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25.01.2022 When we think of exercise open your mind past the weights room and getting results. Find things you love that happen to have health and fitness benefits and it will become effortless. Some examples are:... Walking the dogs Surfing Tennis Yoga Swimming Playing with the kids
22.01.2022 You would be surprised with how much you could achieve in life if you are willing to try. We are so scared of failing we give up before we have even started. If you fail, learn from your failure, don't give up, try again and again until you succeed. In this video it was my first time attempting Front Squats for 110kgs. I would have never known that I was physically capable of achieving 1rep if I didn't try and just because I hadn't done it before it didn't stop me for trying for 2.
21.01.2022 External praise refers to the recognition from others. External Praise can be an effective tool on making an individual feel more appreciated, motivated, boost self-confidence and self-esteem, but if external praise is too heavily depended on it can do the reverse effect. External praise is not guaranteed. External praise comes and goes and if too heavily relied upon can turn people into praise junkies where a constant seek of recognition is required to moving forward in any direction including reaching our health and fitness goals. Remember our individual goals are OUR INDIVIDUAL GOALS and should not be based on the sole purpose of external praise.
20.01.2022 Resist letting other people define you. People will always have an opinion. Understand everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions, but you don't need to allow it to affect your actions or your own opinion. The more we work on our own self-confidence and self-esteem the more we can focus on what we actually want and not let other people's opinions or judgements bring upon self doubt or self-sabotage.
19.01.2022 5 things that I love doing: 1. Travelling 2. Scuba diving 3. Surfing... 4. Going to the drive ins 5. Eating out It is important that we remind ourselves of the things we love doing and make sure to create time to enjoy them in our busy lives. What is life if it’s not doing the things that we love?
16.01.2022 Today I want to remove the mindset of ill be happy once I see results. There is no guarantee that if you lose weight or body fat, build more muscle or create a leaner physic that you will be happier when you get there and should not be the soul thing that you rely on making you happy. Why don't you deserve to be happy right now no matter what your weight says on the scales or if you are not exactly the way you want to look in the mirror? It is great to have goals and too seek improvement, but instead of creating the mindset of I won't be happy until I look a certain way or am a certain weight work on being happy with where you are right now, but still have the desire to continue to work on yourself and grow.
16.01.2022 If your looking for specific results don’t just wing it when it comes to your training and nutrition. Using a tailored program, specifically focusing on the results you are trying to achieve, aided by a nutritional plan and consistent reflection on your desired outcome, you are setting yourself up for success.
15.01.2022 Reflecting on your current life is there anything that is holding you back from where you want to be or what your working towards right now. Reflection is a powerful tool that can create a realisation of why you may not be where want be and what needs to be done to change that. Being more self-aware of where you are and where you want be is the first step to achieving success.
15.01.2022 Results happen over time, not over night - work hard, stay consistent and be patient. 1 year of Sumo Deadlift progressions
15.01.2022 Calories in Calories out Part 2: Understanding Calorie maintenance. Calorie maintenance is when we are consuming the same energy through food and liquid products and the energy we are expending over the course of a day. Calorie maintenance mixed with a quality training routine is a great way to give the body energy, be able to build muscle and lose some (PBF) Percentage body fat. ... Calorie maintenance is not a weight loss goal and more about weight maintenance, but is a great starting point to figuring out how much calories we burn over the course of a day. From this we can get a good idea of the appropriate calorie deficit or surplus if required to reaching your health and fitness goals.
14.01.2022 Calories in Calories out Part 4: Understanding Calorie Surplus. A Calorie Surplus is when we are consuming more energy/calories through food and liquid products then we are expending over the course of a day. A Calorie Surplus is a great way to achieve increased strength and an increase of muscle mass/size. It is still achievable to build muscle and strength in a deficit and in maintenance, although not as effective as being in a suitable calorie surplus due to the excess en...ergy. It is expected in a calorie surplus to have a small increase in percentage body fat and an increase in weight. Depending on how large the surplus is will affect the outcome of the weight and percentage body fat. Once you are aware of your maintenance calories you can create the appropriate calorie surplus to achieving your desired goals. A calorie surplus is not about consuming as much food as you want and whatever you want, but about fueling the body with an abundance of nutrient-rich foods to reach the desired outcome.
14.01.2022 When it comes to our goals it is a lot easier to say what we want to achieve then actually achieving our desired goals. This has a lot to do with our accountability on ourselves achieving our desired goals. Some ways to help create more accountability around your goals are:... 1. Writing down your intentions/goals 2. Identify why this important to you 3. Reward yourself along your journey and acknowledge your accomplishments along the way to reaching your goal 4. Create micro-goals to reaching your overall goals 5. Review your performance 6. Seek feedback or support
13.01.2022 Here are 5 of the many lower body exercises I enjoy in my weekly workout schedule. Each exercise plays an important role in working towards my own health and fitness related goals. 1. Barbell Squats 2. Barbell Sumo Deadlifts 3. Barbell Front Squats... 4. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 5. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift See more
11.01.2022 Not hitting nutritional requirements (calories/Macronutrients) Not tailoring your training correrctly for your health and fitness goals. Not applying progressive overload to your training Overstressed Overtraining ... Sleep deprived Dehydrated Not being consistent There is always areas that we can improve in to get closer to our health and fitness-related goals. Have the want to learn and the will to take action.
11.01.2022 When you use the excuse I don’t have the time what you are really saying is, it is not a priority for me. Reality is, we all have the same number of hours in a day, and if something really was a priority for you, you would make time for it. So the next time you tell yourself that you don’t have time to prepare yourself healthy food for the week ahead, you don’t have time to do the workout, you don’t have time to meditate, practice self-care, to study, whatever it may be... replace your excuse of I don’t have time to it is not a priority for me and see how that sits with you.
09.01.2022 Here are 5 of the many upper body exercises I enjoy in my weekly workout schedule. Barbell Chest Press Tricep Dips Pull up... Lat Pulldown Barbell Overhead Press Some of these exercises I only perform 3-5 reps at a time with long rest periods, while others I perform 8-12reps at a time with shorter rest periods, this isn't accidental. Everything I do in my own training and everything I program for in my client's training is specific towards our individual needs and supporting us to hitting our health and fitness-related goals. Create a purpose for your training and enjoy the process.
07.01.2022 Calories in Calories out Part 1: Understanding what Calories or kilojoules are. Calories or kilojoules are the energy we consume through food and liquid products. Every day we consume a certain amount of energy. Based on the amount of energy we consume and the amount of energy we burn determines which one of three categories we fall into. * Calorie deficit... * Calorie surplus * Calorie maintenance Each one of these categories that we fall into ultimately can affect many of our health and fitness-related goals such as weight, (PBF) percentage body fat, muscle development, strength, energy levels and more. It is just as important in fact more important making sure that our nutritional requirements are complementing our training and supporting us to reaching our overall health and fitness-related goals.
06.01.2022 It's time to wake up! When you hear your alarm go off stop pressing snooze on your day. Get up! It is the same for our goals. Stop saying i’ll start on Monday, I'll make next year my year, your time is now. ... Wake up!
06.01.2022 If you always relate training with a negative mindset you will always find training to be a chore. Think to yourself when you are about to train are you already telling yourself that you have more important things to do or how much you don’t want to train? We are smart. If we constantly say to ourselves we have more Important things to do when it comes to training our mind will always go to the conclusion that training isn’t important to us and that it’s okay to put it off.... Instead of avoiding training learn to enjoy the process and you will see training no longer as a chore, but apart of your lifestyle and still achieve your overall health and fitness goals along the way.
05.01.2022 One of the biggest reasons we neglect our training and nutrition wants is a perceived lack of time. This is false. One day a week make the time to sit down and start planning. This will allow you to get a better picture of the week ahead and each individual day that contributes to it. This will also allow you to find time that you didn't know you had and if you are unhappy with how one of the days or even the entire week may look it allows you to make necessary changes and ...create time, reduce stress and set yourself up for success. Another great reason to plan your week is to create accountability. If you plan when you want to train, go food shopping, cook and so on it is more likely to happen and not be neglected and pushed to the side for another time.
05.01.2022 Our identity is who we are. The universe won’t give you what you are focused on, the universe gives you who you are. You can focus on being a healthier and fitter human being, but only when that becomes a part who you are will it ever become a reality or in other words you cannot have what your not willing to become. ... Once you believe you are what you are trying to attract into your life, only then will it become a reality or a part of your identity.
05.01.2022 I am the greatest Today I decide to be a beast Unstoppable I choose today to be my day One rep more... It's my time I have the power These are just some of the words of affirmation or words of encouragement I write on my whiteboard to start off my workout. My message here isn't to tell you to buy a whiteboard and write words off affirmation on it, but to be more conscious of where your mind is before starting a workout. Preparing your mind for your workout is just as important as warming up physicaly before your workout. You are the Greatest!
05.01.2022 Calories in Calories out Part 3: Understanding Calorie Deficit. A Calorie Deficit is when we are consuming less energy/calories through food and liquid products then we are expending over the course of a day. A Calorie deficit is a great way to achieve weight loss and (PBF) percentage body fat loss. It is also still achievable to build muscle and strength in a deficit, although not as effective as being in calorie maintenance or a suitable calorie surplus.... Once you are aware of your maintenance calories you can create the appropriate calorie deficit to achieving your desired goals. A calorie deficit is not about consuming as little food and liquid as possible, but about having an abundance of nutrient rich foods To give the body quality energy while still overall burning more energy than you are consuming to reach the desired outcome.
04.01.2022 There are no shortcuts when it comes to reaching your goals. Be willing to put in the work even if it takes you longer than expected. your efforts will only make the reward larger.
03.01.2022 We all have goals we want to achieve, but sometimes we can have the right goals, but doing it for the wrong reasons. If you want to lose weight, percentage body fat or build muscle, the main driver shouldn’t be external, it should always come down to you and proving to yourself what your capable of not the person beside you. You will never be satisfied if you always make your goals about others and not yourself and may find that you become a bit lost in the goal you started as it wasn’t really yours to begin with.
02.01.2022 Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. It lets us pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for what is next. Reflect back once a day and think of three things you are grateful for.
01.01.2022 Motivation doesn’t really exist. It is when we take action that creates motivation. We look at others and say I wish I was as motivated as you to do things, but it's not that they are more motivated, but they are taking the actions to do things that you are not, if anything they are more disciplined not motivated. Stop using the excuse of not being motivated and start taking action and create your own motivation.
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