James Aspey | Public figure
James Aspey
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25.01.2022 If you had to slaughter the animals yourself, would you still eat meat? Do you think you could look them in the eyes while you cut their throat? Do you really think it’s necessary to continue killing animals for food?... There are thousands of foods that don’t involve slaughter. There are countless studies showing how ideal a vegan diet is for health, long life and disease prevention and reversal! There are millions of vegans out there fit, healthy and happy! I’m one of them. I’ve been vegan nearly 7 years and it is so easy. The hardest part is understanding what is taking everyone else so long to do the same.
25.01.2022 Take a look at WHO you’re eating. How does your victim taste? End slaughter. Go vegan.
25.01.2022 Vegan food is much more than salads, as you can see from this burger I used to love eating meat, but I stopped because I believe in treating others the way I would want to be treated and animals count as others, so it made sense to go vegan. Fortunately, what I thought would be a sacrifice turned out to be one of the best things Ive ever done or will do!... Im healthier and happier than ever and I can call myself an animal lover without any guilt. Being vegan is an option for everyone and a necessity for anyone who is committed to not supporting animal abuse. No rational person should be ok with supporting animal abuse. You might enjoy meat, but not as much as an animal enjoys being alive.
24.01.2022 Holocaust survivor, Dr Alex Hershaft, speaks on The Animal Holocaust. Let’s pursue a common goal of eradicating all forms of oppression. -Dr Alex Hershaft... @plantbasednews
23.01.2022 A day in our life! Nicky Madeira https://youtu.be/HMu1ylThEPE
22.01.2022 The people who created vegan meat are true geniuses.
22.01.2022 This is how I feel every time I hear someone say vegans shove our opinions on them.
20.01.2022 And for my Facebook peeps, too, of course
20.01.2022 Look at this beeeautiful girl! Her name is Aurora. Shes blind and deaf in one ear, but shes very happy and taken care of. If everyone saw animals like vegans do, as people instead of products, the world would be a MUCH more peaceful place. People would be much healthier, too. Its not the actions of a kind and rational person to consume the bodies of murdered animals. One day that will be common knowledge. ... Support our sanctuary fundraiser for Deathrow Unchained Animal Rescue gofundme.com/jamesnickywedding (100% goes to the sanctuary) Chrissie Hall
20.01.2022 If you think fruit isn’t healthy or you’re worried eating fruit will make you put on weight, read this: Quoting from the Harvard Health Letter, the nutritional problems of fructose and sugar come when they are added to foods. Fruit, on the other hand, is beneficial in almost any amount. What do they mean almost? Can we eat 10 fruits a day? How about 20?... 17 people were made to eat 20 servings a day of fruit. Despite the extraordinarily high fructose content of this diet, approximately 8 cans of soda worth, the investigators reported no adverse effects (and possible benefit actually) for body weight, blood pressure, and insulin and lipid levels after 3-6 months. More recently, another study put people on a 20 servings of fruit a day diet for a few weeks and found no adverse effects on weight or blood pressure or triglycerides, and an astounding 38 point drop in LDL cholesterol. So enjoy nature’s candy to the fullest! It is packed full of nutrients! Can you think of a more enjoyable food when in its raw, natural form? Perhaps nature is trying to tell us something! My favorites are mangos, watermelon and banana. What about you? Info from @nutrition_facts_org
20.01.2022 Good news for anyone who wants to see more from me and my gorgeous girl, Nicky Madeira. We have started an OnlyFans! We have so many moments that we want to share and so much more to say about life, love and each other but we dont want to dilute our Instagram pages from veganism and animal rights. OnlyFans is a place youll be able to get to know us more like friends than activists. We want a place where we can all have fun and chill with cool people and no haters. Well s...hare fun photos and videos, tips about mindset and relationships, our love story, Q&A sessions, and whatever else we come up with along the way. Youll also be the first to get any exciting updates in our life, and there are some good ones coming... Its a paid social media platform and I know many of you support our love and our work, so this is the best way to help us create more content and do more of what we do best. Subscribe now and the first 30 people who join get 20% off! Heres the link: onlyfans.com/jamesnicky Come join the party!
20.01.2022 I know you like the taste of meat, but surely not enough to cause this kind of abuse. Its just a flavor. You dont need it. Please start trying vegan options! ... You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
19.01.2022 Everything you need to know from starting to mastering your vegan lifestyle! The Vegan Bundle is a collection of over 80 vegan ebooks for $50. Usually it costs $2200 so you're saving a massive 97%! Get it here: https://bit.ly/39elFjt Ebooks on vegan nutrition, meal plans, vegan babies and toddlers, hundreds of recipes, how to transition, how to get shredded and bodybuild, healing your body from illness and so much more!... Would highly recommend investing in this to take your knowledge and lifestyle to the next level. Click the link in my bio to get this deal while it lasts and please tag me in the recipes you make and the info you learn! ENJOY!
19.01.2022 And if you continue to pay for it, you are fucked, too!
18.01.2022 This is actually happening. If youre mad at him but still eat animals, ask yourself, whats the difference?
18.01.2022 Does this look like a painless procedure to you? There is evidence proving that dehorning causes extreme, ongoing pain. In Australia it‘s legal to perform this mutilation without any pain relief. If animals were afforded the same protections as our dogs and cats, dehorning would be illegal.... To view the full campaign and to take action, follow the link on Farm Transparency Project's page. This is just one of many abuses they endure. Support their freedom, not their suffering.
18.01.2022 Nicky spreading the vegan vibes!
17.01.2022 This restaurant keeps animals alive and exposed in small cages as an attraction and a way to make more profit. Customers choose which animal they want killed and soon later they eat them. People are so disconnected that they dont even look at these animals and see the person inside. They just see crab legs and lobster tail. The restaurant next door is no better, they sell body parts of slaughtered animals, too, but the way they market these animals as fresh and have pe...ople choose who will get their head cut off is sick on another level. What can be done about this kind of abuse?
17.01.2022 I think its time we have a little chat. What the hell is happening in the comment section of our OnlyFans post?
17.01.2022 Hilarious as always. Also great recipe!
16.01.2022 See those two birds? They’re chillin. They’ve got a good spot on the beach, they’ve got each other for company, they’re enjoying the sun, breeze and looking out into the ocean. They’re relaxing. They’ll probably go get some food and a drink later, they might even have some work to do, but for now, all is good and they can simply sit side by side, in the comfort of the warm sand, and enjoy the moment. Pretty much exactly what Nicky and I are doing just a few feet away.... One of the biggest shifts in my mindset that ever happened in my adult life was going from thinking of animals as things, to seeing animals as people in slightly different bodies. They have eyes that see, ears that hear, a mouth that tastes, a nose that smells, a brain that thinks, a heart that beats, memory, desires, intelligence, consciousness, the list goes on and on. Most humans don’t want to admit that we are animals. They see it as an insult to be compared to an animal and deny the very core of who they are. If you eat animals, can you come up with a reason why you think that’s acceptable, when you would never accept killing humans to eat? You must see some meaningful difference between us and them? Otherwise how can you be so fine with slashing throats open when that’s normally something you’re 100% opposed to? If you can imagine what being slaughtered would be like for you, you can rightly assume it‘s almost identical for them. It’d be horrific! Same for hunting and fishing. You might enjoy it, they don’t, and neither would you if you were the one being hunted! How intelligent is it to use our strength to manipulate and abuse those more vulnerable? True strength comes from challenging yourself. Challenge your beliefs, habits and addictions. Change your life. Make the choices that might seem hard but you know are right. It can be uncomfortable and difficult at first but make a start, do what you can, and plan your journey so you know what the next steps will be. Today, choosing the right lifestyle is a revolutionary act and the only one that makes sense to choose is VEGAN. Tell me, how do you view animals and how has your view of animals changed throughout your life?
16.01.2022 Feliz aniversário (happy birthday) to my Queen, Nicky!! Nicole has taught me so much about how to love myself, how to listen and how to go after the life of my dreams. I admire the way she brightens up peoples lives, her genuine kindness, her courageous honesty and her accepting and easy going nature.... You are special, you are loved and you are the reason I and 1000 times a day. Please send Nicky some birthday love and let her know if her posts have helped you in any way! Te amo and looking forward to celebrating every day of your next lap around the !
16.01.2022 You can be healthy, fit and strong on a vegan diet. The only difference is on one diet you are on the animals team. What are some other advantages of being vegan?
16.01.2022 The people who believe animals arent smart and dont have feelings are more accurately describing themselves.
15.01.2022 If the phrase was You cut the dog it would be weird as fuck but because its You cut the chicken, no one even questions it. Cutting chickens is so normal that almost everyone does it! Most people use these birds like they are nothing more than egg or meat producing machines. Chickens are awesome, and definitely dont deserve to be cut, by ANY of you!... Heres some facts: Chickens can remember over 100 different faces of people or animals. Chickens have their own unique language with over 30 different sounds used to communicate. Chickens can see and dream in full color. When chickens feel stressed, they start to lose their feathers. Mother hens talk to their chicks while theyre still in the eggs, and the chicks can chirp back while in the shell. In order to attract hens, roosters will do a dance called tidbitting. They move their head up and down, shake their body, and make certain sounds. Hens generally choose their mates based on the size and brightness of a roosters comb on top of his head. Sometimes they will mate with multiple roosters at once. (Get it girl!) Chickens deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, just like dogs and just like you. All animals do! Thats why Im vegan and thats why you should be, too. @duolingo, please stop normalizing animal abuse in your lessons. See more
15.01.2022 Animals trust us. Lets not betray them. Lets show them the kindness and respect they deserve.
15.01.2022 Imagine if dogs were killed in slaughterhouses and you found dog steaks next to cow steaks at the supermarket. Think about the dog getting slaughtered. Standard, legal practice is a metal rod fired through their skull to hit their brain and stun them. Then theyd get their neck slashed open with a knife. Im sure if you knew people were abusing innocent, scared, defenseless dogs, it would make you feel sad, angry, shocked, frustrated and wanting to help!... Vegans feel like that about all animals. It doesnt make sense to say youre against cruelty to animals while being cruel to others. Thats like going to a womens rights march then beating your wife when you get home. Totally inconsistent. Makes no sense. Dangerous. Harmful. Shameful. The only thing that makes sense is to be vegan. @joey_carbstrong
15.01.2022 Brenda Davis is a registered dietician with over 30 years experience specialising in how to thrive on a plant based diet. She shares some fascinating stories, including going up against the propaganda of the dairy industry, how they retracted and apologised for false claims made against her, success stories with her patients, and also how she went vegan 30 years ago. Brenda is full of passion and positive energy. Shell leave you feeling confident that a plant based diet is the best diet you could ever choose.
14.01.2022 Not a single person with a shred of dignity should support horse racing. You bet, they die. Seem fair to you?
14.01.2022 Eating animals is not healthy and killing you.
14.01.2022 Vegans arent expecting people to do what we do just because we want them to and think they should. People who arent vegan ARE VEGAN in their heart, they already agree causing needless suffering and death of animals is wrong. All vegans are saying is you should put your morals where your mouth is!
13.01.2022 People that make jokes about vegans should watch some footage of animals being slaughtered. Far from funny, its heartbreaking. On the other hand, their jokes are part of their journey. First, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.... If they really understood that animals are feeling, conscious individuals just like humans are, do you think they would joke? Keep educating, encouraging and inspiring. Theyll figure it out soon enough.
11.01.2022 Would you eat a golden retriever burger?
10.01.2022 The crew in Sydney are relentless, dedicated and effective! They are raising funds to help their activism. Please donate if you can! Lots of small donations go a long way https://www.facebook.com/donate/375370450476397/
10.01.2022 Being in a non-vegan restaurant these days is a weird and surreal experience. Being able to choose someone’s breasts, legs or wings off the menu feels too insane to be true. Knowing the fear and pain those animals suffer makes it more like a nightmare. So thankful for restaurants like Greenhouse Canteen & Bar where everything on the menu is vegan! Enchiladas, nachos, raw tacos, mac n cheese, food anyone would love!... Find vegan restaurants on the Happy Cow app. Tag your favorite vegan restaurant and tell us which city it‘s in!
10.01.2022 Give me just ONE good reason why you think slaughtering animals for food is justified. My 8th year as a vegan and I will be VEGAN FOR LIFE!
10.01.2022 If you believe in Never again, why are you funding gas chambers? @skits.and.bits
09.01.2022 The power of speaking up for animals + the power of a plant based diet
09.01.2022 Some people might think someone like me (a vegan) would be happy to see this but its the total opposite. I feel so sorry for this guy. He was set up to fail from the beginning. We all were. Our culture normalized eating animals and most of us never question it. On top of that, we were conditioned through clever marketing and false claims by some of the most powerful industries on Earth! They taught us to believe we need to eat animals to survive, animals live good lives and ...are killed humanely, animals arent aware enough to care, eating meat is manly, vegans are sick, frail and extreme, and the list goes on and on. So is it any wonder this guy mocked vegans? He probably thought we were ridiculous, missing out on one of lifes greatest pleasures, and it was all for stupid animals who were bred to be eaten and arent worth caring about in the first place. The guy was deliberately misled and his ignorant views led to the death of many innocent animals and in the end, it killed him. There are many people out there like this, who would probably rush to rescue a dog from being abused, but joke about the animals that are slaughtered for their food. And are his actions really very different from every other non-vegan out there? Sure, he may have mocked vegans more than the typical person, but every single person who eats animals is responsible for the exact same animal cruelty as this guy, and some of those people are our otherwise loving friends and family. If the guy was educated correctly from the start, perhaps he would have turned out differently, still be alive today and still be alive in 40 years from now! Learn from his mistake. Eating animals is like committing slow suicide. Some call it karma, some call it heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Either way, eating animals is not a lifestyle choice to celebrate. In fact, it should be condemned the same way most people condemn dog fighting or any other form of unnecessary, cruel, animal abuse, because thats EXACTLY what it is. And dairy and eggs are NO better for your health or for the welfare of the animals.
09.01.2022 CBD has strong clinical evidence for a variety of medical uses and there’s been thousands of studies done since it was discovered in 1940. I’ve been using and recommending NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil for over 2 years and have seen and heard so many mind blowing testimonials that I back this stuff 100%! I encourage anyone suffering from pain, inflammation, acne, insomnia, depression, and a number of other illnesses to look into whether it could help you.... For many people, it‘s truly a life saver and game changer. CBD oil works by interacting with our bodies Endocannabinoid System. This system appears to be involved in the regulation of a variety of bodily and cognitive processes, including fertility, various activities of the immune system, appetite, pain sensation, overall mood, and memory. Almost all animals have this system so CBD oil can also help cats, dogs, horses and many others. It is rarely reported to have any unwanted or negative side effects. There‘s no evidence of it being addictive. It’s natural, organic and vegan! G to nuleafnaturals.com to learn more or get a bottle. Use the code: jamesaspey for a 20% discount. Thanks Nicky for showing how it’s done!
09.01.2022 "The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." -Leonardo da Vinci Vegans are already with ya Leo my man. Love animals, dont eat them. You cant do both!
08.01.2022 How good is the feeling when you go to a restaurant and everything on the menu is vegan! As you can see, anything can be made vegan, even calamari. Every meal is an opportunity to choose peace over violence! ... Siam Purity Vegetarian + Thai
08.01.2022 Nickys first YouTube video! Please support her by subscribing
08.01.2022 Apparently I was in the newspaper The article is about activists who use their bodies to draw attention to a message. I’m all for it. Whatever makes people stop and pay attention!... Especially when it comes to veganism, as one of the most common misconceptions is that vegans are weak and malnourished. Break the stereotypes
07.01.2022 Think Ill stick to soy, rice, almond, coconut, hazelnut, hemp, oat, cashew or any other plant milk. In terms of health, the environment and ethically, they are all better options. They taste better, too! Whats your favourite? Also, have you noticed any health benefits since eliminating dairy from your diet? Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
07.01.2022 These words are sure to touch you. Straight from the heart of warrior for animals, Leah Doellinger
07.01.2022 I dont know how I ever looked at packages of meat swimming in blood and thought of it as food. Dead bodies are not food. Animal slaughter is not necessary. Eat the vegan alternatives and LIVE AND LET LIVE!
07.01.2022 Vegan food tastes just as good you can eat the same kind of meals it’s better for your health and the environment and best of all no one gets murdered
07.01.2022 The last place Id choose to get protein from is the flesh, milk and eggs of tortured, slaughtered animals.
06.01.2022 Animal slaughter is the most violent, deadly and normal tradition that exists in society today.
06.01.2022 People are trying to shame me, silence me, cancel me and slander me to stop me using the word holocaust when referring to the current reality of farmed (enslaved) non-human animals. What they don’t realize is I have been thinking about this, reading and discussing these points for years. I have come to my conclusion to use this term not on a whim, but after years of consideration. I’ve heard both sides of the story. I’ve made my choice. The animals need their situation repres...ented accurately and powerfully. This is URGENT! There is no time to fuck around and worry about if a word offends people while there is a HOLOCAUST happening RIGHT NOW! The Animal Holocaust has nearly 3,000,000,000,000 victims annually! Almost every human on Earth is complicit and responsible as their purchases of animal products create the demand for the mass slaughter of innocent beings (the definition of a holocaust). I highly encourage all vegans to use this terminology. If we want people to take the animal rights movement seriously, this is what we need to do. Currently, vegans are mocked and laughed at and so are the VICTIMS! Even when people watch footage of animal slaughter, many STILL don’t connect. They WILL connect when we have a movement of people describing it as a holocaust and backing it up with logic because it is a FACT. Do not water down the message. The animals deserve better. Stay strong in your stance and I promise you, the world will start to listen. They can ignore slaughterhouse, they cannot ignore another holocaust. Animal rights is an anti-holocaust movement! Let’s make NEVER AGAIN actually mean something! I will NEVER stop calling it what it is!
06.01.2022 WE HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE + we are clearing up some lies that have been going around about us. Also, just a reminder that we dont work for vegans or the vegan community. Youre already vegan and the least of our worries. We do our work for animals and we do what WE feel is right to influence the most amount of non-vegans to take on this lifestyle. Seeing how what I do has influenced thousands of people to go vegan, I plan to keep doing what Im doing. Now, my ...turn to give you some advice: SPREAD LOVE NOT HATE Haters, time to put your money where your mouth is. Heres the link to donate to animal sactuary, Deathrow Unchained. It already has 562 shares at the time of writing this so should be easy for you to find but just in case its not: gofundme.com/jamesnickywedding I wish you all health and happiness. Also, thank you for talking so much shit about our OnlyFans, it was great publicity and were having a great time on there! Anyone who wants to join us there: OnlyFans.com/jamesnicky Thanks again to everyone who supports us. You guys are awesome! If anyone wants to send a wedding gift, you can do so here, and thank you so much: https://nicolemadeira.net/jamesnicky Apart from that, its been eye opening. For anyone who is disgusted by the nasty comments, just remember, you can be vegan and think veganism is the best thing ever without needing to associate with sad, hateful vegans. Theres plenty of awesome vegans out there who are all about good vibes and spreading the love.
05.01.2022 Lunch was RIDICULOUSLY GOOD! Brown rice spiced with tumeric, adzuki beans spiced with smoked paprika, and vegan pork + tomato. You dont need to eat animals to enjoy food. They deserve so much more than to be turned into ingredients. Also, if you dont have access to vegan meats (I got this one from the most popular supermarket in Australia), this meal would have still been amazing without it!
05.01.2022 Fun fact: cows have best friends. Sad fact: cows are one of the most abused animals in the world. Inspiring fact: you can be perfectly healthy without eating cows. ... Challenging fact: you arent an animal lover if you eat animals.
04.01.2022 Animals are people, too.
04.01.2022 Some things Ive learned after speaking to thousands of people about going vegan: The people who are ready to listen, understand and change will often surprise you. The people who dont change will also surprise you. Even though you might have more to say, its best to end the conversation well before theyre wishing you would shut up and leave them alone. It will pleasantly surprise them.... People rarely commit to changing on the spot. No matter how good you present your argument, people need time to process. Smile as they walk away, knowing that you made a positive impact. People believe they have good reasons why they cant or dont need to be vegan. Theyre incorrect. The most powerful way to help them is by identifying the objections they have and respectfully explain to them why theyre wrong! People jump from one excuse to the next to avoid accepting they lost an argument. Before moving on to handling their next objection, be clear about the conclusion of the last argument - their point was invalid. For example, Them: "You need to eat meat for protein." You: "Actually, protein is also found in plants. There are hundreds of millions of people in the world who dont eat meat and are perfectly healthy. Leading health authorities all around the world agree the studies show conclusively that humans dont need to eat meat for protein, or any other reason." Them: "Animals arent intelligent like us so they dont matter!" You: "Before we talk about their intelligence and whether its even relevant, do you accept that you dont need to eat meat for protein now, or should we talk about it more? What would you need to see to be convinced?" Many people know why they should go vegan and already want to. They nod along as you explain that animal slavery and slaughter is immoral, should be illegal, and animal abusers should be punished by law. These people need assistance with practical tips. For example, suggest recipes, explain what it looks like to be vegan in day to day life, how to order at restaurants, eating with non-vegan friends, free vegan coaching (challenge22.com), etc. What tips have you learned about spreading the message? See more
03.01.2022 Watch my FB stories right now or my Instagram highlight titled, Holocaust? Or better yet, WatchDominion.com.
03.01.2022 8 years no meat, 7 years vegan. Blood results are perfect. Just reminding you that slaughtering animals for nutrients is completely, 100% unnecessary. A diet made entirely from plants is perfectly healthy, has all the protein, iron and calcium you need, is delicious, satisfying and fulfilling in every way.... How has your life improved since cutting animal products from your diet?
02.01.2022 Animal cruelty, or beloved tradition? Another horse was injured and euthanised on the track today. Is the party worth it? Or are these horses paying with their lives?
02.01.2022 I gave Nicky an unusually large dose of NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil (discount code: jamesaspey ) and tried to fight my own desire to sleep while I waited for her to pass out. I failed but thankfully I woke up a couple of hours later and got my ass outta bed and down to the beach! Nicky was all night. Can’t believe I did the ? back to front I was rushing because the Sun was coming up, but still!... Do you like my artwork?
02.01.2022 Daily goals include: 1. Teaching people why they should stop eating animals. 2. Thinking of ways to make Nicole laugh.
01.01.2022 This is how you chill when you get perfect blood results after 6.5 years on a vegan diet (no meat, dairy or eggs). The doctor told me I need to eat animals to be healthy. I questioned him on why. He said lack of protein say wuuut, doctor? I flexed on him He said everything in moderation. I said, not when it comes to cruelty.... He was surprised by my results and I hope theyll inspire him to keep an open mind when it comes to a plant based diet. Eating animals causes diseases. Watch The Game Changers, What The Health and Forks Over Knives, all on Netflix, to learn more. Majority of people, including doctors, are very confused about something as basic as how to best fuel the human body. Eating healthy is very simple. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds and beans. Out of these options you can make the most delicious smoothies, pastas, sandwiches, soups, stews, sushi, curries, stir fries, and some of the most satisfying meals imaginable. Theres lots of problems in the world but legalized cruelty towards animals doesnt have to be one of them. See more
01.01.2022 It can be tough living in a world with so much unfairness and suffering, especially if youre on the receiving end, but even being aware of it can be depressing. Its called secondary post traumatic stress disorder. When your empathy causes your own trauma. Try not to let the sad things in the world steal your happiness. Every moment of life is so precious! Remember that you are allowed to be happy, even when you know that so many others are not. You being sad and depressed w...ont help them, or you. Think about what you can do rather than what you cant, and do it. Be hopeful, not hopeless. Your actions matter. We all have a responsibility to do our part in creating the kind of world we want to see. Do as much good as possible while being as happy as possible. You deserve it and happiness is contagious. When people are happier and value their life more, they value the lives of others more, too. Be happy by listing the many things you have to be grateful for, respect your body and mind with healthy habits, use positive language and eliminate negative words from your vocabulary, and be your own biggest fan. The way you talk to yourself in your mind is very important. Lastly, just want to send you all some love and also say thanks for the love I receive from you all.
01.01.2022 Hi, just doing legs and spreading vegan vibes. Loving being back in the gym, it is such a simple way to make yourself feel good! Im in the process of healing a neck injury that has caused me pain every day for over a decade.... Im going through some pretty big changes in my life, learning more about myself and why I do some of the things I do. Im learning how to be a better man and partner for Nicole. Like in the gym, if you want to grow, youve got to do the work and its uncomfortable because youve got to be honest about your flaws. Its interesting that as I learn more about myself, Im learning more about my injury and making progress with it. The two things seem totally unrelated but what Im noticing is when I have a big insight about myself and work to rewrite my programming, Im having insights about my neck pain and thinking of new, effective ways to heal it. Sometimes our attitudes and emotions affect our posture and movement. For example, FEELING uncomfortable in a social setting can lead to the MOVEMENT of crossing your arms to cover your heart and protect yourself. So the more I learn, the more I heal, and theres clearly some work to do as Im still in a lot of pain but feeling very optimistic about the path Im on and that it will lead to more happiness, more productivity and more gym + life goal gains! Anyone else has an experience like this? Where you became aware of bad habits or thinking patterns that manifested as pain in the body? Lastly, exercise every day to increase your happiness, physical health and to be an inspiring billboard for your lifestyle! See more
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