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Image Consultants

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 425 235 878


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25.01.2022 Re-Identification Of Self (AWAKENING Community - Free On-line Workshop Series) As a human race we are going to be observing an extraordinary social phenomena.... We are waking up from the pandemic and starting to look at the world around us through a new lens. On some level we will all be going through a de-programming process. We are looking around and seeing; **relationships dissolve **corporate structures change and **family dynamics evolve. We are going to start to acknowledge that we have been bonded to jobs, friendships and relationships out of FEAR rather than LOVE. Now we are at a crossroad. We know we have changed in a deep way. The past no longer resonates and the future is unknown. Come and join me in our AWAKENING community to learn strategies on how to navigate this journey of re-identification of self. Register here: Love and blessings Janette (A Woman On The Awakening Journey)

25.01.2022 A beautiful friend of mine popped into the studio several weeks ago and "The Rule Of Thirds" captured her attention. A few days following our session she sent me this two images. Many times its not about going out to purchase new things but rather looking at the same things with a different perspective.... The Rule Of Thirds concept dates back for millennia. The Romans, the Greeks, The Egyptians, The Asians and all cultures used this concept to create buildings, art, design, clothing, branding and many more things. If you would like to learn more about this concept and many more, you can purchase our 3 hour styling workshop and watch it at your own pace. Enjoy Janette

24.01.2022 Morning beautiful souls Today is about helping a client refine her wardrobe so that she feels like herself everyday. Weve been through the whole personal brand program and this session will bring us to the finish line.... This journey is a reflective one. Its about coming back to the beginning and see if youve been in the right lane as youve been running this race. This journey asks you to look at the lane youre in and if you are running the right race. My goal: to help her reinforce her authentic self because that is when she will radiate and shine. This is not about labels, quantity or how much money you spend. This is about being true to yourself and removing others opinions on who or what you should be. Your soul knows who you are. I help you go back in and listen to the whispers so you can reconnect with your divine self. Love to you all

18.01.2022 As we travel our path we meet many messengers. Some are to cast light on our shadows and others to cast light on our light. All designed to help us achieve wholeness by seeing all of who we are.... There is no good or just is. Earth is a school where our soul comes to learn soul lessons to help us elevate our consciousness. New Earth is dawning and for us to rise up and meet her we need to be in a place of elevated consciousness. Together we will explore The SHADOW and illuminate the whole. All details here: Blessings Janette

17.01.2022 Last night I was sitting on my bed with my 7 yr old and she said, "Mum I can see your lines on your face and your grey hairs". I said, "yes mama and I love them. I love being me because there will never ever be another me again." This morning I went to my local coffee shop and there were three young women who looked like they had just come off the Kim Kardashian factory line. The pouty lips, eyelash extensions, the dark straight hair parted in the centre, the "natural" mak...e up look and the tattooed eyebrows.... you get the drift. The more we idolise others and neglect the self, the more we lose our sacred identity. The more we look for external validation, the more we give our power away. The person we should be idolising is our self. If you feel resistance to this message then ask yourself why? Janette

16.01.2022 Wings Of Awakening They were created to soar They were created to sing They were created to be free and to talk with the wind.... So why do we clip their wings and still expect them to sing? Why do we put them in cages and ask them to dance? Why do we let them feel the wind yet not allow them to fly? Why do we assume superiority when god made us the same? How would we feel if someone clipped our wings? Would we feel like singing? How would we feel if someone put us in a cage? Would we want to dance? How would we feel if we had a voice yet could not be heard? What do we all become if we can no longer be who we were created to be? Its time for all of us to live the life we were created to live and leave behind the one we have been conditioned to live. My wings of awakening helped me find my way back home to me. So find your wings, sing your song and feel the wind. From a woman who found her wings of awakening Janette

15.01.2022 Your body is a vibrational vessel Your body carries you through every day and night without you having to ask it to. Your body is perfect... Cherish it, nourish it, speak well too it and dress it the way you feel. Celebrate your uniqueness There will never be a body like yours ever again. Embrace all that you are. Love and light Janette x P.S #loveisnotalabel #lovehasnosize

14.01.2022 Just wondering how many stylists, Image Consultants and Personal Branding people are in our group? If you run corporate workshops, public workshops then just add your name in the comments below. I am thinking to share curated content (my intellectual property acquired over 13 years) just for you!... Cheers Janette

13.01.2022 Ive been back seeing clients for the past two weeks and it has brought me so much joy to reconnect with them. Many of my clients I have served for 13 years. I have watched their children grow and theyve watched mine. It is such a privilege to share my energy and time with people I connect with on a heart and soul level.... Much of what I do goes well and truly beyond clothes and Im always fascinated by how our worlds intertwine. Teachers and messengers can appear in our life in unexpected ways and may not look like what wed expect. So pay attention, dont write anyone off because they may just be an angel sent to you from god. Amen

10.01.2022 Repeat After Me I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m not afraid to be seen in my brilliance or my breakdown... They are both me, whole and complete I own them both

09.01.2022 A setback is a setup for a comeback It was Saturday afternoon and I was grocery shopping while listening to a speaker and he said, "A setback is a setup for a comeback." As soon as I heard those words, I pulled my shopping trolley over and captured the words on my phone. I sat and thought about what this mean't for me... And it was true...... Every single time I've experienced a setback, its propelled me forward stronger and more enlightened than before. We've all had setbacks. In the moment we ask god, WHY? Why have you brought this experience into my life? In the moment is feels cruel, unfair, harsh and down right brutal. BUT Sometimes god needs us to pivot Sometimes we've moved so far off course that the only way he can help realign us to our truest path is to create an event, situation or scenario that on the surface seems tough but in reality is necessary to help us arrive at our destination. The destination may be a new perspective, a new way of living, a new way of being, a new life path or a new personal narrative. So if you are currently sitting in a setback, have faith that there will also be a comeback..... Janette x #awakening

09.01.2022 Hi Beautiful Beings, I just wanted to update you on our personal brand services. Since my awakening many of you know that I have done much healing /shadow work. ... During this time I also studied Astrology, along with Feng Shui Reiki Energy Medicine. Astrology has added further enlightenment about myself and career direction and I believe you will benefit from this additional layer of knowledge. Because I have seen the correlation of this knowledge of astrology play out in my life (and the collective experience) I am now incorporating it as part of our offering to assist you with your career direction providing deeper insights that help explain why you are the way you are. You can choose it as a stand alone session or integrated as part of Step 1 (Personal Brand Clarity session) in our Personal Brand Program. If youd like to know more, feel free to contact me. Light to you all Janette

09.01.2022 Although I created these tips a while ago Im sharing them again because sometimes we need the reminder Enjoy Janette

08.01.2022 During my awakening, I sat on that bench for months, talking to Mother Earth and listening to her. I sat, I cried, I talked, I meditated, I hugged my meditation tree, I cried some more, I took my shoes off and walked the earth, I watched the birds and finally one day I stopped. I stopped crying... I stopped pretending I stopped delaying I stopped second guessing Finally I just accepted. I surrender to what is As you travel your awakening path, know that you too will reach this beautiful place of acceptance and surrender. Now someone else is sitting on that same bench. I sent them my light and above all I thanked Mother Earth for the gift she is to humanity. My light I send you x A woman on the awakening journey

07.01.2022 A quick shout out to all the wonderful women who joined me for our 4 hour workshop in March and to all my friends who have assisted me in completing this course, especially Katherine Hoppett and hubby Dario Ishiyama Katherine Hoppett, Tina Di Meglio, Sharon Hodgson, Kallie, Christina Poon, Lisa, Amy, Kelly and Sally Happy to say that I passed that assessment and now have one more subject to complete to achieve my Cert IV in Training and Assessment. ... Much gratitude to you all. P.S I hope that "Rule Of Thirds" rule has found its place into your wardrobe

07.01.2022 "Our best estimate is that 25-30% of the workforce will be working-from-home multiple days a week by the end of 2021" -Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics SO with the golden age of internet, leaders are on display in different ways that require a shift in how they communicate their personal brand. Here are my top Personal Branding tips to navigate video conferencing whilst working from home. ... 1. Colour Placement: use a scarf, earings, lip colour, glasses or necklace to create an "eyes up" strategy. This will keep the focus on your eyes and mouth being your main communication portals 2. Colour Contrast: aim for "medium" contrast ie team a dark colour with a lighter colour. Aim to show this from the collar bone up. Most people can stay focused on this contrast for extended periods of time without getting distracted. 3. Choice of colours: wear your best colours, youll appear awake, healthy and ready to go. 4. Nails: dont forget that we communicate with our hands 5. Do a "check up from the neck up" - especially check your teeth after lunch 6. Make up- if you dont like make up try a super light mineral foundation and a simple tinted lip balm. 7. Hair- be sure that it doesnt cover your eyes. Your main communication portals ie eyes and mouth will play a bigger role online. 8. Smile: always a great ice breaker 9. Lighting - try and face a natural source of light, this will make your skin look great! Hope these tips help you showcase your personal brand! Janette

04.01.2022 EOFY Sale - The Art Of Self Packaging For Success Beautiful Beings, our signature public workshop is on sale right now. This 3 hour workshop is for you if you finally want to master the art to creating an image and style that showcases your brilliance.... You can watch it from the comfort of your couch and all the exercises are contained in your comprehensive workbook. Normal $97 now $47 Here are highlights from the workshop: Here is the link to purchase: Love and Blessings Janette x

02.01.2022 As you start to define your new normal, dont forget the wisdom you have acquired during your time of self reflection. Honour your growth by remembering what you discovered when you went within. Please share this video with anyone who needs the reminder... Love and Light Janette

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