JCU Brisbane Mentoring Program in Brisbane City | Education
JCU Brisbane Mentoring Program
Locality: Brisbane City
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25.01.2022 A Great big THANK YOU to all the lecturers and mentors who helped out today!! and a MASSIVE "WELL DONE!!" to everyone who came along. Good luck for your exams and we hope all the study between now and then is productive and hopefully, not too painful ;)
25.01.2022 Final details for exam pit stops - share and share alike!!
25.01.2022 Take a deep breath in and congratulate yourselves for making it through the exams!! Well done everyone - have a safe and fantastic holiday
21.01.2022 Exam pit stops are coming up next week!! Come along to ask your lecturer questions before the final exams get here :D
20.01.2022 Please feel free to post any feedback you have about the pit stops here - the good the bad and the ugly. We want to improve on what we do each trimester, but can only do that with your help
19.01.2022 Say Hello to our student mentor Vavi when you see her on campus
19.01.2022 Note that John Pifko's morning pitstop will be held in room 401 :) see you all there!
19.01.2022 Are YOU ready for final exams?!
18.01.2022 Who doesn't love last minute study!? If you have a midtimester exam for one of the following subject - come in with any questions you have and get them answered by your lecturer!
18.01.2022 OMG!! its that time again! Get prepared:
17.01.2022 Today is the day to get some last minute revision in with your lecturers! come join us at the exam pit stops to get ready for exams!! See you all there :)
16.01.2022 Share and share alike!!
16.01.2022 Have you found this awesome resource? See how prepared you are for uni and working in a professional environment and pick up some great tips as skills along the way! Just log in to LearnJCU, select "communities" (top right), select the folder "Careers & Employment" (right hand side), then select JCU_CARDEV, on the left... then.... EXPLORE!
15.01.2022 Have your found these resources yet! Get prepared for the upcoming assessment this trimester - there is both general topics and subject specific topics - so get into it :D http://www.jcu.edu.au/business/open/JCU_116032.html
15.01.2022 Even wanted to know more about mentoring?! Whether interested in being mentored, or becoming a mentor - JOIN US at our first Mentoring Information session - Free for everyong to attend!! See you there!!
14.01.2022 Mid trimester pitstops today!!! see you there :)
14.01.2022 Pit Stop Update! Niki Macionis will be in Room 103 for all MITHM subjects for interested students - pass the word around!
13.01.2022 Offical line up and timetable for the Tuesday Exam Pit Stops!
13.01.2022 Have your say to help improve students experience of subjects at JCU. Click on the link below to give your feedback now and well put you into the draw to win a new iPad 3! Your voice is important to JCU. Student feedback for SP1 subjects close October 28. https://secure.jcu.edu.au/studentsonline/sfs/surveys/
13.01.2022 A good initivative by the JCU Brisbane Mentoring Program and The Leading to Work Program for all the students to attend. A Free Seminar on the theme of "Leadership", by a well reknowned speaker "Mr. Greg Latemore". Hope to see you all there.
12.01.2022 A big thankyou to the student council, mentors, lecturers and students who attened and helped out during out end of trimester exam pit stops - YOU ROCK!! good luck to everyone for their finals :D
10.01.2022 "The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply" Studying for exams and doing well has less to do with intelligence and more to do with hardwork - Wishing you all the concentration and determination to work hard in the lead up to exams :) Keep up the good work!!
09.01.2022 Welcome back to another semester!! Are you ready for whats ahead? check out these articles about what you can do to prepare yourself for success!! http://gradschool.about.com//surviving/a/startsemester.htm http://psychology.about.com//five-things-you-can-do-to-get
09.01.2022 If you are looking to be a mentor for SP21- last week to apply!! Email now at [email protected]
08.01.2022 Just a quick update for everyone: This trimester we have matched over 14 mentees with 11 of our mentors - and they are only the official numbers!! Keep up the great work guys and keep your ears and eyes open for information about the upcoming exam pitstops!
08.01.2022 Half way through the trimester already! We know that you are all smashing your mid trimester exams in style! Exam pitstops will be repeated agin in the end of trimester study break, so keep posted for more details. Until then Good Luck with the study - don't forget to give yourself a well earned break from time to time (just not too often ;) )
07.01.2022 Timtable and room allocation for the exam pit stops are up! Come prepared with questions and set yourself up to do well in your exams - See you all then!!
06.01.2022 Congratulations to everyone for completing yet another successful trimester - an especially BIG CONGRATULATIONS for all of those who finished their last trimester!!! May the best of your past be the worst of your future :) Xx
06.01.2022 A great big THANK YOU to everyone who turned up today! Lot of students attended - we hope you found it helpful. Definately something we will be repeating in the future :) If you have any ideas about how we can make it better - just comment on this post
05.01.2022 If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. ~ Thomas Edison GOOD LUCK IN YOUR EXAMS
05.01.2022 The end of the triemester is fast approaching!! are YOU ready for exams??
03.01.2022 Exams are almost upon us - have you got a strategy? Attend our Exam Pit Stops on Wednesday the 13th of Februrary. Just bring along any questions you have and our lecturers and mentors will eb there to help. It will be held over two sessions: 10:30 - 12 and 1 - 2:30 with a free light lunch provided in between. A list of what subject will be available, rooms and times will be released soon. Take control of your future and get the help you need to NAIL your exams!
01.01.2022 Exam Pit Stops today! Get your engines started!!
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