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Jeanette Cremor | Business consultant

to load big map

Jeanette Cremor

Phone: +61 419 021 008


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to load big map

24.01.2022 We have spent the time to plan and then....things happen, decisions are made, people come and go... Planning is a repeatable process and if we are feeling overwhelmed its a sign to review our priorities. Focus on what matters. You can do this!

22.01.2022 Planning is a repeatable process because if we only do it once and things get in our way, we will be in chaos before we know it. Monitor your project plan and review often - when it appears things maybe starting to get off track, ask the team to reflect on the information and behaviours, ask the team did we learn something from that issue and ask them what should we do differently. The more reflect, learn and adapt actions you build into your plan, you grow team trust. Some p...eople may call this process a showcase, a retrospective, a mid point review, a gate checklist... Do all your projects have a post implementation review workshop to gather the lessons, prioritise what will be changed and assign responsibility to people to take action? #projectmanagement #planning #results #theprojectecosystem

22.01.2022 Ok I get it, not another meeting. Your project team meeting doesn't have to be like all the others you go to. Virtual or in the same location the key is to have a purpose to the meeting. Is it for information, instruction, or decision? I am not a fan of the standard repeat meeting in the calendar with no agenda, no decisions and no actions.... How do you plan and facilitate your project team meetings that have engagement and impact?

19.01.2022 An incredible catch up with Dr Jenny Brockis a keynote speaker, trainer, mentor/coach and prolific writer. As a board-certified lifestyle medicine physician and best-selling author her vision is to empower everyone to be a happy, thriving human. We talk about: Her transition from a GP to Author and Key Note Speaker. Her book "Future Brain" and model - brain savvy, brain safe, brain aware.... What is one thing we can do to improve our cognitive (brain) health? Her upcoming book "Thriving Mind - how to cultivate a good life". What is one thing we can all do right now to thrive? How she maintains her own energy levels while helping so many others? You can listen to the full episode from my website or subscribing to the show Laugh, Learn, Lead on your favourite podcast platform. #leadership #mindfulness #athrivingmind #podcast

19.01.2022 I could have talked with Emma from Lovelly Communications for hours. She is a Personal Branding Specialist who helps people to better communicate their message and their mission to have a greater impact, reach more people and really make a difference in the world. We talk about: The story behind "isn't she lovelly" What is a personal brand... How to use your personal brand for career progression or engaging your ideal client What she enjoys most about helping your clients Her "Lovelly Travels" podcast show Emma is passionate, professional and Lovelly. She believes that each of us has a unique personal brand and by understanding how to share it, you can gain greater clarity, confidence and connections in work and life. Emma also has her own podcast, Lovelly Travels and with her co-host talk about all things travel and adventure. She has a mission to visit all 195 UN recognised countries in the world while raising awareness for mental health. Click here to listen to the episode or search for Laugh Learn Lead on your favourite podcast platform.

18.01.2022 Apologies if I haven't returned your phone call or email this week. I lost internet, mobile and TV connection to my office (home) on Tuesday lunchtime during a zoom call. The "unexpected outage" was to be resolved by today however I've been advised it is more likely to be next Wednesday or Friday...8-10 days without connectivity is not part of my work plan conditions during Victoria's Stage 4 restrictions. I have been driving around my local area to find adequate mobile range... to operate from my car however this is not sustainable and I've made the decision to go offline until Monday 14 September. I help teams develop new or review existing business continuity plans as part of project planning and implementations...a reminder I must take a look at my own. Stay safe, keep smiling and I will talk to you soon ~ JC

17.01.2022 Organisations are realising business relationship management plays a crucial role in delivering change. In this podcast episode we learn more from Malini Jayaganesh who is a business engagement and innovation specialist. We talk about: Why organisations are adopting/advancing business relationship management (BRM) What Business Relationship Managers do... Why BRM is sometimes referred to as the CIO’s change agent Does BRM capability seek to replace business analysts, architects, programme managers or other roles? What she loves most about BRM She helps organisations improve their strategic partnering capability through executive coaching and certification courses in Business Relationship Management (BRM). Malini is the recipient of 5 Global Excellence Awards from the BRM Institute and has been featured in their global list of top Business Relationship Managers in 2020 and 2019. She has also received a highly commended Service Excellence Award from the Department of Health and Human Services (Victoria, Australia). In her spare time, Malini teaches Indian cooking classes and has written articles about Indian food culture for the Lonely Planet. Listen to the full episode here

09.01.2022 It was a pleasure to spend time with Alison, founder of Alison Crabb Consulting. She is recognised by many to be the industry’s leading expert on retail leadership. She has designed a unique, refreshing, personalised and highly engaging, retail-centric approach to leadership training and development. Her 30 years of experience in consumer led retail has provided her with invaluable insights into the factors influencing retail success and the keys to achieving and delivering t...hem. We talk about: The story behind "Alison Crabb Consulting" - the journey from retail to author Why leadership is so important in work and life Her new book "The Essential Guide for Area Leaders in Retail" What she enjoys most about helping your clients How she maintains her own energy levels Use discount code REVRETAIL to purchase her book Listen to the episode by or search #laughlearnlead on your podcast platform. #retail #leadership #podcast

09.01.2022 Last Friday I received the most magical "gift of feedback". I don't normally share these behind the scenes moments but thought it may help you if you struggle with asking - asking for feedback to learn and grow. I have been working with a management consulting firm for the past six months - establishing a new operations manager role, fitting out a newly leased office, systemising processes... Although it was virtual drinks with delivery of gorgeous flowers as a thank you I di...dn't want the moment to just pass by. I asked each of the team joining the zoom call to share one word that described their experience with me. I do this because I believe when we listen to what others say about our behaviours we can leverage them to be a better leader. Next time you have a moment to ask - ask!

09.01.2022 Thank you Elise Stevens - Speaker.Podcaster.Facilitator for creating a must have resource for women in project management. It was a pleasure to share your initative with over 150 women globally. I will have many highlight and page markers in this book. I highly recommend you get yourself a copy (ebook or paperback). A big shout out to the amazing men and women who supported me in my project management career, it takes a team to celebrate success ~ JC

08.01.2022 A project should not be considered the silver bullet to solve all your problems. A project is a change vehicle to achieve a goal (strategy). A project must have a plan that integrates your three business pillars - people, process, technology - to understand why the project is happening, when it will happen, who is involved and impacted, and how we will go about getting it done. No matter the label you give a project - construction, policy, marketing campaign, IT, product rel...ease, event - it is about leading change. How does your organisation define a project? #projectmanagement #theprojectecosystem #people #process #technology

07.01.2022 You may feel at times frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed and alone when making decisions in these chaotic ever-changing times. Our first thought and action is to survive, yet we must return to some form of normal as soon as we can. If you don't have the energy or desire to do much at the moment, I understand. At least try to do the first thing on this checklist.... 1) List everything you have on your plate at the moment 2) Determine the importance and relevance to today (this month), not the future 3) Classify them as - must continue, could pause, will stop 4) Focus on the must continue items and let the other things go for now, you can revisit them when the time is right What other techniques have you found works when you move from chaos to calm? #projectmanagement #leadership #results

05.01.2022 What is a priority for you may not be a priority for me - I am sure you've had these conversations before. When you are involved in projects and also have a "day job", you will experience from time to time a conflict of priorities - everyone wants you to do something for them today. Prioritisation is seen in layers - organisation, team, individual - and at best we can only select the top three for each layer with the information we have today. Things can change tomorrow.... Each week with your team, prioritise your top three tasks and if you are asked to add something to "your list" check if one of the current priorities can be put in the backlog (or below the line of urgent/important). Do you have a prioritisation process that works well? What could be done better?

04.01.2022 Most people will have a picture of what they want to achieve (goals or projects) - what it looks like, how it makes them feel, who is present, what is happening, when it is... Let's think about when you organised a holiday (a personal project). Maybe you cut out magazine pictures and glued on a vision board or you headed to the travel agent, grabbed some brochures and started tagging the pages of interest. You are brainstorming, getting together are thinking abo...ut the end result. In business we should go about planning in a similar way - start with the end in mind and work backwards to clarify scope, assign tasks to people, adjust the timeline and agree the budget. How do you go about planning your projects - top down, bottom up or combination?

04.01.2022 Planning to get your project delivered has multiple dimensions. There are many moving parts that need your attention. If you are not sure what to focus on first, here are my top five actions to get you going with the basics for a solid plan. Remember to review your plan often as things happen, the situation should your plan. If you have a sense your project maybe in trouble and its needs some attention, send me a message and we can talk through your concerns and come up with a way forward.

04.01.2022 Value is not what you pay for something - it is what you define as being beneficial. When you are planning your project with your team consider the value through the lens of your customer (and the people impacted by the change). Traditionally we plan a project and commit to a date - it will be ready by, it will be live on, it will be in use from...and that could be 6-12 months. Our customers expect value often, in smaller bit size pieces. Consider implementing incremental cha...nge every 30-90 days. Do you have a planning and implementation pattern to achieve great results? What works well for you? If you are stuck or not sure how to get your ideas or strategies shaped for your team to understand what is important to deliver and when, send me a message and we can talk through some ways that could help.

02.01.2022 The conversations I am having at the moment are mostly with people stressed about what they didn't get done last week and what else still has to be done before they can say the project is done. First take a breathe, there is a way to take back control. Have you broken your goals (projects) into small pieces so you have a sense of progress? It takes several steps to get from point A to B to C to you have several sticky notes (or tasks) in a sequence (or sprint) or is i...t all in your head as a to do list? Work on three (3) priority tasks at any given time. In business it takes a team to eat an elephant - plan it, implement it, celebrate it. What is your elephant and how are you achieving it? #digitaltransformation #projectmanagement #leadership #planning

01.01.2022 When was the last time you did something for the first time? This podcast solo episode was inspired by a post by Lisa Messenger (Founder of The Collective Hub) and my 19 month old grand-daughter. "Your first video will be awful.... Your first podcast will be awful. Your first photo will be awful. Your first blog post will be awful. But you can’t make your 50th without making your 1st. So get it over with and make it." I know I can get stuck in my comfort zone which deflates my creative thinking, energy and productivity. When I remember my first time moments I get excited about another first time experience. If you or your team are stuck, try these three tips to create a first time moment. I believe growth is not in the action but in the unpacking of the lessons. Listen to the episode here

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