James Fasano Fitness | Businesses
James Fasano Fitness
Phone: +61 421 471 003
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21.01.2022 When I first joined a gym, I walked in thinking I knew it all, I quietly had a very big ego as I thought I knew more than the next guy, compared to now where my knowledge is far superior to what it use to be, but i feel like I know nothing and have so much more to learn! . I use to train 2 to 3 times nearly every day, ran the same bro split for well over a year, was aggressively under eating without realising as I had no knowledge on nutrition, and was always stuck wondering ...why i’m still not progressing! . Not until I hired a coach did I begin to learn more about training principles and nutrition and everything the gym has to offer! A coach is something everyone should have, no matter your experience or how good you think you are! There is a reason all professional athletes have coaches! . If your someone who has been lacking with their progress and are looking to improve your training and diet, message me or enquire through the link in my bio now for 1-on-1 or online coaching!!!
21.01.2022 Don’t make shit complicated, don’t waste your money on pointless supplements, don’t buy in to the popular diets being promoted by people looking to make a quick dollar! Stick to these 3 rules, as simple as it sounds and you will see results! . If you are currently struggling with your goals and would like help towards achieving them, message me for 1-on-1 or online coaching! . Photo Cred @rpstrength
20.01.2022 My client @lucyaylett1 has recently started to feel lower back pain as a result of her squats outside of our sessions. Yesterday was a great opportunity to hang up the boxing gloves for this week and reassess Lucy’s form to see where we could improve! We found the pain Lucy was experiencing is due to over-extending during her squat, causing her to struggling to control the relationship between her pelvis and rib cage. The ‘Open and Closed Scissor’ approach is an analogy use...d to describe the relationship of the rib cage and pelvis/core in the sagittal plane. To correct her position, the ‘Belt Buckle’ cue (adopted from @melbournestrengthculture) was our main focus. The cue allows a client/athlete to imagine pulling the buckle of a belt UP towards their chin, which then creates a ribs DOWN position - therefore closing the ‘scissors’ to form a parallel line. If you are currently stuggling with your training/form, and would like help towards achieving your goals, DM me to enquire for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
18.01.2022 Client @constancekyri cruising through 87.5kgx5 on her Deadlifts! . Constance’s main focus through her deadlift has been to stop yanking the bar off the ground which would cause a butt wink, but rather to properly engage her lats and focus on spreading the floor as she pushes away from the ground! . If you would like help towards achieving your goals, message me to book in for 1-on-1 or online coaching now!
18.01.2022 Message me for me details!!!
17.01.2022 The fitness industry is packed with ‘Transformation’ challenges that often run for only 8-12 weeks at most. These short-term challenges definitely have their place and have the potential to motivate and positively push many in the right direction. That being said, however, the unrealistic expectations and negative mindsets that come alongside these ‘challenges’ may cause more harm than good for many. . No one has ever trained for 8 weeks - and only 8 weeks - to achieve thei...r dream physique for a lifetime. It’s just not a realistic! . Building solid, long-lasting habits and routines that are maintainable are KEY, as these live on way past your Transformation Challange and form the basis of your health and fitness for years to come! . If you are currently stuggling with your training/diet and would like help towards achieving your goals, DM me to enquire for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
16.01.2022 Online client Braghan cruising through 110kg for 4x5!!! Looking to have a big year and crush some serious weight! . If you are currently struggling with your goals and would like help towards achieving them, message me for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
14.01.2022 The all or nothing approach will never work when it comes to dieting!!! . If I was to tell you to completely cut carbs from your diet, how long do you realistically think you could stick to it? a week? a month? 3 months? No matter the answer, it wouldn’t be sustainable, and if you were to tell me in 3 years time you haven’t had any carbs, I wouldn’t believe you for a second! A restricted diet often fails because it doesn’t create a balanced lifestyle, rather it creates a yo-y...o effect where you diet hard and cheat harder! . This is where the 80/20 rule comes into play. 80% of your diet is made up of mostly whole foods, based off of leans proteins, healthy fats, vegetables and complex carbs. The other 20% can be whatever foods you enjoy in monderation! . The key to dieting is to find something sustainable and that is able to work around your lifestyle, not a diet that is restricting and stressful and dictates your lifestyle! . If you are currently stuggling with your diet and would like to learn more about calorie control, DM me or apply through the link in the bio for online coaching so we can work together towards your goals!
11.01.2022 Last deadlift session to finish off a 4 week block stretched out over nearly 3 months . Shown is 190kg x 5 at an RPE 8! Lockout could have been better, but happy with how these moved nonetheless! . Moving from sumo deadlifts to trap bar deadlifts has actually been a pretty cruisy transition, and has been working well as it leaves less stress on my body compared to normal dead’s, allowing me to perform better during my conditioning sessions! .... If you would like help towards achieving your goals, message me to book in for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
10.01.2022 There is no such thing as a good or bad food, but there is such a thing as a good and a bad diet! . There is no food that exists that will make you loose weight if you eat it and same goes when it comes to putting on weight! . If i was to eat clean all day and then to go and have a burger for dinner, I wouldn’t gain weight because of the burger alone, but rather the total calories consumed throughout the day! .... When it comes to dieting, if your goal is fat loss, no matter if it’s keto, paleo, vegan or whatever you choose to follow, all it comes down to is eating in a calorie deficit, and same goes with gaining weight, you would have to be eating in a calorie surplus. . Dieting is as complicated as you choose to make it, however, it really only comes down to a few simple rules, and that is eitheir eating at maintainece or a calories deficit or surplus, obviously all based around your goals! . If you are currently struggling with your goals and would like help towards achieving them, message me for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
09.01.2022 The return of the big chich @jamesgatto_ after taking a break over the school holidays! First squat session away from the box and took control of the bar with very little to no breakdowns! Big things are coming . I love training this little legend, he loves taking in everything I have to say and offer and genuenily wants to learn and get better! The overall goal is to get big and it is well underway, all we have to do is eat big and lift BIGGER!!! . If you are currently struggling with your goals and would like help towards achieving them, message me for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
08.01.2022 Client @bellaromanoo returned to training after having a bit of time off during the christmas & new year period experiencing shoulder pain through her right side. After going through a couple of assessments we pretty quickly found that she was getting relief through a lot of reaching patterns and movements! . 2 of the exercises i have been taking her through are: . 1. Barbell Push Up w/ Reach... 2. Split Stance Landmine Press . These 2 movement patterns include a full reach at the top of each rep, which forces her into protraction and upward rotation. To learn more about why reaching movements are beneficial, head over to @melbournestrengthculture youtube channel and learn a thing or two from the kings . If you would like help towards achieving your goals, message me to book in for 1-on-1 or online coaching now!
05.01.2022 Tonight one of my clients came off probably one of the worst sessions they have had, off the back end of a really successful block that ended just last week, hitting PB’s with his squat and bench nearly every week! . It got us onto the topic of not letting one session define you! For some reason, human beings straight away focus on the negatives, no matter how many positives their could be, one negative thing could happen and we will put alll our focus and attention onto it! . With training, like anything in life, you will have your ups and your downs, your good and your bad sessions! If you have one bad session in every block, don’t let that define the block, or you! Think about the little wins, the little progressions and improvements you have made, and look to continue that as consistently as possible!
04.01.2022 ONLINE COACHING AVALIABLE - . DM me now to book in for your free consultation session and for further details, or enquire through the link in the bio!!! . Only limited spots are avaliable, so if you have currently been struggling with your training and overall progress, don’t put it off, get started now!!! .... Shoutout to @bellaromanoo for the design!
03.01.2022 There will never be the perfect time for you too start going to the gym! . I have heard a lot of people use exscuses when it comes to committing to the gym or their diet as a lot of people get overwhelmed by the thought of it.... . People use busy work schedules, money, family and many other reasons as to why they can’t commit, which can all be legitimate reasons. Realistically however, you will always have things going on in your life, weather it be work, school, family, social events etc. The exscuses you make will never be more than an exscuse! . Don’t think of the gym of some biggest loser type competition, where you have to come in and commit all your time and money into the next 12 weeks to drop X amount of kilos because it’s unrealistic. . Commit to implementing little goals, daily, weekly or monthly, to better yourself. It’s not about a quick transformation, it’s about switching over to a healthy sustainable lifestyle that can be maintained no matter your schedule. There is no better time to start changing your lifestyle for the better than right now! . If you are currently stuggling with your training/diet and would like help towards achieving your goals, DM me to enquire for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
01.01.2022 WHY YOUR PROBABLY NOT LOOSING WEIGHT AND REACHING YOUR GOALS!!! . Many people are convinced they are in a calorie deficit, they follow a strict diet, eat clean all week and stick to their calorie goals, but once friday hits, they decide to reward themselves for the weekend and completely erase the effort they put in from monday to thursday! . As shown in the picture above, sticking to 1800 calories from monday to thursday, but to then go and eat 3500 calories on the friday an...d saturday, it puts your overall weekly calorie intake over by 2300 calories, therefore putting you over your maitanance calories! . This isn’t to say you should never be able to enjoy yourself and stop yourself from social events, but when it comes to your overall goal, tracking calories and being able to spread it out over the week, would be far more beneficial to hit your goals, rather than to over eat and make yourself feel bad and lead yourself towards an unhealthy relationship with food! . If you are currently struggling with your goals and would like help towards achieving them, message me for 1-on-1 or online coaching!
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