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Jagged Edge Training in Sydney, Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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Jagged Edge Training

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 432 511 177

Address: Level 1, 92 McEvoy Street Alexandria 2015 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Interesting article on the all to popular Paleo diet... The evidence suggests that Palaeolithic humans would not have evolved on today’s ‘Paleo’ diet. Cooking starchy foods was central to the dietary change that triggered and sustained the growth of the human brain, ... One thing we are big advocates for at MRT is ensuring all of our members consume adequate carbohydrates to assist in their individual goals, aid in recovery and improve performance.

25.01.2022 Reasons or results? What's your excuse on this rainy morning??

25.01.2022 @maximumresultstraining Co-Director and head coach @dylansmoo hitting a big PB squat at the GPC nationals in QLD on the weekend. 270kg. On the road to a triple bodyweight squat!

25.01.2022 DOES SUGAR MAKE US FAT? Sugar It cops a lot of slack as the bad guy when it comes to the ever expanding waist line of todays society But is sugar to blame?... Or is there more to it than what we have heard? Find out in this instalment of the Maximum Results Training Blog by clicking the link below!

25.01.2022 How should your nutrition change from training to non training days? A common question and one that was sent through to us last week Should your nutrition change from training to non training days?... Simply put - Yes How? Find out here >>> In video we give you a really simple way to alter your training day nutrition and non training day nutrition without over thinking it Eating to your energy requirements is vital for long term fat loss success

24.01.2022 Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself.

24.01.2022 Special delivery from @subitosupplements who sponsor our awesome member of the month with the very best quality protein money can buy

24.01.2022 4 Sessions A Week With A Personal Trainer for $60!! Sounds to good to be true right? Well we know people need to build their summer bodies in winter and that time has to start now! At Maximum Results Training we have put together a 28 day kickstart program that our most successful transformations have followed and giving you the opportunity to follow it yourself.... What do you get ? - at least 4 sessions a week with a personal trainer - tailored training programs - personalised nutrition - online forum with 24/7 support - regular assessments - ongoing education with videos and newsletters If you are willing to train at our transformation centre in Alexandria and follow a plan to get results then click the link and secure your spot today Only 15 spots available! This is by application and appointment only.

22.01.2022 Saturday sweat sesh down at MRT!!! Have you given it a crack yet!??? Come on down no better way to kickstart your Saturday 9am! -FREE for first timers

22.01.2022 The newly completed MRT 28 Day Transformation Nutrition Handbook! This will be transforming a lot of peoples bodies over the coming months! If you are ready to build your summer body then look out for registrations opening back up over the weekend OR contact us directly to secure your spot!

22.01.2022 Shake what ya mumma gave ya!!! #freakyfriday

22.01.2022 What's your goals for March? #newmonth #goals #focus #trainhard #readysetgo #strengthtraining #march

21.01.2022 [THE POWER OF YOUR MIND] Our minds are more powerful than most people actually realise Did you know we have around 50000 to 70000 thoughts per day! That's around 35 to 48 thoughts per minute...... Imagine if 90% of these were negative. How do you think that would impact your life? Imagine if 90% of these were positive. How do you think that would impact your life? Control your thoughts and control the outcomes you get in life Click the link below to learn more!

21.01.2022 Wednesday mornings are rest days @maximumresultstraining Do you struggle to think of breakfast options on non training mornings? Think high protein/fat and low carb- here's a few ideas: Beef strips cooked in coconut oil with raw veg Poached eggs with smoked salmon Eggs & avocado... Lean meat, raw veg & handful of nuts! #maximumresultstraining #mrt #fitfam #protein #fats #lowcarbday #fitness #health #lifestyle #strengthtraining #nutrition #alexandria #sydney #restday See more

20.01.2022 [GROWTH] Something we strive to achieve in all aspects of our lives is growth. Especially in the gym!... BUT When does growth really happen?

20.01.2022 Tight Ass Transformation Tuesday!!! #TATT Client @malitalii showing us what she's working with

20.01.2022 MRT Co-Owner and Head Coach @dylansmoo looking shredded and ready for summer at his recent photo shoot with @danielrepeti_photo. - Want to get your body summer ready? Want the confidence of a proven transformation training and nutrition system to get you in the best shape of your life, whilst getting you stronger, increasing your performance and actually enjoying your workouts? Then look out for our guys and girls specific summer transformation program registrations being reopened soon or contact us directly to learn more!


18.01.2022 Happy Fri-YAY fuckers!!! and Happy St Patrick's Day

17.01.2022 DOUBLE TAP FOR BALANCE! - Its easy to get caught up in your goals but balance is what ensures you not only achieve what you set out but also keep it for the long term. - Balance is one of the key areas we covered in our fat loss nutrition seminar over the weekend. Specifically how to limit the damage of drinking alcohol coming into summer.... Follow: @maximumresultstraining @leishyhut @dylansmoo See more

17.01.2022 Client @ack1269 To me Jagged Edge Training is more than fitness. I’m in my 40’s and so keeping fit is important but training regularly is what get results. JET small group training not only gets those results, but has fun and creates friendships along the way. If you want a gym where the team actually cares about your fitness - and knows your name. I couldn’t recommend Leish and the JET team more highly. .

17.01.2022 Another leg day done and dusted

16.01.2022 [PROTEIN] If you are training hard and looking to improve your body composition then protein in the most/all of your meals is ESSENTIAL. To ensure you don’t let all your hard work in the gym go to waste then aim for 20-40g hit of protein in every meal (3-6meals/day). Eating animal protein is the best way to achieve this however if you are time poor, protein shakes are a great way to fill your protein quota! Lucky for us the guys and girls @twomonkeyscafegalibier have you covered with delicious protein shakes. Even luckier for us they are directly beneath @maximumresultstraining studio...

15.01.2022 ***How to eat ice cream (Daily) and lose body fat*** Yep - It CAN be done In fact - It should be done...... If you can’t turn your training and nutritional routine into a lifestyle then your results, which you’ve worked so damn hard to achieve, will not last Click the image below to learn how you can easily fit ice cream (or any other food) into your daily eating without having a negative effect on your results

15.01.2022 I guess we are all psychopaths @maximumresultstraining

14.01.2022 @maximumresultstraining co-owner and female transformation specialist @leishyhut showing what happens when you follow our ladies transformation training program and be consistent but flexible with your nutrition!

14.01.2022 As you all know we have moved and are closed for the week down to 92 Mc Evoy street... Slowly but surely we are setting up this week and aim to be running our free trail week starting next Monday (will give you more details on that tomorrow) .... thank you all for your support and understanding

14.01.2022 Another ammmmmmazing Saturday Sweat sesh!!!!! You guys have left me on a high today have a great weekend everyone

13.01.2022 Our 28 Day Transformation Registrations are LIVE Ready to kick start your summer body transformation? We only take on a very limited amount of dedicated guys and girls each week so secure your spot today! Registration links are in the comments of this post!

13.01.2022 Another cracker session this afternoon!!!

12.01.2022 It's that time of year. The silly season is upon us. @maximumresultstraining silly season tip is to keep consistent and train your butt off during the week so you can enjoy yourself that little more on the weekends #poppinbottles #maximumresultstraining

12.01.2022 There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Dr. Steve Maraboli

11.01.2022 I C E C R E A M = H A P P I N E S S If there is one thing we can all agree on it's this: Ice cream turns frowns into smiles... This is shown by this magical equation :( +

11.01.2022 **Hunger & Fat Loss** Ever wonder why you get hungry when you try and lose body fat? For most people trying to lose their winter coat, battling hunger and cravings is the hardest hurdle to overcome. At the first sight of hunger we usually cave in.... But... Could your hunger be a good sign? And why do we even get hungry when losing body fat? You'll learn all of this and more in this short video

10.01.2022 =>The number ONE thing holding you back from getting results<= To get the results you truly want in any aspect of your life is determined by this one aspect The good news is that It's not rocket science... Watch this 3 minute video to find out exactly what it is, and exactly how to start implementing this simple strategy to start getting better results in life!

09.01.2022 Do you even meal prep bro? photo courtesy of client @morgsta_85

09.01.2022 You can't stop a person on a mission to succeed. Make your goals and happiness a priority and dont let anything hold you back.

09.01.2022 Another sweaty Saturday at MRT

08.01.2022 Reasons or results? One of our 6week transformations

08.01.2022 The only way to do it

07.01.2022 Performing regular intense resistance training? Better get that protein in at every meal for optimal results! We always get funny looks asking for lamb first thing in the morning

07.01.2022 It's chest and arse day here at MRT because why neglect your other favourite lumps and bumps

07.01.2022 It's Friday so be happy, be bright and most importantly BE YOU

07.01.2022 [REASONS vs. RESULTS] In life we can basically have two things Reasons for not doing the actions necessary for us to achieve our goals... OR Results in the form of goals that we set out for ourselves and do the required work necessary to achieve them In this video MRT Head Coach Dylan Shows you how to overcome reasons to ensure you are constantly getting the results you want, not just in the gym but in every aspect of your life!

06.01.2022 ***Transformation Success Formula Seminar*** So you workout in the gym, you follow all the workouts and diets that you see in the magazines or that your favourite instagram model is doing but nothing seems to be happening when it comes to your results? You get left with nothing but frustration because no matter what you do, when you look in the mirror you still look the same as when you started... The good news? We speak to ladies every single day just like you, fed up with wasting their time and energy on workouts and diets that don’t work So we have put together our Transformation Success Formula Seminar To help ladies, just like you, overcome the lack of results they have been getting in out of their training and nutrition In this free seminar you will learn the 3 key factors that work synergistically towards your successful transformation #1 Nutrition No we aren’t talking about the latest detox or low carb diet. We teach you how to implement long term fat loss nutrition that you can form into a life long habit. Balanced nutrition that allows you to eat the foods you want, have enough energy to perform every day tasks and get the results you want! #2 Training Sick of running your butt of every single day? Doing countless hours of yoga and group classes? So are we We reveal the best training methods to completely re-shape your body and show you how to start enjoying your training. #3 Mindset The mind is an extremely powerful device, if used correctly it will make your transformation success. However, if used incorrectly it will be the biggest thing holding you back from reaching your dream body. PLUS One lucky lady will win 28 days of FREE training and nutrition with us on the day! WHEN? 13th of June @ 10:15am WHERE? Maximum Results Training in Alexandria ONLY 20 seats available for the Transformation Success Formula Seminar These 20 seats will fill fast! Secure your spot by clicking the photo link below NOW

06.01.2022 SUMMER BODY MAKEOVER . Ladies are you ready to be your best inside and out? We have opened registrations for our 90 day programs for the first time in Months. Keep a look out on Facebook or contact us directly for more details #maximumresultstraining #90daybodymakeover

05.01.2022 >>>Q&A With Dylan Smouha<<< We already know you are confused when it comes to nutrition A heap of you took up the opportunity to ask us your top nutrition related questions... We got some great questions through These included: - How do I change my macronutrients once I hit my goal? - How do you workout your exact macronutrient intake? - What are the best types of vegetables to eat for fat loss? - What are some sample carbohydrate replacement meals? - Can you have a social life with alcohol and still live a healthy lifestyle? - Morning workouts and workout nutrition with a protein and fat breakfast? - How long does it take to transform your body and reach your goal? - Are juice diets ideal for fat loss? - How do I personally stay so motivated? All these questions are answered in video and can be seen by clicking the photo/link below You got questions? We got answers!

04.01.2022 Friday's = deadlift day @maximumresultstraining PB's all round today!! Well done everyone! Happy Friday!!

03.01.2022 Thursday’s done right .

03.01.2022 Don't lie... We've all been there before.

02.01.2022 What Friday mornings @maximumresultstraining look like. Girls smashing a squat ladder followed by a total body metabolic circuit and our guys hitting deadlifts and shoulders followed by a mini assistance circuit to finish off the week. Looking forward to another big week helping all of our guys and girls get in amazing shape! #sydney #sydneypersonaltraining #sydneypersonaltrainer #alexandria #southsydney #bodytransformation #sydneyfatloss #fatloss #gym #squat #deadlift #booty #fit #maximumresultstraining

02.01.2022 We never skip leg day!

02.01.2022 [Mindset] The less often talked about topic holding you back from achieving your dreams in life, especially when it comes to your health and fitness Want to start mastering your mind and start getting more success out of life?... Read our top 4 mindset posts of 2015 and start your journey to a happier, healthier and more confident YOU

02.01.2022 ***Summer Body Project*** - @maximumresultstraining is launching registrations for our ladies only Summer Body Project to get your bodies into the best condition possible for summer! - Sick of leaving it to the last minute and putting all of your hopes into a quick fix that promises you the world but give you nothing but a damaged metabolism and no visual results?... - MRT has you covered with our summer body project. Specifically designed to build your booty, tone your arms, shape your tummy and give you the results you deserve in time for summer! - Only 15 spots available for the program. Get in before they are gone! - Contact: [email protected] See more

02.01.2022 Should you eat carbs at night? We have all heard it before... If you want to lose body fat then you have to cut carbs at night... Right? Fortunately for you this is not actually the case There is no insulin fairies that come to play and magically store carbs eaten at night into body fat In fact... There may actually be some benefits to eating carbs at night Click the link below to learn more!

01.01.2022 [THE STRONG SQUAD] >The Ultimate Transformation Program< This specialised transformation program is our most intense and serious results driven program designed for only for 8 extremely committed guys who are ready to do the work required to get some life changing results... These 8 guys will be a part of The Strong Squad Are you ready to get get some extremely life changing results in the gym? We have just opened up applications Like we said - there is strictly only 8 spots available Click here to apply >

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