Janssen + Maluga Legal in Nedlands, Western Australia | Corporate lawyer
Janssen + Maluga Legal
Locality: Nedlands, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9322 8107
Address: 22 Stirling Highway, Suite 4, Level 2 6009 Nedlands, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.janssen-maluga.com.au/
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25.01.2022 A very successful year for Janssen + Maluga Legal, providing humanitarian help to our community, was acknowledge by CNN. Our Director, Dr Gabriele Maluga, in her capacity as Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany for Western Australia, and her team provided extensive support to the MS Artania cruise ship, which carried German passengers that planned to land in Fremantle, Western Australia. Check out the following link for more details about this long journey. https://edition.cnn.com//artania-cruise-ship-do/index.html https://edition.cnn.com//11-days-cruising-chang/index.html
24.01.2022 Our Director and Founding Partner Dr Gabriele Maluga was part of a delegation for Ambassador Dr Fitschen official visit to Western Australia.
24.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal are proud to announce the publication of a District Court of Western Australia judgement in Bauer -v- Aussie Wanderer Tours Pty Ltd [2020] WADC 91. Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen, one of JMLs Directors, appeared alongside Barrister Mr John Fiocco in this matter, with the decision made in favour of the Plaintiffs application. Janssen + Maluga Legal will continue to work tirelessly for the Plaintiff our clients continue to be our top priority. Find the decis...ion itself here: https://ecourts.justice.wa.gov.au/eCourtsPo//ViewDecision - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Janssen + Maluga Legal ist stolz Ihnen die Verffentlichung im westaustralischen District Court verkndigen zu knnen - Bauer -v- Aussie Wanderer Tours Pty Ltd [2020] WADC 91. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen, einer der Direktoren von JML, erschien in dieser Angelegenheit an der Seite von Barrister John Fiocco, woraufhin die Entscheidung zugunsten des Antrags der Klgerin getroffen wurde. Janssen + Maluga Legal wird weiterhin unermdlich fr die Klgerin arbeiten - unsere Mandanten haben fr uns weiterhin oberste Prioritt. Die Entscheidung finden Sie hier: https://ecourts.justice.wa.gov.au/eCourtsPo//ViewDecision
23.01.2022 We have an upcoming event this month - the WA European Business Week from 22nd to 25th March. We are proud to announce that, in her capacity as Honorary Consul for Germany in Western Australia, Dr Gabriele Maluga will be part of this event and Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen will also be representing Janssen + Maluga Legal. Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
23.01.2022 Germanys Mega-Trial Finished after 184 days in Court For more information and links to the news sources, visit http://www.janssen-maluga.com.au/news/ #LoveparadeTrial
22.01.2022 In her capacity as Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Western Australia, our Partner and Director, Dr Gabriele Maluga, is mentioned in press Australia-wide for her tireless work alongside the German Embassy Australia for Germans in Western Australia. https://www.watoday.com.au//wa-coronavirus-live-defence-ba
21.01.2022 The Team of Janssen + Maluga Legal congratulates our Founder and Senior Partner Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen for becoming a member of the board of the West Australian-German Business Association (WAGBA) today. We wish Prof Dr Janssen success in achieving his target to connect and support German and West Australian companies in their activities in Germany and Australia. Das Team von Janssen + Maluga Legal gratuliert Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen zu seiner Berufung in den Vorstand der West Australian-German Business Association (WAGBA) am heutigen Tage. Wir wnschen Herrn Prof. Dr. Janssen viel Erfolg in seinem Vorhaben deutsche und west-australische Unternehmen bei ihren Aktivitten in Deutschland und Australien zu verbinden und zu untersttzen. https://wagba.org/
20.01.2022 The Team of Janssen + Maluga Legal welcomes Mr Emmanuel Kan-Evelaan Kankpeyeng, who works as a consultant and researcher for JML with a focus on environmental disputes. Emmanuel holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology and Oceanography from the University of Ghana and a Masters in Marine and Coastal Management from the University of Western Australia. He is additionally studying to attain a Bachelor of Community Services and has been working with people living with disabilities... since 2017. With a commitment to upholding the values of sustainability and environmental preservation, Emmanuel focuses his work at JML on the impacts of climate change at an international level. Emmanuel speaks English, Dagaare, Twi and Frafra. ___________________________________________________________ Das Team von Janssen + Maluga Legal heißt Herrn Emmanuel Kan-Evelaan Kankpeyeng herzlich willkommen. Emmanuel verstärkt als Consultant das Team im Bereich des Umweltrechts. Er hat erfolgreich sein Studium zum Bachelor of Science in Geologie und Ozeanographie an der Universität Ghana abgeschlossen. Weiterhin absolvierte er erfolgreich den Studiengang zum Masters in Meeres- und Küstenmanagement an der University of Western Australia, Perth. Zurzeit absolviert er zusätzlich ein Studium für einen Bachelor of Community Services, was sich auch seit 2017 in seiner Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderungen widerspiegelt. Emmanuel engagiert sich für die Werte der Nachhaltigkeit und des Umweltschutzes und konzentriert sich auf die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf internationaler Ebene. Emmanuel spricht Englisch, Dagaare, Twi und Farefare.
20.01.2022 Dear valued clients, please note that Janssen + Maluga Legal remains open during these five days of lockdown. If you have any enquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or +61 (08) 9322 8107
19.01.2022 Press Release While on holiday in Australia, a 52-year old German businesswoman, acrobat, artist and lecturer was in the front passenger seat during a head-on collision. Without any time to evade or to brake, the other car crashed into her. Expecting to relax in Australia and return to Germany fully rested, she returned to Germany, was declared physically unfit to continue her career and business practice. Due to the accident, she suffered from a distortion of the cervical sp...ine, a fractured sternum, contusion of the pelvis, a ruptured nerve in her left thumb, post-traumatic stress disorder and insomnia. Her injuries have not just impacted her physical capabilities but also forced her to change career pathways. They have left her with permanent reminders of the accident that will affect her for the rest of her life. Soon after the incident, she contacted Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen, who, with over 20 years of experience in personal injury law, was more than capable to handle such a case and was determined to help her. Due to the tireless effort of everyone at Janssen + Maluga Legal and the guidance of Prof Dr Janssen, she was able to settle out of court for a significant amount of money. Her settlement will assist with the financial burden of being unable to continue her previous line of work. ______________________ Presse Mitteilung Whrend eines Urlaubs in Australien sa eine 52-jhrige deutsche Geschftsfrau, Akrobatin, Knstlerin und Dozentin bei einem Frontalzusammensto auf dem Beifahrersitz. Ohne Zeit zum Ausweichen oder Bremsen krachte der andere Wagen in sie hinein. Mit der Erwartung, sich in Australien zu entspannen und vllig ausgeruht nach Deutschland zurckzukehren, kehrte sie stattdessen nach Deutschland zurck und wurde fr krperlich untauglich erklrt, um ihre Karriere und ihre Geschftspraxis fortzusetzen. Infolge des Unfalls litt sie an einer Distorsion der Halswirbelsule, einem Bruch des Brustbeins, einer Quetschung des Beckens, einem gerissenen Nerv im linken Daumen, einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstrung und Insomnie. Ihre Verletzungen haben nicht nur ihre krperlichen Kapazitten beeinflusst, sondern war sie auch gezwungen, ihre Kariere zu wechseln. Sie haben ihr dauerhafte Erinnerungen an den Unfall hinterlassen, die sie fr den Rest ihres Lebens betreffen werden. Eine kurze Zeit nach dem Unfall hat sie Prof Dr. Gerhard Janssen kontaktiert. Mit ber 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Personenschaden-Recht war er mehr als fhig, einen solchen Fall zu bearbeiten, und war entschlossen, ihr zu helfen. Aufgrund des unermdlichen Einsatzes aller Mitarbeiter von Janssen + Maluga Legal und die Anleitung des Anwalts, wurde es ihr ermglicht, den Fall mit einer signifikanten Einmalzahlung auergerichtlich zu verglichen. Die Einigung wird dazu beitragen, die finanzielle Belastung zu verringern, die sich daraus ergibt, dass sie ihre bisherige Arbeit nicht fortsetzen kann.
19.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal are proud to announce a two-fold involvement in today’s WAEBA 2020 WA European Business & Investment Outlook Forum. Dr Gabriele Maluga, one of our Directors, will be speaking at the event in her capacity as Honorary Consul for the Federal Republic of Germany in Western Australia, taking a focus on the West Australian European Union economic relations and the great potential the enduring friendship between our state and the economic-political union. Addi...tionally, Janssen + Maluga Legal are honoured to act as a sponsor for today’s event. We strive towards the continued support and promotion of organisations such as WAEBA in raising up the significance of international cooperation and the strength found in such ties. ______________________________________ Janssen + Maluga Legal sind stolz bekannt zu geben, dass wir in zweifacher Hinsicht am heutigen WAEBA 2020 WA European Business & Investment Outlook Forum teilnehmen werden. Dr. Gabriele Maluga, eine unserer Direktoren, wird bei der heutigen Veranstaltung in ihrer Funktion als Honorarkonsulin für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in West Australia sprechen und dabei einen Schwerpunkt auf die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und Westaustralien sowie das große Potenzial der langjährigen Freundschaft zwischen unserem Staat und der wirtschaftlich-politischen Union legen. Darüber hinaus ist es eine Ehre für Janssen + Maluga Legal, bei der heutigen Veranstaltung als Sponsor aufzutreten. Wir sind entschlossen, Organisationen wie die WAEBA weiterhin zu unterstützen und zu fördern, um die Wichtigkeit der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und die Stärke, die in solchen Beziehungen liegt, zu betonen.
19.01.2022 The German-Australian friendship is limitless. Our gratitude to all those who helped. https://twitter.com/GermanyInOz/status/1243836113006899200
18.01.2022 Our Partner Dr Gabriele Maluga as Honorary Consul participated in this great event yesterday.
18.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal, the German-Australian law firm, represented the Croatian metal sheet-system producer We-Kr d.o.o on the purchase of the prestigious German company Sdluft Systemtechnik GmbH & Co KG as part of the Eisenmann Gruppe. The Croatian conglomerate won the bidding on the 13th of December 2019 to buy Sdluft out of their insolvency proceedings. All working places are safe in the insolvency plan system. Mr Ivan Krianec, the owner of We-Kr d.o.o will further i...nvest and continue at the production place in Plattling/Germany. We-Kr d.o.o is developing, producing and assembling sheet systems with 432 employees. Mr Krianec expects synergy effects through the combination of Sdlufts high profile air-guidance systems, special constructions and ventilation towers with We-Kr technology and innovative engineering-based solutions. The courts final decision took place in January 2020 following the agreement of the insolvency proceeding creditors on the 13th of January 2020. _________________ Janssen + Maluga Legal als deutsch-australische Kanzlei hat erfolgreich innerhalb krzester Zeit den kroatischen Blechsystemproduzenten We-Kr d.o.o im Kauf der angesehenen deutschen Firma Sdluft Systemtechnik GmbH & Co KG als Teil der Eisenmann Gruppe reprsentiert. Der kroatische Grokonzern hat am 13. Dezember 2019 die Ausschreibung, um Sdluft aus ihrem Insolvenzverfahren herauszukaufen, gewonnen. Alle Arbeitspltze sind innerhalb des Insolvenzplansystems gesichert. Mr Ivan Krianec, der Inhaber der We-Kr d.o.o, wird weiterhin investieren und am Produktionsstandort in Plattling/Deutschland bleiben. We-Kr d.o.o entwickelt, produziert und montagiert Blechsysteme mit 432 Angestellten. Mr Krianec erwartet Synergieeffekte durch die Kombination aus Sdlufts hochwertigen Luftleitsystemen, Sonderkonstruktionen und Lftungstrmen und We-Kr Technologie und innovativen ingenieurmigen Lsungen. Die endgltige Entscheidung des Gerichts fiel im Januar 2020, nach der Zustimmung der Insolvenzglubiger am 13. Januar 2020.
17.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal are proud to announce that Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen and Dr Gabriele Maluga each received their Restricted Practicing Certificate in August of 2018 and are qualified Australian solicitors. Supervised by Legal Practitioner Director Marc Ivan Montandon, Prof Dr Janssen and Dr Maluga are delighted to continue their work, now advising under both German and Australian law. Janssen + Maluga Legal freut sich Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen und ...Dr. Gabriele Maluga im August 2018 ihre offizielle Zulassungsurkunde erhalten haben und nun auch als Anwlte nach australischem Recht beraten drfen. Marc Ivan Montandon fungiert fr Prof. Dr. Janssen und Dr. Maluga als sogenannter Direktor mit Aufsichtsfunktion (Legal Practitioner Director). Prof. Dr. Janssen und Dr. Maluga werden nun ihre Rechtsberatung nach australischem und deutschem Recht fortsetzen. http://www.janssen-maluga.com.au
17.01.2022 Germany’s Mega-Trial Finished after 184 days in Court For more information and links to the news sources, visit http://www.janssen-maluga.com.au/news/ #LoveparadeTrial
17.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal is proud to continue supporting our globally-acting West Australian client Ozgene in setting up an international capacity for COVID-19 testing. The project is well underway - with PAHO approval acquired, it is only a short time before the project will be operational. https://www.caymanenterprisecity.com//cec-member-helps-est
17.01.2022 German Honorary Consul in Western Australia, Dr Gabriele Maluga, yesterday attended the WA Consular Corps International Womens Day 2020 event, hosted by the Co...nsulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Perth, with addresses by the Hon Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection, Womens Interests, Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence and Community Services, and the Hon Liza Harvey MLA, Leader of the Opposition. The event included a panel discussion on #WomeninDiplomacy, with panelists the Hon Simone McGurk MLA, Ms Dewi Gustina Tobing, Consul General of Indonesia, Ms Dong Zhihua, Consul General of China, and Ms Charandesi Dantu, Consul General of India, which was moderated by DFAT WA State Director Ms Kate Longhurst, followed by a reception. #EachforEqual #IWD2020 See more
16.01.2022 Our Director Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen will be a keynote speaker during a webinar today (6 October 2020) that has been organised by the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The Webinar is called "Industry Focus: Recycling & Waste Management". Prof Dr Janssen will speak about Waste to Energy in Australia. Unser Direktor Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen wird heute (6. Oktober 2020) ein Hauptredner bei einem Webinar sein, das von der Deutsch-Australischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) organisiert wurde. Das Webinar heißt "Industry Focus: Recycling und Abfallwirtschaft". Prof. Dr. Janssen wird über Waste to Energy in Australien sprechen. https://ahk.us9.list-manage.com/track/click
16.01.2022 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2019 to all of our clients and friends. Frohe Weihnachten und ein glckliches Neues Jahr 2019 wnschen wir allen unseren Klienten und Freunden.
16.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal is proud to support our global acting Western Australian client Ozgene by setting an International capacity for COVID-19 testing. https://www.caymancompass.com//doctors-hospital-covid-lab/
15.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legals Directors Mr Marc Montandon and Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen provide a brief synopsis of the main Federal and State Economic Measures that affect WA Businesses in response to COVID-19 (as at 1 April 2020).
15.01.2022 Press Release - Dutch student in WA car crash: German-Australian personal injury lawyers settle out of court A student from the Netherlands had her University-holiday cut short by a severe road accident in rural WA. An active student and avid climber, she found herself incapacitated after the camper van that she and her friends were travelling in rolled three times. As the van struck the hard road with each roll, she felt the impact of every hit in her back. She was hospitali...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal has entered into a new partnership with the Noongar Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Chamber offers emerging Noongar leaders and entrepreneurs the tools and opportunities to continuously develop and improve in order to support the creation of sustainable Noongar businesses. Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
11.01.2022 Motorcycle accidents can cause numerous and often severe injuries, resulting in unique challenges for you. They don’t only have the potential to alter a rider’s life but can end it in a matter of seconds in part due to the motorcycle’s very structure. The public often assumes that the main cause behind the accident would be the motorcycle rider themselves. However, witnesses often don’t see the moment of impact and base their statement instead on the sound of the motorcycle and preconceived negative stereotypes. In our role as your expert lawyer, Janssen + Maluga Legal consider it to be critical that these biases are identified and overcome.
09.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal are proud to announce the official move of our Perth office to 22 Stirling Highway, Suite 4, Level 2, Nedlands WA 6009. Having officially opened again as of the 16th of July, we extend a warm welcome to current and future clients as well as visitors of our new premises. Janssen + Maluga Legal sind stolz Ihnen offiziell den Umzug unseres Perth Bros mitzuteilen, dass sich nun an der folgenden Adresse befindet: 22 Stirling Highway, Suite 4, 2. Etage, Nedlands WA 6009. Da wir seit dem 16. Juli wieder unsere Tren geffnet haben, heien wir jetzige und zuknftige Mandanten und Besucher in unseren neuen Rumlichkeiten herzlich willkommen.
09.01.2022 Australien sucht Handwerker und ausgebildete Fachkrfte, die bereit sind fr 5 Jahre aufs Land zu ziehen, mit der Zusage einer gehobenen Bezahlung und eines unbegrenzten Aufenthaltsrecht. Im Falle des Interesses Email Kontakt ber [email protected] oder Message an Janssen + Maluga Legal.
09.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal is representing internationally renowned former BBC and Fox commentator Mr Ashley Morrison in his dispute against the International Hockey Federation. The global media, including World Hockey News, are paying attention to the dispute and question the legitimacy of the International Hockey Federation's position. The case concerns the alleged silencing of critical journalism after potential critical statements about issues in World Hockey.
09.01.2022 The Team of Janssen + Maluga Legal welcomes Mr Tristan Taylor, who works on legal research for JML with a focus on personal injury claims. Tristan is currently completing his Juris Doctor at the University of Western Australia, having previously completed his Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Double Major). He has a keen interest in dispute resolution and hopes to attain experience within the judicial system after he finishes his studies. Within practice, Tristan focuses on ...negligence, criminal law and comparative law. Das Team von Janssen + Maluga Legal begrt als neuen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter in Krperverletzungsverfahren Herrn Tristan Taylor. Herr Taylor studiert momentan den Juris Doctor an der Universitt von Western Australien, wo er vorher einen Bachelor of Science in Psychologie (Double Major) vollendet hat. Er hat ein groes Interesse an der Streitbeilegung und hofft, nach Abschluss seines Studiums Erfahrungen in der Justiz zu sammeln. Er interessiert sich an Fahrlssigkeitsrecht, Strafrecht und Rechtsvergleichung.
09.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal are seeking expression of interest from a student of Marketing for a 6 month position in our law firm (extension is possible). The new member of the team will work directly with our partner. The start of the position will be on the 1st of January 2021. The conditions are: 10 hours per week and a standard salary for administration staff in our law firm.... Please send your Expression of Interest including supporting documents to [email protected]
08.01.2022 Congratulations to our colleagues from Hausfeld LLP on receiving this prestigious award in Germany. Janssen + Maluga is glad and proud to be part of the Hausfeld Team in national and international Cartel Law cases. https://awards.juve.de//kanzlei-des-jahres-fuer-dispute-r/
07.01.2022 Dr iur Gabriele Maluga is our founding Director with two decades of experience with main emphasis on (international) catastrophic injury cases (cross-border cases Germany/Australia), (international) commercial law and German and EU criminal law.
06.01.2022 Commercial law applies to the rights, relations and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandise, trade, and sales. Janssen + Maluga Legal provides legal advice base on the experience of our directors as CEOs and in-house Counsel of national and international businesses. Our team expertise includes establishing companies under Australian and German law, mergers and acquisitions, drafting and executing of contractual work, competition law, among other categories. Contact us to receive legal advice http://www.janssen-maluga.com.au/
06.01.2022 Our Partner and Director Dr Gabriele Maluga gave a speech at the opening of MTU Maintenance Service Centre Australia. This was a great networking opportunity for the German Industry and Australian Partners.
06.01.2022 The trade negotiations between Australia and the European Union (EU) have brought a variety of demands. The new proposal includes that Australia needs to adopt an EU-style GI sui generis registration system for food. The Geographical indication (GI) identifies a good as originating in a specific region as well as attributing to it particular quality and reputation. The attributes may derive from the method of production, the ingredients used and environmental or agricultural... features. This policy provides new opportunities for Australia to create a new regulatory system for food GIs, especially since the EU-style may create conflict with certain products and current regulations. Australia’s pattern and distribution of products, such as cheese, is very different to that in Europe. Nevertheless, the Australian policy wants to ensure that the GI registration system is as streamlined and efficient as possible.
05.01.2022 Our Partner and Director Dr Maluga mentioned by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany!
05.01.2022 Our Director and Founding Partner Dr Gabriele Maluga in her capacity as Honorary Consul for Germany in Western Australia was part of the delegation of Ambassador Dr Fitschen. Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen represented Janssen + Maluga Legal during the business presentations.
04.01.2022 Milestone Decision for German Tourists in Australia Janssen + Maluga Legal are proud to announce the publication of a District Court of Western Australia decision in Bauer -v- Aussie Wanderer Tours Pty Ltd [2020] WADC 104. Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen, one of JML’s Directors, appeared alongside Barrister Mr John Fiocco in this matter, with the decision made in favour of the Plaintiff, the Third Defendant’s (German travel agency) application being dismissed. The decision enables Ge...rman tourists to sue German travel agencies, under certain circumstances in Australia, alongside Australian tour operators for accidents in Western Australia. Find the decision here: https://ecourts.justice.wa.gov.au//176d2e9e-df38-4490-b524 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meilenstein-Entscheidung für deutsche Touristen in Australien Janssen + Maluga Legal ist stolz Ihnen die Veröffentlichung im westaustralischen District Court verkündigen zu können - Bauer -v- Aussie Wanderer Tours Pty Ltd [2020] WADC 104. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen, einer der Direktoren von JML, erschien in dieser Angelegenheit an der Seite von Barrister John Fiocco, woraufhin die Entscheidung zugunsten der Klägerin getroffen wurde indem der Antrag der dritten Beklagten (deutsches Reisebüro) abgewiesen wurde. Die Entscheidung ermöglicht unter bestimmten Umständen deutschen Touristen die deutschen Reiseveranstalter und Reiseagenturen in Australien, neben australischen Tour Veranstaltern wegen Unfällen in West Australien zu verklagen. Die Entscheidung finden Sie hier: https://ecourts.justice.wa.gov.au//176d2e9e-df38-4490-b524
04.01.2022 Im #LoveparadeVerfahren ersetz Richter am Landgericht Teuber ab dem 29.12.2018 Richterin am Landgericht Riekenberg-Schirm als zugezogener Ergnzungsrichter, da sie durch den Beginn ihres Mutterschutzes nicht mehr zu Verfgung steht. In the #LoveparadeTrial, Judge Riekenberg-Schirm of the Regional Court will be replaced by Judge Teuber of the Regional Court as of 29/12/2018 as one of the additional judges in the proceedings due to the beginning of Judge Riekenberg-Schirms maternity leave.
03.01.2022 During the last few weeks, acting in her capacity as Honorary Consul for the Federal Republic of Germany in Western Australia, our Director and Founding Partner, Dr Gabriele Maluga, was part of the team that organised flights to return Germans in Australia back to Germany. Thank you to all members of the team, who made this massive support possible.
02.01.2022 A new opportunity for Australian Businesses! Check out the interview with Prof Dr Gerhard Janssen about Geographic Indicators. Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
02.01.2022 Press Release - Amputated leg due to car incident In 2013, a West Australian man was severely injured in a car incident. Working for a supermarket delivery service, he had been a very active individual and involved in sports. Then, on 8th August 2013, while unpacking groceries from the rear end of a delivery truck parked on the side of the road, he was suddenly struck from behind by an approaching car. Remaining conscious throughout the incident, he recalls feeling intense p...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Acting in her capacity as Honorary Consul for Germany in Western Australia, our Director Dr Gabriele Maluga presented a public reading by German author Ingrid Davis in the UWA Club yesterday evening. In Ihrer Funktion als Honorarkonsulin fr Western Australien prsentierte unser Direktorin Dr Gabriele Maluga gestern im UWA Club die deutsche Krimiautorin Ingrid Davies bei einer ffentlichen Lesung.
01.01.2022 Janssen + Maluga Legal is a proud sponsor of the "Team Morocco" at the Perth African Cup of Nations 2020.
01.01.2022 The Team of Janssen + Maluga Legal congratulates our Director Dr Gabriele Maluga on being officially sworn into the position of Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Western Australia. Dr Maluga will take on this role in addition to her duties in the law firm. The photo shows Honorary Consul Dr Maluga (2nd from the right) next to, amongst others, Her Excellency Dr Anna Prinz, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany (3rd from the right), Mr Torsten Ketels...en OAM, the outgoing Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Western Australia (6th from the right), the Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia (6th from the left), the Honourable Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia (5th from the left) and Commander Markus Rehbein, Commander German Navy and Defence Attach to Australia and New Zealand (1st on the right). Das Team von Janssen + Maluga Legal gratuliert unsere Direktorin, Frau Dr. Gabriele Maluga, zur Vereidigung als Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in West Australien. Frau Dr. Maluga wird dieses Ehrenamt zustzlich zu ihrer Ttigkeit fr die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei bernehmen. Das Foto zeigt Honorarkonsulin Dr. Maluga (2. v.r.), u.a. neben Ihrer Exzellenz Dr. Anna Prinz, Botschafterin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (3. v.r.), Herrn Torsten Ketelsen OAM, der ausscheidende Honorarkonsul, (6. v.r.), dem Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Gouverneur von Western Australien (6. v.l.), dem Honourable Mark McGowan MLA, Premier von Western Australien (5. v.l.) und Fregattenkapitn Markus Rehbein, Fregattenkapitn der Deutschen Marine und des Militrattachs fr Australien und Neuseeland (1. v.r.).
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