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25.01.2022 Walking past this Stone statue by François Pompon (1923) at Musée d'Orsay I immediately thought of melting glaciers. While polar bears have long been a symbol of a warming climate, changing weather patterns are now noticeably not just polar bears' problem.
25.01.2022 This year in particular, Stella McCartney believes that we have been given a second chance to address our collective impact, to learn from the coronavirus pandemic and to make better choices going forward.
24.01.2022 Self-cleaning T-shirts made from seaweed; puffer coats filled with wildflowers; lab-produced pigments made from a flowers DNA: welcome to the world of @Pangaia, a rising star on the sustainable stage which is bringing the future to your wardrobe.
24.01.2022 Australias health experts continue to call out inaction on climate change. We listen to the experts and acted on COVID, why cant we take real action on climate change?
24.01.2022 Oil is the patrimony of the planets prehuman past: the stored energy the earth produced when undisturbed for millennia. While humanity enjoyed fossil capitalism and related expanding prosperity, the resources are finite and, regardless of your feelings towards climate change, the transition to renewables shall be happening at a much faster pace to avoid the biggest energy crisis yet.
23.01.2022 My commitment to get rid of trivial plastic is growing day by day but theres no such thing as a #PlasticFree world... It serves a purpose. Many in fact. Think of blood collection bags, prosthetic limbs & bulletproof vests. BYO syringes? I dont think so. Unlike refusing a coffee cup, youve got no options when it comes to a dog cone.... When your pups wellbeing depends on a piece of plastic, you push away thoughts of albatross chicks choking on it. Dont you worry, Ive emailed the French company, Genia, suggesting making cones that are 1. Made from recycled materials 2. Recyclable after use 3. NOT red 4. Any colour but red See more
22.01.2022 To me, home is a feeling. A cocktail of fuzzy feelings, most importantly feeling safe. Mothers womb... You as a fetus wouldnt have survived if your mother engaged in some unsafe activities. The safest place imaginable her tummy was. Once we emerge things are much different. Our parents do the best they can to keep us safe within our domestic environment: sharp objects are hidden, safety gates are installed so are baby monitors.... Then the idea of home expands to the neighborhood, city, and country. How often couples relocate because their current postcode is not safe enough to raise kids. Planet Earth is just a bigger home. one BIG home, kids. Yes, we share it with as many as 8.7 million different forms of life but we are the BOSS and weve made a mess. The bushfires of late 2019 and early 2020 in Australia, gave me thoughts of relocating from Sydney - a place I wholeheartedly call home. If we choose to treat Earth as our true home, we could still clean up this mess and secure a livable, prosperous, and safe future on this planet. Shall you choose to live here? Cause duh! theres Planet Mars and Elon Musk, and all
22.01.2022 Skateboards made out of recycled fishing nets
21.01.2022 The reusable cup could be the beginning of something bigger, a stepping stone to challenging the Single-Use Culture and impacting positive change. When we train ourselves to bring a cup, this new habit will spread on other habits of ours. Yes, like refusing the takeaway soy sauce. The momentum and awareness will build on its own and youll find yourself effortlessly doing more good... but commit to just beginning with refusing single-use coffee cups.
21.01.2022 In search for colourful non-cursing words - send suggestions There is so far language can go without an F word ... My favourite word lately is stupid. It can be either positive or negative... Like.. Timothee Chalamet is stupidly talented. Its stupid how slow sloths are.... I feel stupid trying to spell jewellery without autocorrect. What else ... A plastic cup is stupid. Designed to be used once, takes around 500 years to decompose & can choke a f*cking bird (pardon! ) Thats plain stupid!
20.01.2022 A couple of socials I did for Our Trace Their mission is to fuel a more sustainable future with subscriptions that fund entire projects generating renewable energy and supporting carbon positive mechanisms Check them out:... See more
19.01.2022 I’m not bothered by people who believe that our planet is flat. Let them. I don’t even care about creationism... If super-intelligent aliens arrive to claim credit for creating life on Earth, maybe, the anticipation of such an event gives some people comfort. Let them. These beliefs are arguably relatively harmless. Climate deniers, on the other hand, give me the chills. Especially those who blog. ... If you are somewhere in the middle trying to make up your mind - please don’t read blogs, read science.
19.01.2022 My family loves apples, my grandma has apple trees and we can go through a bucket in a week in summer. In winter, my mother gets NZ apples, they are stupid and expensive but if you love a good apple... Understandably, homegrown fruit is a seasonal thing in Russia. ... Now in Australia Australian (key word) apples are available all year round, find out which are local and avoid those flown in from the US and China. Besides saying NO to the carbon footprint attached to the produce, you are also supporting local farmers.
18.01.2022 Ive been thinking on the subject of conscious consumerism and So-called anxiety economy. It has truly blossomed with brands selling you mental peace and tranquillity in all shapes and forms during the pandemic. How many emails have you received in the last 3 months starting with In these unprecedented times your self-care routine needs xxxxx??... I actually believe in certain tools and health supplements to help you adapt to stress but we might have gone too far. Mental practices like meditation & breathing techniques (ANYONE can cultivate ANYWHERE ) are much more beneficial than a monk-blessed lavender candle, Goop-rated jade roller or ayurvedic teas. A nature walk does wonders too. Buy less.
18.01.2022 Its easy to look at the problem of plastic only from a pollution perspective. Of course it is! It washes up on our beaches , deforms turtles , poisons fish We can SEE the problem. However, production of plastic is just as concerning, its often run on dirty energy pumping carbon into our atmosphere, contributing to changing climate.... The problem is complex, the solution is, however, simple - refuse single-use
17.01.2022 "I have a secret to tell you - said the former Coca-Cola executive - you think plastic pollution is bad but the biggest problem with plastic is the carbon footprint from raw materials, production and transportation of plastic. Think twice about grabbing a bottled water from the grocery store shelf. Evian water, for example, may travel as far as 17,000 km to reach a consumer in Australia. ... Local bottled water is obviously better than shipping premium bottled water around the globe but there are many aspects to consider as shown in this little graphic of mine.
17.01.2022 Lost Dummy Edit from another beach clean. I'm sure every mom is guilty of misplacing XXXX baby soothers over time. I can only guess how these end up in the ocean but from the ones washed-up on the beach - the 100% Rubber dummy on the top right is the most environmentally-friendly choice. Natural rubber is biodegradable. ... Its biodegradation is a slow process, yet plastic is far worse. See more
17.01.2022 #MarineDebris This yellow dog toy must have been floating around for a very long time. The little holes mean that some marine beasties used the ball as a habitat. Until industrial toxins took their toll.
16.01.2022 Climate change is a HYPERobject. A factual situation so complex, so multilayered Its extremely difficult to comprehend. The apocalyptic implications of warming planet written about in the 80s IS the world we live in NOW. The inability to breeze throughout recent Australian bushfire season was enough of a wake up call for many. Start learning somewhere, bit by bit. ... I know its overwhelming but Public understanding of whats happening is a pre-requisite for profound systemic changes. See more
16.01.2022 Me trying to get to the bottom of how Sweden powers everything from buses to apartment heating systems by burning rubbish in their 34 low-carbon waste-to-energy power plants
16.01.2022 Soooo.. These silicone swabs / earbuds / Q-tips dont really work for me, Im reverting to wooden or bamboo disposable ones. Ill definitely use this little set for traveling (traveling is when you go to a foreign country, usually by air plane if departing from Australia #preCovid). Vanity Kits, generously served in hotel bathrooms, are my pet peeve. Individual cotton tips/pads wrapped in plastic? Insanity kit that is.
15.01.2022 Is anyone else getting super dry hands due to non-stop sanitising? Instead of getting a travel size hand cream to carry around with me, I transfer a small amount of shea butter from a large container into a small recycled jar. It fits perfecting in most of my bags. You can get 1KG (yes, 1 KILOGRAM ) of certified organic, ethically sourced, unrefined Shea Butter for about $30.... Not bhhhhed! See more
13.01.2022 The problem I am most interested in is the gap between people feeling like climate change is a problem, and then feeling unable to act on it, because the only stories they have been told are that the way to solve climate change is to give up their modern standard of living, McCurdy says.
13.01.2022 You dont need to explain ME how hard it can be to take minimalism seriously. Your brains greatest skill is imagination and at times It can work against you. Like seeing a new coat as the only true voyage to end worthlessness, a way of gaining respect of colleagues and miraculously making your children listen to you. An abundance of positive emotions from one purchase. Perhaps, Im wrong, and to you its nothing more than a sure way to display your wealth and privilege. ...Google "nave realism", would you? On a grand scale of things - no one cares. No one thinks of you and your outfits as much as you think they do. Shop consciously, waste less and remember: someone who loves you the most - prefers you unclothed anyway
13.01.2022 I bloody want to change. What this looks like for me? Im committing to moving less and less and going without more and more. Its winter here - Im committing... to layering up and riding my bike, even at night, instead of getting a share car. Im quitting the combative style of climate advocacy and going to do things my wayhopefully make honesty look a sexier option. Im working on my anger and frustration. And refining my sense of hopebecause I do struggle with it often. And steering my choices to wild joy. Because this is a responsibility, too. Im also being vigilant with my health and making sacrifices, so I have the right energy to do what I need to do to be the change I want to see. Because Im not sure there is any other way to go about life any more. See more
11.01.2022 Trees eat carbon. As a result, forests generally function as a carbon sink and are currently estimated to absorb 4.0 billion tons of CO2 per year. Along with this amazing function, trees support biodiversity, stabilise soil, prevent flooding and increase resilience to climate impacts.... Oh wait, you already know that from Lorax!..
08.01.2022 People in developing regions of this world with limited access to education and other basic services, simply dont have the mental bandwidth to think about carbon footprint. You likely do. Have both: a scope to make greener choices and options available all around you. Use your privilege to support the environmental movement. Socially, financially, politically, culturally, philosophically.... We are so lucky to be able to explore, use and be a customer of: Eco beauty stores Bulk food stores Recyclable household products Governmental recycling programs Slow fashion brands If people in Australia [insert post-industrial country] wont vote with their dollars, who will? Just a thought.
08.01.2022 Covid- 19 showed us how interconnected and interdependent our world is
08.01.2022 The Beach Clean chronicle is back. If you lost a thong about 12 year ago, I've found it!
08.01.2022 You dont look at Bondi and go this beach needs a bit of a clean.. This Australian iconic stretch of sand is loved by the locals and well-taken care of. However, we see bits of plastic washing up on the shore every day. Here are just a few things I picked up from the sand on the south end this morning. It really is sickening
06.01.2022 While the world is dealing with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and grappling with serious issues of inequality, we cant let ourselves forget that the climate crisis is still a threat to all of us, said Unilever Chief Executive Officer Alan Jope in a statement.
06.01.2022 Team! Over 50% of us are regular coffee drinkers, with 16.3 million coffees being consumed daily (AU numbers) Due to Covid19 BYO coffee cups have been temporarily banned but its a good time to look into getting one. Online shopping sparks joy :)
05.01.2022 Yesterdays beach cleanup is very mmmm tech-inspired... When you have water overflowing from a sink, you first close the tap, only then wipe the floor down. Similarly when it comes to ocean pollution -firstly, be mindful of your rubbish when at sea, dog toys lost in the ocean (quilty!), reduce waste, consume less in general.... Then, if you can, participate in clean-up activities. Take 3
05.01.2022 Happy Sunday everyone! Ocean Voyages Institute successfully removed 103 tons of fishing nets and consumer plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Big win!...
05.01.2022 May 2021 be your best year yet!
03.01.2022 With exposure to the ocean environment, plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller fragments. These are bits and pieces of god knows what found on Bondi shores. Plastic floats and fish and marine birds mistake it for food.... Not great! Terrible! Deadly in fact. Look, It is not feasible to clean up the plastic soup in our oceans, I just cant help myself not picking this crap up from my favorite beach in the world. Whats realistic and necessary to do is to consume LESS. Its not about a FEW environmental activists living zero-waste, its about each one of us buying less, recycling the plastic we cant avoid and spreading the message in our communities.
01.01.2022 2021 is year of the ox. Patience + hard work minus excessive stubbornness = recognition & achievement this year. Simples! Don't believe in the wisdom of Chinese Horoscope? Let me remind you that 2020 was a year of the rat. Wan't it just?