James Kirwan Massage in Seaford, Victoria, Australia | Physical therapist
James Kirwan Massage
Locality: Seaford, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 404 504 862
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25.01.2022 Hamstring stretches for relief of lower back pain. Tight hamstring muscles are a common contributor to lower back pain. The hamstring muscles run through the back of each thigh from the hip down to the back of the knee. The following stretches can gradually lengthen and reduce tension in the hamstring muscle, and in turn reduce stress felt in the lower back. Standing Hamstring Stretch. ... While standing, bend forward at the waist with arms hanging down toward the ground and with legs straight, without locking the knees. Try to touch the toes but do not strain to do so. Stop bending forward when a slight pulling sensation is felt in the hamstring. This form of exercise is not always recommended as it may be difficult to do, and even exacerbate pain from a lumbar herniated disc, spondylolisthesis or other specific conditions. Chair Hamstring Stretch. Sitting on a chair, place one leg straight out on another chair in front of the body. Reach toward the toes and stretch one leg at a time. Towel Hamstring Stretch. While lying on the back, hold each end of a rolled-up towel and wrap it behind the foot. Then pull the leg up in front of the body to feel a slight stretch in the hamstring muscle. Wall Hamstring Stretch. Lie on the floor, with the buttocks against a wall and the legs stretched up against the wall. Try to push the knee as straight as possible. This stretch is usually gentle on the lower back, as it places minimal stress on the low back and the body is supported while lying down. Hamstring stretches have been shown to be most effective when done for a duration of 30 to 60 seconds. Stretching should be done twice daily and on a regular basis. It can be easier to remember to do the stretches if they are incorporated into a daily routine, such as when getting up every morning and going to bed each night.
25.01.2022 Stress Awareness The statistics on stress in Australia are staggering. In a society where ones self expectations almost exceed the expectations of our workplace and loved ones, its no wonder we are killing ourselves with stress. Here are a few stress statistics to consider.. ..... Work stress causes 10% of strokes Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease Stress increases the risk of heart disease by 40%, heart attack by 25%, and stroke by 50% Below are several effective (and cost effective!) ways to combat stress, ensuring you stay healthy both mentally and physically. Meditation. Stop and focus on yourself, your body, your environment, or as it is said, the present. Mindfulness. Similar to meditation, focus on one thing and try to block everything else out. Breathe slowly and describe the object fully to yourself. Visualisation. Focus on a peaceful scene away from your current situation. Deep breathing. When stressed we tend to take short breaths. Breathe slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth. Massage. Massage Therapy is a scientifically proven method to reduce stress. Massage Therapy slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and balances stress hormones. Massage releases endorphins (natural pain killers and mood elevators) that calm the nervous system, and combined with aromatherapy and soft music, all your senses will be awakened and refocused away from every day stresses. Do what you love. Nothing replaces spending time doing what makes you happy. Go dancing, garden, have a cup of tea (really--tea has been found to lower cortisol!), read a book or whatever makes you happy. This allows you to refocus, enjoy something at least for the moment and even feel productive. Its so important to remember to take time for you it inevitably will benefit your overall health and decrease stress. If you feel Massage Therapy may help you combat stress, schedule your session today by calling/texting James 0404 504 862 or book online wwww.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
25.01.2022 Remedial v Relaxation Massage Ever wanted a massage but couldnt decide whether you needed a remedial massage or simply a refreshing and stress reducing relaxation session? Well heres an explanation to help you decide exactly what you want! What is Relaxation Massage?... A relaxation massage helps to de-stress and loosen up your body and is great for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to some pampering! The treatment consists of flowing strokes, kneading and gentle manipulations of the muscles performed at a medium to light pressure. It is a pain free way to relax both your muscles and your mind. What is a Remedial Massage? If you have particular muscle tension or chronic pain a remedial massage may be for you. Your remedial massage therapist will assess where you need treatment and what may be causing your pain. Theyll perform some tests to see exactly which muscles are giving you trouble and will tailor a treatment plan to suit. The treatment itself may involve deep tissue work for short periods of time, but the results are definitely worth it! Conditions such as back pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, stiff neck, headaches, sports injuries and many more complaints can be successfully treated with a remedial treatment. If youd like more advice regarding whats best for you, please call to discuss your condition or, simply book an appointment and enjoy the benefits. Call/text James 0n 0404 504 862 or schedule online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
21.01.2022 Making time for yourself... We work very hard in our lives. Often we dont get adequate sleep. And rarely do we make time to rest during our demanding day. Just as athletes know that they need recovery time after a strenuous workout, those with stressful lifestyles also need recovery for reducing physical, emotional, and psychological wear-and-tear. We now know that chronic high levels of stress can cause all sorts of disruptions in the body and contribute to the onset or wor...sening of most illnesses. Rest is a part of a natural cycle. When the body mobilises to handle threats and challengeswith the release of stress hormones that speed up heart rate and breathing, and shut down digestion and immune functionrelaxation is needed to bring our physiology back into balance. Both the stress response and the relaxation response are inborn mechanisms necessary for survival and maintaining health. Taking even short rest breaksto do practices such as deep breathing, restorative yoga poses, walking or sitting in naturehas a very beneficial impact. Massage and Therapeutic Bodywork are powerful timeouts that help us relax and rest deeply, benefiting all the systems of our body, especially when received regularly. Blood pressure and heart rate are lowered, digestion and circulation stimulated, immune function is enhanced, and stress hormones that make us feel overwhelmed, cranky, and on edge are reduced as the nervous system is soothed. Therapeutic Massage is the perfect way to restore balance and recharge a stressed out body. Call/text James 0404 504 862 Schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
21.01.2022 Low Impact Aerobic Exercise For People With Back Pain An important component of any exercise program is aerobic exercise, which elevates the heart rate and improves circulation. Aerobic exercise can help relieve back pain by decreasing stiffness and improving blood flow to the spinal structures, increasing the amount of nutrients reaching the spine. Low impact exercise can elevate the heart rate without jarring the spine and worsening back pain, a preferable option for those ...with back pain. Typical recommendations for aerobic exercise include at least a 20 to 30 minute workout between 3 and 5 times a week to effectively improve circulation. For severe pain, it may be helpful to start with shorter intervals of exercise, such as 5 to 10 minutes of walking, and gradually work up to a more extensive routine. Popular low impact aerobic exercises include: Exercise walking. Exercise walking differs from everyday walking in that it is faster paced with the goal of elevating the heart rate and gently working the muscles. Exercise walking has the advantage of being more gentle on the spine than jogging, not requiring special equipment (except a good pair of shoes), and being available in almost any location. Wearing ankle or wrist weights can add some resistance to the exercise. Elliptical trainer or step machine. These machines simulate the movements of jogging, running, and walking up stairs to provide a low impact aerobic workout. Most machines use pedals or footholds suspended above the ground that glide up and down, so the feet never hit a hard surface during the workout. Additionally, many machines include an array of resistance settings that can help strengthen muscles. Stationary bicycling. A stationary bicycle mimics the pedalling motion of a bicycle, providing aerobic exercise without the jostling impact of riding on uneven ground. Stationary biking may be preferable as part of a spinning class, which is guided by an instructor and often available in a variety of workout options for beginners or more experienced cyclers. Stationary bikes come in upright models, which involve leaning forward, and recumbent models, which provide back support in an adjustable, reclined position. Swimming and water aerobics. Exercising while in the water combines added resistance and natural buoyancy to provide aerobic exercise with minimal impact on the spine. Water aerobics and swimming may be considered if a workout on a hard surface may be too painful. Specific water exercises or swim strokes may be taught as part of a class or recommended by a doctor. Finding the right aerobic exercise routine is typically dependent on personal preferences and may involve a process of trial and error. Other options may be recommended that better suit a particular condition, pain levels, and lifestyle.
21.01.2022 The Pressure Question in Massage Therapy. "THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY." Not everything that hurts is therapeutic, but not every therapeutic procedure is painless! Theres rarely any justification for extremely painful massage. The reason the Pressure Question exists is that its hard for patients to tell the difference between nasty pain that might be a necessary part of therapy, and ugly pain that is just abusive.... GOOD PAIN. In massage, there is a curious phenomenon widely known as good pain. It arises from a sensory contradiction between the sensitivity to pressure and the instinctive sense that the pressure is also a source of relief. So pressure can be an intense sensation that just feels right somehow. Its strong, but its welcome. Good pains are usually dull and aching, and are often described as a sweet aching. The best good pain may be such a relief that pain isnt even really the right word. BAD PAIN. Bad pain comes with no obvious, immediate benefits. If there is anything good about it, there is no way to tell from the sensation at the time. Bad pains are usually sharp, burning, or hot. Such pain is usually caused by excessive but harmless pressure. As bad as it feels, it probably wont hurt you maybe a little bruising but theres also a good chance that it wont be therapeutic either. The big question about bad pain is whether or not it is ever justified. UGLY PAIN. This is a type of pain in massage therapy that is, by my definition, never okay. Ugly pain is often caused by things that are not going to offer even minimal, delayed benefits, and may even be dangerous. Ugly pain is inflicted only by careless, incompetent therapists. Ugly pain should simply never happen.
18.01.2022 Abdominal Massage and Detox When most people think of massage, they instantly think of a full body relaxation massage or a deep tissue, back, neck and shoulders release. However, over the last few months I have had numerous clients ask Is it possible to massage the abdomen? If so, how is it done? What are the benefits of it? Well, the answer is YES!! Abdominal massage is indeed a thing! It can be performed as part of a regular treatment or its own specific massage. An...d benefits you ask? There are many How Is Abdominal Massage Done? To perform an abdominal massage the client lays on their back with a sheet draped to their neck. A large towel is placed over the area of the chest and held in place by the receiver to ensure full coverage. The sheet is then carefully arranged to the level of the waist/hips and secured tightly in place. This exposes only the abdominal area itself and everything else is securely covered. What Is The Duration Of An Abdominal Massage? Abdominal massage can be added into a full body massage for a 5-10 minute treatment. It can also be done as its own specific treatment as a 30 minute massage. Benefits can be great whether it is a short treatment or more specific. What Are The Benefits Of Abdominal Massage? Can help with fertility Promotes hormonal balance Helps with blocked fallopian tubes Assists in ovary pain/health Helps reposition a tilted uterus Brings fresh blood to the uterus Aids in digestion May relieve stomach cramps, bloating and gas Relief from menstrual discomfort Relieves stomach 'knots' caused by tension and anxiety Many are curious about abdominal massage but are often too afraid to ask about it. I have done abdominal massage on many clients and have seen the great benefits that it can produce. If youve wondered about having an abdominal massage, or have more questions about it, please get in touch and I would be happy to discuss it further, or answer any questions you may have. Bookings/enquiries call or text James 0404 504 862 or schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
18.01.2022 What causes hip pain? When we experience muscular hip pain, were often feeling the referred effects of knots in the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. Tension held in these muscles, as well as in the gluteus maximus, piriformis and lumbar paraspinal muscles, can lead to pain in the lower back, buttocks and even legs. Can massage help hip pain?... A good way to test if the cause of your aching hips is muscular is to use your fingertips to apply pressure to the buttocks and side of the hips. Youll know if you come across any trigger points another name for knots as these spots will feel particularly tender. They may be quite deep, so prepare to get your knuckles involved. If knots are the culprit, massage is a simple and very effective treatment. A Deep Tissue Massage will get in between the fibres and into the layers of your muscles bringing quick relief. Massage will bring oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, as well as removing lactic acid. Hands, forearms and even elbows are used to warm and manipulate the area, and apply deep pressure to achieve relief. Bookings call/text James 0404 504 862 Schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
18.01.2022 Neck and Shoulder Stretches Basic stretches for neck pain are convenient enough to be done on a regular basis throughout the day, such as at home, at work, or even in the car. Some examples include: Flexion stretchChin to Chest. Gently bend the head forward, bringing the chin toward the chest until a stretch is felt in the back of the neck.... Lateral Flexion StretchEar to Shoulder. Bend the neck to one side as if to touch the ear to the shoulder until a stretch is felt in the side of the neck. Keep the shoulders down and back in a comfortable but healthy posture. Levator scapula stretch. Rest one arm against a wall or door with the elbow slightly above the shoulder, then turn the head to face the opposite direction. Bring the chin down toward the collarbone to feel a stretch in the back of the neck. It may be helpful to gently pull the head forward with the other hand to hold the stretch for the desired time. Corner stretch. Stand facing the corner of a room, and place the forearms on each wall with the elbows around shoulder height. Then lean forward until a stretch is felt under the collarbone. Stretches not recommended include neck circles (where the head is repeatedly rolled around the neck) or quickly stretching the neck forward and backward or side to side. These stretches may cause muscles strain or place additional stress on the cervical spine.
16.01.2022 Everyone Can Benefit From Sports Massage Now more than ever before, people are spending hours upon hours behind a desk, in an often uncomfortable office chair, in front of a computer furiously typing the day away, eating a rushed lunch at the desk working, working, working. While, no doubt, this work requires brainpower, it is sedentary and sitting at your desk for extended periods of time definitely take its toll on your body. Almost everyone knows the benefits Massage... Therapy provides for relieving stress, sore muscles, anxiety and even depression. While Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and trigger point/targeted treatment massage are common and effective techniques used to alleviate these symptoms, one form of Massage Therapy thats equally, if not more effective, is Sports Massage Therapy. I know what youre thinking. Im not an athlete. I dont do any rigorous activity I dont need Sports Massage Therapy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Initially developed to help athletes prevent or treat sports injuries, Sports Massage Therapy focuses on soft and connective tissue injuries or stress caused by repetitive activities. Think about it athletes arent the only people engaging in repetitive activities. Everyday people do, too from sitting in a desk chair typing on a keyboard to bagging groceries to cutting hair these repetitive activities can result in pain and even injury. And believe it or not, sitting at a desk all day is also repetitive, causing neck and back pain that can be debilitating for some individuals. Sports Massage Therapy helps keep your body in tip-top shape regardless of whether youre a world-class athlete or world-class office manager preventing injuries, improving mobility, performance and posture, relieve head, neck and back pain, and much more. You dont have to be an athlete to enjoy the many benefits Sports Massage Therapy provides. Sports Massage helps you be the best you can be, regardless of your activity level or profession. Bookings call/text James 0404 504 862 or schedule online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
14.01.2022 Stretches for Low Back Pain Back Flexion Stretch. Lying on the back, pull both knees to the chest while simultaneously flexing the head forward until a comfortable stretch is felt across the mid and low back.... Knee to Chest Stretch. Lie on the back with the knees bent and both heels on the floor, then place both hands behind one knee and pull it toward the chest, stretching the gluteus and piriformis muscles in the buttock. Kneeling Lunge Stretch. Starting on both knees, move one leg forward so the foot is flat on the ground, keeping weight evenly distributed through both hips (rather than on one side or the other). Place both hands on the top of the thigh, and gently lean the body forward to feel a stretch in the front of the other leg. This stretch affects the hip flexor muscles, which attach to the pelvis and can impact posture if too tight. Piriformis Muscle Stretch. Lie on the back with knees bent and both heels on the floor. Cross one leg over the other, resting the ankle on the bent knee, then gently pull the bottom knee toward the chest until a stretch is felt in the buttock. Or, lying on the floor, cross one leg over the other and pull it forward over the body at the knee, keeping the other leg flat. The above are samples of the types of stretches commonly used to treat lower back issues. Most stretches are adaptable to accommodate an individuals flexibility and level of pain, and can be made easier by using a wall, door or chair for added stability during the stretch.
11.01.2022 POSTNATAL MASSAGE As a new mother, its easy to forget about your own needs as you constantly look out for your little one. A postnatal massage is the perfect way to take some time out for yourself. After your baby is born, and as your body changes and heals, massage will support your return to a balanced healthy emotional and physical state. Postnatal Massage aims to soothe both the body and the mind to help you feel on top of the world and ready for anything! A postnatal m...assage can: ~Relax muscular tension, stiffness and soreness in neck, shoulders and back, associated with postural problems from breastfeeding, as well as wrist and forearm pain from carrying your baby. Lymphatic strokes stimulate the circulatory systems to drain toxins and excess fluid from your legs, ankles and feet, and stiff joints are loosened for greater mobility and flexibility. ~Help to realign the body balance particularly uterus and pelvic space. Advanced myofascial release techniques are used to 'create space' in the abdomen** due to uterus enlargement during pregnancy. ~Tone muscles and overstretched skin. ~Improve toxin elimination. ~Reduce the risk of postnatal depression. ~Increase energy levels. *Please note: Postnatal abdominal massages for post C-section clients are not given. This in accordance with the Australian medical and massage industry standard. **Not suitable if suffering from Deep Vein Thrombosis or Epilepsy. Contact me directly on 0404 504 862 for further details or to discuss a tailored treatment to suit you. Alternatively schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
04.01.2022 One of the most frequently asked questions in my practice is What is a knot? The simple answer is it is a hyper-irritable spot in the muscle that presents as a palpable lump or tender taut band. Commonly referred to as a Trigger Point, the spot is generally painful on compression and if active can refer pain to other areas in the body. Although theres no scientific agreement on why knots form, they have a tendency to be evident after a muscle is strained or injured, whic...h can be caused by repetitive motion or postural issues. The most common places for knots to occur are in the shoulders, back or neck. They can, however, be found all over the body. Knots can reduce range of motion which can make certain activities or movement painful. A knot can be effectively treated through massage. A massage therapist should be able to manipulate the area, stretching out and relaxing the muscles and breaking up adhesions. Trigger Point massage is specifically designed to treat knots through a series of compressions where a force is applied to the trigger point until it is deactivated. This releases tightened muscles which can alleviate pain and increase range of motion. Regular massage is highly effective in releasing muscle tension and stress, meaning you will have less knots to worry about, helping you to maintain general health and keep you feeling your best. Bookings call/text James 0404 504 862 or schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
01.01.2022 Massage for Menstrual Pain Many women report having abdominal or pelvic pain at the beginning of their menstrual cycle. This symptom can range in severity from mild discomfort that lasts 1 or 2 days to painful, debilitating cramps. During a period, the uterus contracts to squeeze the lining away from the uterine wall and allow it to exit the body through the vagina. These uterine contractions cause painful cramps.... Most women experience cramps in the lower abdomen, although the pain can also radiate to the lower back, groin, or upper thighs. Menstrual cramps tend to be the worst at the beginning of a period and become less uncomfortable as the days go on. Placing a hot water bottle or heating pad against the abdomen can relax the muscles and relieve cramps. Heat helps the uterine muscle and those around it relax, which may ease cramping and discomfort. A person can also place a heating pad on the lower back to get rid of back pain. Another option is to soak in a warm bath, which can help relax the muscles in the abdomen, back, and legs. Massage therapy is a natural and effective method for alleviating muscle spasms including those experienced during menstruation. Slowing down the nervous system and any stimulation to the musculature through massage can also help to calm back pain and aching joints, abdominal pain, and even hormonal headaches. If you suffer from painful menstrual symptoms, you can take steps towards overcoming your discomfort. Get the relief you need by booking a massage today. Call or text James on 0404 504 862 or schedule an appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
01.01.2022 Exercise is better with massage From beginner athletes to elite professionals, massage therapy has shown to have major benefits regardless of the participants fitness level. Athletes seeking enhanced performance, improved conditioning, faster recovery, injury prevention and assistance in maintaining peak fitness can benefit from massage therapy. Massage has been shown to have myriad positive effects including:... Reducing muscle tension Helping athletes monitor muscle tone Promoting relaxation Increasing range of motion Improving soft tissue function Decreasing muscle stiffness and fatigue after exercise Improving exercise performance Decreasing delayed onset muscle soreness Reducing swelling Enhancing athletic performance Helping prevent injuries By combining your exercise routine with massage therapy, you will be able to train longer and harder and make the most of your workout. Not convinced? Research some of your favourite world-class athletes, and youre likely to see that a massage therapist is a key component of their strength and stamina routine. Bookings call/text James 0404 504 862 Schedule your appointment online www.jameskirwanmassage.setmore.com
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