Jamey Spiller | Public figure
Jamey Spiller
Phone: +61 422 347 604
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25.01.2022 There are no words... Just emotions.. 6 MONTHS!!!! ... only 6 months ago we said "FUCK YES" to us!!! How can I possibly try to put our life into words!!?? PLEASE! PLEASE! know you have EVERYTHING you need inside of you RIGHT NOW to create EVERYTHING you desire!! #SOULTRIBE #TheRogueLifestyle #freedomfest2019
25.01.2022 [New ] Welcome to #keepingitreal Sometimes you just need to set back and realise at the end of the day were all just trying to do the best with what were got! #keepingitreal podcast with my sista @Cat Saunders is coming to you live now!!... Listen here: https://soundcloud.com//welcome-to-keepingitreal-with-cat- Tune in to here us talk about all things.. Quantum physics Mindset Alignment Focus & loads more.... Listen to episode 1 here: https://soundcloud.com/keepini/keepingitreal-with-cat-jamey Why New Year's resolutions don't work Episode launching Monday. Do you have plans to make 2019 your best year yet? Let me know in the comments below. Jamey x
24.01.2022 "You are the creator of your current reality. You have consciously & unconsciously called EVERYTHING into your space." The law of quantum physics states.... WHAT WE FOCUS ON EXPANDS But this is more than just law of attraction thinking, there are clear easy processes we must first take to unlock the power of the quantum field. LAST NIGHT I BROUGHT DA ACTION!! Our #AlignedAF challenge has begun again!! 5 Days to... - Raise your vibration - Remove limiting decision & beliefs - Master your reality Last time we run this people has AMAZING results!!! There is still time to catch last night's replay and play along. DROP "REPLAY BELOW FOR ACCESS #TheRogueLifestyle #SoulTribe #free #training #vibration #raise #energy #lawofattraction #create #createalifeyoulove #creator #master #reality #business #onlinebusinesses #coach #replay #inspiration #inspire #whatif #whatwefocusonexpands #wanderlust #travel #entrepreneurquotes
24.01.2022 #MONEY What's your unconscious story?? Did you know that you determine how money shows up for you? I GOT THIS MEMO LATE!! ... Until this year I was operating with unconscious limiting beliefs that were determining how much money I was worth!! No matter what I would always find a way to lose whatever money we did earn. It was like the stories you hear of lotto winners losing their doe!! I could hustle I could work hard and earn it, BUT I couldn't keep it!! SO HERE'S HOW IT WORKS!!! The quantum field is controlled by our thoughts and feelings! The thing is we all have programming hanging out in our unconscious mind that is sending signals out that you don't even know about!! This is why until now I never hit the land of ABUNDANCE. You can manifest until the cows come home, BUT unless you remove your limiting decisions hanging out in your unconscious mind around money and being worthy it ain't ever gunna show up! Have you ever wondered how some people have the ability to constantly create and call in money and awesome stuff, And others are constantly ‘broke ‘ and always complaining about money? This is because of the vibrations they are sending out. It has nothing to do with status!!!! No one is better than the other!! IT'S THE PROGRAMMING!!! Money is ENERGY You are ENERGY And there is enough to bloody go around for us all to live in ABUNDANCE!! What if now was the time we as a global conscious drew our line in the sand and pulled the veil down!!?? What if we all helped others unlock their internal FREEDOM to create their external ABUNDANCE? What if we taught our children they could be & have anything they wanted without being plugged in to a system? WHAT IF YOU LOVED MONEY & MONEY LOVED YOU??? I know this is possible!!! Because since removing my money blocks I have manifested all this ABUNDANCE into my life! I would love to share with you FREE trainings on how to grow a money mindset and create ABUNDANCE through online automation just like I have!! In these trainings we breakdown the exact steps it takes to unlock your money mindset. If you would like access to these trainings....... $$$ DROP ME A "WHAT IF" BELOW $$$$ and I'll add you into a private group so you can view the training. Big Jamey xx Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist & Online business Coach
24.01.2022 STOP BEING A BACK STABBING BITCH!! Stop talking shit about people behind their backs Stop judging people for their actions Stop making shit up about people to make yourself feel better about yourself ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 "" !!?? They just say "" - They don't over think ... - They don't wait They see an opportunity And Over thinking sh1t when you are presented with a opportunity that you can see is working is a just your mind sabotaging success. Why? Programming baby But here's the thing You always have & you always will!! Even when your bullsh1t stories are trying to f@#k you up!! The more I unlock my internal FREEDOM is the more easily I just keep saying YES to people & things!! And I NEVER LOSE from this space I win or I learn Do you think the big players of our world got to where they are by playing the easy game?? Do you think they sit back and wait? Analysis? F@#K NO ' If you want to make a difference in this lifetime you are going to have to.. You are going to have to go balls deep & start saying "YES" F@#k The details! You'll figure it out along the way. Make a decision Put it the quantum field Watch it happen Feeling the FEAR? GOOD That's how you know it's a f@#king YES! Success doesn’t take money or education ! It's takes those with the courage to step up & lead!! To.. EMPOWER THEMSELVES TO INSPIRE OTHERS We have called in some of the biggest player in the game to help deliver 3 MASSIVE DAYS OF ONLINE TRAINING for everyone that is willing to play ALL OUT!! - Keezia Leigh Media Personality & Brand Amplifier - Linda Liv Dokar Online Influencer & High-Performance Coach - Kristie Morgan 7 figure Freedompreneur & founder of The Freedom Fest - Kate Chiffey Gray Self made conscious Millionaire Gain methods that will see you have - MORE TIME - MORE MONEY - MORE IMAPCT - MORE FREEDOM - MORE INFLUENCE Santa has come early We are giving away thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes to support you moving into 2020 #TheHustleIsDead #TheRogueLifestyle #impact #gratitude
23.01.2022 All I can say..... " ' " #TheRogueLifestyle ... #Theblowup YOU REALLY WANT TO WATCH THIS SPACE HOMIES!!! Erik Bergan
23.01.2022 NEVER EVER..... Did we think we were capable of creating the rapid success that we have!! This is why we are so passionate about helping others to...... Unlock their internal FREEDOM to create their external ABUNDANCE #AmplifyYourAbundance - a 30 day business mentorship has been born to help new online business starters fast track their results online! Watch this More info & link in the comments
22.01.2022 QUANTUM JUMPING MOFO'S RIGHT HERE!!!! This is a must watch!!
20.01.2022 You know what we see? Sooo many entrepreneur homies juicy for IMPACT, using all the juice on fucking spiders! @ BRANDING ALCHEMY........ We teach you how to stop wasting your time on the things that don't matter AND don't grow your brand so you can have; More Time More Money More Energy More Influence More fulfillment More Impact come along and play!! Be entertained, educated & walk away with a clear proven method to get your message to the masses AND create TRUE global IMPACT REGISTER YOUR INTEREST @ [email protected] #TheRogueLifestyle #TheHustleIsDead #branding #ALCHEMY #quantum #impact
19.01.2022 Tell me somethin', girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?... A bit over 12 months ago I was completely lost!! A lost soul searching... Searching for purpose Searching for answers Searching for meaning I was constantly thinking "there just had to be more than this" Yeah I had my family who loved me I had my health I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach BUT IT JUST WASN'T ENOUGH!!! I just felt like there was something missing. I was searching for extraordinary but everyday I woke up and settled for the mediocre My soul screamed at me constantly to change something, to do something about the mandane life I was living It knew like it knew I was meant for more, but I was to busy settling, telling myself.... "THIS SHOULD BE ENOUGH!!!" What a crock of #bullshit!!! Now when I think back, it makes me so sad that I fell victim to societies labels and my limiting beliefs for so many years!! It saddens me even more to know that so many others are out there feeling trapped, searching... Searching for the answers banging their heads against a brick wall feeling completely lost!! Waiting out there with their hands up SCREAMING for the answers just like I was! If this is you, PLEASE KNOW the answers are out there!! Please know you are not the only one!! My answers & my miracles came in many forms.. 1 was MY #SoulTribe They felt me, they knew me. #blessed is the word I use to describe my life now I will no longer settle for the mediocre or the mandane I know like I know even if I do my #soultribe will be there to kick my arse!! In the last 7 months I have called my tribe in like a fucking mofo!! We have joined together working online and are making a FUCKING IMPACT The craziest shit ever!! AND We are only just getting started!! Last week I announced a year long mentorship where I will personal guide you through creating 6 figures + online in the next year If you're feeling this could be you, please reach out now. I will take 5 people at this stage https://www.allanspiller.com/affiliate-centre
19.01.2022 #PERSONALDEVELOPMENT has got to be a way better habit than CRACK COCAINE!!! * TRUTH *... Not even 10 months ago I was a lost soul ready to tap out! The PAIN of not being in ALIGNMENT was KILLING ME! ONLY 10 MONTHS! In only 10 short months after "SAYING YES TO MYSELF" I've changed my life from "What the FUCK am I doing?" To a life of....... ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY F L O W & ABUNDANCE. I know just like me you know you were BORN FOR PURPOSE! & I know the world NEEDS to hear your MESSAGE! Just like me you need GUIDANCE & help to REMOVE THE BULLSHIT STORIES TAKING UP REAL ESTATE inside your unconscious mind! I know that life is not a HUSTLE & should be lived with EASE & FLOW! Well Sista I'm here to teach you that you are so TOTALLY WORTHY of having everything you desire, I'm here to blow up all the FUCKED UP stories society has us believe about money and your ability to attract it. GF You are PERFECT just the way you are, you have nothing to PROVE to anyone!!!! So here's the thing.... Until this year I was operating with UNCONSCIOUS LIMITING BELIEFS that were determining how much MONEY I was WORTH This is why until now I never hit the land of ABUNDANCE. So this is my heartfelt deep burning desire MY PURPOSE!!! My unwavering service, my part in this life time ........ to help others unlock their internal FREEDOM to create their external ABUNDANCE. What if you trained your brain to think about what WILL go right?? Welcome to....... ROGUE Rogue is my NEW six week LEADERSHIP PROGRAM. My labor of pure LOVE catered to help others unlock their limiting beliefs and create a life of ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY & ABUNDANCE with EASE & FLOW. ROGUE is for..... Anyone that is ready to be seen & heard. ENTREPRENEURS NETWORK MARKETERS COACHES ONLINE MARKETERS IF WE GET GIVE, IF WE LEARN TEACH ROGUE will see everyone walk away with knowing their TRUTH & MESSAGE with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. WARNING HYPNOSIS WILL BE USE Are you ready to learn how to run your business with EASE & FLOW? Are you ready to know your NICHE & how to reach them? ROGUE IS COMING SOON Rogue will be via application and limited spots available. If you're ALIGNING with possibilities "DROP ME "ROGUE" BELOW & we can have a chat to see if you're a fit. Big Jamey xx
19.01.2022 STOP SEARCHING FOR THE MAGIC PILL If you want to loose weight, lose it If you want a relationships, find it If you want to change your mindset, change it... You don’t need anyone or anything to come and save you YOU HAVE EVERYTHING INSIDE OF YOU RIGHT NOW TO CREATE EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE It’s the CAN’T GET IT feeling that keeps you creating more of what you don’t want . When I stopped looking on the outside for the answers and owned everything in my space my life changed!! I stopped looking for others to blame I stopped comparing myself to others I stopped thinking I wasn’t good enough I stopped thinking I wasn’t worthy I stepped up and decided to create the life of my fucking dreams!! I let go of the ego I let go of the fear I let go of the guilt I let go of what was no longer serving me I UNLOCKED MY INTERNAL FREEDOM TO CREATE MY EXTERNAL ABUNDANCE I stepped into my truth I stepped into my heart I stepped into my power I stepped into my true potential Man when I look back now I think about how much time I wasted Time wasted, waiting for someone to come and save me Time wasted, thinking about what would go wrong instead of right Time wasted, waiting on someone to come and give me all the answers WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING WRONG!!!??? I was waiting on the magic pill, when I was the magic pill! Thats it #fullstop I was the answer!! Sounds to simple right!!?? Well if you want a message this is it!! We consciously and unconsciously call EVERYTHING into our space. The good the bad and the ugly!! SOOOO. You’re reading this for a reason Its want you needed to hear It’s what you wanted to hear YOU CALLED THESE WORDS & ME INTO YOUR SPACE The answers and the learnings are always there for us we just need to be willing to let go and be open to them The power is within you RIGHT NOW!! #stop looking on the outside for your answers STEP BACK TO STEP UP INTO YOUR TRUTH!! Jamey xx #TheRogueLifestyle #SOULTRIBE #magicpill #truth #letitgo
18.01.2022 50k Months & how not to achieve it!! Step 1 Don’t act like Jamey the last few weeks Hi I’m Jamey & I’m an ex hustler and I’ve been clean now for probs about 5 hours!! (yeah I know the #TheHustleIsDead and I’m a big fat hypocrite)... All my life all I’ve ever known is hard work, and I used to see my work addiction as a good assent UNTIL it nearly lost me EVERYTHING!! - My family - My husband - My soul I grew up working on the land, I saw - My Dad - My Mum - My Grandparents My whole fucking family slog the arses of for me to have EVERYTHING, so naturally we model what we know. Al & I accomplished a lot from the hustle - We built our first house and went all out - Put our kids through the best schools - Had brand new cars - Designer clothes But the one thing we didn’t have was a life!! We were totally burnt out and missing our kids grow up You know the old saying when the shit hits the fan!!! Something needed to change for us and fast!! - We looked at buying a restaurant - We looked at buying a franchises AND IF I’M LOSING YOU PLEASE KEEP READING BECAUSE I’M SO FUCKING PASSIONATE ABOUT PUTTING A STOP TO THIS! When Network Marketing fell in our lap we thought our prays had been answered, finally we had found a vehicle that would enable us spend our life actually living. HUSTLE HARD NOW AND REAP THE REWARDS!! For nearly 4 fucking years I hustled And I mean hustled Giving a workaholic Network marketing is seriously a disease waiting to happen I did EVERYTHING I was told to do - Followed the system - Followed the scripts - Followed the leaders I went to EVERY event (cause that’s what real leaders do) Climbed the ranks Spent more money on the overseas trips than I made Spent more money on autoships and buying ranks than I made And you know what that’s ok I know you gotta risk it for the biscuit But the thing I cant get back is the time I spent more time on the phone doing 3 ways calls than with my family I spent more time away than with my family I SPENT FAR TO MUCH TIME TRYING TO MAKE IT THAN WITH MY FAMILY!! CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
18.01.2022 FEAR FEAR FEAR This little F@#KER is the only reason you don’t have everything you want right now!... Yes I know you’ve done the work Invested in yourself Built businesses BUT Why Da f@#K are you still struggling? F.E.A.R Don’t believe me? Ask yourself Have I been burying my potential under the blanket of fear as a form of protection against feeling disappointment?’ I get in homie, it is to easy to slip into this way of thinking without even realising. I’m a natural born control freak, and for years I protected myself under the guise of fear. THE OLD FIGHT OR FLIGHT The most f@#cked up thing about society is we have come far to comfortable in a state of fear rather than freaking joy. Unconsciously we think if we play it safe or be sceptical we wont be disappointed !! THIS IS F@#KED UP!! The DOGMA has you convinced anything worth having will require... - Struggle - Sacrifice - Suffering Ya’ll addicted to this pattern of thinking and you don’t even realise It kills me to see so many of you addicted to a state of fear, making decisions based on fear instead of love Still don’t believe me?? Well if you know anything is possible.. - Why you still pushing - Why are you still hustling WHY ARE YOU STILL CREATING THE SAME CAN’T GET THERE FEELING? Here’s the thing homies. If you keep making decisions based on fear, you’ll keep making decisions based on fear and your life will be created by fear instead of love Yes I know you have changed your life from fear I get it I wouldn’t be where I am today without hitting rock bottom and changing out of fear BUT.. That sh1t will only get you so far FEAR MAKES YOU DUMB!! It shuts off quantum possibilities Ask yourself this "How come some people just seem to have the possibility to call in awesome sh1t and grow their business, their brands & their cashflow at rapid speed with a smile on their face? They just said YES from love not fear The moment I started to do this this is the moment I instantly changed the direction of my life at rapid speed!! And... The ripple become real!! Choose LOVE baby Choose it for yourself Choose it for your family Choose it for the
17.01.2022 SOMETHING MASSIVE IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN We've come together with some of the biggest names in the biz to deliver something MIND BLOWING!! IT DROPS TODAY ... Stayed tuned to find out how you can have access to something LIFE CHANGING for FREE!!!
17.01.2022 WHAT IF... You could win an exclusive online business Mentorship and have 8 experts in their field to guide you? Learn...... - How to amplify your abundance. - How to successfully launch an online business. - How to rewire your financial blueprint to call in more money. - How to create rapid & long lasting success online. - How to follow the right strategy & inner work for continued expansion. - How to create a ripple effect to help others. #AmplifyYourAbundance - a 30 day business mentorship has been born to help new online business starters fast track their results online! As 8 business coaches, embodiment coaches, intuitive healers, NLP master practitioners, Hypnotherapists and Quantum Field Experts come together - to guide, mentor and support you in your journey of amplifying your abundance, business & income, and to ensure you shift and create rapid success online! This mentorship (valued at over $10,000) is being held ONLY ONCE for the month of April, and you can qualify for a place in this program FOR FREE! HOW TO APPLY: 1. Comment below why this excites you and why you must be part of this! 2. Wait for further details on how to secure your spot! Looking forward to elevation in April! Yours in Success, Jamey & the rest of the crew. x #TheRogueLifestyle #mentor #coach #abundance #free #energy #entrepreneur #online #lawofattraction #workfromhome
17.01.2022 "In order to have true energetic harmony we must embrace & embody both the masculine and feminine energies" . . . .... #TheRogueLifestyle #energy #masculine #feminine #alignment
16.01.2022 FROM ZERO TO 60K RECEIVED IN 6 MONTHS. That’s what my sista Linda has created in online automation in her first 6 months in business! Linda says:... I know what it feels like to be broke. And know what it feels like to run a coaching business and have to rely on recruiting clients or filling programs to pay my bills. I also know what it feels like to work a traditional network marketing business for 4 years, taking huge action with minimal return. Online automation changed the game for me. It allowed me to generate handsome returns by doing only 10% of the work in traditional business. This also helped me step into a location-free lifestyle where I now travel the world on my own terms. I have freedom of choice and am now able to focus on what truly matters in my life. Linda, Tess & myself (who retired our husbands from full-time work after only 2 months in business!!) will be running an exclusive training NEXT Monday night, September 3rd at 8pm on exactly HOW they have all created their lives of choice and Freedom. For the last two months I've been... Creating content. Recording videos. Engaging with my audience. Helping others to create an income online Growing my personal brand Making money through social media I have evolved my mindset to one of success and abundance!! I operate from LOVE, GRATITUDE & RESPECT with absolute certainty!!! WE NOW LIVE OUR LIFE ON OUR OWN TERMS WITH EASE & FLOW!! And its not just me who has had these results.. We have helped others to quit their jobs, create 5, 6 and 7 figure earners online, travel the world and create life on their terms. We have mums who went from nearly losing their mortgage to over 30k months. We have miners and construction workers who never used social media to now making 6 figure online. We have network marketers who were sick of selling to friends, running parties and receiving low commissions to now doing 50k months through people coming to THEM! So why am I sharing this with you? Because YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. Let me give you a little insight into what I do. I partnered with a 90% automated online platform that is proven to work and convert. We do 10% of the work which is growing our brand through utilising social media. The platform does the rest for us to free up our time. Next Monday at 8pm Tess, Linda and myself will be sharing exclusively how we have completely changed their lives through the same 90% automated platform and how you can too. Comment below 60K or PM me and I will get the information to you immediately! Big Jamey xx Online business mentor, Master NLP Coach & Hypnotherapist
15.01.2022 [New] Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Work #keepingitreal 2019 HERE IT COMES I’ts not particularly surprising, all us coaches and lifestyle guru’s are talking NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS right now!... Let’s face it it’s pretty pointless waiting all year to decide on one or two things that you kinda, sorta want to stop doing, but that you know full well you’re not really committed to following through with anyway. How crazy is that? Stop smoking? Start exercising? Eat healthily? More work/life balance? These all sound good on the surface, but typically a resolution is based on what you think you should be doing, rather than what you really want to be doing. Too often, resolutions are decided upon by looking at other peoples expectations or by reading a magazine that tells you how to ‘get fit by summer’. BULLSHIT forget about what you or other people think you ought to be doing and look at what you really want. Stop thinking about the STOP & start thinking about the DO!! WHAT WE FOUCUS ON EXPANDS Align your 2019 intentions with your truth & watch this https://soundcloud.com//keepingitreal-with-cat-jamey-why-n To learn HOW TO MANIFEST ALL YOUR 2019 INTENTIONS! #SOULTRIBE #TheRogueLifestyle
15.01.2022 I DIDN'T CHANGE I JUST WOKE UP!!! Now I'm calling in my soul tribe like a MOFO!! I know that people who vibrate at the same frequency vibrate toward each other!...Continue reading
15.01.2022 "THAT WILL DIE IN THE ARSE" We all have beliefs, what we belief to be true. These are called presuppositions When we are looking for the truth we gather all our presuppositions ... Its very hard to gather a unbiased result, especially when its contradictory to what were been told! For 4 months I watched my #soulsista Linda For 4 months I made presuppositions about Linda and her online business I gathered all my presuppositions. Thats to good to be true That will die in the arse Their is not enough people to sustain that How could she possible make money online by just being her It was my scarcity mindset!!! I WAS SCARED It was operating from my presuppositions PRESUPPOSITION Noun - A thing tacitly assumed beforehand at the beginning of a line of argument or course of action It was easier for me criticise than to be open to a new truth. WRONG Oh man how wrong was I The thing is Linda had everything I wanted COMPLETE FUCKING FREEDOM!!! Freedom just to be Freedom to be her without the bullshit I just needed to realise that it was my limiting beliefs that were stopping me from thinking about what would go right My limiting beliefs that had me being a creepo in the background stalking, never reaching out The day I made a decision to be open to new beliefs and changed my presuppositions changed our lives FOREVER!! That day not even 7 months ago has created a ripple effort that still blows my mind!!! AND. The thing is were only just getting started!!!! The gratitude I have for this beauty can never ever be measured. She opened the door to a world we never knew could exist. #SOULTRIBE #TheRogueLifestyle #createalifeyoulove #easeandflow #everythingisenergy
15.01.2022 I WILL NEVER STOP LEVELING UP!! This year I have invested more money into my mindset & education than what I used to earn in over a year!!! WHY???... Because if you want to make an impact in this world you need to stand on the shoulders of giants! You'll probably want to..... WATCH THIS SPACE!! #lifeisnotservedbyplayingsmall
15.01.2022 " Anything is possible with enough desire & the right guidance" My vision is crystal clear! WATCH THIS SPACE!! ... Big Jamey xx
15.01.2022 .. What dreams have we not done? Things we have not said? We find most people long for freedom and never follow through on it,... This is why to end this decade we are dedicated to finding 10 serious - Coach's - Network Marketer's - Online Marketer's Doing what they want when they want how they want. The type that know #TheHustleIsDead AND still don’t know how to make this a reality. we are committed to helping 10 of you become 6 figure and more earners in the next 12 months. Here is our pitch... this we will give for to the people who qualify.. . 3 This is only available to people who attend our event and it is FREE if you meet the qualifications (which will be explained during the event). You and your brand will walk away with, - A personal collaborated plan to scale your business by using automated systems & program's $3000 - Access to a proven income stream that will monetise your message by bringing cash to support your dream priceless - Proven social media methods to bring you consistent leads $3500 - A place to share your message with thousands of people priceless - Access to 7 figure influence's $30000 3 Months of no BS mentoring following the steps we took to retire Al after 6 short weeks, alongside a group of hungry leaders dedicated to making 6 figures WHY FREE? Because to be honest it kills us when we see people who have great missions enslaved by their own businesses hustling day in and day out. ’ , . We want to truly help people have what we have, freedom, fun and joy every f@#king day. !! Click here https://facebook.com/events/2153039608325913/?ti=as If you know who this is for tag the NOW "Every breath is closer to our last - Enjoy them all homies!"
14.01.2022 {NEW} You Are Your Morning LAUNCHING NOW HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED...... How some people have the ability to constantly create and call in money and awesome shit and others are constantly broke and always complaining about money? This is because of the vibrations they are sending out, it has nothing to do with status or anyone being better than anyone else. You are energy, Money is energy EVERYTHING IS ENERGY We ALL have everything inside of us RIGHT NOW to create everything we desire. The law of quantum physics states.... WHAT WE FOCUS ON EXPANDS But this is more than just law of attraction thinking, there are clear easy processes we must first take to unlock the power of the quantum field. 2018 has been an amazing journey of unlocking our internal FREEDOM to create our external ABUNDANCE. We went "ALL IN" on us and completely mastered our reality. AND.... We're about to share with you our secrets in our upcoming book... YOU ARE YOUR MORNING!!! In this how-to guide to morning rituals we will take you through easy steps to set up your day the right way and master your reality. IT'S ABOUT TO DROP!!!! If you are serious about setting 2019 up the right way, then you definitely need this HOW TO GUIDE!! AND.... Here is even more EXCITING news!! for the first 24hrs ONLY of the release of YOU ARE YOUR MORNING we are offering it to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Our New Years Gift to you!! To secure your FREE copy DROP "YES" below and we'll get you the link as soon as it's live!! FREE FOR THE FIRST 24 HRS ONLY!!!! 2018 showed us life really is easy and can be anything you decide it to be!! JUMP ON THIS Sending you all big love, Jamey & Al xx
14.01.2022 ' ' ! My number one goal right now In this moment of my life... Is to... MAKE ME HAPPY Not you or anyone else My goal is to totally LOVE MYSELF SICK To absolutely accept all parts of me I'd rather love me than make anyone else happy. Does that make me Selfish? Egotistical? A big fat bitch? NO!!! It makes me smart For year's I looked for approval Always looking to get that tap on the head from people I looked up to BUT... I never got it!!! AND... I was never going to!!! WHY?? Because in order to find love or acceptance on the outside we have to find it first on the inside. WE ALL KNOW THIS RIGHT?? BUT... Still so many of us chase that energy through other people Aren't you tired of worrying about what other people think? Aren't you sick of people judging you for every decision you make? ARE YOU READY TO TELL THEM ALL TO F@#K OFF & FOLLOW YOUR OWN PATH WITH NO REMORSE!!?? Will you loose friends!!?? Probably!! BUT... Your the person you spend most of your time with Wouldn't you rather make yourself happy?? Besides even serial killers have friends soo I'm sure you'll find some more homies!! AND... I'm absolutely positive these new homies will love and accept all of you. WE WILL ALWAYS FIND OUR VIBRATIONAL MATCH!! Today when I opened my social media I saw that I had two very big players in my life unfriend me AND... This is when I knew I had, had some mega bad arse growth.. BECAUSE I FELT NOTHING Well not nothing I still love them I just didn't feel any poor me syndrome No what have I done? No you f@#king bitches! IT JUST WAS I really didn't give a rat's arse!! Because I love me more I respect me more Besides my mission is far greater than sitting around hoping I please everyone Hoping I say and do the right thing F@#K THAT HOMIES!! I spent far to many years doing that Far to many years .. Killing my soul Killing my dreams Killing my potential My number one goal is to fully love and accept all parts of me so I have more love and acceptance for others "Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Steve Job
13.01.2022 "Every breath is closer to my last" A sentence that I repeat nearly every day! A sentence that reminds me to enjoy ... EVERY moment, Every bloody moment Every moment we have is a gift don't waste them! GRAB LIFE BY THE BALLS! Take the trip Send time with your family Spend the money JUST SAY YES TO YOURSELF Step into your greatness ALLOW IT Allow it all When you lay down at the end and take your last breath, make sure it's with smile #noregrets #TheRogueLifestyle #SoulTribe #grateful #gratitude #moment #inspirationquotes #qoutesoftheday #mindset #motivateyourself #motivationalquotes #thinkbig #sayyes #travel #wanderlust #mumlife #momlife #empower #entrepreneur #bossbitch #bosslady #inspiration #bethechange #yolo #seek #whatif #rogue #lifestyle #soulfamily
13.01.2022 THE HUSTLE WASN'T FOR ME!!! All our lives we're taught to work hard and sacrifice to have what we want I never questioned this... Hard work was all I ever knew So when I found myself pursuing a career as a Network Marketer I thought I could achieve everything I wanted, because all that was required was hard work and sacrifice.. For 3 years I lost myself to "THE HUSTLE" Day in, and day out Early mornings. Late nights. Even though people doubted me, mocked me, and said that stuff never works" I continued with "THE HUSTLE" Even when I spent all our money on Autoships Travel Conference tickets Training False volume I continued with "THE HUSTLE" Even when my family fell down around me I continued with "THE HUSTLE" And in the end I completely lost myself to the stupid HUSTLE!!! Why did I hold on to something for so long that was clearly not serving me or my family??? .......EGO........ My stupid ego. What I've learnt is its ok to let go of goals and dreams that no longer serve us. AND.. you can have everything you want Without "THE HUSTLE" and sacrifice I now make a awesome income online and thrive with ease and flow without having to work every hour of the day just to make a few dollars Through evolving my mindset to one of success and abundance. I have manifested the perfect business into my life. So why am I sharing this with you? Because YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. If I can - you can Let me give you a little insight into what I do. I partnered with a 90% automated online platform that is proven to work and convert. We do 10% of the work which is growing our brand, utilising social media and driving traffic and the platform does the rest for us to free up our time. IT'S THE REAL DEAL!!!!! Perhaps you to are done with "THE HUSTLE"??? Maybe you are ready to draw your line in the sand and "SAY YES" to yourself. perhaps you're just curious. Then You'll find your answers here Global Affiliate Zone http://bit.ly/TheRogueLifestyle Big Jamey
12.01.2022 YEP I RETIRED MY HUSBAND AT 37 This is what we did with a online automated platform after only 6 weeks!!! HOW FREAKING NUTS!!!...Continue reading
11.01.2022 I FEEL LIKE I'M ON A SOUL TRIP!!! This is the only way I can describe the feeling in my soul ATM!! The last few day's I've been wondering ... was the serendipity always there??? or is it now that I'm fully aligned that my soul is able to call in connections? The people we randomly meet that talk our talk blows my fucking mind!!! The things we randomly manifest into our lives has us like " WTF"!! The GRATITUDE I have for everything will never die!! I'm grateful for not only what I am now but also everything that lead me to this point!! Life is constantly throwing tests at us. Some positive, some negative, but I Choose to learn from every person and experience that comes my way. I don't believe that anyone is ever fully " enlightened " there is ALWAYS more to learn!! I do know that we live in the land of cause & effect!! and the more I come to understand this, the more my consciousness opens!! I honor myself and the Ying and Yang of life! AND I SCREAM TO THE UNIVERSE I AM TRUTH I AM LOVE I AM GRATITUDE I AM CERTAINTY Big Jamey xx
11.01.2022 .......LIFE IS A GIFT....... I truly believe everyone has been sent here with their own unique purpose It's up to us to unlock what that is... It's impossible for us to feel fear or anxiety when we're on the right path. FLICK YOUR FREEDOM SWITCH & GO ROGUE
11.01.2022 I BELIEVE IN YOU... And... I'll keep believing in you... I won't stop Even when you tell me NO I'll keep saying YES Because I believe in you I know that if I can, you can The only difference between you & me is a decision A decision to believe in myself THIS IS THE ONLY THING STOPPING YOU #TheHustleIsDead #TheRogueLifestyle #impact #believeinyourself #yougotthis
10.01.2022 , , Could it really be that easy!?? F@#K YES IT IS!!... Everytime I try to overcomplicate things is everytime I loose momentum. Life & business is as hard as what we make it homies!! In the last few minutes @ TheRogueLifestyle.org headquarters we have had multiple 00000's land!!! AND IT WAS FREAKING EASY!! ?? 1) We let it be easy 2) We were singular laser focused on our outcome. - We knew it's temperature AKA the feeling of what our outcome would feel & look like. We knew the frequency of it in the quantum field and we attached ourselves to it 3) We took the teeny tiny action steps that lead to our outcome. - Don't overwhelm yourself with the big picture! Know the outcome but focus on the next tiny logical step!! 4) WE MADE IT FUN!! Happy Friday Y'all. Go make sh1t happen Because..... "Every breath is closer to our last" Ps: If you would like access to FREE TRAINING lead by us & leaders in the digital marketing field DROP ROGUE BELOW I'll add you into our NEW group #TheRogueLifestyle Erik Bergan
09.01.2022 #howto Set Goals With Aligned Action YOU'LL REALLY WANT TO READ THIS ONE...Continue reading
09.01.2022 OUR FREQUENCY CREATES OUR VIBRATION!! When we tap into high energy we attract more positive emotions and experiences. Love, for instance is a SUPER high energy frequency!! ... When we emit a low frequency, we drop into an ego-based mindset that can attract negativity, stress, anxiety, and depression into our experience. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY...... is far from a woo-woo, It’s a scientific fact!!!!!! The universe/God doesn’t judge or decide who should be punished. It simply responds to what we give out and express. THOUGHTS + BELIEFS + EMOTIONS = REALITY We’re continuously attracting, like a big fat magnet, through our own frequency. When our frequency rate increases matter becomes lighter and lighter. Energy patterns affect our very makeup!!! By raising our frequency we raise our consciousness!! Allowing us to reach levels of awareness beyond our comprehension!!!!!! As one of my favorite people who ever lived stated... If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Nikola Tesla WE ARE THE MASTER CREATORS OF OUR OWN REALITY we determine what shows up in our space!! The good the bad & the ugly THINK ABOUT THIS... our perceived physical world is more energy than it is material. Look at your hand, and wrap your head around the idea that most of it is composed of a void, rather than material makeup. IT'S ALL ATOM'S WHICH ARE MADE UP OF ENERGY WHICH CONTAIN A FREQUENCY WHICH EMIT A VIBRATION!! Understanding this is key to realizing that we ALL have the power to be.... QUANTUM HACKER MOFO'S!! Thinking about life as linear and unmovable will keep you stuck!!! At this very moment there are so many quantum possibilities for you!!! Learning quantum physics has changed by life!!! This is why I'm so extremely passionate about sharing this knowledge with EVERYONE!!! Big Jamey Quantum Hacker Mofo #TheRogueLifestyle #energy #easeandflow #vibration #attraction #inspire #qoutes
08.01.2022 YOU KNOW THOSE DAY'S??? The day's where you just feel complete fucking happiness?? The day's you just sit and reflect and think "fuck I'm lucky"... Today was one of those day's for me!! It's often the simple things that set our hearts on fire The simple but most special things to us. Today Al and I both got to take Clea and Az to Aqua splash with the homeschool crew (should of had a GoPro attached unco Jamey on an inflatable floating obstacle course was funny AF!!) We got to see our bombdigity mate Julie Matty and crew the fat!! And now I'm reflecting.... SITTING IN GRATITUDE.. I have everything I've always wanted COMPLETE FUCKING FREEDOM!! Life is short dudes!!! "Every breath is closer to our last" MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT!!! You are your own master creator. GO CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!!! Big Jamey Quantum hacker MOFO #TheRogueLifestyle
08.01.2022 RETIREMENT IS NOT ALL IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE Everything can't always be sunshine, rainbows & lollipops!! With the good will always come the bad... The Yin & Yang The black & The White Al and I made a decision to be completely real and vulnerable To share all of us!! The good the bad & the ugly!! One of our favorite sayings is... "If you get give, if you learn teach " The last year has been absolutely MASSIVE for us!! We have both grown personally and together!! Was it easy?? FUCK NO!!! We've had a lot of people say to us we have the perfect life or we are the perfect couple Yeah we are happy BUT... It's been one hell of a journey that we realized we haven't shared all of With Al's retirement came massive EXCITEMENT but it also bought lot's of trouble in our relationship!! Why??? Because we fell out of polarity (again) I say again because when I look back at our 13 years together there have been plenty of times. AND... it all comes down to energy THE MASCULINE AND THE FEMININE We retired Al so freaking quick!!! We really weren't prepared for it!! We didn't stop to think about the impact it would have on Al and I as individuals and as a couple. I'm freaking happy to say we've made it out the other end & we want to share our journey with you all in hopes it can help others that are feeling out of polarity.. Big Jameo & The Aln8tr #TheRogueLifestyle #ifyougetgiveifyoulearnteach #eneryisreal #love #soulmate
08.01.2022 WHEN YOU CALL IN YOUR SOUL TRIBE & THEY CREATE EPIC SHIT LIKE THIS IN JUST 1 WEEK!!!! Online automation has literally changed our life!!! In just 6 weeks after drawing our line in the sand and aligning with a online automated platform we were able to RETIRE Al from a job that didn't serve him or us in anyway!! ... We had no idea of the THE RIPPLE EFFECT this would create and inspire others just like us to draw their line in the sand!! I share this to inspire you to know there is a way for you to to create this! Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure does buy you freedom!! Because there is infinite amount of money in the world but what there isn't is time!! Tonight we shared our story into a group of nearly 600 people! If you would like to catch the replay drop us a "REPLAY" below or reach out and we'll add you into the private group!! WHAT IF THIS WAS IT??? Your SoulTribe xx
08.01.2022 ?? How do you find that thing that lights your soul on fire, after feeling like you’ve been chasing you tail for so LONG!! What is it you need to do to find your people?? ... Your REAL people the ones that allow you to be your fully expressed self! What is that you really need to do in order for you to fully step into authority? All of this juiciness is about to drop in my very first episode of my new #PODCAST delivered in our #TheRogueLifestyle (bringing you weekly chats with the hottest people in their field right now!!) Join me this week with Alayna W Nathe who turned the impossible into the possible. This Monday 7th October - 12pm AEST - 11am AEDT Sunday 6th October - 7pm PDT
07.01.2022 !! #episode03 #TheRogueLifestyle Introducing........ BOSS Monique W Mackenzie!! Monique is a Business Strategist and Vision Clarity Coach. Her passion is helping women step into their true power! #Tune in this Friday @ 12pm AEST to hear how this Mumma found her truest self on the other side of the pain and struggle of identity loss. Mon said NO WAY to the hustle walking away from a life of working hard & sacrificing for the corporate ladder climb. She is all about.... - Thinking out of the box - Diversification - Collaborations - Multiple streams of income AND.. Her Global Digital Marketing Business and Coaching Consultancy are the perfect combo to do just that. She works in total flow and freedom, always growing and scaling her income streams specifically from her zones of genius. This Bossbabes approach to life and success is do what you can, while you can ~ so you can live exactly how you love. 25 @ 12 # ? CLICK THE BUTTON TO LEARN MORE..
07.01.2022 THE HUNGRY & COMMITTED WAY! You are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with!! Ever hear this?? ... I had but I never took it seriously in the past!! Until this man come into my life! He is the reason I'm where I am today!! Because of him I will never stop leveling up! Never stop becoming more than I was! And I will never stop serving!!! "THE WORLD IS NOT SERVED BY PLAYING SMALL!!! " He certified me as NLP Practitioner & Coach He certified me as a Master NLP Practitioner AND NOW He has certified me as a MASTER HYPNOTHERAPIST!!!! YEAH BABY!!! I may not take myself to seriously, but I most certainly take my purpose and service to others very seriously!!! I have absolute FREAKING certainty in my ability to help others...... Breakthrough limiting beliefs & negative emotions! Find their truth and purpose And now remove all your nasty habits!! Are you wanting to quit smoking? Loose weight? Remove anxiety? Hypnosis can be used for so many things!!!!!! Inbox me for a chat about how Hypnosis can serve you. Big Jamey xx Master NLP Practitioner Coach, Online Business Mentor & Master Hypnotist
07.01.2022 "We know what it feels like to struggle and to feel stuck mentally, emotionally and financially. We also know what it feels like to hustle your arse off and still feel like your getting NO where. We did the hard work... Invested in bussineses Invested in ourselves But... something still was missing Like a secret formula we didn't know about We truly wanted to help raise the global consciousness but we could barely help ourselves Until one day we found the secret formula!! We had watched our mate Linda make automated cash and step straight into a freedom lifestyle But... Never ever did we think we were capable of creating what she and many others were I guess their comes a time when you have to stop pushing sh1t up hill & say yes to something you can clearly see is working!! The week we started our automated biz we didn't even have enough money to buy our kids shampoo. I remember standing in the supermarket aisle with the kids standing around me with their dirty, oily hair thinking "this is the last time this will EVER happen!!" That week (our first week in biz) we went on to make more than most people make in a month AND six weeks after starting our automated biz, Al (my husband) retired from a job he hated! 17 months on and we are living a completely Rogue Lifestyle and leading thousands into a new digital era And.. We now know like we know, If we can, you can" #TheRogueLifestyle #TheHustleIsDead #impact #ALCHEMY
06.01.2022 "ALWAYS DO LIFE ACCORDING TO YOUR VALUES" #TheRogueLifestyle #SoulTribe #coach #mindset #life #justbeyou
06.01.2022 [New ] How To Change Your Money Minset #keepingitreal Listen here https://soundcloud.com/kee/how-to-change-your-money-mindset... #MONEY What's your unconscious story?? Did you know that you determine how money shows up for you? We are all operating off unconscious & conscious beliefs & decisions that are determining how much money we are worth!! If you don't feel worthy of money consciously or unconsciously you will always find a way to lose whatever money you do earn. It's like the stories you hear of lotto winners losing their doe!! You can hustle and you can work your arse off, BUT If your have limiting decisions and beliefs around money you will never have enough. SO HERE'S HOW IT WORKS!!! The quantum field is controlled by our thoughts and feelings! The thing is we all have programming hanging out in our unconscious mind that is sending signals out that we don't even know about!! This is why you have never hit the land of ABUNDANCE. The feeling of I can't get it or I'm not worthy keeps creating the manifestation. You can manifest until the cows come home, BUT unless you remove your limiting decisions hanging out in your unconscious mind around money and being worthy it ain't ever gunna show up! Have you ever wondered how some people have the ability to constantly create and call in money and awesome shit And others are constantly ‘broke ‘ and always complaining about money? This is because of the vibrations they are sending out. It has nothing to do with status!!!! No one is better than the other!! IT'S THE FUCKING PROGRAMMING!!! Money is ENERGY You are ENERGY And there is enough to bloody go around for us all to live in ABUNDANCE!! Join us with our special guest Al as we chew the fat on all things MONEY!!! Click here now to listen for FREE https://soundcloud.com/kee/how-to-change-your-money-mindset
06.01.2022 WHY YOU DON’T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!!!! (A long read but definitely worth it) http://bit.ly/TheRogueLifestyleFBGroup...Continue reading
06.01.2022 EXPECTATIONS VS REALTY Outtakes from my maternity shoot..... This pregnancy I decided I was going to become a feminine Goddess.... I was going to embrace and fully surrender into being a woman For the first time ever!! I was going to show my preggo bod and be proud AF!! I looked at other's maternity shoots and decided what I wanted!! But... After this shoot I decided it was not what I wanted at all. I was trying to be someone I'm not!! Embodying other's idea of "feminine" Who decided what it looked like anyways?? My name is Jamey f*cking Spiller Iam a woman A powerful Mother f*cking woman I do NOT need to smile and look pretty to feel like one I can laugh, joke, pull funny faces and KNOW that I am one!! THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'M NOT COMFORTABLE IN MY BODY!! THIS MEANS I KNOW WHO DA F*CK IAM!! I am the creator of 5 lives I am the creator of a succesful business I am the creator of my own happiness but... I fell into the old comparison trap I looked a beautiful young fit pregnant women in photos and compared myself My midwife worked out that I have put on over 20 kgs this pregnancy And... I'm perfectly ok with that I feel the most comfortable I've ever felt in my own skin. But... It took alot of work for me to get here y'all. My wish is that we just get to be ALL OF US!! not what society or other people decide Only what we decide I'LL DROP THE FULL SHOOT LATERS!! #maternityphotography #maternity #pregancy #justbeyou #feminine #expectationvsreality #TheRogueLifestyle #preggobelly #pregnacyphotography #38weekspregnant
05.01.2022 "Every breath is closer to our last, enjoy every moment" Big Jamey xx
05.01.2022 "My biggest misssion in LIFE is to lead you to make the most of yours" theroguelifestyle.org #nofilter
05.01.2022 # CHECK OUT MY FB STORIES..... For some behind the scenes fun from our sunrise photo shoot with the LEGENDARY ... @Erik Bergan See more
04.01.2022 For a long time I was on a mission trying to push empowerment into others I thought if I pushed them hard enough they would see the greatness they were capable of There is nothing wrong with telling people what they are capable of, ... But.. For some of us leaders in can become a full time job constantly trying to empower them! The moment I truly stepped into EMPOWERING MYSELF is the moment I INSPIRED OTHER'S to do the same Like Matthew Niyan I have literally been on my hustle and bustle working my ass off with no substantial income from my outcome and effort the past year because I did NOT have the right motivation. The Map is NOT the territory. NOW I HAVE MADE MORE MONEY IN A WEEK THAN I HAVE IN THE LAST MONTH! $$$X$$$X$$$ What’s the catch? Well it can be a Home Run for the One who is willing to change their beliefs and Question who they listen to. I have made instant LEADS AND RESULTS FROM THIS FASTER THAN I HAVE FROM MY ENTIRE COACHING CAREER. This is what floats my boat Inspiring others to stop f@#king spiders and generate fast $$ just like we did!! WE ARE LEADING THOUSANDS INTO A NEW ERA!! COME CHECK OUT OUR FAST GROWING FB COMMUNITY #THEROGUELIFESTYLE #TheHustleIsDead #empower #inspire
04.01.2022 I am Jamey Spiller I was born to lead I was born to serve I was born to impact
04.01.2022 LIFE IS A BALANCING ACT When life is busy, or all our energy is focused on one thing, it's easy to find yourselves off balance. This is when we are out of alignment because we are not paying enough attention to all the areas of our life. ... While it’s great to have drive and focus to get things done, taking this too far can lead to frustration and intense stress. LIFE IS A CRAZY BALANCING ACT. It’s filled with an equal amount of certainty and uncertainty. People who are truly successful at this game we call life accept the uncertainty and roll with it. Why do so many people feel discontent, unhappiness and look for answers in destructive ways when it seems they have everything going for them? It’s simple, when we become singular laser focused on just one area of our life there is no energy going into the other areas of our life that make us who we are. For example, last year I become extremely successful in my career, I grew many relationships and really tapped into my spiritual side. I started a massive affair with personal development (which is still going BTW) BUT I left my personal heath and physical environment well behind me. In 6 months I put on 10KGS and my house become a freaking mess!!! I started to become overwhelmed, and felt disconnected from my truth. This is because I was operating out of alignment. Taking a look at the different areas of our lives and looking at each of them, is a way we can pull our heads out of our butts and stop wondering why things aren't working out for us. If you break each area of your life down into sections and rate your self out of 10 you’ll get a real good look at where you are out of alignment Here are the 8 big areas of our life 1.Career/Business What you do with your time to make money 2 .Finances and Wealth Managing your money 3.Friends and Family & Important relationships 4. Fun, Recreation and Entertainment Guiltless, earned pleasure 5.Health and Fitness Exercise and nutrition 6 .Love Life Significant other 7.Personal/Spiritual Development Things you want to develop just for you 8. Physical Environment Your physical location i.e. your house, city, state, country If you are feeling like something is just not right or something is just not feeling good, take a real good look at all these area's of your life. You'll then be able to bring things back into balance. Happy, successful people have a certain way of thinking, they understand what's important in their lives, what makes them feel a certain way, what fills them up with gratitude, love, peace and calm and then they go about fulfilling these basic human needs in all area’s of their life! You deserve all the happiness the world can bring on. Enjoy Jamey xx
04.01.2022 #EVERYTHING IS A DECISION! You have the power to give every moment in your life the meaning you choose.... Big ... Jamey xx
03.01.2022 As our team grows so does our family As our family grows so does our knowledge As our knowledge grows so does our impact IF YOU TRULY WANT TO MAKE IMPACT ... If you truly want to get your message to the masses YOU CAN NOT DO IT ALONE! Trust me I learnt that the hard way!! You need to source the peeps that know the sh1t you don't!! YOU NEED TO GROW A TEAM YESTERDAY!! At theroguelifestyle.org we are blowing up the paradigm and creating a place for the movers & shakers to thrive!! We are sourcing, collaborating & promoting the f@#k out of people!! We are creating something the world has NOT seen before!! A place where EVERYONE (who chooses) succeeds!! And... It's about to get juicy AF!!! To join our next challenge go my bio. - More Money - More Time - More Freedom - More Impact - More Influence THE HUSTLE IS DEAD - 3 STEPS TO 50K MONTHS ONLINE CHALLENGE Starts this Thursday Drop a comment If you're JOINING #TheHustleIsDead #TheRogueLifestyle #impact #freedom #money #time #influence #tribe
02.01.2022 CAN I GET A LITTLE WHOOP! WHOOP! Congratulations to this gorgeous Goddess! Amanda has said "FUCK YES" to herself & has committed to 6 weeks of INTENSIVE LEADERSHIP training with #ROGUE ... In order to INSPIRE others we must first EMPOWER ourselves! #truth Rogue is a 6 week leadership program designed with love to help you remove all your limiting decisions and beliefs & attract your #SOULTRIBE with EASE AND FLOW. As a small business owner, creator, or entrepreneur, the most powerful thing you can do today is know your truth with ABSOLUTELY CERTAINTY!! The people who are most successful act NOW!!! Curious??? Check it out here https://jameyspiller.net/rogue-six-week-leadership-program
02.01.2022 IF YOU WANT TO GROW, FIND THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE So how do you tell if you're on the wrong path?? Simple!! ... You will be feeling negative emotions Feelings are our emotional guidance system at work. Positive feelings indicate we’re in the flow and on the right path. ALL GREAT THINGS COME FROM EASE & FLOW When we allow negative feelings into our space we’re blocking the flow, and we are resisting What are we resisting? ALL THE GOOD SHIT!! OF COURSE.... all the good the universe has lined up for us in response to our decisions and desires THOUGHTS + BELIEFS + EMOTIONS = REALITY The thing is most of us are to busy focusing on what is or will go wrong When we let go of the ego and surrender to what feels good we easily find our path If you want to grow you are going to have to let go of what is no longer serving you Get really freaking good at finding the path of least resistance You know that saying??... "If it feels good do it" That's the ease & flow baby!!! Jameyspiller.com #TheRogueLifestyle #SOULTRIBE #masteryourreality #qoutes #inspiration #easeandflow
01.01.2022 THE ORGASM YOUR SOUL HAS BEEN SEARCHING FOR!!! When this is how your GF describes quantum physics, you know your hanging in the right crowd!!! Last weekend I went to a event where we were asked to raise our hands if we believed we create our own reality by our thoughts ... Of course we all raised our hands!!! What blew my mind was..... when asked if we had created in our minds that morning how the day would go only about 2% of the room raised their hands!!!! . . . ....QUANTUM PHYSICS ...... ..... once understood will, open your eyes to an unseen world few are aware of. Once you're aware of the importance of consciously aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with your heartfelt desires you'll see how quickly you can manifest anything you want into your life. This is just not about law of attraction this is a proven science!!!! WE SHAPE AND CREATE OUR OWN REALITY!!!! WE ARE OUR OWN MASTER CREATOR!! The trick to this is operating from the HEART. The heart is our true brain and emotions are the language of the universe!! This is one of the first tricks I teach my clients!!! Once we remove the negative emotions and limiting beliefs taking up real estate in their mind were able to remove the heart walls AND..... They're FREE to create their reality. Internal FREEDOM = external ABUNDANCE!!!! ARE YOU QUANTUM JUMPING LIKE A MOFO??? Big Jamey xx
01.01.2022 You know what really piss's me off!!?? Like, really, truly... Piss's me off!!! ALL YOU MOFO'S HIDING!! Hiding your potential Hiding your truth Hiding your power No it's not easy stepping outside your comfort No it's not always easy putting yourself out there But you know what's harder?? NOT F@#KING DOING IT!! Do you think I got to where I am in such a short time by hiding!!?? F@#K TO DA NO!! The last few weeks have rocked me TRULY stretched me to the max I have felt like I'm starting at square one again like the old me is dying Not knowing if I'm Arthur or Martha?? I've wanted to hide Bloody hell have I wanted to hide! Run away!! Run away!! Run away!! But... I didn't I stepped up I stepped in I've felt the feels AND continued to take action The problem I see is most of you hiding your potential because... Your scared Which makes you feel stuck Which stops you from taking action But here's the thing y'all The secret to success If you truly want it If you truly want to make impact like you say you want to You are going to HAVE TO stop hiding You are going to HAVE TO start saying yes Sooo many of you have such AMAZING gifts to share I see you!! But.. Really Truly It's pissing me off to see them going to waste!! 2019 is ending 2020 is coming in HOT! Don't spend 2020 or 2021 doing the same thing. Decide to back yourself Decide to go all in Decide to feel da feels and do it anyway On the 7th of December we will be announcing our ROGUELIFESTYLE MENTORSHIP at our Branding Alchemy Workshop best of all it's FREE!! Why free?? Because we fucking can!! You can say "YES" to yourself and grab your ticket over on Facebook LINK IN BIO #TheRogueLifestyle #TheHustleIsDead #impact #leadership #entrepreneur #sayyes
01.01.2022 A shift Something I’ve been meaning to do for a awhile...Continue reading
01.01.2022 , ? We usually work 10-15 hours a week....Continue reading
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