Jam Copywriting | Other
Jam Copywriting
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22.01.2022 Small business owners juggle many roles within their business, in addition to the roles they hold in their private lives. I’ve just returned from a meeting with a client who needed help with the social media channels for her business, because none of us can #doitall. It is a pleasure to help and hear she has had a boost in business since we implemented a social media plan. #smallbusiness #socialmedia #content #connect #help #copywriting #copywriter #digitalmarketing #outsource #entrepeneur #happy #juggle
22.01.2022 Did you know I can assist with grant applications? I was delighted to assist the GBART secure funding towards their 2020 Open Studio event. A huge thank you goes to the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and their wonderful support.
20.01.2022 I’m trying something new - I’m going to sit down and eat this plate of deliciousness while it’s still warm. Everything else can wait! The work will always be there. Yes, it’s a cliche, but it so important to take a break and center yourself. What are you doing today for yourself? #jamcopywriting #brisbanecopywriter #copy #workingfromhome #timeout #moments #metime #hottea #workingmums
20.01.2022 If you work in a field that’s heavy in technical language, it might make sense to you, but does it make sense to your customers? If you use words that only your coworkers understand, you’ll simply leave your customers scratching their heads. A copywriter can help you iron out the jargon so your message makes sense.
20.01.2022 My biggest challenge yet has been to make dirt sound sexy. Head over to AW Geotechnics’ blog at www.awgeotechnics.com.au and let me know if I’ve succeeded! #dirtdoctor #worddoctor #copywriter #blog #content #geotechnical #geotech #talkdirtytome #awgeotechnics
15.01.2022 Pros of working for yourself = working from home, sans make up, in my active wear. Cons = one of the most annoying children’s TV shows playing in the background, just to keep Miss Three busy for a while. I am also eating fake ice cream purchased from her ice cream shop in between emails. #dotheyeverstopsinging #danieltiger #workingmum #mumlife #selfemployed #copywriting #copywriter #jamcopywriting #clientfocus #sorryhoney
14.01.2022 Just me trying to be cool while waiting on feedback from a client I’ve been fortunate to get a gig writing for something that truly lights a fire in my belly, so of course the desire to nail it is potent! #copywriting #copywriter #getitdone #getitright #passion #entrepreneur #content #connection #fundraising #legacy #jobsatisfaction
09.01.2022 Pretty thrilled to see this month’s stats for one of my client’s Facebook pages, which I’ve been trusted with to make more meaningful engagements. What do these numbers mean? Her clients are actually seeing and connecting with her social media posts, and by being reminded of the value of her services, it’s translating to more business for her. If you could use some help with your social media, private message me today. #visible #presence #copywriting #contentthatconnects #meaningful #happyclient #happyme #jamcopywriting
07.01.2022 Excited to be working on a plan for a new client! Also grateful for the 45 minutes of focus while the kids enjoyed kinder dance #entrepreneur #copywriter #focus #smallbusiness #planning #contentcreation #engagement #digitalmedia #saturdaymorning #mobileoffice #workingmum
07.01.2022 I’ve been absent from this account because about a month ago I lost my dear dad rather suddenly. He was the reason I loved to read and write, and was the one who coached me with all my written assignments through school. Dad had an unparalleled command of the English language, and considering he could speak at least three languages, this was a feat we all marveled at. He was the ultimate storyteller and had been working on some memoirs to document his remarkable life. I hope to have them published but truly regret not being able to do this while he was here. I miss him so and will continue to write to honour the gift that he gave me. I don’t speak Portuguese but found this word that reflects how I feel - a word that in English I simply couldn’t find.
07.01.2022 This project was beyond rewarding to be a part of. The Italian Australian Welfare Association (Granite Belt) Inc. has worked over years to collate, translate and document the recipes of its consumer base, who are primarily first generation Italian migrants. I stepped in to help them with fundraising, marketing and general guidance around the printing process. It’s truly a beauty of a book that lets you in on all the secrets Nonna wouldn’t usually let out of her kitchen. If you’re keen on purchasing a copy, they are $25 each + postage. PM me for more details. #mangiaredaamici #italianfood #italianculture #granitebelt #stanthorpe #ballandean #recipes #cooking #legacy #culture #tradition
05.01.2022 I was delighted to be invited to contribute to Artlines magazine, issue 4 2018. This humble little piece shares my thoughts on my family’s @qagoma collection favourite, ‘The World Turns’ 2011-12 by Michael Parekowhai. #brisbanecopywriter #thearts #collectionfavourite #artlines #jamcopywriting #asiapacificart #qagoma
03.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY...When I was 12 I wrote and illustrated this story for Book Week, and our librarian gave me the Children’s Book Council of Australia Honour prize. I was so proud then and I’m still proud now! The story is about a little boy living in the forests of PNG, who cares deeply for his animal friends, and he sees their future being threatened by deforestation. It was inspired by my dad’s work at the time. He was working away from us in PNG to help stop deforestatio...n, and he was a hero to me. I always thought I’d be a writer one day and while I am doing that now, I would still love to delve into creative writing as an adult. Are you a creative writer? What tips can you share with me to help me get back into a creative groove? #brisbanecopywriter #brisbanewriters #creativewriting #myfirstbook #throwbackthursday #inspiration #childrensbookcouncilofaustralia #bookweek See more
01.01.2022 If you need effective copy but writing isn’t your thing, or maybe you just don’t have time, say hello to Jam Copywriting! Find out how I can help via [email protected]