James Ruse Union | Education
James Ruse Union
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25.01.2022 The search for a challenge and way to develop her understanding of the earth’s processes is what led Sydneysider Frances Kan to the Australian Science Olympiads... program. Today, she has made it through tough rounds of selection and is one of four brilliant students selected on the 2020 Australian Earth Science Olympiad team. Frances is captivated by earth science and the universe’s grand phenomena. Astronomy is the field that interests her most, as it allows her to uncover these mysteries by delving into the past and looking into the future. She says, Through the study of astronomy, we can begin to understand the evolution of the universe over billions of years and find the answers to life’s most perplexing questions. Science aside, Frances is also passionate about social justice. In school, she is a member of various related clubs such as Interact, Amnesty and UNICEF. Outside of school, Frances enjoys playing the piano, ballet and hiking. She is also a member of the St John Ambulance Australia Cadets. Inspired by her father’s diligence, Frances works hard to reach her goals and make the most of her education. She hopes to pursue a career in medical research or oncology to make a positive impact on people’s lives. #sciencewithASI #girlsinSTEM #IESO #earthscience #TeamAustralia #AustralianScienceOlympiads #InternationalScienceOlympiads #SummerSchool2020 James Ruse Agricultural High School
25.01.2022 Today we held an on line meeting for Year 12. Pleasingly 150/162 students attended the meeting. We sang Happy Birthday to one of the students.
24.01.2022 Ruse featured in the RSL magazine.
23.01.2022 Be sure to watch Series 8 of Julia Zemiros Home Delivery which has an episode with alumnus Scott Farquhar partly filmed on location at Ruse. We have been keeping that secret since October!
23.01.2022 Trip down memory lane 2005 A few photos from the year book See if you can spot yourself!
23.01.2022 After incredibly rewarding experiences at the last two International Chemistry Olympiads, Richard Huang from Sydney has again earned a place on the 2020 team. H...e excelled at the 2018 and 2019 Olympiads, receiving silver medals for both and is excited to further develop his abilities across all areas of chemistry. Richard regards chemistry as his greatest passion, saying, chemistry, but particularly organic chemistry, is a remarkable area of science that combines theoretical wizardry, lab work and dedication. He finds cracking a tough chemistry problem thrilling and makes the discipline all the more appealing. Richards greatest role models are those who have fuelled and shaped his knowledge of chemistry. He is inspired by everyone who has taught him valuable lessons and given him new skills that enrich his science journey. Other than pondering over chemistry problems, Richard spends his spare time playing baritone and chess. Though keeping his options open, Richard hopes to study chemistry at university or within a double degree. He aspires to become a researcher and professor. He has enjoyed meeting others who share his love of chemistry. Inspired to represent Australia at the next competition? Registrations for the 2020 Australian Science Olympiad Exams are now open. Go to www.asi.edu.au to find out more. #sciencewithASI #IChO2020 #IChO #chemistry #TeamAustralia #AustralianScienceOlympiads #InternationalScienceOlympiads #SummerSchool2020 James Ruse Agricultural High School
22.01.2022 I have a student who would like some support with her Coop Scholarship interviews. Is anyone able to do this please? Rachel Powell
21.01.2022 Taking a moment to share the past.
20.01.2022 Ben is a Year 12 student at Ruse.
18.01.2022 Some of our esteemed ex-students, currently working in Scientific and Medical research, with their personalised blinds.
17.01.2022 Its all been very quiet at Ruse but life on the Ag Plot continues as usual. I thought these photos might bring a smile to some faces.
17.01.2022 Trip down memory lane May 1992 Cadets Who remembers going on the Term 2 Bivouac to Wolgan Valley.
17.01.2022 Ex-Principal Michael Quinlan visited the school today.
17.01.2022 The search for a challenge and way to develop her understanding of the earths processes is what led Sydneysider Frances Kan to the Australian Science Olympiads... program. Today, she has made it through tough rounds of selection and is one of four brilliant students selected on the 2020 Australian Earth Science Olympiad team. Frances is captivated by earth science and the universes grand phenomena. Astronomy is the field that interests her most, as it allows her to uncover these mysteries by delving into the past and looking into the future. She says, Through the study of astronomy, we can begin to understand the evolution of the universe over billions of years and find the answers to lifes most perplexing questions. Science aside, Frances is also passionate about social justice. In school, she is a member of various related clubs such as Interact, Amnesty and UNICEF. Outside of school, Frances enjoys playing the piano, ballet and hiking. She is also a member of the St John Ambulance Australia Cadets. Inspired by her fathers diligence, Frances works hard to reach her goals and make the most of her education. She hopes to pursue a career in medical research or oncology to make a positive impact on peoples lives. #sciencewithASI #girlsinSTEM #IESO #earthscience #TeamAustralia #AustralianScienceOlympiads #InternationalScienceOlympiads #SummerSchool2020 James Ruse Agricultural High School
17.01.2022 We have received sad news that Mr Frank Clatworthy,Head of Mathematics between 1973 and 1979, died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Frank was a great supporter of Ruse providing ongoing funds for a Maths Prize.the FK Clatworthy Prize for Mathematics which,in recent years,has been presented by his alumna daughter Gabriel.
16.01.2022 We have had an overwhelming response to our post regarding the discovery of pupil cards from 1991 - 1994. The final bundle of requested cards will be posted this week. I hope you enjoy looking back at the past.
16.01.2022 In 2021, we are optimistic that we will be able to help Alumni groups celebrate their Reunion at School! Whether it’s the 5th, 10th,...., 55th or 60th one - we would love to hear from you!In 2021, we are optimistic that we will be able to help Alumni groups celebrate their Reunion at School! Whether it’s the 5th, 10th,...., 55th or 60th one - we would love to hear from you!
15.01.2022 I’m pleased to announce that JRAHS has a Development Manager and part of her role will be to help develop relationships with alumni. She’ll be organising our archives, arranging activities to invite you back to school and keep you up to date via social media and email. Yvonne Lo is known to many of you as the former P&C President, mother of three Ruse students and all round Ruse advocate. On Tuesday Yvonne and Annmaree cleared up the School Archives so much so that we can now actually see the floor! Congratulations to Yvonne, we are very much looking forward to seeing where you take this new and exciting role.
14.01.2022 Remember to watch ABC at 8.00pm to see ex student Scott Farquar and our beautiful school feature in Julia Zeniros Home Delivery.
14.01.2022 August 23 is the LAST day to be able to register on https://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/21563e6 for a FREE 6 week trial of the Entertainment Membership. Only email address is required and download the app. At the end of the trial period if you like it, please use the JRAHS P&C link as 20% of membership sales will go towards the complete rebuild of the 2 netball/tennis courts at JRAHS!!
12.01.2022 After 15 years, its a GOLD to Australia! A massive congratulations to the Australian team competing in the 2020 International Chemistry Olympiad who earn...ed one gold and three bronze medals in this tough international competition. Richard Huang gold Caleb Hsiung bronze Sariena Ye bronze Nicholas Wu bronze Youve done us all proud #IChO #sciencewithASI #ASO
12.01.2022 There has been quite a bit of interest from Alumni wanting to purchase JRAHS merchandise. Prices of each item is on the photo. If you would like to purchase any of these items you are welcome to come to the school Accounts Office before 1.30pm or alternatively you can purchase over the phone using your credit card. Please contact myself via emails if you would like your items posted - [email protected]. (Note: items mailed out will incur a $11.00 postage fee or otherwise advised.)
12.01.2022 The oranges are coming along nicely.
12.01.2022 Trip down memory lane - Year Book 1992 A couple of pages from the 1992 Year Book. Photos from the play The Desert Song and photos from two dances organised by Year 11. Fun times
11.01.2022 At the 2020 Graduation Ceremony for Year 12, we used the fact of not being allowed to have guest speakers in attendance as an opportunity to have guest speakers from overseas. Thank you to Jonathan Wang (Class of 2000) and John Ho (Class of 1993) who joined us from Shanghai and Hong Kong respectively. We will be showing a special recording of the graduation once only. If you would like to watch then please join us at 9.30 on Thursday 1st October. https://jamesruse-h.schools.nsw.gov.au//year-12-graduation
11.01.2022 Fascinated by the world around her, Sariena Ye is thrilled to have earned a place on the 2020 Australian Chemistry Olympiad team. She is excited to further her ...understanding of chemistry theory and gain new lab skills. In science, Sariena find chemistry and physics very appealing. I love how it challenges me to solve problems by linking ideas from different fields, she says. She is most interested in quantum mechanics and organic chemistry. Not only a talented STEM student, Sariena is also an enthusiastic artist. She enjoys watercolour painting and sketching buildings from different countries. She has created posters for the Amnesty club at her school, which aims to raise awareness of human right violations by fundraising. Sariena is inspired by theoretical physicist, Brian Greene. She looks up to his ability to simplify and effectively communicate complex ideas, such as string theory and special relativity, and applies this when mentoring younger grades at school in chemistry. In future, Sariena looks forward to pursuing a career in a science-related field. She is open to many new possibilities in university and plans to undertake research projects in a broad range of fields, from medical science to astrophysics. Inspired to represent Australia at the next competition? Registrations for the 2020 Australian Science Olympiad Exams are now open. Go to www.asi.edu.au to find out more. #sciencewithASI #IChO2020 #IChO #chemistry #TeamAustralia #AustralianScienceOlympiads #InternationalScienceOlympiads #SummerSchool2020 James Ruse Agricultural High School
11.01.2022 Greg Mail in his last year of school.
10.01.2022 Simon Lewer (Class of 1980) was the first ex student to come into school to buy some of our Ruse treats for his friends and family. Whilst he was here met up with his Science teacher Mrs Pooviah and saw his name on the Blues Honour Board. It was wonderful to have such a joyous visit at such an awful time.
10.01.2022 We are looking for a Development Manager to help further develop our relationship with the local community, the Alumni and to manage the archives. This role will include updating this Facebook page more regularly than I can manage! The School Executive feel that this role would be best undertaken by someone from the wider Ruse community. If anyone is interested in this part time please contact me.
10.01.2022 [THROWBACK THURSDAY] props to the art of old school collaging Yearbook 1981/82
10.01.2022 This week students from a number of other schools came to our conference Cultures Collide to discuss multiculturalism. This was organised by our Social Justice Prefects and featured talks by Senator Mehreen Faruqi, a Holocaust survivor and a panel with ex students and other young people who are working in the field of social justice.
09.01.2022 Helen Han is our second HSC artist featured in Art Express. Today art teachers Ian Goggin, Ashleigh Englefield and I accompanied Helen and her family at the opening at Newington Armoury.
09.01.2022 One of our newest Maths teachers has been featured on an advert to promote Maths teaching in NSW. https://youtu.be/U1zw8XPH3_I
09.01.2022 Are there any ex students who would be willing to give our current Year 12s some support before their medicine interviews please? If you are interested please send the page a message. Thanks in advance. The students who have had support so far this year have been very grateful.
07.01.2022 [TRAVEL TUESDAY] Covid makes a lot of us long for the days when we could freely travel anywhere and anytime...... Ruse Cambodia Tour 2011
06.01.2022 Class of 1971 A group of ex students from Class of 1971 have got together and formed a Facebook page called "James Ruse Class of 1971" They are planning a reunion for March 2021. If you would like to reconnect with school friends or follow details of the planned reunion or have any enquiries then you can follow the page and message. "James Ruse Class of 1971" is not run or organised by James Ruse Agricultural High School or the James Ruse Union Facebook page.
05.01.2022 Congratulations to alumnus Greg Mail to Head Cricket NSW. https://www.smh.com.au//nsw-bucks-trend-with-key-hire-as-c
05.01.2022 Our data base, that we established in response to the 60th Anniversary Pin offer, is bursting with information. We have been overwhelmed with the response - over 270 of you replying to the offer to receive a pin in exchange for your details. This has been further enhanced by those of you who asked for the 1991-1994 Pupil cards. Everyone on the data base (who requested correspondence from the school) is receiving a weekly email with the school newsletter in it. If you would ...also like to receive it please email [email protected] I am committed to ensuring that the current James Ruse community has strong connections to our alumni because I believe there are many benefits for us and for you. We are currently looking to see if we can fund someone to work a day a week on archives and another person to work one day a week on developing links with alumni including a greater presence on social media. In addition we will be supplying the archives room with the infrastructure required to be able to sort and catalogue the items in the archives. So, please be patient with us whist this slowly starts to unfold.
05.01.2022 [MONDAY MUSINGS] 1961
05.01.2022 [SATURDAY SPECIAL] Ruse Today In 80 Seconds... 2020 * *... * * James Ruse Agricultural High School Est. 1959 Motto: Gesta Non Verba #1 Academically Ranked High School in NSW, Australia since 1995. A government funded co-educational selective high school located in Carlingford, NSW and only has day students. Agriculture is a compulsory subject from Years 7 to 10. See more
05.01.2022 Some more photos of the Powe Block Science labs opening.
04.01.2022 A huge thank you to alumnus David Schofield whose mother Grace worked at Ruse for 16 years (retiring in 1974) for bringing in a range of items for our archives. We are especially thankful for the copies of the James Ruse Gazette.
04.01.2022 Its pretty tough for all of us at the moment, but these beautiful James Ruse roses, plucked from the farm and brought up to Barrengarry House certainly brightened my day.
04.01.2022 In a clear out of the archives, we have found Year Books for the following years 1960-1962, 1981-1982,1984-1989,1992-1994 and 1996-1997. We would be happy to send these to you ($10 postage please).... If you are interested please contact [email protected] by 23rd September.
04.01.2022 WOW what a find!!!! Last week after cleaning out a storeroom we have discovered old pupil record cards from the Class of 1991 - 1994. If you would like to keep your pupil record card please email your address details to myself by this Friday 3rd April and we will post this out to you. [email protected]
03.01.2022 Oscar Dong from Sydney is one of four highly capable students selected on the 2020 Australian Earth Science Olympiad team. Through his Olympiad journey, he is k...een to work with and learn from other gifted and passionate people. He also looks forward to increasing his knowledge of earth and environmental science. Oscar is interested in all branches of science. He enjoys applying theoretical knowledge from every field to real-life situations, such as observing clouds to predict weather patterns or how to use a force when lifting heavy objects. Science is all around us and continues to make our lives easier, with many things we learn about the universe being applicable to ordinary experiences, he says. This young talent spends most of his spare time creating stop-motion films with LEGO. He also enjoys gardening and investigating ways of growing plants without using soil. In his STEM pursuit, Oscar looks up to Stephen Hawking, who has taught him to follow his dreams no matter what. He is inspired by Hawkings devotion to science and making breakthroughs despite his ALS diagnosis. In future, Oscar hopes to become a research scientist and contribute to finding solutions for everyday problems. #sciencewithASI #IESO #earthscience #TeamAustralia #AustralianScienceOlympiads #InternationalScienceOlympiads #SummerSchool2020 James Ruse Agricultural High School
02.01.2022 We are delighted to welcome Science Olympiad Gold Medallist Liz New to the ASI BoardIn 2001 Liz won gold at the #IChO in Mumbai. Since then Lizs science caree...r has gone from strength to strength, with her recently being awarded the 2019 Malcolm Macintosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year. See more
01.01.2022 Today at Sign Out, I pitched the opportunity to get some medicine interview guidance from Ruse alumni and it was very popular amongst the Year 12s. I already have six of you Chris, Jackie, Veronica, Lin, Oscar, David and Katherine signed up to work with three students each. If there are any more of you who would be willing to help out. That would be fabulous. Thank you.
01.01.2022 Looking for some ex students to offer to run practice interviews for Year 12s for scholarships, cadetships and a range of Uni places including the Tuckwell Scholarship at ANU. Currently we would run these practice interviews on line via Zoom. If you are interested please could you private message the page with your email address and, a particular interest in one of the above if you have one. Thanks so much. Rachel
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