live to your fullest potential!!

17.01.2022 Hey guys, This month, My partner and I are taking on a challenge that really matters... We’ll be walking 60km throughout Mental Health Month to make a difference to the lives of people touched by mental illness and suicide. ... My goal is to raise $1000 to help make mental health tools available for people living with mental illness. AND MY CHALLENGE STARTS TODAY!!! I'd love if you could support me. Click below to make a donation (no matter how big or small):

17.01.2022 SLOW AND STEDY WINS THE RACE!! Happy Monday! Another start to another week.... Life is a marathon not a sprint nothing happens over night. You see all these people start something and then quit because it’s taken to long to get the results. I’ll admit, I was one of these people trying so many different things and giving up because the results were taking to long to appear. The saying slow and steady wins the race applies to everything in life. You need to be steady in life to build a great foundation Knowing your life dreams and goals can’t happen overnight why do we go a million miles an hour? Now I’m not saying don’t go hard. But.. If you show up everyday being consistent, working hard and doing what you have to do to build your foundation properly you’ll be surprise how much better you’ll feel when complete your life dreams and goals. If you go million miles an hour your body will probably burn out and a high possibility you won’t complete your dreams and goals because you’ll thinks its to hard because you aren’t seeing results early. As people say Rome wasn’t built in a day.

17.01.2022 Happy Wednesday guys!!! Consistently is Key to being successful in life. In all aspects of your life you have to be consistent if you want change!!... You have to show up everyday and put in the work! Success is the exponential effect of little things done consistently over time.

15.01.2022 The best part of the day!! Packing up to rush home to work on my side hustle Motivates me to get through slugging away on a building site each day... knowing if I keep working on myself and helping other do the same. I can finally say hello to online world full time!!! And bye to the early morning, long days, no appreciation from your boss and negativity on job sites!!! So let’s smash it If you want to know what I’m doing to say bye to the building site reach out and send me a PM I’m here to help you strive for that freedom!!!

14.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO MY FOLLOWERS!! 2020 has no doubt been a tough year for everyone in different ways especially for myself not been able to do things I love for the most of year. But concentrating on my personal development was one of the best things I’ve done levelling myself up step by step.... slugging away on a building site for next 50 years just never sat well with me so I looked for new and better way of living. And wow weee, did I find it!!!! Now helping others to find it as well I’m so grateful for my life and coming across this opportunity. Now I can say bring on the New Year!!! Be pretty quiet the last couple of weeks on social media but been able to go on a holiday up Cairns and Hervey bay and a bit of R&R with my partner. Now it’s time to smash my new goals and make 2021 my year !!!

12.01.2022 YOUR REASON WHY!! Spending time with people you love and doing things you love is the reason I started a side hustle online.... And spending the last 3 weeks at home injured hasn’t helped either.... I was sick of only getting 1 or 2 days depending how busy I was to do things I loved and spending time with friends and family. So at the age of 25 I drew the line in the sand!! Because I didn’t want to continue working for another 30 years doing things I wasn’t enjoying and missing out on basic things and fun times because of work. And not taking orders from a boss!! It’s 2020 and working ridiculous hours for a boss is the old way of living. There is so many opportunities online for people who are ready to step out of there comfort zone. So take a leap into the unknown like so many others tradies and try something new. It might be something you’ve been looking for all your life. So if this sounds like you and your ready take the leap out of your comfort zone PM me and let’s have a chat!!!

11.01.2022 What walls are in your way to reach your full potential??? Is it the people in your life telling you - you can’t do it.... - you won’t be any good at that. -it won’t work. Or is the fear of failing ( this is a massive reason) So it’s up to you to find your own potential by jumping out of your comfort zone. Believing in yourself, personal growth and not listening to people who can’t better you. So who breaking that wall down and their true potential??

11.01.2022 Living comfortably sounds good until we want to upgrade ourselves. We live our day to day lives living comfortably knowing every step we are going to take and how much we are going to make for the week. We can’t level up in life without change!!!... The first step is to jump out of our comfort zone!! As a tradie I was always in a tradie mindset thinking the harder we work the more money we get! Always In my comfort doing things I knew not learning anything else thinking if I keep doing this for the next 10 to 15 years my body will be cooked but didn’t know any better and thought that was the only way. But as soon as you jump out of your comfort zone and out of that tradie mindset your life flows and levels up. And the only person you can blame for not trying something new or levelling up in life is yourself. So let’s take that next step and send me a message saying I’m ready and I’ll personally reach out to you to help yourself level up!!! LET TODAY BE THE DAY YOU GIVE UP WHO YOU’VE BEEN, FOR WHO TIH CAN BECOME!!!

10.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day!!! These last couple months I’ve focused on my gratitude and it’s got me thinking how ungrateful I was for everything especially the little things. But now I’m grateful for everyone and everything.... I say to myself every morning what I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for where I live. I’m grateful my family and friends and the support they show me. I’m grateful for the house I live in. I’m grateful for the fresh air I breathe everyday. I’m grateful for a healthy life. I’m grateful for work. I’m grateful for been able to go for walk to cafe and afford a coffee and a meal. These are something I say to myself everyday. After starting this online business I’m very grateful for just clicking on a post on Facebook that has changed my life forever and creating everyday a better version of myself. I’m grateful I’m able to help others change their lives!! I leave this quote here for you!! if a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, He isn’t likely to be thankful for what he going to get

10.01.2022 HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR 24 hours!! You hear this everyday doesn’t matter where you are you could be at work. You could be with family. You could be at the gym.... You could be playing sport. You can literally be anywhere and you’ll will hear someone say I haven’t got enough time in the day or where has the day gone. It’s up to you how you spend your time but if you feel like someone who looses track of time and you want spend your time more wisely I recommend you plan your day. You accomplish so much more in the day!! I started planning my days out properly about 2 months ago because I was shocking at using my time wisely. I use to procrastinate so much that before I knew it half the day was gone and then I’ve lost all motivation to do anything. Time is what we want most, but what we use worst!!! You’ll be amazed how much free time you can have if you plan and smash it out!! This is just a guide for my day I can work quicker on something’s I also could be a bit slower depending on how the days going and it doesn’t have to be in exacted order.

09.01.2022 Do you ever just take a step back while your at work and imagine what you would be doing if you didn’t have get up at 5 am to go slug away on a job site. Well I did that today! Looking outside and all I could see was blue sky and the ocean!! ... Thinking to myself I wish I was playing golf now I wish I was right fishing now I wish I could be enjoying this weather while not be at work! Not long now and my wishes will become my reality! We do it all the time, wish we could be doing other things then slugging away on a job site Well why don’t we turn those wishes into reality!! Most of us don’t because we don’t know how!! So when I found this proven 6 step business blueprint I knew straight away this was the way I was going to make wishes become true. Now I want to help you turn your wishes into your reality so if you are ready to push yourself to the limit to make your ultimate life come true PM me and let’s see what your made of!!!

06.01.2022 It’s that time again! start of another week, Start of your new weekly goals or maybe it’s the last week of your monthly goals. Are you a person that’s always saying I wish. -I wish I had a better lifestyle.... - I wish I didn’t have to work a 10 hour day today. - I wish I didn’t have to work weekends. - I wish I could spend more doing things I love. Or a person that says I want? - I want that car. - I want that house. - I want that boat. - I want to work less. - I want my weekends back. - I want more money Well it’s time to stop thinking like that. It’s time to get your mind thinking and acting on it It’s time to start using the I WILL and not I wish and I want. - I will own that car. - I will own that house. - I will work less hours. - I will make more money. - I will spend more time doing things I love. - I will have a better lifestyle. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. As long as you stick to your game plan and keep saying I WILL and not I WISH or I WANT things will turn for the better and eventually happen. Nothing happens over night no one can I say I wish I had more money I want more money and walla!!! They’re a rich. It takes time and effort building those foundations saying I will, I will and eventually getting them!!

06.01.2022 As another weekend is wrapping up, Another week is starting. The way you start and your preparation for the week is the key to a positive and productive week.... Yes Sunday’s are for rest and recover but also a day To prepare for your week. So what are you doing to be productive and positive for this week?

06.01.2022 Happy Friday!!! Are you waiting for the perfect time to do something in life?? Well I can tell you right now, you’ll be waiting forever!!!... Are you waiting for that perfect scenario to happen in life?? Like winning a massive multi with ya mates at the pub or winning tatslotto. You’ll be waiting forever!!! Some people will be reading this and saying I’ve won a massive multi i didn’t have to wait that long. Well how long did that money last is my question to you!! It’s time to stop waiting for the perfect time to do something and go get it!! It’s time to push through those excuses and live your life to its fullest potential!!! So let me ask you this what you going to do this weekend that you have been making excuses for??

05.01.2022 Happy Monday!! How did you start your week? How do you think of Monday’s?... Monday’s is where you set your mindset for the rest of the week. your can go to work thinking Monday is a punishment and Monday’s suck. Or you can start fresh for the week smash into your goals and make the most of it. It’s funny how quick and smooth the day and week goes when you have the right mindset. It’s up to you how you want to spend your week!! It’s a new week to smash your goals Put your head in the right space and go for it. Monday is just another day

04.01.2022 It’s that time of week again!! The best part of the day, lock up!!! We spend all week waiting for this time of the week.... We get a couple of days for a bit of R&R and to do things we love. We live life relying on those two days to enjoy things we love and then spend the rest slugging away on a building site. Why live like a sheep just following everyone else and making their dreams come true? And not our own!! So let’s have a chat if you want to start making your dreams come true!

04.01.2022 Do you feel like your life is at a stand still right now? Just doing the same old thing wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, sleep, repeat for 6 days a week. Living pay check to pay check.... Hoping life will change for the better. Well let me tell you life will not change unless you change. It’s now 2020 and a crazy fact is that 57% of Australian say work is there biggest contributor to stress. So why do we stress ourselves out so much for someone else fortune!! To make someone else happy and not ourselves. If this sounds like you and you feel like your life is at a stand still and nothing is changing for the better good then it’s time to change. it’s time for you to jump out of your comfort zone and create a better lifestyle. So if this is you, I want you to reach out and send me a PM and lets have a chat and see if I can help you!!

03.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOUR PROBLEMS IN LIFE RIGHT NOW? Take the time to ask yourself these questions: Are you struggling to pay your mortgage or rent and only just getting by each month? ... Does working crazy hours negatively affect your relationships? Maybe you’ve lost your job due to Covid-19? Does the lack of time freedom in your life affect your mental health? Do you ever find yourself laying in bed at night stressing about a bill that is due the next day that you still don’t have the money to pay for? Are you able to treat yourself and buy yourself gifts? DO YOU EVER STRUGGLE TO PAY FOR FUEL?! Ok, now look back at your answers. Is this how you see yourself living your life? If not, please know and believe there is a beautiful light - like this one - at the end of every dark tunnel. You are never STUCK in the same cycle unless that’s simply what you allow. A positive mindset is an incredibly powerful tool, you just have to use it because we all have it inside of us!!! You will be very surprised how the shape and direction of your life can change just by looking at situations a different way. Believe in change and you will see change!!!

02.01.2022 If you had 5 years to live would you be living differently? Would you be working 5 to 6 days a week in a job that doesn’t satisfy you? Would you be lounging around watching TV every night.... Would you be sitting around scrolling through Facebook reading this post? I reckon you would be doing a lot of things different to how you are now in your current situation.. WHY WAIT... Why wait until you are in your last quarter stage of life to go live? What’s tying you down right now? Your job? Your friends you hang around with Your 50 year mortgage? Your parents, friends or partners opinion? WHY WAIT????? Find a career that you love and that allows you to live your life! I’ll give you a recommendation (Entrepreneur) Find mates that want you to succeed and get excited over your success!! Instead of spending 600k on a life long mortgage, rent a house out, invest that money into yourself and into a business Your parents and friends opinions? Are they paying for your bills? NO So do your own thing and live your OWN life!!! Live like you had 5 years left to live! Stop living like everything’s just going to happen and go get it!!!#livelifetotgefullest #lovinglife#entrepreneurlife #summerweather

02.01.2022 AND JUST LIKE THAT WE ARE ON HOLIDAYS!!! I’m so grateful that I can take spontaneous trip to Cairns. Where I used to be living payslip to payslip just waiting for the end of year for the couple of weeks off that your boss allows you.... Starting this side hustle was the best thing I’ve done in my life and I’m so grateful for been shown this opportunity.

01.01.2022 Happy Sunday!!! It’s that time of week again Sunday night where most of us are dreading the start to the week. We spent the Sunday with some well earned R&R.... Today I took a nice drive down to the Iconic Bells beach. What an awesome place it is!!!

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