Jason McGrice in Adelaide, South Australia | Meditation centre
Jason McGrice
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 423 748 525
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25.01.2022 When you can't see your crew, what do you do?? -with yourself. This monstrous roar from the earth mother has left us feeling stranded in isolation. The calls for help in this time to guide people through their insane levels of anxiety, fear and down right boredom have been endless.... For the people who enjoy their own company already, the ones with practices and rituals or the people who 'date' themselves often and or enjoy binge wathing 7 seasons of Suits straight. You are the smaller percentage of the global population who are feeling pretty set. 4 x 25g boxes of nag champa & 13 blocks of @picochocolate in the pantry. You are streaming online classes from your yoga studio and thinking this is like one big self love slumbar party. For a huge majority of the people of the earth, they are in survival mode. Either glued to the T.V or radio to hear the latest outbreak numbers and the new restrictions that have been put in place. Pacing the hallways with an anxious vibration under the surface of the skin. You might as well call this the fight or flight happy meal. The body and systems digesting bit by bit of the overwhelm and keeping you high as a kite on fear. Its time for a digital detox and a nervous system remap. Tell your besties that you are going off line for a deep breath. Delete the social apps off your phone and turn off email notifications for 48 hours. Light a few candles in a room and turn on your favourite music. (If you need some inspo for chilled beats, follw @jody_mcgrice or I on @spotify) Release all judgements and expectations from yourself and let the heavy layers to melt away. Allow the notes and harmonies to transport you into the depths of your body even if only for a few minutes. Dopamine is going to start flowing very quickly. The adrenal glands are going to start to wind back from level 10, switching your body from survial mode to safe mode. In this space, fog lifts. Clarity can be seen and felt. In this space you can ask yourself "what is for my highest good in this time?" After checking in with myself, here is my list below in the comments. Share 3 things that would fill your soul J
23.01.2022 When did we decide the only way to heal, help or support someone was to carry the load for them? Lightworkers across the globe, this is a message for you! We need you strong, fierce & clear.... Your channel & the way you direct it with the whispers of your heart is your most powerful gift to this earth. Do not become the self sacrificing matyr by simply transferring the load from their back to yours. Bring awareness to what is sitting within your field. From the superficial: The long line of unread/ unresponded messages across platforms. That difficult converstation asking for your needs to be met. Saying 'yes' when you mean 'no'. Doing everything for everyone else instead of allowing them to learn through the process. To the deeper more cellular: Unfounded expectations from others. Your own expectations of you. Confrontations along the timeline of your life. Confrontations within family units or friend circles that you were not a part of. Upholding a image to be seen in a particular light that nolonger resonates with your soul. Choosing to hyperidentify as the victim. Carrying generational pain and trauma. All of these actions & choices force you to carry excess energetic weight. And what for?? Because we feel as though we wont be respected or loved if we do not?? These superficial & cellular misnomers all tear & rip at our auric field. *the puffy external field that keeps us energetically soverign. When we experience auric damage we are susceptible to external energies (seen & unseen) thinking that your energy is happy hour. This will leave you like a tap leaking into the ether. Drained of lifeforce. Fatigued. Supressed immune system. Struggling to conjure motivation or inspiration & especially struggling to land it earthside. As your happy, vibrant self continues to be the pack horse for people baggage you become. Frustrated, Sad, Angry, Resentful, Finally finding it all too hard. & you give up... This message for you today is that the world needs you & your gifts grounded upon this earth now more than ever! Become energetically responsible & aware. Hand back the boxes of unresolved energetics, transmute your own & keep your channel bling
23.01.2022 Reiki = Hands on healing Rei = Spiritual Wisdom Ki = Life Force Energy **(Next Reiki 1 course is this Sunday 15th March! 3 spots available)**... What an incredible 1st Reiki 1 Workshop and attunement ceremony!! The day could not have gone any better if it tried The 6 students were incredibly supportive of each other and held space for one another to open up and share. It was a massive day, we went deep and we all left a little high on life force **Cue longer grounding session** From eye gazing to learn about how our energy affects ourself and others, multiple meditations, an amazing heart felt energy cleansing smudging ceremony, the Reiki attunement ceremony followed by self healing, grounding in the lake, delicious snacks, hands on practice and all the spiritual wisdom you could poke a stick at. What a day! Join me for the next course this Sunday! Link in bio. Payment plans are available. Join us @cosmicyogastudios Testimonial from Chad "I just completed my reiki one with jase, such an amazing day, the space he has for the even it, so perfect for the day, and jase himself has been living this, for his whole life and has so much depth of wisdom on the subject and so much to give. If your looking to do your reiki or diving into the spiritual modalities jase is your man, couldn't recommend him highly enough " Testimonal from Kayla "Recently completed the Reiki 1 Workshop with Jase and what a wonderful experience it was! I originally signed up as part of my own self healing and spiritual journey and felt like I was gifted much more. Jase has a wealth of knowledge and really walks his talk. Creating a safe space to learn this wonderful practice alongside lovely like minded people. Was a truly beautiful gift." Thank you guys!!! J @ Cosmic Yoga Studio
23.01.2022 If I was to create a custom meditation for your ears only, what would it be? Where would you have me guide you? Listening to the whispers within & without. Resounding response calling me to create.... Tap in and record. Heal through vocalised heart. Yes, I hear you. I feel you. I feel the call too. So far the requests have been meditations for: Sleep Calm Anxiety Connect to higher self /soul Seek guidance from future self Regret Grief Sadness Slowing down Intergration of dark and light energy Cellular embodiment Connect to spirit guides Motivation A new morning medi Regeneration from crystal caves Journey to Lemuria Journey from mind to the heart and soul Connect to the stars & beyond. Ok. Ok... I don't really need any more suggestions but I am open to them! These medi's are to serve the greates need of the time and I want to curate a list of potentials that speaks to the hearts of human kind. Im not here to fk spiders, I want to create bangers for you. Lets do this together! Share what healing is needed in your earphones below.
22.01.2022 It's fascinating to think how humans will interact and respond to each other after the wake of covid.. The hand sanitizer, isolation and wide births in the street have all been normalised within our nervous system. If someone has a random cough or innocent sneeze 1 year from now will there be a quick evacuation from the area and some silent daggers thrown their way? ... Some have relished in this forced hibernation but many have experienced varying degrees of trauma embeded into their cells. Australia has been beyond fortunate in its experience with this time with 'normal life' conditions already being rolled out, with more to come early next month. That doesn't always mean that anxiety or stress instantly dissolves. How long until the reassuring touch of another can be felt without any type of internal reaction or twitch? This week I have reopened my healing studio and am taking appontments. Let us release any residual fog, trauma codes or fear that you have brushed upon so we can see you shining your brightest light into the the next half of 2020. Hugs all round. J
21.01.2022 "I am the power and the light of God. Nothing can penetrate this field." When a healthy mindset is everything. Affirmations are needed in this time. ... This affirmation for me is empowering, clearing and allows me to step into service, especially in a time where I was feeling paralized by the noise. Noise is whats happening. It's unavoidable. As lightworkers (yes you!) We must ground our roots deep into the earth. Feel her loving embrace and step forward into service. How ever we feel intuitively drawn to. (This could be as simple as picking up the phone to a friend who has gone quiet). When I repeat this affirmation I feel the cells in my body become buoyant, charged and full. They turn toward the light as opposed to the the dark. I repeat this affirmation 10 times in a row, each time breathing deeply into the expression of myself. The energy in my body suddenly remembers who I am in my essence. I visualise a golden cube extending out from my Solar Plexus chakra and moving beyond my energetic field. I see myself surrounded by a huge field of energy that completly holds me and keeps me safe. Physically, energetically, psychically, emotionally, spiritually. This affirmation lifts collective fog and fear like no other. Try it. Take 2 minutes to breathe into this affirmation 10 times. Close your eyes, take your time, breathe through what comes up and fortify your strength pushing it out beyond your energetic field. Feel free to use my visualisation of feel into your thirdeye and see what emerges. Some of you may have a recation to the use of the word God in this affirmation. This is in by no means felt or used by myself in a religious manner. For my God is an all encompassing and empowering term that I use and is synonymous with universe, nature, love. Tag 3 people who you know need to feel your support and their own empowerment in this time J
20.01.2022 Reiki 2 brought forward an era in which I built The Meditation House. An empowering time of activation that saw many shifts in the way I showed up and what I showed up with. Now a distant memory as a business name and logo, however the ethereal walls still remain upon the solid energetic foundations set in Reiki 1.... The upleveling that came with the 2nd course served me far beyond my own healing as an individual. When the shedding of layers came to a new, shiny skin, my capacity to expand and hold others in their healing journey no longer triggered reactions within me. Rather observations and responses. I was ready. It allowed me to hold space for people. Not only family & friends but actual clients! Having people reach out for me to create the most nurturing energetic space for them changed everything! Holding space for people shines a spotlight down a pathway that is never dull nor boring, especially when you dive in to the world of the unseen! Reiki 2 instantly infuses purpose. Directly positioned in the vortex of helping humanity. 1:1, Group Healing/ Meditations. Global healing circles & groups. The world is your playground and this course is here for you to experiment. With: Your energy. Your psychic gifts. Your intuition. Your trust. God. That was the space in which I learned. Being directly in service! And haha! The first few clients.. I remember the feeling, the nerves, the excitement. The upleveling of someone trusting me with their energy! An incredible space between fumble & flow. That's how I felt about my first few clients Maybe the first 10 maybe the first 300. Maybe I'll feel a little flutter of it for the client tomorrow. This work is never the same, it's certainly never monotonous. Working with intuition and divinely trusting what is coming through from the highest realms of the universe, is never short humbling. My wish is to on-flow this light to you & from you to the world. Join me this Saturday, Sunday or both as I attune 12 beautifully aligned souls to this gift.
20.01.2022 Take a deep breath with me... In through the nose, into the belly, hold for a second and release. Ahhhhhh... Yes, I see you now.... Eyes with a soft gaze. I feel you now. Constriction falls from the chest... 2020 has been the most turbulent external experience I have witnessed. My internal experience has remained steady, calm. (Of course with the odd hiccup). In your current emotional state, what words could you hear that could transmute the shake in your nervous system to shapeshift into a deeply grounded and unwaivering root system that delivers life force and soul soothing nurture to your core? Have you ever experienced words from another who have litterally transformed your inner landscape on the spot? In one meditation sit? Or listened to a medi time and time again, because it filled your day with positivity & gratitude? Imagine being able to create a journey for some one else that touched every corner of their heart and lifted them from the fog that surrounded their days. Now imagine creating that & transforming lives of hundreds perhaps even thousands or millions of lives! All from YOUR creative words & imagery. All through YOUR calm & heartfelt delivery of those very words. &, all felt deeply through your heart's intention & desire to be in service. In 1 week this can be YOUR reality. Cosmic Creators will guide you to connect deep within, whilst you reach to the stars to create a meditation masterpiece that WILL impact lives. Are you stuck in lockdown for COVID & looking for a way to fill the time with positive influence & a very positive outcome? Do you have a message upon your heart that you wish to share with the world but you aren't sure how to get it out there? Are you looking to uplevel yourself onto the global stage? Are you interested in creating incredible resourses for your clients, community & the world? Your meditation/s WILL be published on the worlds largest meditation app in 7 weeks. I am here on this globe as a lightworker to create exponential positive change for peoples mindsets & life. I am here to heal. I need help to do this!! Cosmic creators is where you can up your lightworking game. Who's with me? xJ Link
20.01.2022 Join my LIVE meditation // @insighttimer Instagram Takeover Monday 23rd (AU) Sunday 22nd (US) Community & Connection is the theme surrounding the live meditation tomorrow. ... I found the theme ironic in a way but I had chills all over my body when I laid my eyes on the words. The theme was chosen. Both words are surrounded by many different thoughts and strong emotions in these tense times. On one hand we are socially distancing ourselves from our communities and therefore loosing in person connection in the name of not spreading the Covid pathogen. Distancing is a deeply difficult and almost counter intuitive action for us as a species. When humanity is met with such ferocity and heartache we have an overwhelming inate calling that brings us together. To help, to lift, to fight, to pray. Whatever the vocation we will be there by eachothers side, hand in hand. Not the case with this earth shaking reality that has thrown life as we know it on it's head. People are scared, people are hiding underneath thick blanket of anxiety. It's dark & it is lonely. There is one ingredient that I have witnessed all across the globe that has been bringing people out from their uncomfortably overcast solitude. Individuals & groups have been holding the torch. Grounded, reverent & in service. Businesses, coaches, healers, lightworkers we have been all but scrambling to lift the torch as high as we can to cast the light far & wide to reach souls in the darkest of days. In 2020 technology is incredible. We can transmit our entire repertoire of gifts in an instant to thousands of hearts across the world. To one heartfelt worldwide community. & no matter how far or how widely spread the individuals are, in those moments energy merges to create universal connection. This energy radiates, it penetrates, it lifts the fog of the mind & heavy frequencies of the heart. Community brings us together to heal as a collective & although we can not sit shoulder to shoulder I invite you to join me LIVE on @insighttimer 's page, open heart to open heart. Let us see how connected we feel through channelled guidance & intention to light the way forward.
19.01.2022 Fatigued out of your mind? Our nervous systems are processing unprecedented waves of collective stress. I'm certainly feeling a huge loss of energy and I know its not just because I'm constantly chasing River down the street butt naked. (that's him, not me...)... This is a message for you to be kind to yourself. Release the internal judgements of 'not doing enough' or 'letting others down through your choice to self isolate'. Hand the guilt back. Look after yourself / your family in this energetic shit fight. Utilise the tools and rituals of selfcare that you have up your sleve. ( ) These are self-full acts and they are easy to slip into your day! If you have never listened to any of my meditation tracks on @insighttimer, this is a little tap on the shoulder to do so. There are 16 beautifully polished tracks between @jody_mcgrice and myself aa well as a 10 day course. These should keep you going through a good chunk of your isolation. There is no better time to create intimacy with yourself in this time. Energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you got the time. Make it meaningful. Jase.
18.01.2022 Join me on @insighttimer I am so excited to be broadcasting LIVE across the airwaves from the worlds largest meditation app @insighttimer. The entire world has been in a constant state of shake for the entire year.... 2020, the 'dual year'. To know the luminousity of light we must shine awareness into the realm of the dark. -This is where we have been. Let us rise. In this meditation we are going to bring awareness to the current resonance within your being and identify what energy is yours and which energies you are unknowingly carrying around with you. What is yours to claim and accept and what is yours to release now? From Anxiety to Empowerment, let us rise together. See you there! Don't forget to hit the 'attend' button on the app. @insighttimer xJase.
15.01.2022 Are you sitting on the fence? I have a simple remedy for you... For so long I would sit on the fence of paralysis. Toing and frowing about what could be. Analysing each percieved timeline that could take place. Afraid to jump in, and ultimately giving into the insurmountable fear and anxiety I had accrued from the illusionary tale my brain had created. It was safer to sit on the fence.... On the fence I was safe from: Change Being seen Failure My own self worth Expectations Success Comparison Way easier to stay on the fence right? Wrong! When I mined a little deeper beyond the surface crude layers of fear & anxiety I discover a world of subtleties. Feelings & emotions of excitement & nourishment. What I soon realised is that beyond the fence line of fear is expansion. If I live more fully in the truth of who I am. To actually step into the fullness of my soul contract, what does that feel like?? Expansive AF. For me expansion has been experieced as: Deeper love, Greater connections, A blowing open of receiving capabilities & actually landing in the full expression of receiving, Mind blowing sex, Free expression, Choice, Mastery. When I jumped off the fence I steped onto the path of mastery. I am constantly reminded to own it. But this is all part of creating your own path... And the creation of your path brings us back to my simple remedy to get off the fence. 1 question to ask yourself.. Is this a 10/10 f**k yes??? Because if not its a 'hell no!' And the further you step away from the 10/10. The greater the hole in your leaky energy bucket. I want to support you through a journey to seal the leaks. To embark on fulfilling your soul contract in this life. Cosmic Creators begins in under a week. Are you ready to jump off the fence and into instant expansion? Lets do this! Link: https://www.jasonmcgrice.com/cosmic-creators
15.01.2022 LIVE MEDI COUNTDOWN Join me on @insighttimer at 10am today. For my new weekly medi sesh!!! Woohoo! Insight Timer's new Live feature is in full swing and today I get to take the reins for an expansive 1 hour medi.... My first 3 sessions are below. Tues Sept 8th at 10:00am (in 2 hrs..!) ' ' -Where are you not showing up for yourself? Where can you lean in a little more? With an open heart & unwavering compassion for self. Tues Sep 15th at 10:00 am (ACST) ' ' Beyond the illusionary tale that we are conditioned to believe there is the most raw & innate truth that beams from our soul. Enjoy the guidance to call forth your highest self and bask in its frequency & radiance to return to your sovereignty of thought & knowing within. Tue Sep 22nd at 10:00 am (ACST) ' ' Breathe deep into the earth mother beneath your feet to feel the nurture & compassion that is there for you in every moment. Wash her energy through your subtle energy centers within to cleanse & clear stagnancy & to allow for crystal clear communication between your inner & outer worlds. I would love you to join me for the sessions! And I would looooove you to tell me what themes you want me to weave into the future meditations! To join the sessions follow the link in my bio. Tag 3 friends who might need to hear a healing medi today.
14.01.2022 6 weeks on the road in a caravan and the fam. I think this kind of adventure could become the new normal. We all need a reset right??... Relaxation and adventure at the epicentre of our intention. -We nailed it.. All day, everyday. We explored, laughed, connected. Layers and layers of 'old' fell by the wayside. Way of communicating, of responding and reacting all reflected brightly when together 24/7. The external and internal tension was amplified in the 16ft rectangle we now called home.. Through observation and reflection it was time to choose again. This time choose new codes and ways to pass down the line. Releasing time and time again through moments of surrender to the experience in front of our eyes. New dialogues were created. Things began to feel light & free. I know life on the road brings up things into the forefront of your sight. With all routines of of wack, not having anything on our schedule or knowing what was for our next meal. The relaxed instability takes some time for everyone to find their flow, release control and roll. The Byron Shire was deeply kind to us. It always has been.. So much so that we found ourself looking at realestate... We have returned home to know that we love it here. Friends, family, community. We are blessed. We have surprised to see how many things that we did on holidays have stuck since being home. Mainly surrounding quality and variety of food and movement for our bodies. Nothing better than a holiday to shift perspective and upgrage some cells. -Especially when its bathed in sunshine and surf.
12.01.2022 Happy World Meditation Day!! Let us take 11 deep and incredible, life giving breaths! May we meet in our transcendence.... To all of my fellow teachers, students and the ones who look inward with curiosity. I honour you today and always. Namaste. On stage @ Wonderlust Melbourne
12.01.2022 Finding a pathway for your hearts work to be received in is often one of the most challenging road bumps in creating something new. -It certainly isn't due to the lack of methods or platforms available. More often than not it is overwhelming to think about the many alluring ways in which medium you allow your soul to speak. Vlogs, podcasts, poetry, painting, photography, are all incredible creative outlets to share your message & wisdom.... A natural curiosity & an openness to learn makes upskilling an exciting proposition. Certainly not devoid of challenges but the outcomes far outweigh the momentary grind. This ensures your work is at a level that will leave a lasting impression on the consumer so they will be back for more. After delivering thousands of in person meditation classes I have come to enjoy when I can encapsulate a particular energetic message & gift it to the masses, rather than me throwing a smoke bomb down upon the ground & the transmission disappearing into the ethers as quickly as it brushed past my lips. I do this through recording meditations. This has turned into my art form. Over the years this process has become second nature to me & just like the encapsulation of a meditative message I have created a blueprint of the creation & technical processes in a 7 week ‘creatorship’. Cosmic Creators 4.0 is the last time it will run this year! I have witnessed 46 incredible souls thus far & sat in awe as they blast though the internal rollercoasters that arise over the weeks. There is a common thread that shows up for everyone. Beyond their hearts message, beyond their technical abilities, there lie a plethora of out dated stories. Self-worth, deserved-ness, what others will think of them, their message not being impactful enough, thinking their voice sounds like fingernails on a chalk board I challenge you to bring your stories into this vortex. Alchemy awaits. Get published. Create a new paradigm Will you be there? #CosmicCreators4.0 Link in bio.
11.01.2022 This photo was taken at the 'Sanctuary' festival a couple of years ago. I was running some 15mins Reiki sessions for the festival goers. The bands playing were super loud so I coupled the session with one of my recorded meditations 'Divine Connection'. With some big and juicy headphones on each client, it drowned out the external noise and created a blissful bubble for them to receive. Divine connection accompanied the Reiki session beautifully. It is always fun to mix it up ...and explore how you can channel the energy. I think it is actually really important as it gives you creative control as to how you wish to deliver your own individual gifts. Have a listen to Divine Connection for free here https://insig.ht/8wvkxyNyM4 If Reiki is a modality you wish to discover for your own healing journey, I have my next Reiki 1 workshop and attunement ceremony this Sunday 15th at Cosmic Yoga Studio in West Lakes. Details here :D https://www.jasonmcgrice.com/reiki-one Jase.
10.01.2022 Are you sitting on the fence? I have a simple remedy for you... For so long I would sit on the fence of paralysis. Toing and frowing about what could be. Analysing each percieved timeline that could take place. Afraid to jump in, and ultimately giving into the insurmountable fear and anxiety I had accrued from the illusionary tale my brain had created. It was safer to sit on the fence.... On the fence I was safe from: Change Being seen Failure My own self worth Expectations Success Comparison Way easier to stay on the fence right? Wrong! When I mined a little deeper beyond the surface crude layers of fear & anxiety I discover a world of subtleties. Feelings & emotions of excitement & nourishment. What I soon realised is that beyond the fence line of fear is expansion. If I live more fully in the truth of who I am. To actually step into the fullness of my soul contract, what does that feel like?? Expansive AF. For me expansion has been experieced as: Deeper love, Greater connections, A blowing open of receiving capabilities & actually landing in the full expression of receiving, Mind blowing sex, Free expression, Choice, Mastery. When I jumped off the fence I steped onto the path of mastery. I am constantly reminded to own it. But this is all part of creating your own path... And the creation of your path brings us back to my simple remedy to get off the fence. 1 question to ask yourself.. Is this a 10/10 f**k yes??? Because if not its a 'hell no!' And the further you step away from the 10/10. The greater the hole in your leaky energy bucket. I want to support you through a journey to seal the leaks. To embark on fulfilling your soul contract in this life. Cosmic Creators begins in under a week. Are you ready to jump off the fence and into instant expansion? Lets do this! Link: https://www.jasonmcgrice.com/cosmic-creators
07.01.2022 In full celebration mode for my Cosmic Creators!! In this latest round we had 10 of the most incredible connections from all across the globe! There have been life long friendships formed, bucket loads of tears, laughter and now we all get to pop the bottle & high 5!... Here are some of the first meditations to be birthed from this round. I am so pround of everyones mind blowing efforts! More of these to be uploaded in the coming days. If you are looking for some medi inspiration I am in the process of creating a playlist in @insighttimer feature 'Circles', featuring all of the Cosmic Creators that have come through the 'creatorship'. You can search for it under 'Cosmic Creators' in the Circles tab. Next #cosmiccreators begins on May 3rd. Who is ready to get visible?
06.01.2022 Calling all future lightworkers!! I know the space that you are in. I have felt it time and time again. ... You are feeling as if you no longer belong in the circles that you frequent. You have a deep desire for understanding yourself & your energy. You are a compassionate soul who feels the calling to uplift others. You are suck and tired waiting for the universe to hand you your new pathway on a golden platter. Wait no longer. 'Dinner is served'. Sat 23rd of Jan I have an incredible energetic degustation experience wrapped up in a one day Reiki 1 Workshop to learn the fundamentals of energy and energetic embodiment. You will get a juicy taste of: The energy within yourself. The energy shifts in others when ‘giving’ and ‘taking’. The difference between giving and channeling. A decadent attunement process. Energetic boundaries & protection. Cleansing energy & Spiritual Anatomy. Chakra work. Psychic development. Using Reiki in everyday life. Each course will be accompanied by energetic practices and refreshed with incredible conversational shares of experience and deeper inquiry. You will leave completely satiated & thinking about the next feast. Reiki 1 is the course for self-healing. If you are moving through blockages, emotional dis-ease, trauma, energetic disturbances or physical ailments, this course is for you. For me is has created a fundamental base in energetic embodiment that has shaped my life & business. If you feel the pull to explore this Japanese technique of healing it would be my honour to on-flow the light to you. The world needs this more now than ever. Let's do this. Where // When // What. Cosmic Yoga Studio 's lakeside Yin room. 11:00am - 6:00pm. Investment $350.00 DM or Link in below. Jase. https://www.jasonmcgrice.com/reiki-one
04.01.2022 If nothing else happens from all of this.. People are now talking to their neighbours Y'know the people that you are generally way to busy to have a chat with and will duck and weave around the car and that prickly bush just so you dont have to make eye contact! Yes, we are having social distancing street parties. Reconnecting with a social facet that was all but lost. I know in my childhood the bond that my family shared with our neighbours shaped a huge part of my upbringi...ng. The feelings of safety, security, connection and belonging within my street and neighbourhood. In most social environments I have witnessed the 'neighbour' no longer even rank as someone who would even have a chat with let alone have a sit down cuppa with. Mother earth has opened up our hearts and minds yet again. Slingshotting us forward years in ways of innovation and connection and in otherways pulling us way way backward, potentially decades to a time where we stopped and said hello to someone who actually bears so much in common as they would plant roots in bare soil on a plot of land on the same street as you. This time is beyond special. Use it wisely. We may never ever experience a time like this ever again. Introduce yourself to your neighbour. Plan a social distancing street party. Bomb the shit of your socials with clever tik tok's that you created Watch Tiger King on netflix. (Or dont!) Learn something rad Make crazy sweet love Think of ways to uplift spirits of others. & Repeat.
03.01.2022 Laying out the blueprint of how I created my bread & butter passive income stream by doing the things I love to do. Creating meditations!!! Learn the entire process from start to finish and celebrate the graduation of this course by publishing your work in front of millions on the worlds largest meditation app. ... Follow the link for all the goodies. 'Cosmic Creators' starts Monday the 15th June! Who in?
03.01.2022 Jody and I are looking for 12 people (6 each) who would love to learn to meditate with us! Are you in?? We have a Free Intro Talk this Thursday morning and night to get all the juicy info about the course and why we find it so powerful.... Follow the link to sign up. Transcend with us! Tag 3 friends who you think would love to learn how to meditate too! Jase and Jody
03.01.2022 Prioritising energy work. The Reiki / Energy healing game is an interesting one. There are only a handful of clients that come along to see me before all is crashing down around them. 80% come when they are going through something big. When emotions or a past trauma is emerging from deep within and bubbling to the surface; then and only then when it is all too much to bare, they seek help to shift what was and reconcile the new wave of energy integrating into their body. A...nd trust me, this is beautiful and perfect in its right and many have to work through these issues (myself included) before we can open and expand to meet our greatness. But what if we treated energy work like a tool to constantly open and expand. To call in and align with all that you are and will be. Not just something to come back from flat lining with. Instead of starting with both feet tied and removing the shackles, coming from a place where you are already free flowing and able with both feet to jump into calling in the energy that you are wanting in your life. To proactively connect to god within - your higher self. Just as you would schedule a massage, a chiropractor or a haircut. When energy work is soaked in on a regular basis it continues to exercise your spiritual muscle of receiving. It continues to keep the channels open and helps them to grow and expand. Regular energy sessions increase the amount of life force that your vessel can hold, channel, and transmit. It will also dramatically increase the amount of energy that you can transmute and heal, whether that be in a 1:1 scenario or you walking past someone on the street and diffusing and transmuting their energy for the collective. There is much to be said about keeping your channel cleansed and clear. Try it on for size. When you are feeling unstoppable, expansive and sitting in the seat of the creator seek out some energy work. See what new dimensions or paradigms you will open & access. My healing studio is open for you. See more
02.01.2022 New meditation up on Insight Timer . Balance Your Being - A Powerful Energetic Transmutation!! Shed stagnant layers of 2020 and land in bliss. Find it as a 'staff pick' on Insight Timer today. ... https://insighttimer.com//balance-your-being-%3E%3E%3E-pow See more
02.01.2022 New meditation up on Insight Timer . Balance Your Being - A Powerful Energetic Transmutation!! Shed stagnant layers of 2020 and land in bliss. Find it as a 'staff pick' on Insight Timer today. ... https://insighttimer.com//balance-your-being-%3E%3E%3E-pow See more
02.01.2022 LIVE MEDI COUNTDOWN Join me on @insighttimer at 10am today. For my new weekly medi sesh!!! Woohoo! Insight Timer's new Live feature is in full swing and today I get to take the reins for an expansive 1 hour medi.... My first 3 sessions are below. Tues Sept 8th at 10:00am (in 2 hrs..!) ' ' -Where are you not showing up for yourself? Where can you lean in a little more? With an open heart & unwavering compassion for self. Tues Sep 15th at 10:00 am (ACST) ' ' Beyond the illusionary tale that we are conditioned to believe there is the most raw & innate truth that beams from our soul. Enjoy the guidance to call forth your highest self and bask in its frequency & radiance to return to your sovereignty of thought & knowing within. Tue Sep 22nd at 10:00 am (ACST) ' ' Breathe deep into the earth mother beneath your feet to feel the nurture & compassion that is there for you in every moment. Wash her energy through your subtle energy centers within to cleanse & clear stagnancy & to allow for crystal clear communication between your inner & outer worlds. I would love you to join me for the sessions! And I would looooove you to tell me what themes you want me to weave into the future meditations! To join the sessions follow the link in my bio. Tag 3 friends who might need to hear a healing medi today.
02.01.2022 **LIVE meditation's today** @jody_mcgrice & I, @jasonmcgrice Will be broadcasting LIVE from The Global Quantum Healing Summit Facebook group, which as I write this post has 33311 members!!! This group was created only 11 days ago... There is something very powerful happening here!! (Ps:What a cosmic collection of numbers!)... I will be going Live @ 7:30pm Adelaide time. (7:00pm AEST) @jody_mcgrice will be Live directly after. @ 8:30pm Adelaide time. (8:00pm AEST) In this group created by the epic human that is @matthewliamgardner we have witnessed the sheer magnitisim of a vision that is so deeply tapped into the greatest need of the time. I am blessed to be in this sacred container. This is your invite to join for the ride! There has already been 4 days of meditations, sound healings and people weaving their hearts magic. The best part about all of this is that there is so much more to come!! Who will we be seeing tonight??
02.01.2022 Speaking to your victim. As the victim I found myself on a continual search for an answer outside of my being. Unfortunately I was always coming up short. One hand outstretched for help, but not towards my higher self, rather towards an illusion of external validation. It was when I created space between myself and 'my victim' to speak with open arms and an open heart to him.... Thats when the paradigm changed for me. When the wind was knocked out of anxitey's sails and I realised I no longer needed anxiety.. I spoke directly to the part of myself that was trapped in somewhat of a perpetual cycle of victim mentality... The ego had me feeling safe there. Comfortable within the uncomfortability.. The simplest explanation of the ego is the 'distorted version of self'. That being a reality skewed from the true version of you. The ego can hold onto these distortions so dearly that we don't even know who are without them.. If there is some part of you that is holding onto old stories that keep you safely locked away from the world, I invite you today to create space. Identify with the shadow that casts grey clouds above your crown chakra. Speak to the victim with the utmost compassion and understanding and with the removal of all judgment. No one is to be judged here. No one is to be blamed here. We are here to show compassion and to diffuse the magnetic power of the ego in its attempt to structure story’s to create justification for you not showing your light. Today connect to your light and share it with the world. An excerpt from my upcoming anxiety course on @insighttimer.
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