Astrologer, Janine Castle, Gold Coast in Gold Coast, Queensland | Business service
Astrologer, Janine Castle, Gold Coast
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 488 687 403
Address: Mudgeeraba 4213 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Tell me these planetary orbits are not connected to crop circles....
22.01.2022 Jennifer Edwards and I talk about the Age of Aquarius and many of the the upcoming issues you may not have considered to be New Age.
22.01.2022 HAPPY SAGGIES I've noticed Sagittarians turn up in all careers and any type of job. Even though Sagittarius rules education, travel and spirituality, they can be plumbers, musicians or doctors. That's because centaurs are adaptable, friendly and easy going at their very core. They are the happiest of all signs, just being themselves. This means they can fit in anywhere happily if they have to, they roll with the punches and can pick up new information quickly.
22.01.2022 Our 2nd video about our journey over the years and our ups and downs with our respective professions. Grab a cuppa (or wine), sit back and enjoy!
21.01.2022 CAPRICORN DUO So here's my take on the notorious Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn conjunction that's happening now. One thing I know, is that Saturn in Capricorn has been about deprivation, drought, debt, discomfort, restraint, resistances and budgeting. That means, the big lesson is endurance, stamina and perseverance through hardship. That's certainly happened with our lack of rainfall and rising household debt since 2017. As for Pluto in Capricorn from 2008, this has been the era... for identifying deep psychological ills and corruption within establishments and institutions, such as churches, banks and companies. So right now, both of these energies are happening at the same time, and even overlapping. Eg. Banking Royal Commission enquiry leading to restriction in business loaning and economic constraints. Eg. Drought and fire disaster relief issues being linked to political scandals etc. See more
21.01.2022 NOT HEALTH, ECONOMICS Astrologically speaking, there's not much going on around health when you look at our current planets. Everything is going on around the economy, industry, business and job security. My guess is that the CoVid crisis is the only way the global economy and our workplace lifestyle can reboot itself. At the end of all this, our businesses, careers and income streams will all be different.
21.01.2022 MATCHMAKING Master marriage broker Sima Taparia from new Netflix series Indian Matchmaking always consults an Astrologer before proceeding with a first meeting. It's simply foolish if you're a Hindu Indian to not consider compatibility in a horoscope. I have to say I'm quite impressed with her rapport building skills and her psychological insights. Why not bring all the tools you can find, before committing to someone, and their family, for life.
21.01.2022 DEATH SIGNS Everyone wants to know what the signs of death are in Astrology. You can't see your own death in a chart, that's for sure. But any of the outer planets can indicate the experience of having people die in your life. Pluto (endings), Uranus (sudden change) and Neptune (disappearance) can all bring the loss of a loved one. This will depend on what impact the death has on your life, which varies on the circumstance and the person.
20.01.2022 TALENTED QUINCY My favourite way to study Astrology is to put on a documentary of a famous person and look at their chart online at the same time. The whole horoscope comes to life. Music maestro Quincy Jones has a chart that entirely reflects his successful life. He has a loaded 5th house of creativity, which includes music and performance. He had his Sun (talent), Venus (music), Mercury (skill) North Node (future) and Part of Fortune (fortune) all in the 5th house. And being Libra rising, everyone loved him. Including the ladies. Overwork can be a big problem with highly creative people.
20.01.2022 JUPITER-PLUTO The last time Jupiter and Pluto conjuncted, we had the Global Financial Crisis in 2007-2008, resulting from excessive lending etc and mass downturns. Now, we have more excessive global behaviour resulting in a similar global economic collapse. It's a 12 year thing. Add Saturn into the mix and you have more fear and hardship.
20.01.2022 SIDE-HUSTLING I have seen a big push towards independent solo financing since Uranus went into Taurus 2 years ago. Since then we have seen a plethora of new start-up businesses emerging with exciting new marking seminars on do-it-yourself revenue earnings. Middle class salaries don't cut it anymore and the banks are not lending. Everyone is looking for a side-hustle, and everyone can be a millenial entrepreneur.
19.01.2022 HAPPY CAPPIES To all the long-suffering Capricorns who were born in mid-late January. Last year was a crappy year for you. Saturn and Pluto crushed your freedoms and forced you into painful unchartered territory. Good news, Jupiter is the healing balm for 2020 for you. It brings happiness, luck and prosperity into your shaken-up world. Amen.
19.01.2022 If you were an Astrologer before the internet, you would have carried around a worn out copy of Robert Hand’s Transits. Listening to him live online is a real treat.
18.01.2022 MOON BEHIND THE SUN I have a Sun Sagittarius colleague I am getting to know at the moment. They have a delightful zest for living and a contagious optimism. They don't know that I know they have a Moon Scorpio. It pays to be armed with some Moon knowledge as you get to know someone. Behind the jocularity of Sagittarius lies a very sensitive soul. Best to build on trust, truth and honour with this person just in case they start to feel slighted by something I'm not aware of.
16.01.2022 CUSPS A wealthy businessman client told me he was on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. When I looked up his specific DOB in y ephemeris, he was disappointed to discover he was actually a Gemini. Taurus may rule the economy and moneymaking, but Gemini rules accounting, commerce, technology and intelligence. This man made his millions in IT doing computer coding and cyber security. A far better fit in fact.
15.01.2022 I've seen a lot of these before. But this is definitely the best.
15.01.2022 VIRGO MUSICIANS While Libra and Pisces can represent the arts and beauty, Virgo is the sign of musicians. The process of creating and practicing music requires concentration and precision to perfect a tune. Virgo loves getting things right and is prepared to work hard for an artistic outcome. Virgin musical genius is all about refined technical ability, rather than just Leo exhibitionism. Watching docos on Virgo musicians such as Michael Jackson, Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez, you can see how much practice goes into a well polished show.
15.01.2022 Here at long last is our first video and it is about the astrology landscape of Australia. We mainly did the next 6 months, but Janine does go into the early months of next year. Let us know what you think :)
14.01.2022 PISCES SABOTAGE Amazing how a screwed up Moon Pisces can turn into a prophetic urban guru. A completely genuine one. Self sabotage is the No.1 biggest issue for Pisces, and drugs are a great way to kick it off. But if Pisces can turn destruction around into deep psychological awareness, there lies a rich and bountiful inner world of peace and kindness.
12.01.2022 DRUGS AND MOOD TRENDS I've heard some pretty fantastical perspectives on Neptune in Pisces which began in 2012. Eg. the global warming issue and sea levels rising, increased spiritual enlightenment etc. But I've seen an epidemic in drug taking and mental health problems in the last eight years. We've had the Ice epidemic really take off, high levels of Cannabis use and now CBD, and the introduction of drug solvents such as GHB (really Neptune). And now the cocaine explosion. ...Detox and rehab centres are at full capacity and we've never taken so many medications for our mental health. We've had the NDIS scheme for disability (very Neptune/Pisces) and Medicare's push toward new mental health strategies. Then there is a new plethora of new personality diagnoses such as Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissism, all anxiety disorders and various depressive syndromes. And this will continue until 2025. Fun. See more
12.01.2022 NEW NEPTUNE CAREERS I have two clients who are pilots. Both have Neptune in the house of career. Neptune traditionally would indicate fields such as service, charity, healing, religion or the arts. Maybe even careers involving water. But remember planes weren't invented when Astrology began. Neptune can be about other worlds you can't see alternatively. So the sky could indeed be one of those worlds, not being the world seen on Earth.
11.01.2022 AGONISING PLUTO Pluto cycles are soooo long. Pluto in Capricorn goes for around 15 years. Pluto has been doing it's destructive thing on our economy for several months now. And Pluto isn't going away sometime soon. My theory is it stretches out dramas that go on for so long, there has to be a transformation because we all can't stand the pain any longer.
10.01.2022 QUADRUPLE PANDEMIC The Bubonic Plague killed up to 50% of Europe during the 14th Century. Doctors used astrology to predict disease outcomes. It was well noted that there was a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars during the plague. When CoVid started, we had a quadruple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Mars. Why is lucky Jupiter involved with pandemics? Jupiter causes rapid spreading of disease, growth and expansion.
09.01.2022 FAT PHASES There are a couple of fat transits to watch out for. I'm in one right now. If I didn't know I was in a fat phase, I'd be really frustrated. So what are they? When Jupiter (enlargement) is in your first house (physical body) or 6th house (health), your vitality goes up and so does your nutrition. That means, you absorb everything you eat, especially fat and sugar. Lucky for me, it only lasts a year. Then it mysteriously falls off. So all Capricorn Risers, that means you.
08.01.2022 TOLD YOU SO So everyone is looking to Astrologers and saying 'How come you didn't tell us this would happen'. Well we did. Every respectable Astrologer knew it was coming. We didn't know how it would happen, but we knew 2020 was an economic downturn of global proportions. This video is one of the thousands on You Tube saying this very fact back in 2017.
07.01.2022 I have to confess, the idea of good food, music and movies is quite delightful. Taurus.
06.01.2022 AQUARIUS MIGRANTS Every migrant I know who is first generation Australian has something significantly Aquarius in their chart. White Australia is an Aquarian nation, so migrants with Aquarius as their Sun, Moon or Rising sign will have a natural affinity for Australia. They may have always wanted to come to Australia to live, and subsequently have made Australia their home. Those of us with no Aquarius may be happy to relocate abroad, or have no specific attachment to Australia.
06.01.2022 U.S PLUTO RETURN Why is the US hit so hard at the moment. Could be America's Pluto return which begins in 2020 and last for 3 years. Yes, countries (not people) have a 249 year Pluto cycle from their birth. A Pluto return inevitably brings endings, death, truth and deep subconscious fear to the surface before transformation is complete. Endings before change, that's the message for Pluto. In case you're wondering, Australia has this exact transit in 15 years time.
05.01.2022 MY KINDA TATT I'm not into Tattoos, but this is my kinda thing. Personal, meaningful and completely me. I'd be able to study it while I was on a boring phone call.
03.01.2022 RAGNAR I'm convinced movie producers choose the right Sun sign for their characters. While I've been watching Vikings on Netflix, I can't help thinking Ragnar would have been an Aquarian. He's relatively open-minded for a Viking, progressive and global oriented, always challenging cultural norms. He's detached, unemotional, but loyal to friends. Then, I Googled Travis Fimmel's birth details and turns out he is an Aquarian. Goes to show how great acting can come so easily for stars with the right fit.
03.01.2022 BOND HOTTIE I've never fancied any of the James Bonds until Daniel Craig came along. Now I'm completely mesmerised, despite some people saying he's the least attractive Bond actor. While I was watching Casino Royale Saturday night, I Googled Craig's natal chart. His Mars in Aries is an exact conjunction to my Venus in Aries. He's the perfect man for me, I'll have to Tweet him and let him know.
03.01.2022 Love hearing Astrologers speak from other parts of the globe. We focus so much on listening to US or UK Astrologers, but there is so much more going on.
02.01.2022 HEALTHY MOON, SICK MOON Moon Pisces men can be either profoundly creative and spiritual when well, or addictive and mentally ill when sick. This talk from Moon Pisces Russell Brand compassionately discusses the instability of fellow Moon Pisces Kanye West and what may be driving his delusions. Takes one to know one.
02.01.2022 TRANS-RACIAL RACHEL Rachel Dolezal is an African American political activist found recently to be genetically white, having lied to the nation about her heritage. It's a minefield of racism and cultural divisions. Rachel underwent a gradual external transition over several years to appear black, even lecturing in Afro-American studies at a tertiary level. Like transgender fellow Scorpion Caitlyn Jenner, she underwent a dramatic and elaborate transformation in identity, as only Scorpios can do. This would have been fueled by her Moon Sagittarius desire for foreign culture and her North Node (false) in the 1st house of identity.
01.01.2022 LEO CUBA Cuba is a Leo nation. Before 1959, Cuba was Taurus (20th May, Independence Day) which was all about money, luxury and investment. Cubans now celebrate their Day of Revolution on 26th July. Leo nations Like Cuba (and France) value romance, music, dance and entertainment. Leo is the fun sign. Interestingly, Cuban music and dance as we know it exploded into a plethora of different styles in the 1960s and 1970s after a radical change of government.
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