James Cant | Businesses
James Cant
Phone: +61 488 841 282
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25.01.2022 Byron is fucking crushing it.... Not only is he getting leaner but hes eating a shit load more food and reduced his anxiety to almost nothing... dm me if you want to get results like Byron
24.01.2022 Foods that create high testosterone
24.01.2022 So many people give too many fucks. Turn on the news, people are giving fucks they dont need to give.... Open a newspaper; more bullshit. Scroll Facebook; someone whinging about something else. Everyone is worrying too much. About everything. Paying attention to stuff that isnt important. This kind of shit causes stress and anxiety that you really dont need to have in your life. It might be important to know a bit about whats going on in the world, but do you really need to worry about it!? Give less fucks. Just stop caring so much about everything. The shit in the news, what people think about you, what your cousins brothers sisters dog said about the way you comb your hair. Focus on whats good for you; what makes you happy. Less stress and anxiety in your life will make you feel so much healthier and happier. If you want to know more about what affect stress has on your body, drop a comment and one of the team will hook you up.
22.01.2022 You dont need to jump on the latest fad diet to lose fat. Vegan or Paleo or whatever the fuck else is the latest craze. Theres no need to cut out everything you enjoy.... You dont have to eat steamed broccoli and chicken all the time. There is no need to eat 100% clean, 100% of the time. Im not saying go out and eat 26 Maccas Burgers or Quarter pounders. Just relax about it all. The whole thing about dieting and health in the fitness industry and in everything is that the more stressed out you get, the worse you go. The more that you just go with the flow, you chill and you follow a plan which is easy and works for you, the easier it is to reach your goals. When you train and you lift and you have fun. It's enjoyable. When you eat food you like, its enjoyable. I diet a few days a week. But even on those days its not 100% clean. I dont eat like a dick head, but I eat plenty of things I enjoy (like chips). Don't feel like you've got to stick to like a military style strict programme, because you don't. That's often not the best way forwards. Losing weight, getting into shape feeling your best getting your testosterone back; feeling like a fucking man. It's not a sprint. It's a long term project. The number one thing that you need more than anything is not the world's perfect diet. It is not the world's most perfect training programme. It is not all these fucking supplements being pushed on you. You don't need testosterone boosters. You don't need any of that bullshit. What you need is consistency. The easiest way to be consistent is to just be super relaxed and super chilled out. So, if there's one thing that I want you guys to take away from me is that the most ideal plan for you is one which you can follow day in, day out. The most ideal thing that you can do over the weekend is to relax, spend some quality time with people who you love, eat well, eat smart, and just stop caring so much. And don't buy into the dogma that you have to eat chicken and broccoli and all that sort of crap because it's just not the right way forwards. We've had a lot of people recently who've been reaching out for coaching. Wanting to get our help and get my help and guidance. Im more than happy to chat with you guys. If you want to access to us, if you want to chat or even if you just want to learn from us. You can have a quick five minute talk with one of my coaches and we'll see how we can help you and what resources we have that we can fling your way. Feel free to let us know. Drop a comment below. I'd be more than happy to send you across whatever it is that you need in order to get to where you want to be.
22.01.2022 In the fitness industry everyone will try and sell you a "diet" or a "lifestyle" but ovcourse they never take into considering if those foods are actually the right ones for you. Here's a quick breakdown of how you should look at your relationship with Food. Hope this helps, comment below your thoughts i'd love to hear them
22.01.2022 I was talking with a guy the other day. Hes a really good dude who started working with us. His joints are sore everything's blocked up and he just feels so tired all the time.... His whole body feels like he's 80 years old and hes only 24. This is such a common theme that we hear all the time. Every single day guys reach out for help and coaching; we work with a lot of guys like you. And particularly from the age of 30 to 50, we hear a lot of guys feel much older than they actually are. You're still in the prime of your life. Dudes peak for a long time; we get better with age. Chicks get the rough end of the stick; they peaked at about 27. Guys can peak really well up into their 60s. There are guys we coach who are 63. They are in the prime of their life; living a really freakin good life. If you don't already have our cheat sheet on how to make sure that testosterones fine and energys good, how to make sure that you actually feel awesome every single day. Comment below, we'll give you access.
22.01.2022 Who here always tried to sit far away from the teacher? Some of us do this everyday in life, cruise under the radar hoping no one will notice you eat that KFC on the way home OR be on your phone the whole time while you are meant to be playing with the kids. Today is the day you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself & start being active. ... ACTIVE doesn't mean running a 'marathon or becoming a gym junkie' ACTIVE means becoming aware of your surroundings, becoming aware of your foot print on this earth. Will you get to 90 and be like F*&k YES I lived an awesome life?
22.01.2022 If you have a low sex drive? This is going to be an absolute game changer for you Nobody has any idea how to help you right? There's nothing out there which is actually helpful at all. I mean the only advice you get is take some horny goat weed or steroids That's literally the advice that's out there at the moment....Continue reading
21.01.2022 My team and I have recently been getting a lot of guys asking about coaching; wanting to work with us. We're more than happy to chat with you about that. Feel free to hit us up.... WHO we work with is guys who are in between the ages of about 24 all the way up to 60. Were very focused on men predominantly. We have nothing against ladies, we do work with some wives of these guys. But our main aim is to bring only men 24 to 60. The issues around: Low energy Brain fog Anxiety Stubborn fat loss Not feeling like theyre how they should be. If that's you and you do want a hand, feel free to reach out to us. We don't take on everyone. Sometimes people don't need our help. In fact, if we can solve your problems for free we'll do that. But if you do want coaching, you do want individualised help, we're more than happy to chat with you about it. Shoot us a message and we'll be in touch. Tell us what you need; we're more than happy to help you out.
21.01.2022 TOMORROW is the day! Don't forget to click attending on the event for us! look forward to meeting you all ... https://fb.me/e/3f88w0K3H
20.01.2022 Dug up this oldie from 5 years ago 21 years old, no steroids, when life was about studying and lifting
19.01.2022 3 tips to PEAK in your 60's. Yes men it's possible. Drop a comment below if you want to know more about stress management
19.01.2022 How to stop your body falling apart
19.01.2022 The most valuable lesson I learned from my parents
18.01.2022 How to boost testosterone and beat low confidence
18.01.2022 My experience with low testosterone
17.01.2022 There was this guy, when he was 18 who was poor as fuck. He had no money whatsoever, living off $150 a week and spending 100 on PT. He really wanted to be fucking jacked.... He wanted to be big and fucking shredded. He had no money; he had nothing. He did anything he could in order to get by. Studying at Uni spending all of his time there, so what he ended up doing was wholesaling meat. He would buy $1000 worth of meat every week and then sell it off at a 10% profit. It would cover his own meat intake for the week so that he could eat cost neutral without actually spending any money whatsoever. That guy was me. I know how fucking tough it is when youve got fuck all money. I know you have to make difficult decisions. I chose to put my health first. And I got fucking creative. If you want something badly enough, youll always find a way to make it work. If you understand the value, its an absolute no brainer. What are you doing to put your health first?
16.01.2022 What to do if you wake up feeling tired
16.01.2022 All Guys As They Get Older Just Get Low Testosterone. What a load of fucking bullshit! Its an absolute load of crap!... Guys as they get older can get less healthy. It correlates with age but doesn't need to. Guys as they get less healthy, their testosterone gets poorer. As guys get less healthy, they dont sleep so well They get more stressed They eat worse. They get fatter. As they do all these things, they go backwards. THAT is when guys start getting low testosterone. Those are the things you need to fix. That the ONE way that you actually go through and you properly fix low testosterone. I'm not talking about a Band Aid. I mean a permanent 24/7/365 for the rest of your life fix. Not by supplements. Not by taking any of that crap. Im not against TRT; I think TRT is absolutely fantastic Taking Hormone Replacement Therapy is great for a lot of guys. The problem is if you are leaving all the other issues which are causing your testosterone to be low in the first place, you're missing out on so many other things. You're not even gonna get the full benefit out of the TRT. The only way to make sure that every single day you wake up fucking rock hard in the morning, you got a great sex drive, that you actually feel your best every single day. You feel like a man. You love life. You're living life on your terms. The only way to do that is to fix the root of the issue every single time. Don't just go for the quick fix. If you want to learn how to do that, drop a comment below, we'll give you access to our cheat sheet on how to boost your testosterone NATURALLY. I've done this with thousands of guys. They'll tell you exactly how good they feel. If you want access to that, comment below and well give you access.
16.01.2022 Burgers and Deadlifts ASK ME ANYTHING
15.01.2022 Great Anxiety Hack Our head coach Justin Hughes in our free Facebook group Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jcfhealthcommunity/
13.01.2022 Belly fat, low energy, brain fog and not wanting to/cant have sex
13.01.2022 What type of bloke are you?
11.01.2022 Step 1 to fixing low energy, fatigue, bad recovery and low testosterone
11.01.2022 Its ok to take time off. Time off work. Time off of your diet. Time off from the gym. That might not be the normal thing you hear from a personal trainer....Continue reading
11.01.2022 If you want to get your health back on track, but youre slammed for time try this
09.01.2022 Everyone these days is just after a fucking pill. A quick fix to sort your shit; make you better or get a hard on so you can give your missus a proper seeing to. Heres the thing, it's not fixing the root of the issue.... If you just continue using band aiding all the time, you're never ever going to get to where you want to be. You're never ever going to get to the level that you actually want to be at. As long as you continue band aiding, the issue is still there. Don't fall into the trap of 70 other people going straight for hormone replacement therapy. Don't fall into the trap of so many other people neglecting all of the most important things for your body. The real way to fix your low testosterone is to secure and fix up all the deficiencies that your body has. Want to know how to do that? Drop a comment for my free cheat sheet and one of the team will hook you up.
09.01.2022 It comes down to WHO, not WHAT I recently read The Last Lecture by a guy called Randy Pausch. If you dont know, its a book written by an ultra smart professor in his last days....Continue reading
06.01.2022 Still got it 97kgs at 6.7% body fat No hardcore dieting... No weights for 2 more weeks 10000 steps per day Sex as much as possible Feeling fucking amazing If you want to learn more about what Im doing Ill send you the whole system I use to coach myself Its worked on 4500+ people to date, so its probably going to help you too Drop a comment if you want access It covers the hierarchy of health, which shows you exactly what to do to get your body firing in sync Nervous system Hormones Digestion Immune system Literally everything you need to know to feel fucking awesome and live life fucking awesome Drop a comment if you want access
05.01.2022 Im a recovering anti-poon Yep, back in the day old Jimmy C wasnt the best with the ladies I was a skinny guy, bad cystic acne, and didnt get social cues that well... I had a huge ego, but low confidence behind it Not a recipe for success So howd I get around it? Got as jacked and shredded as I could Did it work? Yes, it really did But not for why you would expect Lets be honest, most girls do like a bloke who is big and lean But what they like even MORE is confidence The more confident I became because I was jacked, the easier I could talk Eventually I got so good with this that I ended up pulling this stunner @livesophiit - and here we are still 2.5 years later Not a bad end result for a kid who group up skinny with pimples Getting big and lean is the best decision of my life. Not because Its useful for taking selfies or any of that egotistical crap... Instead its been the path to feeling really fucking good every day of my life It was the first thing that taught me the more effort I put into self development, in any form, the better I am as a human and the happier I can be! Not sure if this will help you guys, but I hope someone out there benefits. Dont accept being your worst self. If I did, Id be skinny, pimply and wanking alone. Fuck that. You can achieve whatever the fuck you want, as long as you put in the hard yards to get there
04.01.2022 Is stress killing you?
04.01.2022 Happy Friday! Was reading early this morning & came across this! Breath Practice: Time you spend every day performing breathing exercises that are comfortable and beneficial to you. Think of it as self-care. For eg, this would include 15 minutes of slow breathing first thing in the morning.... Breath Training: Time you spend deliberately pushing yourself to improve your breathing. For example, if you can comfortably box breathe with a 4-4-4-4 rate, you might spend some time at 5-5-5-5 rate as training. Breath Training is always Breath Practice, but Breath Practice is not always Breath Training. We cover a few breathe techniques in our mini course, who has completed it yet? I'd be keen to hear your thoughts.
04.01.2022 How To Stop Feeling Like Youre 100 Years Old When Youre Only 30 to 50 So many guys are feeling like youre old when youre only 30 to 50. ... You really dont need to. You can feel awesome. You can put in the work now and stop feeling so run down, tired and ragged. By the time youre in your 70s youll have done the work and youll still feel awesome. We want to get you guys to peaking all the time. There's no reason why if you're 30s, 40s or 50s why you shouldnt be flawless, right? You should still be able to do all the stuff you want to do. As blokes what are the most important things that we do in life? What are the things you want to do? 1. We want to bang; have sex 2. We want to look good and feel good. 3. We want to have energy. 4. We want to be able to go out and do stuff with the boys. 5. We want to be able to do stuff with the family, kids, grandkids, brothers, sisters. All that sort of stuff, right? So, here's what you can do in order to make sure that you don't miss out on any areas of life. NUMBER ONE: Make sure your testosterones good (drop a comment below if you want our cheat sheet) NUMBER TWO Make sure that your sleep is good. If you're not sleeping well, you're going to feel anxious because your body's going to shit itself. Here's the thing about sleep. Sleep is evolutionarily hardwired into us. If we do not sleep our body breaks down. The reason why we sleep is to prevent our body from breaking down. It's daily maintenance that we do on our body to make sure that we heal. If you're not sleeping well, you're gonna have a really rough time. NUMBER THREE Make sure that your digestion is really good. Whenever your digestion stops working so well, you get this feeling when your stomach is bloated and it's all looking like crap. When your midsection stops working terribly well, you stop breathing as well. Your joints start hurting, you start feeling puffy, and your back starts hurting as well. Make sure you're looking after digestion because it's a root. It's what we call a source issue for a lot of things. If you need help with any of those things drop a comment below and well send you across some stuff that can help.
03.01.2022 How I eat Soph's cookies and don't get fat ... ASK ME ANYTHING
03.01.2022 My heart issue (right bundle branch block)
03.01.2022 When its too late, it's too late. How long have you got left here on earth? 50 years? 60 maybe?...Continue reading
02.01.2022 When nothing else is working
01.01.2022 2 easy hacks for high energy
01.01.2022 Comment below your thoughts
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