Jammed With Love | Food wholesaler
Jammed With Love
Phone: +61 432 718 470
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25.01.2022 Can anyone guess, who am i ? I'm a tropical fruit, oval in shape which has a very juicy, sweet flavored, orange flesh and I'm in season now .#jammedwithlove #jamlovers #smallproducers #seasonalfruitslovers #giftideas #sharethelove #supportlocalbusiness
24.01.2022 I'm not just perfect for your breakfast but I'm also perfect for your dinner to share with your love ones. Marinade me with your favorite meat and just a touch of chilli give it a go and let me know I'm a Pineapple Jam and I Jammed With Love #jamlovers #pineapplejam #localproduct #smallbusiness #jammedwithlove #dinnerideas #smallproducers #supportlocalbusiness
24.01.2022 Always love to hear the feedback from my lovely customers who always supports local small business . Thank you so much for a lovely photo and hope we could Jammed you enough love#jamlovers #supportlocalbusiness #jammedwithlove #pineapplejam #smallproducers #localproducts
23.01.2022 An antioxidant powerhouse and containing high levels of anthocyanin jam. #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #healthyfoodidea #lovemybreakfast #localproduct
22.01.2022 It's simple but sweet to share with your love ones and Jammed them with Chocolate Mud Cake with butter cream #chocolatemudcake #jammedhimwithlove #pasrtylovers #brithdaycake #patrytime #cakeideas #localproduct #localstartup #smallproducers
22.01.2022 Everyday can feel like Sunday morning with this delicious Australia native fruit Davidsonson's Plum Jam. Spread over your favourite bread or dessert as a gourmet addition to yoghurt, ice cream and cakes #jammedwithlove #localproduct #jamlovers #nativefoodscafé #healthylifestyle #healthyfoodideas
21.01.2022 It has been very challenging and difficult years for lots of businesses during covid 19. Many businesses including Jammed With Love. However, I would love to say a big thank you to everyone who loves to support local businesses and I won't come this far without support from my amazing customers and community . Jammed with Love now is very proudly to share the Current Retailers to everyone and please feel free to contact me if you would like to become a part of Jammed With... retailers I have current just pin my Jammed With Love Retailers - Google My Maps on my page. Don’t forget to check it out Jammed With Love Current Retailers QLD Tarragindi Gourmet Deli and Butchery Tarragindi Village 6 Gapap St, Tarragindi QLD 4121 ( Cnr Marshall & Toohey Rd) (07) 3848 3487 Food Connect 1/8 Textile Cres, Salisbury QLD 4107 Online (07) 3216 7777 https://foodconnect.com.au/ SWISS GOURMET DELI 181 Boundary St, West End QLD 4101 (07) 3844 2937 http://swissgourmetdeli.com/ Rosalie Gourmet Market 164 Baroona Rd, Paddington QLD 4064 (07) 3876 6222 https://rosaliegourmet.com.au/ Pennisi Cuisine Distributors 17 Balaclava St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 (07) 3891 7643 https://www.pennisicuisine.com.au/ Fruits Of Eden & Eleni's Gourmet Deli Toombul shopping Mall Next to Coles Baked To Perfection 266 Junction Rd, Clayfield QLD 4011 (07) 3857 2161 The Green Grocer 180 Fairfield Rd, Fairfield QLD 4103 Shopping Mall, opposite to Coles 0498 999 444 Taste By TNT Online Green Grocer 0405 676 795 https://www.tastebytnt.com/ Goodna Post Office 24 Smiths Rd, Goodna QLD 4300 (07) 3884 6100 NSW Wood’s Nursery 2530 Coolamon Scenic Dr, Ocean Shores NSW 2483 02 6680 5505 * please note some of my retailers might not stock all of my products*
21.01.2022 Love to hear the feedback
21.01.2022 Very sad to announce that, the Davidson's Plum Jam is out of stock . Instead of saying that I'm so excited to introduce my beautiful seasonal Plum Jam . It has amazing natural colour and flavor. Every jars are Jammed With Love and 100% care with 100% made in Australia #jammedwithlove #localproduct #localstartup #smallbusiness #smallproducers #giftideas #sharethelove #supportlocalbusiness #jamlovers #
20.01.2022 Andros @The Green Grocer Fairfield made me cry last Friday after he tasted my jams, gave me a great look and said he loves to support local small business . And now Pineapple Jam, Davidson's Jam and Peach Jam are stocking in the store. Don't forget to check them out #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #naturalproduct #naturalproduct #supportlocalbusiness #pineapplejam#davidsonplumjam #peachjam#peachandpassionfruitjam
19.01.2022 Father's day is just a few days way. Have you thought about a gift for him . Here are some ideas to Jammed your father With Love on father's day. Don't miss out our Jammed With Love and we are just a minute way . Just give me a call, text or email #fathersdaygiftideas #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #australiannativefood #naturalproduct #supportlocalbusiness
18.01.2022 Health benefits of Australian native foods of our Davidson's Plum and Rainforet Rescue supporting the re-planting of the Australian rainforest. Saty home saty safe be healthy #nativefoods #localproducts #australiannativefoods #jammedwithlove #supportlocal
18.01.2022 Pineapple jam brings such an amazing flavor for spareribs marinade for your dinner ideas #pineapplejam #dinnertime #dinnerideas #jammedwithlove #localproduct #smallproducers #jamlovers
17.01.2022 It is a delicious condiment, bursting with flavoour and extremely versatile. My family most frequently enjoy it with vanilla ice cream , toast, pancakes or savory... #plumjam #pineapplejam #davidsonplumjam #peachjam #jamlovers #jammedwithlove #localstartup #localproduct #jammedwithlove #nativefoods
17.01.2022 A big thank you to Anthony and his lovely family , who gave me the opportunity to introduce Jammed With Love to their customers this morning at Swiss Gourmets Delicatessn . I have to say that, i had a very good time .#localproduct #supportlocal #jamlovers #nativefoods #jammedwithlove #nativefoods
16.01.2022 Jammed your day and spread the love with 100% fresh fruit tart and mini jam tarts . We're sure ready to go #jammedhimwithlove #supportlocalbusiness #smallproducers #smallbusiness #minjamtarts #freshfruitlovers #jamlovers #australiannativefood #australianmade
15.01.2022 We are finally labeled with love and lovingly crafted in Australia with 5 different types #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #australiannativefood #supportlocal #healthyfoodidea
14.01.2022 Wishing her good luck for her first flight to NSW . She very sweet and Jammed With Love . Call, text or email me if you want her to visit and getting to know her. Also a big thank you to all friends, family and other local businesses, who loves to support and spreads the love. #localproduct #naturalproduct #nativefoods #smallproducers #jamlovers #supportlocalbusiness
13.01.2022 Chocolate mud cake with butter cream and fresh fruits decoration . Congratulations Ange .
12.01.2022 I'm looking a bit different but very often people said you can't tell a book by a cover Jammed With Love is going to challenge herself to turn me into something delicious. Try it and you will be rewarded with a delicious natural jam perfect to have on toast for breakfast or to use as filling/topping for all sorts of cakes and pastries!#jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #localstartup #smallbusiness #smallproducers #peachjam #sharethelove #naturalproduct
10.01.2022 Have you try delicious natural Jams from Jammed With Love . They are perfect to use as filling or topping for all sorts of cakes and specially pastries
10.01.2022 Christmas is the best time to catch up, spend time and to show your appreciation with your love ones . Jammed With Love has organised your Christmas gifts for you to share with your love ones. Hurry up only 2 weeks left #smallproducers #jamlovers #localproducts #localstartup #jammedwithlove #giftideas #assortedminijamtarts #handmadewithlove
09.01.2022 Finally our labels has arrived . This sticky delicious pineapple jam is extra decadent with a splash of love. Spread over your favourite bread or dessert. #jammedwithlove #localproducts #jamlovers #supportlocal
06.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world #fathersdaygiftideas #spentimetogether #jammedhimwithlove
05.01.2022 From Little Things Big Things Grow. I was in tears after i walked out of a shop called Tarragindi Gourmet Deli and Butchery at Tarragindi Village. Anthony was very kindly made the first order . So now everyone can get my jams there. Thanks Anthony for supporting your local . just some tears of joy #jammedwithlove #supportlocal #gourmetfood #jamlovers
05.01.2022 If you plan your trip to New Farm or Woolloongabba, don't forget to check out Jammed With Love . We are now available @ All About Fruit is located in the heart of Merthyr Village and Pennisi Cuisine #localproduct #supportlocalbusiness #jamlovers #jammedwithlove #localstartup
03.01.2022 A big smile on my face, after watching this. All our jams are lovely crafted and Jammed With Love all year around https://www.facebook.com/155902404431347/posts/3121721744516050/
03.01.2022 If you're planning to make a trip to West End and thinking of getting something from gourmet deli don't forget to check out Jammed With Love @ Swiss Gourmets Delicatessen. We just delivered them last week #jammedwithlove #localproduct #localstartup #supportlocalbusiness #jamlovers #naturalproduct
02.01.2022 Come down to All About Fruit at New Farm, to have a free tasting and getting to know Jammed With Love #localproducts #supportlocal #jamlovers #jammedwithlove
02.01.2022 The tiy biscuits heart shaped center are delicious teatime and look lovely as part of a daytime party spread. Fill every few with a different kind of Jammed With Love for lots of colour and plenty of flavor options. They are also perfect treats to stick in a lunch box too #localproduct #jamlovers #nativefoods #jammedwithlove #davidsonplumjam #patrytime #pineapplejam #peachjam #plumjam #smallproducers #giftideas #sharethelove #smallproducers
02.01.2022 One of the most challenging jams to Jammed With Love, some enjoy of crying a bit of stress, trying to balance the quality for my value customers. i won't get this far without supports from families and friends . Thanks everyone for always being here for Jammed With Love #supportlocalbusiness #familyiseverything #friendship #jamlovers
01.01.2022 Very excited to introduce our Assorted Mini Jam Tarts as a part of Jammed With Love and carefully packed them in a pack of 12 tart with 4 different jams. 3 x Peach jam tarts. 3 x Pineapple jam tarts. 3 x Plum jam tart and 3 x Mango jam tarts. They're can be made with organic flour and organic butter as a part of the special ingredient and requested . Love your local support your local They great to share with your love one .... As we're a wholesale supplier the minimum order will apply as the wholesale price but the minimum order not required for the retailer price . #smallproducers #localproducts #localstartup #jamlovers #jammedwithlove #minijamtarts #patrytime #pineapplejam #peachjam #plumjam #mangojam
01.01.2022 Small but sweet and we Jammed everything With Love and care for our 3 x 45g Jars Assorted Jam Tasting selection. They are perfect for your gift ideas #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #smallbusiness #smallproducers #giftideas #naturalproduct #davidsonplumjam #pineapplejam #peachjam
01.01.2022 Jammed With Love and Packed With Care for every steps of my products, which i very love and enjoy doing it . Hope you all would love and enjoy them too but don't to spread your care and love with your loved ones . #jammedwithlove #jamlovers #localproducts #supportlocal #minijamtarts #mangojam #peachjam #pineapplejam #plumjam #patrytime #giftideas #smallbusiness #smallproducers
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