Jasmina Earthangel | Alternative & holistic health service
Jasmina Earthangel
Phone: +61 7 5670 8288
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23.01.2022 when we look good we feel good! looking how we desire is part of our expression and transmission in the world! own your appearance and make it reflect your highest divine goddess, potency and potentiality... ~ I DARE ya! ~ in second pic from the talented @karla.pizzica new oracle cards . . . . #dresstoexpress #ownyourexpression #inimitablesoul #daretobareyoursoul #soulshares #claimthepowerinyourclothes
22.01.2022 When my house mate cleared his money block during my Dancing with Earth & Soul Circle - this is what happened. Yep! The very next day he was handed a wad of cash from a client he had only seconds before been feeling funky about asking for money from!... Since it was a milestone moment (and the biggest wad of cash he’d ever received in his life; we decided to do. wealth resonance photo shoot. This activated us into even newer possibilities regarding money and our receptivity to it. How? The process of embodiment + working with our quantum fields. When we access all the feelings of how we feel (and really feel them and our expansion - key point!) when a large chunk of money comes in we open the portal to the timeline where regularly receiving larger sums of money are our normal state of being. Combine that with having fun in a photo shoot. Which is actually a process to energetically align with our ‘next level’ selves via: 1. Feeling good - we can’t manifest shit when we don’t feel good about it 2. Showing up in our aliveness and fullness - this amplifies the potency of the energy; and 3. Staking our claim publicly - sets up the structure for the universe to meet our claim. This is just one example of how life can become easy with a tweak or two of your mindset and embodying the place you want to be instead of where you are now. Feel like this is ‘not for you’? If so, why not? If you are a@human (check!) and you desire a change to your life (check!) I can help you. This is part of my soul work - helping people activate into their soul-state flow and live from that place. I work with embodiment and the quantum fields every day, and it never gets ‘old’ to me. I’d love to support you on your ‘journey back to soul’! DM me and let’s see if we’re a great fit to do this work together. I’m ready, willing and able to support and guide you when the time is right. Jasmina . . . . #wealthactivation #embodiment #quantumhealing #quantumshift #energyandsoulmedicine #energyandsoul #soulcoach #soulmentor #quantummentor #divine #manifest #receivership #receptivity #feelgoodfirst #focusonjoy #emotionalhealing #healing #energyhealing #money
21.01.2022 The 1st quarter Moon of March 2021 is the PERFECT TIME to take action towards creating the life you have been visioning forever! And, if you’re a solo parent like me, there’s no better time to assess whether all the things you are responsible for every. single. day. (your Responsibilities Matrix) are serving your highest vision for your life. That’s right - take this March 1/4 Moon as your opportunity to get intimate with yourself and reset the Responsibilities Matrix!... YES, you CAN release the stress. YES, you CAN surrender the anxiety. YES, you CAN say ‘see ya’ to struggle. YES, you CAN kick overwhelm to the kerb! You just have to make the claim and commitment to creating your life anew. Here’s a little process to get you started: 1. Choose the 1 to 3 responsibilities you dislike/resent/absolutely hate the most (eg doing the family budget, grocery shopping, washing the car) and list them out; 2. Rate them in order from 1 to 3 with 1 being your most disliked/resented/absolutely hated item and 3 being your least disliked/resented/absolutely hated item from the 3 you’ve chosen; 3. Starting with your 1 rated item, journal/ free write the who, what, where, when, why and how of it - being as specific as you possibly can; 4. As you write connect with the sensation/feeling/emotion that arises with each response you write; 5. Notice where in your body each is held and allow it to amplify and expand into its fullest expression, focusing on non-judgement and acceptance; 6. Take some deep breathes (min 3) and feel into what it would feel like if this responsibility could be released and allowed to be taken care of another way/by someone else; 7. Continue breathing and notice any resistance to/triggers around you no longer bearing this responsibility and any stories about what it ‘means if you don’t...’ anymore; 8. Ask yourself if this is the absolute, divine and universal truth on the matter (hint: usually ‘no way in hell!); 9. If it isn’t the absolute, divine and universal truth - then ask what is; 10. Write the answer/s in your journal and read them out loud to yourself 3 times; 11. Reflect on what you have written and spoken and ask your Soul/higher power (God/Universe/Creator etc) to provide you with the solution that is for you and your family’s highest and best with grace and ease; 12. Allow yourself to surrender it to them and wait for the guidance to come back (if it doesn’t land straight away); 13. Move forward with your life in the knowing that it is done and complete; 14. Follow the same process for items 2 and 3 (and every responsibility if you’re really keen!) until all are completed. (*hint: there are 13 portals of life, soul & emotions - join my SOUL CREW to learn more. Sign up via my website link in bio)
20.01.2022 What does integrity mean to you? Are you able to live in your integrity more often than not? For me it’s something that I aspire to except being out of integrity sneaks up on me more often than I’d like to admit.... It’s an ongoing process - much like emotional and energetic mastery. It’s not how often you fall out of integrity BUT how often you manage to come back to your centre with it. Hold yourself in your heart’s unconditional love and gentleness. The fact you have awareness is enough. I see you. I hear you. I love you. I am you. . . . . #integrity #selflove #values #standards #comebacktocentre #iseeyou #ihearyou #iloveyou #iamyou #heartheld #heartanchoredsoul #soulmentor #soulguidance #soulluxeliving
20.01.2022 Hey Mama! I see you lovin’ on your babe/s to the exclusion of yourself. I see you in your daily overwhelm of decisions to be made.... I see your work to break lineage and ancestral patterns/beliefs to free your kid/s from them. I see you agonising over whether you’re mothering ‘properly’. I see you putting your self-care off indefinitely. I see your exhaustion and anxiety at your extensive ‘to do list’ and trying to remember everything. I see you feeling like you’ve failed every time your day doesn’t go as planned... I also see you questioning: is ‘mumlife’ supposed be this way? where’s my village to support me? why did I choose motherhood? how does anyone get through it? why can’t I ‘just be happy’ - this phase won’t last forever... Dear Mama, this is me multiple times per day! I feel like I’m ‘failing at life’ 6/7 days per week. I epitomise dazed confusion most days... There’s nothing wrong with you! You haven’t been given the guidance and support you need (let alone deserve!) Society owes you a massive apology for leaving you to fend for yourself and try to figure everything out on your own. The system owes you an apology for leading you to believe that your worth is locked up in service to others and putting yourself last. As women, let alone mothers, we have been pushed so far off kilter from our true essence, it’s incredible we are able to do anything at all. It’s time for you dear Mama to reclaim who you Be. Return to the fullness of your sovereignty and power. Embrace your divinity as creatrix. Claim the life your Soul desires and embrace your magick. You are so worthy and deserving of all life has to offer - it’s time you stopped putting yourself last and prioritised your legacy on Earth. It starts with honouring your self-care + soul nourishment every day. It is only when we are well-rested, nourished and nurtured that we can truly be of service to others - including our child/ren. They learn their fundamentals from modelling their environment and those around them - your actions show them what you value and what they should value too. What values are your actions/behaviours instilling? Is it time for a ‘reset’? Join me next Tuesday for my FREE #mumlife Masterclass to say see ya! to struggle. Learn how to: create ease in your day, take time for yourself without guilt, reclaim your ‘dormant parts’ & find your fierce feminine flow. I can’t wait to share my top tips + tricks with you! We go live 6.30pm AEST 25.08.20 right here on my Facebook page. DM me to register. Jasmina #mumlifemasterclass #freemasterclass #createease #selfcare #committoselfcare #findyourfiercefeminineflow #reclaimallofyou #souldesires #creatrix #motherhood #mothersupport #mumsupport #momsupport #mumlifetips #mumlifetricks #sayseeyatostruggle
20.01.2022 CALLING ALL SINGLE MOTHERS, INDEPENDENT WOMEN, PASSIONATE, FIERY & FIERCE FEMALES FORWARD! I am now taking applications for Inimitable Soul ~ A 10 WEEK 1:1 IMMERSION ACTIVATING YOU TO UNAPOLOGETICALLY BE WHO YOU ARE~... Immerse yourself in the sanctity of your Inimitable Soul that sacred portal of softness and gentle surrender PERMISSION COURAGE DEVOTION POWER COMMITMENT all parts formerly fragmented | stolen | disrespected | abused | dismissed| forgotten |neglected |dishonoured | squashed |repressed unconditionally reclaimed and received in grace Your Inimitable Soul ~royal + rambunctious~ a reservoir of intimate + intricate knowing born sovereign asks you to allow her to return home to you ~connected in truth + power~ There is no fear here. No trauma. No drama. No separation. You are reunited in unconditional love. pledged to Soul's deeds without shame Devoted to Being embraced by and enveloped in her essence she is music | she is moonlight | she feels | she experiences | her desires devour her | she claims her earth | she is embodied ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL'S ESSENCE ON EARTH IN COMPLETE FREEDOM + FLOW Now's YOUR TIME TO: Stop the Struggle Claim your innate power and activate your DIVINE ESSENCE on Earth. Know you don’t have to be the ‘martyr’ to feel worthy of love and acceptance. If you've been feeling unsupported, tired, dragged down, stressed, anxious, worried about your future or simply isolated, Inimitable Soul is for you. Permission to 'take up space' and be who you were born to be. No apologies. No more putting everyone else before yourself. You deserve to spend time (and money) with yourself and for yourself. In fact, it is crucial for your activation into your highest potential, timeline and soul vision for your life. Join me for a powerfully transformative journey home to your Soul where all parts of you will be reclaimed, recalibrated and awakened. DM me the word INIMITABLE to find out more I can’t wait to guide and support you on this journey. <3 Jasmina . . . . #inimitablesoul #10weeksouljourney #comehometoyoursoul #livefromyourheart #activateyoursoulluxelife #lifebydesign #soulsourced #sovereign #power #courage #devotion
19.01.2022 I’m living that right now - energetic frequencies jumping dimensions, New Earth caressing my ears, whispers and transmissions, to others I’d rather not send.... quantum shimmers duplicating, destroying and creating frequencies around me, reality completely fluid, its very composition and parts, pixels included, constantly shifting, through death and birth cycles, creating a prose, of narratives, read by my brain’s voices, accented comparatives. from each word I write, scouring the thesaurus for alternative pairings, discarding my truth to favour hallucinations holding me in all roles, story characters, writers, and readers, the insanity known, and experienced, unable to be halted. I am trying to express sincerely, while my brain sing songs, replaces each word with something more befitting, to a scholarly composition, favouring grammatical flavours of words that rhyme, click and climb, into comfortable pairings, evoking the feelings and expressions of heavily creative writing, instead of allowing my truth to just Be. fragmented elements, a quantum fusionist’s whore, always inventing, a path to the story, who cares about one little bout of insanity, from the crazy lady, back in the day. we’re really reaching now, even our host is fighting it, how? oh, who knows? we’ve gotten this far, what does it matter, of the ‘truth’ of what’s real? everyone knows we create our OWN spiel. she’s totally sick and tired, of writing in prose, she tries harder to not do it, face plants her nose, fully in character, embraced far too late, now when she ‘sleeps’, reality is faked. . . . . #prose #streamofconsciousness #writing #writer #soulmessages #soulmessenger
19.01.2022 How are you choosing to nourish yourself today, Mama? How’s your ‘morning coffee’ going? Have you managed to relieve your ‘morning pee’ yet? How’s the breakfast leftovers today - did your child/ren’s mess manage to miss the floor?... Have you salvaged something off your kids’ plate for yourself? Is your back holding up? Have you dared to consider the holy grail - a shower?! Managed to sit down for a min or 2? Gotten the gremlin/s to sleep? Done some washing? Dear Mama, I see you, I honour you, I love you, I am you. Throughout every chaotic moment and daily #mumlifechallenge, it’s the little things that add up. Those stolen seconds between picking the plate up and putting it in the sink can allow a few deep belly breaths to ground you (at least a little). Are you able to take some deep breaths now? A minute to stop to drink the cold coffee and eat the cold left overs can gift your body some nutrients + your mind some relief. Leaving the washing for 15 mins and sitting down with something just for you - cuppa tea + magazine perhaps - can be the little rest and reset you need to be able to keep on keeping on. Dear Mama, I live your struggles, pain + challenges daily; I have had my fair share of ‘bi-weekly showers’; my daughter is my world, the same as yours. However, you don’t have to martyr yourself or put yourself last all the time. It’s not in your child/rens best interests to see you doing this all the time. Yes, we all know it won’t always be like this & our kids need us now, however unless there’s something seriously dangerous going down, our kids benefit by learning that their mum takes + deserves time, support & nourishment as well. It doesn’t hurt them to wait a minute or two for you to tend to one of your needs (hello solo toilet time!) So, I ask you Dear Mama, how can you choose yourself first today? Each of the above moments can spare a few mins for you if you claim them. You are a powerful Creatrix - it’s time to own it + create a new #mumparadigm that supports you as well as you do your child/ren. Are you willing? . . . . . #mumlife #challenge #chooseyoufirst #claimyourtime #momlife #comeonmum #mumsofinstagram #mumfirst #mummy
19.01.2022 I’ve mastered the art of pouring from an empty cup said no one ever... (even Jesus needed water to turn into wine ) . .... . . . #yourownoxygenmaskfirst #fillyourselfup #soulnourishment #selfcare #strengthenyournervoussystem #succubusaintsexy #overservicingothersaintselfloving #soulmentor #selflove #inimitablesoul #youareworthy #youdeservethebest #receive #receptivity #yeplookinatyoumumpreneur #onlysharetheoverflow #selfworth #selfesteem #soulluxelife #soulled #soulsourced #sovereign See more
18.01.2022 Becoming a mother is the ultimate miracle - remember the very first time you held your tiny new baby in your arms? Your baby's birth was the ultimate Miracle. But what happens after that? - Being a 'modern mum' quickly takes its toll. The sleepless nights, stress and anxiety of caring for innocent little humans is enough to send the calmest, most grounded person over the edge. Add in the disdain towards modern mums and you have a crisis of epidemic proportions....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Contraction = Connection ~ Soul Drop Soul Drops: Quick drops of truth, inspiration, things to ponder, ideas, musings and the like from my Soul to yours with the intention to brighten your day, give you something to think about, guide you back to your soul and alignment, support you in soul-aligned living, receive truths that may be applicable to you and your life. With much love,... Jasmina PS - Remember - say YES to your Soul without hesitation. Every. Time *Feel like you need a total mind, body & spirit reset? I now have 3 x 1:1 Soul Mentoring spaces available. DM me to find out more x
16.01.2022 Activate your Soul's Essence on Earth in complete freedom + flow with: INIMITABLE SOUL ~ AN 8 WEEK IMMERSION ACTIVATING YOU TO UNAPOLOGETICALLY BE WHO YOU ARE~... Immerse yourself in the sanctity of your Inimitable Soul that sacred portal of softness and gentle surrender PERMISSION COURAGE DEVOTION POWER COMMITMENT all parts formerly fragmented | stolen | disrespected | abused | dismissed| forgotten |neglected |dishonoured | squashed |repressed unconditionally reclaimed and received in grace Your Inimitable Soul ~royal + rambunctious~ a reservoir of intimate + intricate knowing born sovereign asks you to allow her to return home to you ~connected in truth + power~ There is no fear here. No trauma. No drama. No separation. You are reunited in unconditional love. pledged to Soul's deeds without shame Devoted to Being embraced by and enveloped in her essence she is music | she is moonlight | she feels | she experiences | her desires devour her | she claims her earth | she is embodied CALLING ALL SINGLE MOTHERS, INDEPENDENT WOMEN, PASSIONATE, FIERY & FIERCE FEMALES FORWARD! Now's YOUR TIME TO: Stop the Struggle Claim your innate power and activate your DIVINE ESSENCE on Earth. Know you don’t have to be the ‘martyr’ to feel worthy of love and acceptance. If you've been feeling unsupported, tired, dragged down, stressed, anxious, worried about your future or simply isolated, Inimitable Soul is for you. Permission to 'take up space' and be who you were born to be. No apologies. No more putting everyone else before yourself. You deserve to spend time (and money) with yourself and for yourself. In fact, it is crucial for your activation into your highest potential, timeline and soul vision for your life. Join me for a powerfully transformative 8 week journey home to your Soul where all parts of you will be reclaimed, recalibrated and awakened. We start October 17 with the New Moon in Scorpio... Want more information? DM me and I'll set up a free connection call with you. OR Already know you want in?! Apply via link in bio . . . #inimitablesoul #bewhoyouare #permission #courage #resetyourwholebeing #comehometosoul #livefromyourheartspace
14.01.2022 #chooseyou You are soooo worthy and deserving of everything Earth has to offer you! Are you saying yes to yourself?... What are you choosing to say yes to today? Are you prioritising your needs? What about your desires? Remember - when you say yes to something you’re also saying no to something else. Be discerning with your yeses! Jasmina . . . . #sayyestoyou #chooseyourneedsfirst #yourdesiresfirst #whatareyoupriorities #sayingyestoonethingissayingnotoanother
13.01.2022 Is it time to choose freedom over fear & meet your Inimitable Soul? . . . .... . #inimitablesoul #freedomoverfear #freedom #choosefreedom #soulled #heartheld #soulconnection #soulgrowth #soulawakening #soulguidance #soulcoach #soulpurpose #soulsinger See more
12.01.2022 This morning I wanted to end it all... My business My life Being a bad mother... Move into a smaller space with my daughter and ‘just work at Coles or Woolies - stress free’ I felt like I was pushing too hard for everything Struggling to do basic shit - like clean my house Traumatising my daughter by trying to build my business and be a solo mum at the same time. I had to ‘suck it up’, get out of the house and honour my commitments this morning. Then a new nose stud saved my life... I started to come back to my centre; remember the truth of who I Be and what I’m here to do. And this morning’s experience was just the reminder I needed to drop into deep presence with you during tonight’s #mumlife Masterclass. Join me at 6.30pm AEST to learn how to: Create ease in your day; Take time for yourself without guilt; Reclaim your ‘dormant parts’; and Find your fierce feminine flow. DM me to register. Jasmina . . . . #mumlifemasterclass #reclaimyourdormantparts #createease #fiercefeminineflow #motherhood #mumsupport #guidingmums #soulledmums #resettosoul #guiltfree #masterclass #freemasterclass #soulmentor #soulcoach #energyandsoulmaster #selflove #selfcare #selfmastery @ Pimpama, Queensland
10.01.2022 What if they aren’t my highest vibration? They were never meant to be - they were supposed to be a ‘stepping stone’ not the end destination. Except there’s more there than expected.... Thing is - they can’t run from their destiny... The time for showing up in my vulnerability with them is over. It’s time to stand in my Full Power, no matter what... @p_content_and_creative . . . . . #inimitablesoul
09.01.2022 Mums + Bubs Club & Masterclass for Mums
07.01.2022 Woke up at 4am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep! Soooo.... got up;... spent a luxurious hour showering and getting ready - hello hair done in a ‘style’ for the first time in forever! did make up put on some cosy but sexy feeling clothes got some chores done set up my 3 daily non-negotiable items per @amylouisecash ‘homework’ now enjoying a@morning elixir and some Being practice all before 7.30 am when I’ll get Shali up Hmmmm... not sure where the normal Me went BUT I’ll take it! Feeling accomplished before 7.30 am - who dis?! . . . . #mumlife #insomia #earlyrise #wheredidmynormalgo #5amclubwannabe
07.01.2022 After months of #bloodsweatntears my new website is up! #saywhat #finally check it out via link in bio (and let me know what you think!) . .... . . . #newwebsite #websiterevamp #upgrade #soulmentoronline #onlinespiritualtoolkit See more
05.01.2022 Can you keep a secret? . . .... Something sparkly for your Soul is in creation . . . Shhhhh! . . . . . . #soul #sparkle #shine #shhhh #secret #creation #creatrix #heartanchoredsoul
05.01.2022 Sunday inspo . . . .... #sundayinspo #salvation #soulidarity #soulspeaking #spirit #sovereign #support #spacious #soaring #sayyestoyoursoul See more
04.01.2022 today’s #feels going inward... #darkmystery guiding me #souldecluttering #sayingnototheoutsidenoise
04.01.2022 Your projection = your reflection ~ Soul Drop Soul Drops: Quick drops of truth, inspiration, things to ponder, ideas, musings and the like from my Soul to yours with the intention to brighten your day, give you something to think about, guide you back to your soul and alignment, support you in soul-aligned living, receive truths that may be applicable to you and your life. With much love,... Jasmina PS - Remember - say YES to your Soul without hesitation. Every. Time.
03.01.2022 You are beautiful no matter your size or physicality. You are not here to ‘look pretty’, ‘be sexy’ or ‘look beautiful’ for anyone. Love your body for it is the one your Soul chose for this lifetime and without your unique body you wouldn’t be able to do your soul work, whatever that is, here on Earth. ... Humans come in all shapes, ‘non-shapes’ and sizes and that is what it’s all about. We are different for a reason and bring what the Earth and other humans need due to our uniqueness. That thing that only we have. We need you as you are - however that looks! . . . . #selflove #acceptance #selfcare #unconditionalloveforself #soulnourishment #soulwork #soulsourced #sovereign #soulled #soulluxe #souljourney #soulawakening #soulcoach #loveyourself #empathy #compassion #bodypositivity #bodypositive #loveyourbody
03.01.2022 something to think about - we are designed to be in community with each other. There are bigger considerations than just physical health
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