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James Niven Photography

Phone: +61 413 066 227


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24.01.2022 West MacDonnell Ranges. Western Arrernte Country. Central Australia. Walking through the many Gorges of this ancient Landscape, I was at times spellbound by the changing light.

23.01.2022 Marree, Outback South Australia.

23.01.2022 With the Camera now fixed, and lot's of rain about recently, I managed to check out a waterfall close to my place I hadn't been to before. Must go back to investigate the area once the COVID 19 lockdown eases. Stay safe and sane everyone!!

22.01.2022 We came upon many deserted beaches and Bay's in the South West of Australia. Cape Le Grand National Park was one of the stand outs for me, reminded me of Wilsons Prom in Victoria. Ilford FP4 Plus

20.01.2022 Southern Flinders Ranges. South Australia. 2019. Ruins in an arid Landscape. Rollei IR 400

20.01.2022 Central West NSW. I've driven past this location a couple times before, but on this occasion with the fading late afternoon light, I couldn't resist. Farmer Joe even came down the dusty drive with Kelpie in tow on the back of his Ute to see what all the fuss was about.

20.01.2022 It's a great honour to have two of my images selected for the Ballarat International Foto Biennale's Yellow Dot Fundraiser. Please consider donating to this worthy cause. " The Ballarat International Foto Biennale invites you to the 2020 Yellow Dot Fundraiser which this year will be online. This fundraising event is very important for the success of the 2021 Biennale and all monies raised will go towards the presentation of exhibitions within the program. A select group of n...ational and international artists are showcasing over 150 artworks in this online collection. How does it work? Your $180 will allow you to purchase one artwork from the online collection. When you purchase your ticket you will be invited to list your top 20 artworks in case you are unable to join us for the live feed. Should you purchase more than one artwork please ensure you have a list for each Yellow Dot. Everyone who buys a ticket to the Online Yellow Dot Fundraiser will receive a FREE bottle of gorgeous Mount Langi Ghiran wine*, home delivered, to drink on the night whilst being treated to an exclusive performance by the fabulous songstress Deborah Conway AM with Willy Zygier. To make the night an event to remember, we are asking everyone to dress with a touch of yellow! The best dressed on the night will win a food and wine hamper courtesy of our supporters Spiral Foods and Mount Langi Ghiran. " READ ABOUT THE EVENT AND PURCHASE TICKETS :- VIEW THE COLLECTION:- Thank you Fiona, Madelyn and the team. Good luck and best wishes for a successful night!

19.01.2022 Industrial Spillage. Western Sydney

19.01.2022 Desert Patterns Central Australia

18.01.2022 Just me and the Linhof Technika as the first rays of light reach Mt Solitary. Blue Mountains National Park

17.01.2022 Central West NSW A chance moment as the light briefly breaks through the clouds as a storm is approaching. Fuji GX617

17.01.2022 A year ago I travelled through this region during a crippling drought. The Lakes were bone dry and Rivers dangerously low too with fish dying everywhere, not to mention all the wildlife. To top it off, it was nearing the end of an exhausting trip and I hit a Roo, dropped and broke my prized Lens, then decided to try a remote track on the way home only to break down almost in the middle. An $800 tow back to a Broken Hill Garage the next day and to be told by the mechanic that was only one of the Battery cables( connected to the petrol pump) cut due to excessive rubbing on the casing around the Battery from corrugation on the dirt roads, was the icing on the Cake. Anyway, I was determined to go back this year and I'm so glad I did. The transformation couldn't have been more different. The Darling is flowing again! You could sense the lift of spirit within the people of this region. See more

14.01.2022 Outback NSW It was very difficult to drag myself away from my campsite after 3 nights of some surreal Sunsets.

12.01.2022 Head On Photo Festival about to be launched for 2020!! Can't wait to check out all the inspiring work on display

12.01.2022 Sandstone Patterns #1 Central Coast NSW

11.01.2022 Perth, Western Australia 2019.

11.01.2022 Flinders Ranges, South Australia. It was a welcome relief to see the distant Flinders Ranges after travelling through the dry, flat plains of the south.

09.01.2022 Darling River. Far West NSW.

08.01.2022 Sunrise from Lavender Bay, Sydney. Linhof Super Technika V.

08.01.2022 Storm approaching. Lightning Ridge. North West NSW.

07.01.2022 Wollemi National Park NSW. The origins of the "Black Stump? maybe, but a cool morning with Pagodas and wildlife to be seen. Also a rare encounter with the largest Red Fox I've ever seen chasing what looked like a Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby only 50 metres or so away from me. Luckily for the Wallaby, the Fox saw me and headed straight back into the bush. The Wallaby lives to see another day and I reported the location of the Fox to the Ranger when I got reception a few days later. Another square format with the Mamiya C330F

06.01.2022 The last few years I've been mainly, but not always, preoccupied with landscape/Seascape scenes. I do enjoy photographing people though and have had memorable moments exploring the back roads to off the beaten places with my film Camera. Often lost or just turning up unexpectedly to villages. If interested, here's a light hearted and intended,unpretentious look at some people I've met along the way... L to R from top. 1/ Poienile Izei. Maramures, Romania. A region of northe...rn Romania still holding on to their traditional values and customs. ( hopefully still today)Which is what appealed to me. I stayed here a few days, moving on to other villages nearby soaking up the culture. Sad to say goodbye. 2/ Fitzroy, Melbourne. A wonderful city with cool streets to roam in too! 3/ Zanzibar, Africa. Glad I had some B&W film in at the time. 4/ Skopje, Macedonia. Inquisitive gypsy kids following me around. 5/ Sydney, Australia. Next Collage:- 1/ Opuwo Namibia 2/ Minneapolis USA. Buskers have always been an interest to me 3/ Harman, Romania. Wonderful friendly country with so many medieval Castles and fortresses to explore. 4/ Cusco Peru. A street vendor selling her amazing wares. 5/ We got bogged in the sand dunes. In hindsight, shouldn't have driven a 2WD car in the Desert, so can't tell you where it was exactly, other than Northern Namibia. Luckily for us, there was a village nearby . 6/ Orheiul Vechi, Moldova. A fascinating cave Monastery dug by a select few Monks I believe in about the 13th century or so. I just turned up with no one around. There was a big timber door which I knocked but no one answered, so I went in and down a long dark tunnel and arrived in a Chamber where two Monks were. They were startled, as I was. One began walking around me holding some candles and smoke ( maybe trying to cleanse my soul) Anyway, with hand signals, which you get pretty used to, one of them allowed me to photograph him.

05.01.2022 A selection of my work shot exclusively with Black and White and Colour film.

05.01.2022 With all the frustrations associated with Covid19 restrictions, on the positive side it has enabled me to explore more areas close to home with the Intrepid 4x5 Camera, then back home to develop the Negs.

04.01.2022 I've been enjoying using my 4x5 Large format Camera a lot lately and developing the negs in my make shift darkroom. Here's one from my backyard, which reminds me of all the weeding I need to do around the place :)

04.01.2022 Boggy Creek South Coast NSW

02.01.2022 Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria. A good break in the weather at the most southern part of mainland Australia.

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