Janelle Bridge in Lara, Victoria | Personal blog
Janelle Bridge
Locality: Lara, Victoria
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25.01.2022 We understand where you’re coming from with your messages of love and positivity, we really do. But at the moment it’s ok to feel like we don’t want to hear you’ll get back up you’ll get busy again you’ll get through. A simple this is f%^ked, thinking of you is the kindest words you can give to tired business owners right now. ... I am so bloody thankful that my psychic work has exploded. Without it we would be in dire struggles financially. It’s been 11 months without events. We had three very busy event companies paying our bills. This weekends news has been another kick in the teeth, when small business owners were only just now crawling back up on their knees. Sometimes the most helpful thing we can do is show our vulnerability, and take time to actually feel our feelings
25.01.2022 So glad to see this old girl getting a bit of TLC. Does anyone else have a strange love of old, abandoned homes? I love the stories they hold, the way they smell and their character and potential It's my dream to bring one back to life
25.01.2022 My little witches cottage
24.01.2022 It's not enough to simply ask someone if they are ok today. Sorry but it won't do shit. Especially when you are sending the words "R U OK?" Someone who is not coping will not write back "Actually no, I'm not coping" when they receive a generic "R U OK?" That you sent to all your friends.... Although your intentions are good, you need to look further than this. It's a day to remind you to stop and reflect on your friends and your family. To pause and let them know you are there for them. That you've noticed that they have been more quiet than usual. Open up more of a conversation. Hold space. I've been asked "Are you ok?" more times that I can count and everytime I've answered "Yeah I'm good" even when I haven't been. Look deeper. Try harder. You can make a difference but it takes more than a three word text message.
24.01.2022 When you don’t realise you have a problem until it rains, and you have to take them all outside for some nutrients
24.01.2022 www.janellebridge.com.au
23.01.2022 Time for a break from the negative. Last week I received a request to answer two psychic questions for a client: 1. Is now the right time to get a puppy?... 2. What breed should I get ? Despite my own heart saying "yesss!" I connected in and provided guidance on what i was seeing for her and the dog breed that would suit her current lifestyle. I saw a Goldie puppy. Two days later, this gorgeous Goldie boy arrived next door. My kids are obsessed and wont leave our human neighbours and their puppy alone
23.01.2022 This beautiful soul. We went for a bike ride this afternoon and came across an abandoned house. Seb is is intrigued by this stuff and begged to have a quick look. So we did.. I realised pretty quickly someone was sleeping rough in there so we left. ... Seb asked if we could take $20 in an envelope and leave it for whomever is there to buy themselves a nice dinner. So we did Proud mum moment
23.01.2022 This is what home school looked like today for us. Home made fidget boards and making lolly bags for their friends. In which they wrote little notes and personally delivered them. Im finding it hard to juggle my readings and my babies during this lockdown. So Im slowing down a bit. ... Ive marked everything as sold out until I feel more on top of things. Thanks for your patience
22.01.2022 If this isnt a euphemism for my life right now I just did a beautiful insta live with Laura at North of the Hill and I noticed my candelabra was on fire. I calmly put out the fire with my water, a few mins later I got up to open the door as my room was filling with smoke AND noticed a candle had fallen and caught the fabric covering my shelves ON FIRE ... Dan was watching the live and I had to ask him in come and help. He was in his jocks This is my life you couldnt make up this shit Ill try and post the link for you shortly Just realised dan ran out with a bin full of water
22.01.2022 What can you see in these clouds? This is a still image of a video Seb took of the sunrise this morning.
22.01.2022 Just read this post and it hit me. Needed to share with you all. This was written by Lisa Borrosen. And one day you realise that it wasn’t the game, it was who you watched it with. It wasn’t about the great glass of wine, but the great convos while sipping that wine.... It wasn’t about the best coffee ever, but who you made it for. It wasn’t the business you built, but who was down in the trenches with you. You have to learn how to value the time that someone gives you because that’s something they will never get back. It’s priceless. When you’re at the end of your years, what’s really going to matter?
22.01.2022 Reading Number 80 just completed On March 23 our world changed massively, we were instantly prohibited from trading in our businesses. It was overwhelming and devastating for us. I remember after a particularly awful day, I was feeling super flat. I posted in Girlcode offering to do some free readings to boost my mood by giving to others and also practise my craft that I have spent the last couple of years learning. ... I put myself out there to read for random people for the very first time I chucked myself into it and I loved it. The feedback was great and I nailed it. I kept going, reading for friends and past brides of mine and I loved every minute of it. I realised pretty quickly that this was something I needed to be doing. Because I was getting so much joy from it and helping people at the same time. I was also getting pummelled with messages from the spirit world to go for it I then advertised readings on my Instagram at an introductory price to help me learn and was shocked when 10 came through! Fast forward to now, almost four months later... and I just completed my 80th reading This was never a career path for me, simply a hobby that I loved, something that I was fascinated by. But its really just unfolded into something so much bigger. I am so grateful to these legends: - My amazing teacher Lindie Gunston - Spirit Medium. Wowsers! Look at this world you have opened up for me. Youre awesome. Highly recommend Lindie as a mentor. -My husband Dan. Who although a skeptic. Listened to my stories of connections and validations and believed in me. He has spent the last few months working on my site and getting it ranking and the readings flowing in. - My family and my friends who always support me and my weird ideas there are a few of you in particular who have kept pushing and encouraging and I love you no end - and of course, those who have trusted me to read for them Feeling grateful AF www.janellebridge.com.au
21.01.2022 Its a fucking strange time to be alive. Theres no question of that. Im a positive person, but Im also an intuitive empath. So I pick up the energy of others that are struggling, and many are struggly badly.... The only thing that helps me rise out of this funk, is by lifting others. Set a goal of one random act of kindess per day whilst we are in lockdown. Big or small. Whether its a kind email to a friend, cooking a little extra dinner for your neighbor who lives alone, or delivering a coffee to someones door. It helps them and you. Lets inspire each other Tell me about random acts of kindess you have sent or received.
21.01.2022 My zen den is being relocated to the back garden under the branches of a peppercorn tree Its a big job and it broke my heart seeing her getting pulled apart, but it will be worth it in the end (I hope )
21.01.2022 I had a reading done for me yesterday. Its hard for me to connect in for myself at the moment, because Im so busy connecting in for everyone else! I had some questions about Seb and how we can further help him. ... My reading was incredible. Reiterated things I already know and gave me some beautiful new insight, as well as tangible strategies to implement. Including more time surrounded by trees and the ocean. This is what real light workers do, empower you to move forward with new inspiration My reading was by @ash_andlife at @whitewolfhealing
20.01.2022 As predicted in my news.com.au article - on predictions for 2021!
19.01.2022 6 days left in this comp! The oodies just got delivered and Im so tempted to keep them for myself on a freezing day like today
19.01.2022 In light of the updated restrictions announcement for our local area. *No visitors allowed in our homes from midnight tonight and mandatory face masks must be worn everywhere outside of the home. I want to say please reach out if you are struggling. ... This shit is hard. Its a lot to deal with. During this period of complete "fuckedupedness" (sorry there is no other word describe how I feel) I am offering one free zoom session a week for anyone who really needs some positivity and empowerment injected into their lives. PM me to be considered
18.01.2022 For real tho. Welcome home number 76
18.01.2022 Something for the Spiritual Geelong folk.
18.01.2022 Do not forget your humanity, on your pursuit to pass judgement. ~ Some people arent coping as well as you are. Some people arent as happy as you are. So...me people are being triggered more than you are. Some people are feeling more traumatised than you are. Some people are experiencing experiencing mental health issues for the first time, & maybe more than you are. ~ Everyone is struggling to some degree, you have NO IDEA what someone else is going through & just because people feel different, or are experiencing different things, or have a difference of opinion does not mean one is right & one is wrong, it just means theres a DIFFERENCE. ~ So basically, have a bit more compassion & be a fucking kind human See more
18.01.2022 Three days of a migraine and it finally decided to lift. You can tell by my eyes that something isn't right. I'm not sure if it's cycle related, sinus related or a result of low iron. Going to go and get everything checked very soon. Anyone else getting headaches at the moment?
17.01.2022 My best friend is 4 today. What a blessing this dog has been. For me and my clients aswell. The kindest, most handsome, goodest boi there is
17.01.2022 www.soulsandsales.com Woo hoo! Let me tell you what I have been working on....... As you all know, my world came crashing down on March 23 this year when our business was instantly restricted from trade due to COVID. With the inability to trade, came time to think, time to breathe and time to come back to self. It allowed me to go public with my skills as a Psychic Medium, and in April I began doing paid readings for the public. Since that day in April, I have completed over 300 paid readings! Along the way, Spirit Medium Cael O'Donnell and I crossed paths and we instantly connected. We are both laid back, motivated, spiritual humans, who love to swear and have a laugh. Cael is a superstar on Tiktok, and has used this platform to sky rocket his business. Cael and I have both built solid spiritual businesses in the middle of a pandemic, and we both know this is all we want to do with our time and our lives. We truly believe that the world needs more healers and lightworkers, and we have noticed that whilst there are so many talented psychics, mediums, reiki practitioners, soul coaches etc, Many are not skilled when it comes to starting a business and its holding them back! Cael and I have joined forces to share our secrets on how we've built our business, in the very strange year that is 2020. We've created a 30 day, no bullshit guide to kickstarting your spiritual business and landing paid clients. We want to work with you to get your gifts and abilities out into the world. www.soulsandsales.com
17.01.2022 Last night, as she lay falling asleep in my arms. She said "mum can we go to the snow again?" I said "probably, but it will be next year as it's warming up now and we are still restricted from travel." Well this little queen manifested some snow close to home today
16.01.2022 So bloody grateful. Today I had an "anonymous" delivery to my door of vodka and a woolies voucher, just one of the ways that I am constantly astounded by the beautiful people I have in my life. Theres been random gifts, ice cream and wine deliveries, "accidentally" running into my bestie at Bunnings moments. Its made us all look at creative ways to show love to each other. ... The sunshine today was so uplifting and beautiful, but it did make me miss my friends and family that much more! Flipping it around to acknowledge how lucky I am to have these people in my life to miss.
15.01.2022 Some days you just have to wrap yourself in a heated blanket and eat chocolate. I chose not to run this morning today because it is just so cold and my legs have been aching from pushing myself again. Super rough morning with the child, resulting in a hole in the wall. I have been overexerting myself with readings the last month so Im feeling drained. ... Today is a nothing day and thats ok Im taking today to rest, regroup and be kind to myself and attack life again tomorrow.
15.01.2022 Before you spew hate on the internet today, I challenge you to get out in the sunshine and move your body. I know its easy to wallow and feel miserable about our situation, Ive been there myself and Im not undermining how hard this is for anyone. But you can always find some positivity. I recommend running until you find it
15.01.2022 Think for a sec about those who are supposed to be getting married tomorrow, who’ve had their wedding day pulled out from under them, they have to stay at home instead. Think about those in the event industry, whose income and livelihood has been severely impacted for 11 months now, events were coming back this weekend. Tomorrow they were getting paid. Now they must stay home. And it’s not just this weekend they are cancelling, the roll on affect is much bigger. Cancellations... are flowing .... again Think about those who finally started to let go of the trauma response around losing their business, started seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel. Think of the florist who have spent thousands on flowers for the biggest day of their year, unable to trade or even offer contactless delivery. It’s not only 5 days. NB this is not about us or me, this is about the tone deaf it’s only 5 days posts I’m seeing. Don’t minimise the trauma of others
14.01.2022 Coming out of the spiritual closet. Ive written a blog about the spiritual journey I have been on for the past couple of years, developing my psychic skills and all the exciting things that have been coming to fruition along the way Have a read ... https://www.janellebridge.com.au//coming-out-of-the-spirit
14.01.2022 2 out of 2 days at school this week. (COVID timetable) Out of the car and through the school gates without us Its taken 7 months to get to this point. 7 exhausting, challenging sometimes hopeless feeling months. ... I am so glad we stuck to our guns and allowed him the chance to conquer this school related anxiety in his own time when he was ready. Thank the unvierse for a blue toungue lizard named Godzilla, making this transition a little easier for our Seb
14.01.2022 My new little area is getting there #progressvideo
14.01.2022 Shout out to this bloke. It's hard to believe this pic was taken in Melb CBD only 8 months ago What a year it has been for us. Not only have you supported me along this journey, building my website and building a first page google ranking from scratch for me.. but you've also pivoted yourself into an online presence building magician. ... Love that we content rewrite the story to fit our family and any external circumstances (like COVID) If anyone needs a website, or a website do over, for a reasonable start up cost, hit up Dan.
13.01.2022 Guys!! It’s here! I’m so bloody excited to be pushing myself out of my comfort zone and connecting in with you and your loved ones passed, alongside one of my favourite people Cael O'Donnell... I would love to see you there. Tickets available in link below : https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/psychic-medium-show-ft-cael
13.01.2022 Because there is so much doom and gloom in the world at the moment, enjoy a video of Miss Annabelle giggling as her birthday pedi tickles her feet
13.01.2022 On Saturdays, instead of going for a run, Johnny and I do a slow walk to get a coffee. Johnny loves lining up out the front of the cafe, smiling and waving at everyone that walks past. I have definitely learnt to slow down in 2020 I know this pandemic has been really hard on so many, financially and emotionally. Us included. ... But there are some positives we can take from this year. Learning to slow down, turning my love of all things psychic into a career, and taking a break from our other businesses are a few things I am grateful for. What are you grateful for in 2020
13.01.2022 Scam alert Its come to my attention that three other mediums in my newsfeed have been targeted as part of a scam. ... People clone their profiles and inbox their followers offering them readings. Im being proactive in case the same thing happens with my own profile. I will never do this. The only way to get a reading from me is through my website. Please report anything suspicious Much love Janelle
12.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to these three. This is the nicest pic I have of the three of you Dad/Dave- there is no bigger legend in this world that you. We are so lucky to be your kids, and the tribe of grandkids are absolutely blessed to have you as their poppa. Thank you for always trying to understand, even when it makes no sense to you. We love you ... Daniel- Seb and Arbi couldnt ask for a better dad, even though youve been grumpy AF this last week I dont think anyone else in this world could be as patient and as prepared to change their life to fit their childs needs as you are. Thanks for making 85 bowls of Mac and cheese even though its Fathers Day. Love you Ry Our parenting styles couldnt be any more different but our morals are the same. You are a great dad to your tribe of soon to be four and Im proud of you. Love you
12.01.2022 This pic represents Valentine’s Day for us. It was taken yesterday, and my first thoughts were bloody hell Seb, would have been great if he wasn’t swigging a can of Pepsi and pulling a bogan face But then the more I looked, the more I laughed because this is so representative of our imperfect life. Dan behind the camera and behind the scenes, making things run. ... Is just rolling with the punches, doing our best to adapt as we go
12.01.2022 This morning I woke up at 4.30am and couldn’t get back to sleep, for many reasons. One was the kids, husband and the dog were taking up too much room, and two was because my anxiety was peaking. I felt uneasy and fearful and I wasn’t sure why. ... I kept trying to go to sleep, and couldn’t. I thought i should get up and go for a run and go the gym and then I thought no! what do you want to do? I wanted to sit in front of the fire and connect with my guides and feel less fucking scared. So I did. I traded the gym for some gentle hip stretches and a walk in the cold at the You Yangs. It was there, I realised that I had anxiety because I suddenly realised I hadn’t been doing enough my body and mind thought they needed to fear me into action. As I walked I had a really painful realisation about my lack of self worth. I’m outwardly so confident, I achieve my goals, I smash them, I keep fit, I eat well, I maintain my face I pride myself on being a good friend, a kind person, a loyal wife, a dedicated mum. But I realised that I was constantly ticking all these boxes, afraid to drop even one of them for a moment. As these are the things that make me worthy It was like a lightning strike to the head to realise the reason I try so fucking hard all the time is really about self validation. We are worthy even if we do nothing. Even if we fuck up, we are worthy Sending you, and myself all the love we need
11.01.2022 Instagram vs Reality? Thank you so much to Kari Teagan Photography for stepping up and creating a space for parents to get school photos of their children, when they have been banned at school across Vic due to COVID. For us it was an important milestone this year, to show the difference between Seb medicated, skinny and unhappy at mainstream school, to smiling, chunky and much more relaxed at a specialist school. ... So happy we could get these images. Highly recommend Kari <3
10.01.2022 Meditation at the top of the world this morning for some much needed clarity. I came across a memory post last night on Facebook. It was from seven years ago. It was along the lines of "I'm exhausted and then I look in the mirror and am so disappointed in what I see, but I don't have the energy to do anything about it"... It reminded me how far I've come, how much I've grown. At the time of that post I had a two year, and 2 month old baby, a husband struggling with his mental health and a business that I was solely responsible for. How the fuck was I disappointed in myself in anyway shape or form? What was I disappointed in? The bags under my eyes because I was getting two hours sleep? The forehead lines because I was worried about those I love? The extra weight because I just gave birth and had my belly cut open for a second time in two years? We've been programmed as women to believe we are not worthy unless we are perfect. I'm flawed, and I'm still working on releasing some of my harsh self judgment that is still lingering in my actions, in my parenting, in business, in life. But god I am grateful I now view my outward reflection in a different way. Now I look at myself and think "girl you always have been a beautiful, motherfucking warrior." It's my aim to help others realise the same
09.01.2022 This week and next weeks batch are fully booked. I have a few availabilities left for the following one www.janellebridge.com.au
09.01.2022 Zooms are back. I've been working my ass off to get through my backlog of email readings and I'm almost there So I've released more zoom spots, I've had the most incredible connections on zoom this past week. Feeling so grateful
08.01.2022 SET YOUR ALARMS AGAIN! (Day and time below) We are all having an instaLIVE chat with @janelle.bridge... Janelle is a psychic medium with a huge heart and a passion for empowering others. Janelle uses her readings as an avenue to deliver messages and guidance from the spirit world, ensuring her clients feel empowered when they leave. As the parent of a child with additional needs, Janelle understands the importance of self-care and connecting with others. Which is why she runs monthly meditations for other parents in the same situation. Janelle and I are open to chat about anything and everything. (This comes with a WARNING if there are certain topics that pop up that might be triggering or not of your taste you are welcome to kindly leave) I want this to be a humbling space but you are welcome to be who you are and express what you need with respect and love, humour and seriousness. (NO NEGATIVITY Please) Please feel free to ask us questions and get involved through texting in the comments section. *Please note this is a relaxed space and IS NOT the chance to get a free reading or distance healing. Remember: I will continue to have special guests joining me. And we will answer and chat about your questions. I HAVE lined up lots of other goodies to jump on with me over the next few weeks. Not everyone coming on have their own business they will be just sharing their life experiences to hopefully help you if you resonate and its nice for them to reflect! And for those wanting to tune in or be a special guest... Have a chance to talk to my platform?! Share your story?! Chat about your Soul work/Lightwork/Shadow work!? If youd like DM me before hand. I wont have any structure to it, lets see where it goes! If youd like to watch some of the past ones I have started to save them so you can see them on my IGTV. Ill see you LIVE this Thursday night after 8pm AEST (once Ive put my son to bed aha) Remember SET YOUR ALARMS! Chat soon yall, Laura xx
08.01.2022 Could not be more proud of this beautiful soul, starting her new business endeavour as a life coach. It feels wrong to describe this as a business endeavour, because her intentions are not financially motivated. But she is born to do this <3 Leesh is natural healer and has been healing those around her for most of her life. She has been giving me free life coaching for almost 10 years. ... Highly recommend <3
07.01.2022 Finding the Balance Two weeks ago, I spent the entire week reading and sleeping! My email readings went crazy and I suddenly had more than I could cope with. ... Which is a great problem to have, but creates stress for me to deliver the readings on time and takes me completely away from my family. It meant I had no time for anything other than readings. Then when I was already feeling the pinch, I had 4 clients book in for zooms and a face to face (I still cant believe I am having this problem so early in) So we knew we had to change something about the structure. This past week we trialled putting the email readings into batches. Allowing 12 email reading spaces per week, and when those spots have been taken, it updates to the next weeks timeframe. This coming week is now fully booked for emails. I have one zoom space left available. So email readings purchased now will be delivered between August 10 and August 14. Feeling very grateful
07.01.2022 My kids made a cake they were pretty shattered after singing happy birthday to their cousin on zoom last night. They wanted some cake and too see their cousins in person. I told them we could make a "Corona sucks" cake in the morning. This is the result
07.01.2022 Fresh up on the blog. A little lesson in knowing your worth https://psychicsnation.com/know-your-worth/
07.01.2022 Live your life like my boy Johnny does
07.01.2022 Woo hoo! Look what we have been working on. @imcaelodonnell and I have joined forces to share our secrets on how we've built our business in the spiritual field a 30 day, no bullshit guide to kickstarting your spiritual business and landing paid clients follow us at @soulsandsales
06.01.2022 Ive mentioned before the 444 is my number from the angels. Just got into my car. My watch showed 4444 steps. The battery percentage on my watch is 44% The range remaining for petrol on my car 44.... 3 synchronicities within 2 seconds
06.01.2022 Made an effort tonight, and tried to take a nice photo to prove I'm all good. My eyeballs show my anxiety is flicked on -- BIG time. Why? Because I feel out of control. I hustled my ass off in this crazy fucking year to build a business for our family, when our income was ripped away unexpectedly. ... Seb finishes school for the year on Monday. I worked out today that he attended school for a total of 81 hours this year. All of this has been ok, I have coped. But now booths are slowly returning to events and my head feels like it might explode. How do I fit them in? I feel like I'm already over capacity. This is the struggle with COVID. It's not as simple as things just returning to normal. What even is normal? How do we make things fit? Time to make some tangible plans and try and get lost in meditation
06.01.2022 Even healers need healing. In light of being always authentic, I want to share with you all a recent personal journey of mine. You all are all brave enough to get vulnerable with me within our sessions, so I'm about to get vulnerable with you. I have just finished a 9 week soul coaching journey with @healwithjo ... Every Monday morning at 10am, we caught up via Zoom, and Jo led me on a walk through the minefield of my own personal barriers and limiting beliefs. As most of you already know, my most limiting self beliefs were set around my parenting - there is an incredible amount of self doubt that comes with parenting a child who doesn't fit the norm. I was also struggling with a large amount of anxiety from always feeling like the situation was beyond my control. Jo has given me her time, her strategies, her energy and a piece of her incredible heart. I am so thankful for her. Something I have realised is I look for a lot of external validation rather than delving deep and getting that from within. The energy shifts within my life since we began our sessions have been incredible. I haven't had an anxiety attack since we began our sessions. I love how much she has helped me get out of my own way. We can always learn something from those who cross our paths. Over the past week I have connected with a number of clients who have taught me some valuable lessons. Namely a gorgeous young girl who has ADHD herself, she empowered me to see those super powers within the diagnosis and the way she used these qualities in everyday life. Another being a parent of young boy with Autism and ADHD, reminded me how our special kids have led us to opening up our spiritual connections. During my work as a psychic medium, I spend so much energy connecting in for and bringing closure and healing to others, I need to bring myself the same level of care and compassion. I am a flawed human, just like you, and just because I am in touch with my spirituality, doesn't mean I always have my shit together. In fact I just finished receiving a guidance reading for myself from @imcaelodonnell to confirm yes I am on the bloody right path!! Despite my self doubt that creeps in. I am not immune to negativity and I can't always rise above it. But my gosh I am determined to try. Be as gentle on yourself as you are on others and never hesitate to seek the healing and guidance you need.
05.01.2022 My thinking spot, my happy place. There is always a project on the go at our little cottage and about 30 that are "almost" finished. Seb and I redid the little path over the weekend and bought even more plants to add today
05.01.2022 Join me on @imcaelodonnell 's insta live at 7pm tonight to find out our latest venture. Very excited to share this with you
05.01.2022 All three for me Not really, but I could use them. I've been pushing myself lately, and been thrust into being overtaken by that grinding mindset. I'm taking today to slow down and come back to self. Rest and recoup.... It's hard though because I'm really excited about something new that we are bringing to you soon
05.01.2022 The universe provided again this morning I was having a little cry on my run, which I often do - because running sucks . No, just joking, it releases emotion for me.... I was reflecting on a life lost too soon and thinking about getting some flowers in remembrance. I stopped for a second, looked down and saw this bunch of home grown Lavender, tied with a string in a bucket, labeled "free" It made me smile Johnny however is pretty ready to continue running
04.01.2022 My gift to you, a free downloadable meditation to help you walk into 2021 peacefully and full of positivity https://www.janellebridge.com.au/product-pa/2021-meditation
03.01.2022 What do we do when the kids are punching on? Get outside into nature
02.01.2022 Its not enough to simply ask someone if they are ok today. Sorry but it wont do shit. Especially when you are sending the words "R U OK?" Someone who is not coping will not write back "Actually no, Im not coping" when they receive a generic "R U OK?" That you sent to all your friends.... Although your intentions are good, you need to look further than this. Its a day to remind you to stop and reflect on your friends and your family. To pause and let them know you are there for them. That youve noticed that they have been more quiet than usual. Open up more of a conversation. Hold space. Ive been asked "Are you ok?" more times that I can count and everytime Ive answered "Yeah Im good" even when I havent been. Look deeper. Try harder. You can make a difference but it takes more than a three word text message.
02.01.2022 For your viewing pleasure, watch as I almost burn down my Zen Den live on insta This is the last 5 minutes of a 2 hour segment with Laura at North of The Hill. Watch to the end of this clip for maximum entertainment. Multiple fires, smoke filling the room and so many orbs flying around
01.01.2022 Its my baby girls 7th birthday today. Check out that smile Pure happiness
01.01.2022 I've lost count at this point. But welcome to the fam boo
01.01.2022 Loads of people inbox me and ask me how I got into this field and this lady is the answer 2pm today. We"ll chat about how this all started.
01.01.2022 I have a question for you. "How do you want to be remembered?" I did an interview yesterday, which will be published shortly and this was one of the questions they asked me. ... What a great question it is! My answer was "as someone who is kind, compassionate, resilient and authentic" Tell me, how do you want to be remembered?
01.01.2022 Decided to start the day off peaceful with Seb and Johnny watching the sunrise at the beach. Heres how it really went: Seb trudged through the quicksand and lost a shoe. He flipped out badly as its his favourite shoe. He has sensory issues and they are the only shoes he will wear ... So there I am barefoot in freezing sludge up to my knees searching for a Nike. Which we didnt find. He then fell in the sludge and had to be pulled out Very relaxing and serene start to the day
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