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25.01.2022 Nothing makes you happier than when your kid falls asleep and you can actually do what you want to do. It's now your choice. Here's the problem though We are a walking, talking, manifestation of our choices.... When we do finally get time to make our own choices for that brief window, sometimes we go for the easy option of sitting down, laying in bed, napping, etc. We often do this because we are tired. This more often than not, results in further tiredness. But what if I told you there was a way to build more energy?? Exercise is a powerplant for energy. It builds more and more energy. I'm not saying everytime your kid naps, do 100 burpees. I just want to remind you that you are the choices you make. Want to change parts of your life? Change your choices.
24.01.2022 Learn to identify a predator. If there was a guy hanging outside of a public toilet, sunnies and hat on, staring at every woman that walked past, rubbing his crotch, pacing up and down, breathing heavily in an overcoat. You would probably think twice about going into that dam toilet. 'Weight loss' programs that say their nutritional supplements are imperative are probably selling you some snake oil.... If they give a done-for-you meal plan its a generic copy and pasted pile of poo. 'Approved foods' is a term that should never be used. You don't need someone to approve foods. It creates a culture of disordered eating that leads to a life of unhealthy relationships with food. Your gut doesn't need to be 'healed'. It's not sick. There is nothing wrong with your gut, or you for that matter, so don't think for a second there is. Saying there is a problem with your gut and you need to avoid certain foods is just more negativity thrown into your mind. DON'T GO INTO THE DODGY TOILET
23.01.2022 What I like about fasting for weight loss: - It doesn't make you focus on counting calories which can help avoid disordered eating. - It is simple and is easy to manage. - It helps create a better control over appittite e.g. if you're driving home and are so starving you stop and great McDonalds.... - If you don't control your cooking you can still control how much you eat e.g. when your husband cooks and you can't control how much cream or butter they use, etc. - It can be done over the week or one-five days a week. It doesn't have to be ever day. - It helps me still eat burgers and not feel as guilty What I don't like about fasting: - It doesn't ensure you are in a deficit so you could still not lose weight. - It can be hard to maintain energy and performance in workouts. - If you don't allow adquate protein it can impede muscle growth. - It can effort sleep quaility. - People can become too obessed with the timing of the fast. Timing isn't hugely important if weight loss is your goal. Summary: If it suits your lifestyle and manages to reduce your calorie intake and still creates a deficit, then I say do it. It's still personal preference for the win. Note: Doesn't matter if it's one day a week where you only eat dinner, or if its majority of the days where you only eat after a certain time. Don't get caught up on the timing. Remember it's just about a reduction of calories.
23.01.2022 YOU DON'T NEED TO BE IN SHAPE ALL YEAR ROUND If you are a general population person, you know that works 9-5 and goes away on the weekends, takes their kids to the park after school, socialises with friends and enjoys there life, then aiming to be 'in shape' all year round and being upset when you arent, is insane. Now if we have great health mean (average baseline of health) you will drift in and out of shape all year. When an event comes up like a holiday or wedding, ...you'll be able to quite easily get to the physique that you like. And when work becomes a higher priority or your family needs you, you'll be okay with chilling for a time. I think what a lot of people should be aiming for in terms of weight loss is more a change in their health mean. A better baseline so that they can enjoy life from time to time and also be able to easily change that composition for certain occasions. Thinking that you'll be able to live an enjoyable life and be in shape all the time is extremely misguided. It's the people whose lives and income revolve around them being in the best shape that you can not compare yourself too. Essentially it is okay to not be in shape all year round. It's about having a great health mean so that you can drift back and forth with ease when needed. See more
22.01.2022 Sunday 11am is this awesome booty building workshop. Come along and learn a lot and have a great workout
22.01.2022 The face you make when you realised you missed out on the FREE Healthy Habit Builder Challenge. Starting Monday 28th September. Together let's create some amazing habits that will improve our lives
20.01.2022 Weight loss obstacle #23 You get sick or injured. This becomes a HUGE obstacle I see a lot. It could come from the change of routine, change of diet, going too hard too fast, or whatever. But usually, within the first month of someone trying to lose body fat, they get sick or injured.... I see this so much and at the time when you're creating a new routine and doing new habits that you're not used to yet, it is the worst time to come down with either of these issues. Then what usually follows is we put it in the 'too hard' basket and put it down to a failed attempt or 'we fell off the wagon'. It's such a major obstacle that we need to overcome in order to change our lives and I am going to tell you the trick to reducing your chances of it happening to you. 1.Sleep 2.Sunlight 3.Meditation/Relaxation 4.High Protein Diet 5.More is not more More working out and more exercise is not always going to give you more return. There's a sweet spot and only a finite amount of exercise we can recover from. Keep that in mind and think of a marathon runner. If they came off the line sprinting just because they 'can' they won't make it past the 5km mark. Slow and steady. There is a long race in front of you.
20.01.2022 First Saturday boot camp of the year!!!! Everyone and anyone is welcome. 1st session 6am... 2nd session 7am $10 buckeroos per person. Come and have some fun. It'll be a nice way end the first week of the year. See you there!
20.01.2022 My opinion on will power.
19.01.2022 Booty builing workshops are now finished for a little while. They are great fun and we will definitely come back to them. The exciting news though is each month will now be a new workshop touching on different body parts and important training techniques and cues for each.... The idea of these workshops is to allow anyone to train and learn from an experienced trainer for a fractions of the cost. Then go and put everything they've learned into practice. With so many amazing people taking up exercise and training, I want to ensure that everyone gets the most out of their hard work and workouts. Come along to any workshop and learn, workouts, and understand your body. The next workshop will be announced soon.
19.01.2022 Whats your choice this week? Every week we have two choices, either evolve or repeat. Stay the same or make changes. ... I always talk about being content, and to me it is being in a state in which i am always moving forward and growing. So to me, even being content is to evolve It would be silly to want to be the exact same person you were last week, last month, last year, or last decade. Make changes, changes like signing up to my email. It's usually puts a smile on peoples faces and gives you a giggle. https://mailchi.mp/jakefit/embarrassingemails
18.01.2022 Weight loss is simply a side effect of a healthy life. Some individuals feel the side effects more than others although it doesn't mean their health is greater in any way. Your health is more than your body fat percentage.... Side effects of living a healthy life may include: -More energy -Better appetite control -Higher quality sleep -Happiness and laughter -Happier relationships with partners, friends, kids. -Higher life enjoyment -Better work performance -Improved sex life -Higher chances of a longer life -Fat loss -Improved mental health -Greater quality of life -Improved self-confidence -Improved self-image -A change in wardrobe -A more active lifestyle -A better understanding of a balanced lifestyle -Greater perspective on life Aiming for health and you'll always receive more than you thought. #fuckbodyfatpercentage #goforhealth
17.01.2022 The greatest impact on your health will always be a sense of purpose. Study after study looking into longevity and quality of life has proven countless times that a major role in these aspects is a sense of purpose. Having a reason to push forward, to improve, to get out of bed. ... That's what these guys provide me. And that's what I would encourage you to cultivate. Build that purpose and maintain it. It will improve your health beyond belief.
15.01.2022 This is against the majority of the fitness industries agenda: If you are within the healthy weight range and outside of the health risk category, your body fat percentage does NOT represent or reflect your health. Your body fat is simply energy stored for later use. It's not because you ate a carb or had chocolate or a piece of pizza. ... There was more energy ingested than needed so we saved some for later. I have parts of me that jiggle when I run. SO WHAT?! This doesn't reflect health, self-worth, self-image, my fitness level, or anything. It reflects that over a period of time I had more calories than needed. Good. Because I had a great time doing it. Hahaha. Don't worry about trying to see your six-pack, trying to get a thigh gap, or trying to see definition in your legs. Focus on health and happiness. That's the name of the game.
14.01.2022 I've been trying to figure out a great way to spread the message of dietary fibre. It's amazing for us and our gut. It was chilling on the toilet (don't act like you don't do it haha) and then it came to me. That song! "Beans beans the musical fruit. The more you eat. The more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel, so eat your beans for every meal!!!!!!"... It was there all along. We knew it as kids. Increasing our fibre intake can help our bodies in a variety of ways and can even improve our mental health. So sing that dam song and bust out the kidney beans!
14.01.2022 Health to me is longevity, mobility, quality of life. It's increasing my chances of seeing this kids life. Seeing grandkids, great grandkids, birthdays, weddings, etc.... Not just seeing them but being able to enjoy them. Run with the grandkids, dance at the weddings, and take care of my family for a long as possible. That's my aim
14.01.2022 Last Day for sign ups guys Learn great habits that can change your life.
14.01.2022 It's that amazing time of the year again. It's time to put wishes into actions, dreams into results, and work towards the fitness and health resolutions you were talking about two weeks ago. A goal without action is just a dream. Don't let this years resolutions just fall by the wayside.... Let me help you take the steps to make it your wishes your new reality. This online 6 week challenge can help. Starting Monday 1st February. For further details just follow the link. https://mailchi.mp/jakefit/challenge
14.01.2022 Weight Loss Obstacle #7 STRESS! Shit doesn't work properly when you are stress. Now I hear this all the time "but I'm not stressed". The body can go through a stress response without you thinking that you are stressed. ... Working out, running around after kids, shitty sleep, big work hours, anxiety, etc. all make the body stressed. Being stressed out for too long and too frequently can make certain processes in your body turn off, or go on stand by mode. Not fully functioning to its full potential. Meaning it is using less energy. If the formula for fat loss is ingesting less energy than expending. Managing your stress would help you expend more calories each day. Not to mention it is much easier to stick to a diet when you're not ripping your hair out, run off your feet.
13.01.2022 The outcomes I am hoping for you, from this challenge: 1. A better understading of weight loss, nutrition and food relationships 2. A workout routine that will contrinue on 3. More energy, better sleep and improved mood... 4. Better habits and behaviours. 5. A body composition change 6. Increased confidence, self-esteem and body positivity 7. Decrease body fat If these align with your New Year's Resolutions, this challenge is perfect.
13.01.2022 Losing weight is logically fairly easy. Burn more calories, eat fewer calories. Practically, however, it's a lot harder than that. Losing weight without losing your mind is the hard part. Being overly restrictive with our food can lead to binge eating and disordered eating. Moving too much can burn us out. Working out too much can ruin our family/work-life balance. ... Trying to maintain your real life while changing your health is difficult and can seem insane. There is no real sugar-coating it. It gets hard and the harder you push the harder it can be. The golden rule though is move slowly. Enjoy life. Aim for those small improvements. You know the ones no one else notices but you feel super proud of. The little achievements that compound and pile up. The ones that lead to the person you want to be and life you want to live.
13.01.2022 Apology time: I've pointed out a little on how to identify shit diet programs and coaches but haven't given you an idea of how to pick one that will work for you. No, I am not going to just say choose me.... What to look for: - No supplement buying or requirement (with the exception of maybe asking you if you could buy protein but it is a question, not a requirement) - Choice with food. No one should be dictating the foods you eat. There is no learning in that. No change is made. You should be eating the foods you enjoy. - You should be allowed to exercise. Some diet programs won't let you exercise because their calorie intake they have given you is dangerously low. - You should have a choice between diet interventions. You shouldn't have to calorie count if you don't want to. You shouldn't have to fast if you don't want to. You shouldn't cut out carbs if you don't want it. It should be up to you to decide what option you like - Learning. The point of a diet program or coach is to learn what to do. If you aren't learning how to keep this going after then it's not a real change. It's just a quick shred for summer. - Someone that is happy and relatable to you and your circumstances or at least empathetic. Getting your diet done by a fitness model who doesn't have kids and is there sole job to workout each day and lift might not be the best fit for a mother of 3 who sits at a desk for 8 hours and barely has time to scratch their butt. Note: Pic of Zarnie because she always gets the most engagement and I want more people to see this status.
12.01.2022 STOP IT ALREADY! You say it all the time: It's raining, I wish I went for a walk yesterday when it was sunny. ... I've got no energy, I should have worked out this morning when I was motivated. I hurt my leg, I wish I strengthened my knee months ago. My health is really bad, I wish I started losing weight years ago. My Nan died, I should have visited her when I had the chance. (This is the worst one and just happened to me) You put things off and off and off and then suddenly the opportunity to actually do them is gone or the process of them is made harder. My question to you "if not now, when?" Get in the sun before it rains, workout, visit family, play with the kids, mow the lawn, change jobs, what ever you're putting off, just do it. See more
11.01.2022 Where did the first week of 2021 go? We always take a few weeks to accelerate back to the same speed we did life at prior to Christmas. Do you have a plan for this year? Do you have your health in there?... Don't leave yourself short again. Don't keep putting everyone else before you. You can't pour from an empty cup, the old saying goes. If your really think about it, it's selfish to not put your health first. You can give people more help and more of you (the best version of you) if you put your health first. So don't be selfish this year. Put yourself first.
11.01.2022 I hate not being comfortable or confident with an exercise. That fear of looking stupid. Guess what?? ... That's what I help with. I've already done the looking stupid part so you don't have too. Now let me pass on what I've learnt. I am hosting a Workshop showcasing glute (booty) exercises with tips and tricks that I have learned to make them suit different body structures. There is no one size fits all exercise that is the best for everyone but there are better ways for different bodies to do exercises. Come learn how to work your glutes with confidence and how to get the most of any workout or program you may be doing. Sunday 27th 11 am @ Beachbodies Health Club. Register your interest https://mailchi.mp/jakefit/workshop
10.01.2022 "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." - James Clear, Atomic Habits. The systems you put into place will carry you when life gets hard, motivation dies, when your focus is elsewhere, and everything else that can go wrong will happen. Example of systems for weight loss:... I will walk 8,000 steps per day. If steps remain from the previous day, they will be transferred to the next day. I will only eat 1 snack a day I will workout M, W, F for 45 minutes I will eat 1 salad a day I will only eat out once a fortnight The systems we put in place are the most crucial part of goal setting. Create systems that will almost 'autopilot' you to your goal while you carry on with the rest of your life.
10.01.2022 Reasons to not train with me: 1. I won't give you a meal plan. I won't ever tell you specifically what to eat for every meal. 2. I won't do weighs ins every week. ... 3. I won't tell you to get a step count that is hugely unrealistic for your life. Like 20000 when you have kids and an office job. 4. I won't tell you keto or fasting is the only diet that works. 5. I will probably worry more about your sleep than how many workouts you did in a week. 6. You won't look at health the same way again. See more
07.01.2022 Weight Loss Obstacle #51 Christmas..... Need I say more haha Jakefit's Christmas Program is here to assist.... This is NOT a weight loss program as such. This is a keeping moving program. This is here to give you options over the Christmas break before the family comes around, after the cleaning is done, before the kids wake up or after they go to sleep. It's hard to get into the workout groove once you stop for too long. So what I am here for is to give you the option to do something over the Christmas period without leaving your house and when you have time. Not to mention keeping the mental/happy/energy benefits of working out. Here it is: 3 x live workouts per week Daily workouts ideas (Except for Christmas Day) Access to my Facebook Community Personalised programs via Jakefit's Training App Tips and tricks on ways to minimize the Christmas belly while having fun The program starts on Monday 21st December and finishes Sunday 3rd January. Early bird special now happening
06.01.2022 What kids do at parks: Run and play on everything. Climb. Slide. Try every spinning thing, every lever, and do it repeatedly for as long as you let them. They will play in heat, cold, rain, or snow. What they don't do: Wonder if it's the best park for them right now... Think if they can afford to focus on playing at the park right now Wonder if other kids are watching them Think or care about what they are wearing while at the park Pretend you are a kid at a park when it comes to exercise. Try everything. Don't think about unimportant things. And most of all, HAVE FUN while you are doing it.
06.01.2022 Bloody brilliant
05.01.2022 Being a 'snack person' can create unnecessary weight gain. Here is the cycle: We get used to doing something with our mouths and the habit begins. Now the brain begins to register that we need to do something like eat. Your brain loves habits. They are short cuts and energy saving devices the brain uses. Then the stomach gets used to receiving food frequently. If you try to break the snack habit, your stomach begins to scream at you through the day saying things like "EXCUS...E ME, who you think you are, not feed me right now? This is my feeding time. You best be getting some food or I am just going to yell and scream until you do" To break this cycle involves some ignoring of that screaming coming from the stomach. Firstly know that nothing bad will happen. Secondly, it will only take a short amount of time (a week or two) for your brain and stomach to register the new food intake frequency. Breaking the snack cycle is hard. But can be amazing for your health, body, and self-esteem.
04.01.2022 Why is there so much misinformation in the health and fitness industry? The simple answer is its still just a toddler. It honestly hasn't been around that long and is teething, throwing tantrums, pulling hair and playing that game where they throw something out of the pram just to watch you pick it up again (essentially fetch but you're the puppy).... The things we thought were correct 5 years ago have now been studied and found to not be. The thinking we had in terms of fat loss has changed, muscle growth, mental health, etc. It is still finding its feet. The problems begin to come out when people don't change with the industry and change with the new information and studies. When they have closed mindsets. OR They decide to capitalise on the misinformation and market quick-fix weight loss solutions that only seem to make you lose water/glycogen stores with ZERO body fat lost. It's a forever changing industry at this point with new studies and research coming out every year. Keep an open mind.
04.01.2022 Types of diets: Keto Fasting Low Carb Calorie Tracking... What actually matters: Being in a calorie deficit for weight loss Energy balance Eating more nutritious food Sustainability and variety Types of training: Running Weight lifting Crossfit/F45 Gym classes Playing sports Swimming What actually matters: Moving your body Using your muscles Elevating your heart rate Having a great time while doing it Perceived ideal body types: Six pack No back of arm fat No love handles Thigh gap Perky butt Nothing jiggling What actually matters: Body confidence Self-esteem Good relationship with food Feeling happy to jump out of bed Mental health Longevity Focus on what actually matters.
04.01.2022 With the next Booty Workshop coming up this month, it's time share the feedback from the last one It's great fun and plenty to take away. Whether you train at a gym, at home, down the park, or simply need to improve your posture. THIS IS FOR YOU. The best part is, if you aren't happy with how the workshop is, YOU DON'T PAY A THING. ... Sunday 27th September Hosted @ Beachbodies Health Club
04.01.2022 A little bit of a waffle but we get there in the end. Spoiler alert: Systems are the base for any goal. Without proper systems in place you will not reach your goal. (Someone can't spell 'exact' haha)
04.01.2022 Boot Camp style class tomorrow! 6 am and 7 am. No running. No sand. Just some laughs, some lifts and some lunges. ... 10 buckeroos per person. Come have some fun in the sun and start your long weekend with a great group of people.
04.01.2022 Keep the first few steps of your exercise habit when you are injured. I'm not saying ignore the injury and workout. I'm not saying don't listen to your physio. I'm not saying make it worse.... I want you keep every habit in the process still going until you get to the bit the injury is preventing you from doing. Put your shoes on, Put on your workout gear on. Drive to the gym. Buy a drink. Say hi to the lovely reception staff. Drive home. The minute you are free from that injury you will kick ass immediately. No "I'm trying to get back into it", you'll already be into it. Try it and you'll thank yourself later for maintaining the habit of showing up.
03.01.2022 If you asked me what the most overlooked and undertrained muscle group is I would answer THE GLUTES!!! I would kind of scream it actually just to emphaise the point. It is crucial when it comes to posture, movement, avoiding pain and injury especially as we get older.... So I am going to make you a promise right now. I promise that if you come along to my workshop this Sunday you will walk away with a new found perspective of your glutes. You will walk away with a huge understanding of how to improve your mobility and how to adapt certain exercise to your body. Exercise is not a one size fits all kind of game and that is why I am there showing you how and why specific exercises can help you. 11am Sunday 27th @ Beachbodies Health Club - Link below for more details https://mailchi.mp/jakefit/workshop
01.01.2022 *FREE Healthy Habit Building Challenge* Starting on Monday 28th September Let's take two weeks to build up some amazing healthy habits that have huge impacts on our lives. ... In this free challenge we will look at what I believe to be the major fundamentals for overall health and wellbeing that will help you build your energy, motivation and happiness. To sign up now comment a smile below or message me.
01.01.2022 What to expect in this weekends booty building workshop: 1. Explaination of the jobs that the glutes do 2. Advice on fixing or working around issues that make them not perform properly e.g. tilted hips, dominanent quads, etc. 3. Demonstrating, monitoring, and cueing of exercises... 4. A 30 min glute based workout 5. A shit tonne of laughs and fun For further details register your interest https://mailchi.mp/jakefit/workshop
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