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Jade Renee Rice | Educational consultant

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Jade Renee Rice

Phone: +61 415 507 004


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to load big map

25.01.2022 http:// When Clothes Get in the Way! // Hey lovely, Recently, I had a client who’s little person was AWESOME at using the toilet with no clothing on... BUT, as soon as he put clothing on, he would predominantly have accidents! As you could imagine, Mum was SUPER frustrated! We jumped on a call together and talked it through. The very first question I asked her was how confident he was to dress and undress generally And guess what!?! He really wasn’t keen at all! Like, EVERY TIME he had to get dressed or undressed, he wanted mum to do it for him So, the very first move we had to make here, is to build some competence with DRESSING and UNDRESSING Whenever I advise a big change like this, I always recommend that you talk it through with your little one a couple of days before making the change This is so they have time to process what is going to happen - so it’s not sprung on them No one likes surprises like that, do they!?! So, a couple of days after explaining it to him mum started giving him the job of dressing and undressing himself at any opportunity. At first, he resisted - but Mum started the change on a weekend the first time, and she made sure that she had all the TIME in the world to help him through it After he started having some success, the toilet started working too! And it wasn’t very long until he was having exactly the same success with the toilet as he was with no clothing! Jade xo P.S. If you are my quickest gentle toilet learning method, you can download my e-book ‘The Quickest GENTLE Way to Establish Toilet Use’ HERE It’s on me!

22.01.2022 **Attention Mums who want an EASY sleep journey!** How would It feel for you if you could get sleep RIGHT by improving the QUALITY of your child’s sleep? Finding a GENTLE method that WORKS for sleep can be impossible! ... After working with more than 3.5k one on one sleep clients and having difficulty with my own children’s sleep I know for SURE that the ONLY truly gentle way to change sleep habits is to work out WHY they are rocky in the first place But how do you know what is normal, and what isn’t? Well, with all of my experience, I can pretty much pick those flags up in a matter of seconds But I also know it’s not that easy for you! That’s why I created my NEW sleep guide: ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ (because that was me once!) Are you in? In this guide, you will find every single indicator that I use to work out if sleep is normal or not with all of my sleep clients! This is exactly where I start to be able to resolve their child's rocky sleep without sleep training! All you have to do is click on the link, sign up, and you will have this gem in your inbox! Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss out! Can’t wait to see you there! Jade xo

22.01.2022 http:// Who is this baby!?! // When I started working with this client, she had already been to sleep school twice! She’d get some short-term change, but the inevitable would always happen It’d fall apart on her, and she’d be back to square one... Square one for her was totally NOT manageable at ALL It basically included long periods of awake time AND early morning waking Safe to say mum was exhausted! Well We managed to get past the night waking BUT she was still waking at 5am for the day At this point, we were still dealing with low iron, so my thoughts were that it wouldn’t change until that did BUT mum was exhausted, so we just tried to tweak things a bit to see if we could get past it Well, on this day, it was the FIRST day this little one had slept til 7am!! AND mum thought she wasn’t going to be tired enough for her nap, but we nailed that too! We NEVER would have got past this without asking WHY first! And I know, that although when you first start getting change, it can still be up and down We are now on track to great sleep, PERMANENTLY! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

21.01.2022 http:// You think you can’t have great sleep without sleep training? // Hey lovely, So your little one’s sleep is all over the place... I KNOW you are super exhausted, but you also really DON’T want to sleep train... I get it Neither did this client But guess what!?! She ACTUALLY DIDN’T! AND WE ARE AT SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT What did it take!?! It took IDENTIFYING, MANAGING AND RESOLVING the underlying cause to this little person’s sleep problem. We have done this together, with NO trauma. She is still rocking him to sleep, and here we are. This is success! Cheers! Jade xo P.S. If you are interested in talking to me about finding the WHY for the poor sleep, you can book a Sleep Quality Roadmap Call with me HERE: What are you waiting for? It’s on me!

19.01.2022 http:// Sneak Peak!! // I have been working on something super special for you! Here is a sneak peak of what I have been working on...... I’m super excited to share with you EXACTLY how I know when sleep is normal and when it isn’t! Look out for very soon! And there will be SO much more... EEK! I can't wait to show you! Jade xo

18.01.2022 http:// Yep, I’m a life changer! // Hey lovely, Although I only work with people that have REAL sleep problems... Sometimes, I get such a good turn around from my advice, that they really don’t need me anymore! And honestly, this is the BEST thing to hear! Because I also work on REALLY tricky cases, and we get there, but it’s not always this simple. It totally lights me up to know that my client is getting on with enjoying their little person! But the pathway to success is different for each client. I always put in the effort required to get the result you want, either way And you never know, YOU could be the unicorn client like this that doesn’t need me anymore And is just SUPER GRATEFUL that I came in to your world! Jade xo P.S. If you are interested in talking to me about finding the WHY for the poor sleep, you can book a Sleep Quality Roadmap Call with me HERE: What are you waiting for? It’s on me!

17.01.2022 http:// You can’t shake that feeling about sleep? // Hey lovely, So many times, I have worked with mums who have that GUT FEELING that something is wrong... If you have had that feeling, you totally know what I’m talking about right!?! And when you feel that way, it doesn’t take long to start to feel like you are losing your grip on parenting your little one How do I know that? Because I have worked with more than 3.5k clients who have felt it, and I have felt it too And I have had so many clients agree with a resounding ‘HELL YES’ when I say that the REAL problem is that you KNOW there is something, but NO ONE will agree with you Well, there is NOTHING on earth like mother’s intuition So if you KNOW that there is something getting in the way of your little one’s sleep issues Then I am going to start with listening to you. THAT’S RIGHT! I ALREADY BELIEVE YOU And from asking you lots of questions AND listening to you You are giving me every little puzzle piece that is needed to get to the SOURCE of your little one’s sleep issues Because you have ALL the puzzle pieces we need You know EVERYTHING about your child All YOU really need, is the puzzle pieces arranged in a way that MAKES SENSE to you So your LIGHTBULB can go on in your brain for the very first time And you can UNDERSTAND what is happening for your little one! Because, understanding is the very first step to solving the REAL problem here! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

16.01.2022 http:// My Top Tips to Navigate Daylight Savings without Losing Sleep // Hey lovely, It’s THAT time again! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!... (Sunday October 4th, for those of you that don’t know!) And people have started to ask me about it already! Freaking out about what is going to happen to their little one’s sleep In spring, the clock moves forward, so the saying is ’spring forward’ to remind you. This means the whole routine will be an hour later than usual This is great for early morning wakers! They will wake an hour later than they usually do! BUT, it is REALLY important to understand that this will be temporary if you don’t find the cause of the early morning waking You can start working on early morning waking now - all you would have to do is move your whole routine an hour later in 15-minute increments, every 3-days.. OR, you can wait until the clocks change and snap to the new time OR, you can wait until the clocks change, and bring your whole routine an hour earlier in 15-minute increments, every 3-days Changes on the sleep rhythm always take 3-5 days, and success will be erratic in this time It will then ease off and level out to NORMAL after this. During the change, you would expect them to be more grumpy while their body adjusts, and this is totally to be expected due to the changed hormone pattern. Now, making these big changes isn’t your only option You could also just run your routine later for the summer! Nothing wrong with that! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

14.01.2022 http:// Growing out of Sleep Problems? // Hey lovely, Sleep struggles are the hardest thing to deal with as a parent. I know I’ve been where you are....Continue reading

11.01.2022 http:// Newborn Sleep is HARD // In my experience, it doesn’t matter how many children you have... Or how much other experience you have with children...... When you have a new baby, everyone is in the same boat to start with You are in a FOG... And while you are in that fog, you are SLEEP DEPRIVED... And totally IN LOVE... BUT it always comes to a point where it starts to seem IMPOSSIBLE! It’s at that point that you start *looking* for something to make it easier. But this can be a mine field too... Because you are not sure if it’s a REAL problem... Or its just developmentally NORMAL newborn sleep... And even if it is *normal*, you don’t know what is developmentally appropriate to try! Well, in a nut shell... The ideas you need *before* 9-weeks are completely different to those you need *after* 9-weeks... Why? Well, before 9-weeks, all newborns are entirely neurologically immature - think 4th trimester at the PEAK... They have no sleep rhythm WHAT. SO EVER. Nothing to tell them WHEN to sleep and HOW LONG to sleep for. I would NEVER recommend even attempting to get in to a regular rhythm at this age - because the body has no mechanism to allow this to work. This also means that the body isn’t sending regular tired signs either - and this makes me highly recommend AVOIDING settling on a mattress. After 9-weeks, a newborn’s sleep rhythm starts to develop for the very first time. This gives you the foundation to be able to establish SOME predictability - but please be aware, this is inconsistent and slow progress at this age. You still need to be really careful that your newborn doesn’t get overtired, because overtired newborns become VERY unsettled, very quickly! At this age, I would only recommend starting to settle on the mattress if your baby is CALM. Unsettled babies need A LOT of help to calm and settle while their body is still in an unpredictable development stage. Still seems like a lot to consider, right? Well that’s why I have created a guide for you to be able to understand newborn sleep from the start! What’s normal, and what’s not... And also what you can do to make it easier for both them and you! You can check out my Newborn Sleep Plan HERE: Let me know if you need any more help! Jade xo

08.01.2022 http:// Don’t make the same mistake I made // If there's one thing I struggled with when my son was young It’s that I didn't understand how his poor eating was a MASSIVE part of his poor sleeping....Continue reading

08.01.2022 http:// Waiting It Out - Good Idea, or Big Mistake? // Hey lovely, So you have come to a place where you feel your little one’s sleep is pretty turbulent And it is time to work out what you want to do about it... I’m sure you have heard a lot of opinions by now But cry it out is a HARD NO for you. In fact, the idea of sleep training all together makes you cringe So you have been thinking about waiting it out Because, you know They all grow out of it sometime, right!?! Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news They actually DON’T. Research has found that 41% of 8-month olds that don’t sleep well, STILL don’t sleep well by 3-YEARS And 45% of 3-year olds that don’t sleep well, STILL don’t sleep well by 5-YEARS And the World Health Organisation has declared sleep deprivation an EPIDEMIC So, if they are not growing out of sleep problems, what is it that they are growing out of??? Well, simply, they are growing out of the response. Their behaviour changes over time. They stop asking for HELP Their sleep QUALITY is still poor I know I waited it out 33 YEARS until I finally fixed my sleep QUALITY And I had to take ACTION to fix it! So, until you get on the path to fixing your child’s sleep QUALITY You DEFINITELY need to keep responding to them They need you to! But there is no amount of responding a parent can do to fix a sleep QUALITY issue. That has to be done too, and I’d love to help you with that! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

07.01.2022 http:// The #1 Mistake Parents Make With Sleep // Hey lovely! Dealing with a child who suffers from problematic sleep, it’s certainly one of the rougher things that can come along with your parenting gig...Continue reading

04.01.2022 http:// 4-months of sleep HELL // Today, I spoke to yet another mum who was right in the HELL that is the 4-month sleep regression Almost all of the cases I take on really start to train wreck at this point... I bet you are wondering why that is? Well, the thing is, there are usually signs before that point, but people just don’t see them! The thing is, you start struggling to cope at the 4-6 month mark, because usually, this is the time that the night sleep falls apart Before this, you would have signs, but most of the time, they are in the DAY TIME Now, the thing is Ignoring the daytime signs is a RISK And the thing is, I know it’s really hard for mums because they want to believe that everything will be ok But I have seen this too many times And I know EXACTLY which direction it will go And it’s NOT pretty Sometimes, I have a client who chooses to acknowledge that their child is not on a normal developmental pattern early And this is AWESOME because we can identify, manage and resolve the problem causing the sleep to fall apart BEFORE the night sleep falls apart BUT sometimes clients don’t bite the bullet until what I have told them will happen, DOES happen At this point, it becomes REALLY hard We don’t have TIME to change things before it is too hard Because the change has already happened And then it seems to take so long to fix, especially when we fix the underlying cause FIRST! The last newborn I worked with was 9-weeks old when we first started together Her mum and dad were totally finding it wayyyy too hard already, and they were right to want to investigate when we did. They had a two part problem - oral dysfunction and intolerances And we managed to get everything worked out BEFORE the night sleep change! So, if you are finding sleep too hard for your little one It’s time to investigate! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

04.01.2022 http:// Do you feel crazy yet? // Hey lovely, I know when you have a little person that struggles with sleep... You only need the problem for a very short time before you really start feeling crazy And look - I’m actually not surprised whatsoever Because there is SO MUCH to feel crazy about Not only do you get to battle with your own internal conflicts But EVERYONE seems to have 2c to give you about what YOU are doing wrong HONESTLY When your little one doesn’t sleep The first thing that hits you is EXHAUSTION And when you *think* that’s the hard bit WRONG That’s actually the *easy* bit! The HARD bit is when you try and work out what to do about it EVERYONE has an opinion right? Some people tell you to CRY IT OUT and make out like you have failed if you can’t do it Some people tell you to KEEP RESPONDING and make out like you have failed if you can’t do it And if you start asking the question: WHY is my child having SO much trouble with this WELL.. LET ME TELL YOU!!!! THIS is where you are really going to cop it! Because the resounding answer you are going to get about WHY is because YOU screwed it up somehow No WONDER you feel so CRAZY!! Well, I want to just resolve that bit entirely YOU CAN’T SCREW IT UP! A. PARENT. CAN. NOT. CREATE. A. SLEEP. PROBLEM. Let’s say that LOUDER for the people in the back!! Current neuroscience doesn’t even support that notion that you *created* the problem I can just about HEAR you sighing from here! (In fact, give me a hands up emoji back if you actually did sigh out loud!) Because the thing is When your child has trouble sleeping There is no amount of responding or disconnecting you can do to *actually* fix it The sleep problem always started with exactly that. A sleep problem. Your child is struggling with something, and the ONLY way to really *fix* it is to identify, manage and resolve it. Until you do that, everything else is a BAND-AID at best So lets rip off that BAND-AID together And get you a sleeper! Jade xo P.S. If you are interested in talking to me about finding the WHY for the poor sleep, you can book a Sleep Quality Roadmap Call with me HERE: What are you waiting for? It’s on me!

04.01.2022 http:// The Mum is the Oracle // Hey lovely, I know you are struggling with your little one’s sleep... And, you know what Sleep is often one of the MOST difficult parts of your little one’s early years It can present challenges to just about everyone with normal development But when your child’s sleep is even more disturbed than the standard Well, that’s a whole new world of pain First comes EXHAUSTION Then DESPERATION sets in Frantically, you are looking for answers to improve your situation You are convinced that there must be SOMETHING your baby is struggling with I mean, they can’t just be *that* unsettled for no reason, right?!? So you keep searching for answers, only to be told You are WRONG That your baby is *normal* and even worse It is because of something that YOU have done wrong, or something that YOU haven’t done And you know what!?! THAT HONESTLY MAKES ME SO ANGRY Because it is NEVER the mum’s fault. EVER. If you are responding to your little one’s needs to the best of your ability I want to extend a round of APPLAUSE to you! Well done mama! It is IMPOSSIBLE for a mother to create a real sleep problem Responding to your child is NOT a way to make a sleep problem It’s a way to navigate one though! Your baby is having a problem, NOT creating a problem! And you know that, because, you know MUM INTUITION! You can’t make that stuff up The mum feels EVERYTHING their child feels The mum is the ORACLE of their child! And if the child is struggling, the mum KNOWS they are So if you KNOW in your heart, regardless of whatever you have been told, that your child is struggling with something The ONLY thing that you need, is someone who will listen to you. I believe you! Jade xo P.S. If you are interested in talking to me about finding the WHY for the poor sleep, you can book a Sleep Quality Roadmap Call with me HERE: What are you waiting for? It’s on me!

02.01.2022 http:// Toilet Learning at Childcare // Hey lovely, So you feel your little one has really got the hang of toilet learning? But the thing is, they have to go to childcare... And I know this is making you super nervous! But, I just want to reassure you about this process, because the educators in your little one’s room have done this a million times over! The best way to start, is to have a chat to them before you start the toilet learning journey at home about what your strategy is It is best if you can try and get 80% consistency before starting at childcare - but I totally know this isn’t always possible. The night before you decide to start there, always email them with the exact details of the strategy you are using AND their current competency. STRESS that you don’t want nappies under ANY circumstances (unless you are using one for a nap). Send wayyyyy more clothes than you could ever think they will need AND make sure they KNOW that you will not be upset if they have accidents. Know that, even after they are 99% consistent you will expect accidents at childcare I mean, they have to stop playing with something or someone that they may LOSE and this can cause some serious FOMO! In my experience, it can take up to 6-weeks to get consistency at childcare, so keep working with your team to get the results you need! Jade xo P.S. If you are my quickest gentle toilet learning method, you can download my e-book ‘The Quickest GENTLE Way to Establish Toilet Use’ HERE It’s on me!

02.01.2022 http:// Does Sleep Training Work? // Hey lovely, I know you have been struggling with your little one’s sleep lately... And you have probably mentioned it to a few people by now No doubt, sleep training has been suggested to you as a solution Before you go and do anything, give me a couple of minutes to tell you the truth about sleep training But before we delve in to it, I just want to clarify that I mean both types of sleep training where you leave the child alone, and the more gentle type where you stay with them Recent research has found a couple of pretty damning things about sleep training that, in my opinion, pretty much put it to BED One study found that sleep training does NOTHING to improve the quality of sleep - that the frequency of waking remains UNCHANGED, and how restful the sleep remains UNCHANGED So basically, what it means, is that the child simply stops asking for help Now if that isn’t enough to start your thoughts about the idea of sleep training Well, another study found that it wasn’t a one time event That it’d be something you would have to keep repeating, OVER and OVER again! And WHY? You ask Well, because what sleep training *actually* is Is pretty much a bulldozer approach. When sleep doesn’t work, the brain is flagging on a risk So pretty much, what sleep training is doing, is asking the brain to STOP responding to the risk, even though it’s still there And when you start to understand THAT I bet you are starting to realise that you don’t actually want that for your child Because the risk response is there for a REASON! To tell you something! And we have absolutely no idea whether modifying the risk response in this instance would affect the risk response’s function generally! So it’s pretty much creating its own risk. Intuitively, you probably feel really unsettled about the idea of sleep training Most mums do And this gut feeling is there because your child’s brain is telling you that there is something CAUSING the sleep to be unsettled So, instead of listening to the old idea of sleep training A much better approach is to identify, manage and resolve what is causing the sleep to be unsettled in the first place And this will make your child’s brain very happy! Jade xo P.S. If you are interested in talking to me about finding the WHY for the poor sleep, you can book a Sleep Quality Roadmap Call with me HERE: What are you waiting for? It’s on me!

01.01.2022 http:// When You Don’t Fix Sleep Quality // Hey lovely, If you have been here for a while, you probably know that my son didn’t sleep through the night until he was 6.5 years old... You might even know that my daughter slept through the night when she was 4.5 months old (YEP! 12-HOURS, consistently!) I have spoken a little bit about how she still had sleep quality issues But I just wanted to give you an update about where she is at A couple of years ago, we did some Orofacial Myology - for those of you who don’t know, Orofacial Myology is basically like physiotherapy for the soft tissues in the face, and it is very focussed on improving the function of the upper airway Now, when we did this with her, it worked quite well But the thing, is her tonsils are really enlarged now, and all the symptoms are BACK! Not only is the mouth breathing, snoring and behaviour back But she has also had NIGHT TERRORS, SLEEP TALKING & SLEEP WALKING So from where I’m sitting, this whole thing is getting WORSE Not better So, the thing is, nothing about her actual sleep pattern would ever tell you that her sleep was so disturbed She settles easily 99% of the time AND she sleeps through the night 99% of the time On paper, she does EXACTLY what you would be wanting a child to do BUT, because I know better, I know that her sleep QUALITY is absolutely awful So, it’s a trip to the ENT for us, and I’ll keep you posted! Jade xo P.S. If you are wondering whether there is more to your little one’s poor sleep, you can download my brand NEW e-book ‘Confessions of an Exhausted Mum’ HERE: It’s on me!

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