James Noble Law in Brisbane City | Lawyer & law firm
James Noble Law
Locality: Brisbane City
Phone: +61 1800 662 535
Address: Level 10/95 N Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 Brisbane City, QLD, Australia
Website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au
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24.01.2022 How the Child’s View Affects Custody Disputes? Before imposing an order, the Court will always consider what Parenting Arrangements are in the best interests of the child. In determining the best interests of the child, any views expressed by the child will be taken into consideration.... During this process, the Court will place appropriate weight to these views depending upon various factors such as the child’s maturity and understanding of the situation. As children of mature age are more likely to grasp the concepts of separation, split custody, and parenting arrangements, the Court is likely to place far more weight on the views of children between the age bracket of 14 18 years. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 or Visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/child-views-in-parenting-/ #ParentingArrangements #ParentingArrangementsAfterDivorce #ParentingArrangementsForThe0_4YearAgeGroup #ParentingArrangementsInAustralia #SharedCareParentingArrangements #SharedParentingArrangements #JamesNobleLaw
24.01.2022 How Can I Obtain an Australian Passport for My Child After Separation? Before obtaining an Australian Child Passport, the Passport Office requires the child’s parent or any other person with parental responsibility to provide written consent for the passport being issued. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain a passport is to receive mutual consent from both parents. However, this is not always possible. In circumstances where the other parent refuses to provide written consen...t or does not show any support of the spplication for the passport, you can lodge a form with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/obtaining-australian-chil/ #Child_Passports_Application #Australian_Child_Passports #Child_Passports #Child_Passports_After_Separation #James_Noble_Law
23.01.2022 Before obtained a childs passport, the Passport Office requires the childs parent or any other person with parental responsibility to provide written consent to the passport being issued. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain a passport to receive consent from the other parent. However, this will not always be possible. #ChildPassports #ChildPassportsAfterSeparation #separation https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/child-passports-after-separat/
23.01.2022 Why is domestic violence an issue in Australia? Domestic violence occurs when one person uses violence, abuse or control over another person in a relationship. This is usually ongoing behaviour and it is quite rare that a domestic abuser ceases the abuse without some form of intervention. Domestic Abusers use fear to control their partners or family members. At James Noble Law we strongly advise that your first thought and action should be to protect yourself and your famil...y from any abuse. If you think you are subject to domestic violence plan your escape or just call the police. They can help. Your next port of call should be to obtain competent legal advice. A good lawyer can point you in the direction that will see gain the protection you need and help you get in touch with support services to assist you to get your life back in order. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/services/domestic-violence/ #DomesticViolenceQld #DomesticViolenceQldInAustralia #DomesticViolenceLawsQld #WhatIsDomesticViolenceQld #QueenslandDomesticViolence #DomesticViolenceSupportQld #DomesticViolenceQld #DomesticViolenceLawyerBrisbane #DomesticViolenceBrisbane #DomesticViolenceLawyersBrisbane #QldDomesticViolenceAct #FamilyLawActDomesticViolence #DomesticViolenceFamilyLawAct #StatisticsOfDomesticViolence #JamesNobleLaw
22.01.2022 As with many professional services sectors, law professionals generally really only sell their time. And as we all know very well, time is money. In the interests of saving everyone time (and money), weve compiled a shortlist of items to consider if budget is a factor (and lets face it that it probably is!). #BrisbaneFamilyLawyer #divorcelawyersbrisbane #FinancialAgreement #MediationCosts
22.01.2022 In these unsettling times, to ensure the safety of our clients, our staff, and our communities, JAMES NOBLE LAW is pleased to offer 100% contactless appointments and our team is working remotely. We continue to service clients and progress matters. Kindly call or email us for enquiries at https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au
21.01.2022 Please contact James Noble Law if you require urgent information or support on your family law matter in QLD at www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au
21.01.2022 Did you know that the period of adjustment for families can range anywhere from 1 to 3 years from the point of separation? A range of emotions can surface in any order, at any time, for different periods. Everyone experiences them differently.
20.01.2022 Prenuptial Agreements (otherwise known as Binding Financial Agreements BFAs) can be drawn up prior to, during or after a relationship/marriage. BFAs set out how all or any assets or liabilities will be divided in the event of a breakdown of your relationship. This means that the assets and liabilities in the parties possession at the time of entering into the agreement can be accounted for and so can any accumulated during the relationship. This also includes superannuation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy3MAAbFpOg
20.01.2022 What does a family report writer do for Preparing Family Report? When the topic is about family report writing, automatically it comes to mind that What would be the family report writer questions? What is the family report examples? What are family report recommendations? You may be thinking of preparing a family report in a legitimate way for your children. It is inevitable that if parents who institute proceedings in the family court involving their children, will if the ...parenting issues relating to the children are not resolved, be required to attend a conference and consult with initially a family consultant attached to the court, and if the matter proceeds further in the court process with a family report writer. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/preparing-for-a-family-report/ #FamilyReport #FamilyReportCost #FamilyReportExamples #FamilyReportFamilyCourt #FamilyReportFamilyLawAct #FamilyReportFederalCircuitCourt #FamilyReportInterview #FamilyReportProceedings #FamilyReportProceedingsInAustralia #FamilyReportQuestions #FamilyReportRecommendations #FamilyReportWriter #FamilyReportWriterAustralia #FamilyReportWriterQueensland #JamesNobleLaw
20.01.2022 Stay up to date from the new Coronavirus JNL HQ! James & Charles are discussing some recent developments in Brisbane family law. Visit www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au for more information.
20.01.2022 Divorce Property Settlement, De Facto Property Settlement, Or Same Sex Couple Property Settlement Financial issues arising from the breakdown Visit:https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEMlWIfF6Fc
19.01.2022 Who Pays for Pregnancy Costs? What happens if you are pregnant and the father is no longer willing to raise the child or provide financial assistance? Is the father still liable to pay relevant costs? Essentially, the answer is yes. The biological father of a child is liable to financially support #childmaintenance #financialagreements #financialcontributions #Financialsupport #Financialsupportservice
18.01.2022 When a marriage or relationship breaks down, a typical disagreement between the parties relate to the arrangements of the children, including where they live, attend school and spend time with. These issues may be further complicated if one parent wishes to relocate as a result of family violence, abuse or Visit:https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0yM6VgvDkE
17.01.2022 As a firm, we feel duty-bound to put our expertise to good use in helping people to get through this crisis. For victims, there is often little knowledge of where to turn. If the situation falls short of one in which the police are prepared to become actively involved, the only way for such a situation to be resolved is through family courts. www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au
16.01.2022 To successfully start working remotely for a law firm, it is imperative that you have excellent Workplace Communication in place. Communication is especially important in the workplace; this is what drives increased productivity, improves morale and efficiency. It helps foster an excellent working relationship between you, your boss and colleagues. #brisbanefamilylawyers #work
16.01.2022 #HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_2021
16.01.2022 Charles & James discussing their past week in QLD family law court during COVID-19 https://youtu.be/y5R4hGzE9Uo
16.01.2022 Family Law Act in Australia | What’s Fair In Love & Law? When the Court makes a determination on property issues it takes into account the provisions of the Family Law Act 1975 and in particular the approach for the determination of an application under section 79 of the Family Law Act. A Court’s power to make an order altering the parties’ interest in a property is conditioned upon the Court has found that it is just and equitable to make such an order, the just and equitabl...e requirement permeates the process in which the Court is engaged. Call us on(1800 662 535) For more information and how to apply please follow this link: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/whats-fair-in-love-law-fa/ #Family_Law_Act_In_Australia #Family_Law_Act_1975 #Family_Law_Act #Family_Law #Brisbane_Family_Lawyers #Family_Lawyers_Brisbane #James_Noble_Law
16.01.2022 Oh no. He’s having an affair! A separation has three elements; >> Either party or both intend to end the relationship;... >> Either party indicates that intention to the other party and; >> One of the parties or both parties act upon that intention to end the relationship and lead separate lives There are important things that you should consider if a separation is inevitable. If there are difficulties in your relationship look for a solution. It may be better to seek a resolution and seek advice to prevent a separation occurring or to minimise the impact of a separation financially and emotionally if a separation is inevitable. Seek advice. There are experienced family psychologists who can assist you with the *** emotions you are experiencing. Become aware of your own and your partner’s intentions and emotions. Seek advice from a counsellor to deal with your needs and your partner’s needs and the emotional hotspots you both may be experiencing. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/separation/ #DeFactoSeparationQLD #DeclarationOfSeparation #DivorceApplication #DivorceLawyersBrisbane #HavingAnAffair #Separation #SeparationAgreementQLD #SeparationAgreementTemplateQLD #SeparationAndDivorce #SeparationLawyer #SeparationLawyers #SeparationLawyersBrisbane #JamesNobleLaw
16.01.2022 Binding Financial Agreements (BFA), also referred to as pre-nups are created when two parties have made a fully informed decision to enter into a binding agreement. The creation of an Airtight Binding Financial Agreement requires the parties to disclose their financial position, provide reasonable time to consider the agreement and obtain independent legal representation to avoid any undue influence or pressure on the other party. #BestFamilyLawyer #BFA #BindingFinancialAgreement #divorcecourtbrisbane
15.01.2022 The Family Law Act states the importance of children having a relationship with grandparents and other significant family members. Although the Act does not give Grandparents the automatic right to see their grandchildren, it does provide the right to seek Court Orders which would allow them to spend time with the children. https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/grandparents-and-living-arran/
15.01.2022 Have a great mothers day in remembrance of all the mums who are the cornerstone of the family unit
15.01.2022 James Noble & Charles Noble discuss the current situation at Court in Brisbane with a focus on family law matters. #coronavirusaustralia #stayathomechallenge #lawyers
14.01.2022 Need a lawyer while youre quarantined? Simple with The Law App. Less than 1% of the cases listed require a face-to-face meeting with clients. We expect this number to drop further as our service allows simple telecommunications via the platform. Hire a lawyer. On your terms.
14.01.2022 If Kobe Bryant was an Australian, resided in Queensland, and died without a valid Will (intestate) the laws of Queensland would decide how his vast estate would be divided. Because he had a wife and children it would work like this; His spouse would receive the first $150,000 of his overall estate and all of the household furniture and chattels. #diedwithoutaWill #KobeBryant #Wills #willsandestates
13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to All Respectable Solicitors and Clients. #Fathersday #Jamesnoblelaw #Brisbane
13.01.2022 Surrogacy act QLD: Are Surrogacy Arrangements Legal In Queensland? Prior to the 1st of June, 2010, the surrogacy act QLD was illegal. Since that date the laws have changed, leaving couples who can’t conceive free to source a willing surrogate mother to carry their child full term. However, there is one key condition.... The surrogate mother cannot receive payment for performing the surrogacy service. This is known as altruistic arrangements of the surrogacy act QLD. Where payment for services rendered is received, it would be considered a commercial surrogacy agreement, which is illegal under Queensland law. The definition of commercial surrogacy arrangements is where there is material and/or financial gain for the surrogate mother. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/are-surrogacy-arrangements-le/ #SurrogacyActQld #SurrogacyQld #SurrogacyAct2010 #SurrogacyAct2010Qld #SurrogacyInQld #CommercialSurrogacyDefinition #SexSurrogacyBrisbane #SurrogacyQueensland #SurrogacyInQueensland #SurrogacyAct2010 #SurrogacyPerth #SurrogacyLaw #JamesNobleLaw
13.01.2022 Need help after hours? Were standing by 24/7 and ready to help at any time. Visit www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au to book a free consultation.
11.01.2022 Family law cases commonly surround issues such as child abuse, drug and alcohol use, mental health, parenting capacity and neglect, and domestic violence. Perpetrators of such acts can often use tactics of denial in in order to minimize or even shift blame. This further enhances the pressing need to take action. https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/inquiry-into-family-law-and-c/
11.01.2022 Separation and divorce are not easy for anyone, but it can be even harder on children and far more confusing for them to fully grasp whats going on and why. The children need to come first in your decision making, and its also important for both parents to do their best to continue to co-parent the children. Please Visit our website:https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/top-tips-for-coping-durin/ #Separation #Separationlawyers #divorce #divorcelawyers #Brisbane
11.01.2022 Recent questions have been asked in relation to property issues and superannuation. Superannuation Legislation for many years was not property under the Family Law legislation and the Court had no power to deal with it although the Court, to overcome this difficulty, made an adjustment to a party’s interests. For more information call us on (1800 662 535) and how to apply, please visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/superannuation-legislatio/ #Superannuation_L...egislation #Financial_Agreements #Family_Law_Superannuation #Superannuation_Australia #Financial_Agreement_Termination #Family_Lawyers_Brisbane #James_Noble_Law See more
11.01.2022 The current structure of the Family Court and Federal Circuit have led to systematic backlogs of cases, with Judges required to hear a multitude of matters on a single day. This has led many parties who have proceedings before the Court to be frustrated, and rightly so. #FamilyCourts #FamilyLaw #FamilyLawMatter
09.01.2022 How To Be an Executor or Will Administrator of an Estate? When a person creates a Last Will and Testament, they are required to appoint an executor or Will Administrator who acts to administer the person’s estate upon their death. Although many ask: How To Be an Executor or Will Administrator? The executor or Will Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all outstanding debts and taxes are paid to creditors/debts, and, all remaining assets are distributed according to t...he deceased person’s final wishes provided for in the Will. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/how-to-be-an-executor-and/ #AdministratorOfAnEstate #AustralianExecutorTrustees #Beneficiary #BrisbaneLawyer #DiyWillKits #Executor #ExecutorOfAWill #ExecutorOfWill #HowToBeAnExecutor #JamesNobleLaw #LawyersInBrisbane #WhatDoesAnExecutorOfAWillDo #WhatIsAnExecutorOfAWill #WillAdministrator #WillkitAct #Wills #WillsAndEstatesLawyers #WillsAndEstatesLawyersBrisbane
09.01.2022 What should you do if Family Law Matter making Delay? Merging Family Courts and Early Senate Reports The current structure of the Family Court and Federal Circuit have led to systematic backlogs of cases, with Judges required to hear a multitude of matters on a single day. This has led many parties who have proceedings before the Court to be frustrated, and rightly so.... For more details, Speak with us 1800 662 535 or Visit our website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/why-is-my-family-law-matt/ #Family_Courts #Family_Law #Family_Law_Matter #Family_Law_Matter_Advice #Family_Law_Matter_Solution #James_Noble
09.01.2022 What Happens If My Ex Won’t Sign the Divorce Papers? Divorce can be a very difficult time in both parties’ lives. But here you can find a better solution for Online Divorce Application. Sometimes after the breakdown of a marriage, one party has difficulty in accepting this fact and may refuse to sign divorce papers. Other situations might involve a controlling ex-partner or parties who believe they will get back together. For whatever reason, if the other party is refusing to... sign divorce papers, you have options. James Noble Law is standing by on 1800 662 535 Read More: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/divorce-application-optio/ #applicationfordivorceform #divorceapplication #divorceapplicationaustralia #divorceapplicationform #divorceapplicationformqld #divorceapplicationonline #OnlineDivorceApplication
08.01.2022 You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. From our family, to yours, Happy Valentines Day. -Love James Noble Law.
08.01.2022 Why your firm should use a Town Agent you can save your clients money! If you know what a town agent is then you have probably been faced with the conundrum of how to represent a client for a Court event or other legal matter in a location away from your locale. This may be interstate or a far enough distance to make it unviable to travel and keep costs down for your client. Please call and speak to one of our highly experienced Brisbane Family Lawyers on 1800 662 535... Read the article to find out more. https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/why-your-firm-should-use-/ #TownAgencyServices #TownAgent #TownAgentBrisbane #WhatIsATownAgent #JamesNobleLaw #LawFirm #BrsbaneFamilyLawyers #FamilyLawyersBrisbane
07.01.2022 Best 5 Suggestions for co-parenting Australia during COVID-19 Five useful suggestions for families co-parenting Australia during covid-19 to adjust to the new circumstances. 1. Keeping your child updated 2. Meeting your obligations with respect to Court Orders and Agreements... 3. Working with the other parent 4. Where you can, maintain your routine 5. Staying positive and patient Read more details - https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/co-parenting-australia-du/ #coparentingAustralia #AustralianFamilyLaw #brisbanefamilylaw #coparentingAustraliaDuringCOVID19 #coparenting
07.01.2022 Due to the lengthy Court delays and the stress and cost associated with taking your family matter to Court, we are finding more and more clients coming to us with consent order and other agreements that they have come to through negotiating (or some other method) with their former partners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es5EQjYYPzc
06.01.2022 Wondering who is to pay for schooling and other extracurricular activities for the kids after separation? The answer may surprise you. https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/who-pays-for-schooling-and-ex/
06.01.2022 HELP! I’ve Got An Executor Dispute: Can I Remove an executor of wills? It is not uncommon for clients to raise they are frustrated with how the executors of wills is administrating a deceased person’s estate. These complaints typically arise from beneficiaries to a Will, being the category of person who benefits under the will. Before dealing with these issues, it is necessary to understand the nature of the executors of wills, position, and the responsibilities this position... demands. James Noble Law is standing by on 1800 662 535 Read the article to find out more. https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/how-to-remove-the-executo/ #CanExecutorsChangeAWill #DutiesOfExecutors #ExecutorsOfEstate #ExecutorsOfWills #RemoveExecutors #TrusteesExecutors #JamesNobleLaw
05.01.2022 The problem with mediation is, that even though you have a reasonable chance of reaching an outcome, it is through negotiation with two lawyers fighting on each side. You generally end up in the middle ground of where you started. https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/cant-agree-on-property-or-chi/
04.01.2022 What are Restorative Justice in Queensland and it’s principles? Restorative justice is the principle of diverting offenders to rehabilitative services such as pre-court mediation, community conferencing between the offender/victim and engaging with specialised programs to reform criminal behaviour. The police have the power to refer juvenile offenders to the process of restorative justice such as mediation between the parties, as opposed to bringing charges for the criminal o...ffence. If agreed to by the court, this process can be engaged without the need to involve sentencing and litigation. Although restorative justice act often occurs before a matter reaches court, before imposing a sentence the Judge must consider the relevant considerations of not imposing a custodial term. Don't hesitate to ask our Expert Brisbane Family Lawyers. Our experienced family lawyers are standing by on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/restorative-justice-in-queens/ #RestorativeJustice #RestorativeJusticeAct #RestorativeJusticeAustralia #RestorativeJusticeDefinition #RestorativeJusticeExamples #RestorativeJusticeNsw #RestorativeJusticeQld #RestorativeJusticeQueensland #WhatIsRestorativeJustice #YouthJusticeAct1992Qld #JamesNobleLaw
04.01.2022 The definition of child in the Family Law Act does not make reference to an unborn child. The Family Court only has jurisdiction in relation to a child after the birth of the child. Judge Erlenmeyer in the 1989 case of In the marriage of F. F held that the unborn child has no legal right to be born which the court could protect. https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/can-family-court-make-an-orde/
04.01.2022 If you are concerned that your child may not be returned to your care after spending time with the other parent, there are some simple things you can do to try and avoid this situation, or, make it easier for yourself to recover the child in the event this does occur. #ChildCustody #childcustodyqld #ChildPassports #ChildSafety
03.01.2022 It is inevitable that if parents who institute proceedings in the family court involving their children, will if the parenting issues relating to the children are not resolved, be required to attend a conference and consult with initially a family consultant attached to the court, and if the matter proceeds further in the court process with a family report writer. #brisbanefamilylaw #FamilyReport #PreparingForAFamilyReport #TipsforDuringSeparation
03.01.2022 One of the biggest concerns of parties whose marriage has broken down is what happens to financial resources and debt during this process. When it comes to matrimonial assets, one of the main considerations is whether the party who resides in the main property has the capacity to maintain the residence during interim and final proceedings. #BFA #BindingFinancialAgreement #divorcepropertysettlements #FinancialSettlement
02.01.2022 Parental Responsibilities and Children's Issues You have had counselling with your partner and possibly your own counselling to solve Parental Responsibilities. Matters cannot be resolved. You have received financial advice to know what your financial future holds. You have endeavoured in every way possible to negotiate with your partner but without success. The stumbling block seems to be who is to care for your children.... Call us (1800 662 535) or You'll get more info and examples here: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/parental-responsibilities/ #Parenting_Issues #Parental_Responsibilities #Parental_Responsibility_Australia #Parenting_Agreement #Parenting_Agreement_qld #Shared_Parental_Responsibility #Equal_Shared_Parental_Responsibility #Sole_Parental_Responsibility #James_Noble_Law
02.01.2022 What Is The Best Time For Divorce? During these times of significant transition, children often find it difficult to cope with the vast number of events happening. Children may typically display and feel negative emotions such as hurt, rejection, anger, abandonment, and fear for what the future may hold. Accordingly, it is important for couples going through separation to never forget the children or how their actions may affect children’s views. The consequences for some chi...ldren during separation should never be underestimated, as various situations may bring about different emotional responses in children. Our experienced family lawyers are standing by on 1800 662 535 For more information and how to apply, please visit our website. https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/best-time-for-divorce/ #DivorceAustraliaTimeFrame #DivorceProcessingTimeAustralia #DivorceWhenIsItTime #TimeForADivorce #TimeForDivorce #WhenIsItTimeForDivorce #WhenIsIiTimeToDivorce #JamesNobleLaw
01.01.2022 Commonly when two parties separate or divorce, the family home (also referred to as the matrimonial home) is typically the most valuable asset. As with most separations, one party moves out of the matrimonial home following the break down of the relationship, leaving questions of how much the house is worth? and which party owns it? https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/family-law-property-valuation/
01.01.2022 Do you know the new Smoking Laws in Queensland? Smoking laws in Queensland was originally restricted in certain areas such as indoor dining areas and other licensed premises under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Qld). Amendments to this legislation in 2004 resulted in stricter bans, with children’s playgrounds, stadiums, beaches, and near entrances of buildings and public transport making the list of restricted areas.... With recent amendments to the smoking laws and more conclusive restricted areas, there are very few areas that do not involve a smoke-free area. Please call and speak to one of our highly experienced Brisbane Family Lawyers on 1800 662 535 Visit our website: https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/smoking-laws-in-queensland/ #SmokingLawsInQueensland #NewSmokingLawsInQueensland #SmokingLawsInQueenslandAustralia #NewSmokingLawsInQueenslandAustralia #NewQueenslandSmokingLaws #QldSmokingLaws2016 #SmokingLawsQld2016 #QldNewSmokingLaws #SmokingInQueensland #SmokingLawsQueensland #SmokingLaw #QueenslandSmokingLaws #JamesNobleLaw
01.01.2022 In Family Law property or parenting proceedings, the parties have a responsibility to provide full and frank disclosure. The Duty of full and frank disclosure is a requirement for all parties involved in a family law dispute to provide to each other party all information relevant to an issue in the case. Please Visit Our Website: https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/everything-you-need-to-kn/ #FullAndFrankDisclosure #FamilyLaw #Disclosure
01.01.2022 These complaints typically arise from beneficiaries to a Will, being the category of person who benefits under the will. Before dealing with these issues, it is necessary to understand the nature of the executor position, and the responsibilities this position demands. #draftingawill #RemoveExecutors #Wills https://jamesnoblelaw.com.au/how-to-remove-the-executor-of/
01.01.2022 How Australia Introduced ‘No Fault Divorce’ And Why Our Family Law System is Under Review Again? For decades, if you wanted a divorce in Australia, you had to prove your spouse was to blame. No-fault divorce was not legal by local law. The grounds ranged from habitual drunkenness to adultery, and many cases involved the use of private investigators Some couples who privately agreed to separate would even have to stage adulterous trysts for later evidential use in court. Thi...s all changed in 1975 with the introduction of no-fault divorce and the Family Court system. Family law in Australia has come under intense scrutiny since then, with dozens of reports including a 2019 Australian Law Reform Commission review and more than 100 amendments to the Family Law Act. For more information, please talk to Brisbane Family Lawyers at James Noble Law on 1800 662 535 https://www.jamesnoblelaw.com.au/how-australia-introduced-/ #NoFaultDivorce #NoFaultDivorceAustralia #DivorceLaw #DivorceLawyerAustralia #JamesNobleLaw
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