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Jean Kittson


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to load big map

24.01.2022 What are the chances of finding this wonderful Leunig cartoon, on the side of the road, in a Sydney suburb, at this time, covered in cobwebs? The first photo is with cobwebs,dust and crawly things, the next photo is cleaned up and already hanging on the wall in pride of place at the front door. Hope you can read the CFA on on the firey's helmet. Go the CFA (Country Fire Authority)! We love you.

23.01.2022 A frank and fearless, pyjama clad conversation. Tune in.

21.01.2022 This first photo is my mum wearing the warm woolley and leather bikie jacket I gave her for Mother's Day.The second photo is me lying her floor trying to digest dad's Mother's Day lunch. Dad cooked pumpkin soup with an enormous quantity of cracked pepper "that'll clear your adenoids", followed by roast pork and baked pumpkin and potato and sweet potato and beans and carrots cooked in the traditional way, you bring them to the boil and then simmer for three hours. This was fol...lowed by an apple strudel full of dried fruit and topped with a kilo of pastry he had plaited! and a cup of pure cream. I just rolled off the chair onto the floor. My dad had his photo taken last week by a driving instructor. The day before his 89th birthday. He said dad was the oldest person he had ever passed for his licence. The only thing he had to suggest to dad was that he "SLOW DOWN". See more

20.01.2022 The good old days - 2019. Denise Scott, Colin Buchanan, Richard Glover and me. I think we were Denises roadies. ... We were definitely keeping the virus away from our hair.

20.01.2022 Thank you to the lovely team at The Project for having me on last night.

19.01.2022 Celeste Barber - a comedic force of nature and Australian Superhero. It was great to hang with you in the green room of The Project. Cant wait to see you strutting your stuff on the runway of Melbourne Fashion Festival as Super Celeste wearing a cape, visi vest and your Spanx on the outside of your frock.

19.01.2022 There it is hanging in the hall. My husband is a cartoonist, Patrick Cook, and he thinks it might be from quite a few years ago. I will try to find out when Michael drew it. Or maybe someone from the Michael Leunig Appreciation Page knows? or Michael Leunig. Quite obviously they didnt know what they were throwing out. They also threw out a Yamaha electric piano in what looked like mint condition. Unfortunately I couldn't fit it in my Yaris.

19.01.2022 Thank you, Lisa and Michael at ABC News Breakfast for supporting me and my book, 'We Need to Talk About Mum & Dad'.

18.01.2022 I’ll be on ABC Radio National tonight on Philip Clark’s Nightlife from 10pm for an hour. Feel free to call in - take the pressure off me. Talkback: 1300 800 222... SMS: 0467 922 702 (SMS standard costs apply) See more

17.01.2022 Covid Animal Training (CAT). Lesson 1. Ball skills.

16.01.2022 Good morning lovely persons, just a quick heads up before I post properly - today ABC Radio are repeating a conversation I had with Richard Fidler. I have had two of them with him so I am not sure which one it is. Maybe the Bad Behaviour one I did at Christmas, in which a group of us spoke about bad behavior and heckling which was hilarious. The other guests were Greg Pickaver (HG Nelson), Ignatius Jones, Kate McClymont and Ellen Fanning. It is on today at 11am on local ABC R...adio, which is the frequency of 702 in Sydney and the usual elsewhere. For digital natives here is the streaming link On Conversations with Richard Fidler I spoke about a train trip I did from Sydney to Melbourne with my Nan who had Alzheimer's. Then tonight at 9pm on ABC TV is the long awaited pilot with the fabulous Katering gals. It is called Bleak and I play Kate McClennan's mother. It would be great if you could tune it and leave some nice feedback at See more

16.01.2022 Hello friends, be alert and alarmed! I have attached a link to a video about the devastating and incomprehensible illegal wild-life trade and what you can do to help. This is not a horror video it is simply information about what it is and how you can help. Which is as simple as downloading an App. Although in my experience Apps can be bloody tricky. I blame my phone or my service provider or people who say it is simple. I am an @Taronga Zoos Centenary ambassador and I am ...trying to do my small bit to protect Tigers/Elephants/Rhinos/Sun Bears/Turtles, by alerting and alarming as many people as possible. Please join me this #worldenvironmentday to become the eyes and ears for wildlife. Download the #WildlifeWitness app, share with your friends, and report illegal wildlife crime when you travel. #WED2016 Link to:

16.01.2022 My first blog for Australian Human Resources Institute has just come on line. I am excited to continue the conversation with people about their experiences of menopause at work. I love the photo they have put with it. Perfect. this is the link.

15.01.2022 Tune in to TGIF ABC Sydney RADIO hosted by Richard Glover. This evening between 5 pm - 6 pm! This week I am thrilled to be on with wonderful Rebecca De Unamuno - Comedian and the brilliant Colin Buchanan. This is Mandy Nolan And Carlo Ritchie with me the last time I was on!

13.01.2022 Other things my mother never told me - thank goodness! Mind you, in fifty years time they will be posting the Masterchef cookbook to equal horror.

13.01.2022 Ill be on ABC Radio National tonight on Philip Clarks Nightlife from 10pm for an hour. Feel free to call in - take the pressure off me. Talkback: 1300 800 222... SMS: 0467 922 702 (SMS standard costs apply) See more

13.01.2022 This is a little late because I still can't manage facebook information with the same seamless efficiency I employ to manage the rest of my life. This photo is from a brilliant night put on by ACON Here for Women. It was the launch of their #talktouchtest campaign. The campaign is to encourage lesbian, bi-sexual and queer women to think of their breast health. To book a free mammogram test, to give yourself a breast check and your partner a breast check and to talk about regu...lar checks and get a breast friend to go with you and to take care of your/my/our breasts. And we had a great time doing it. So many fabulous women to have fun with; Denise Hanlon, Gretel Killeen, Dr Kerryn Phelps, Manda Hatter and Julia Price. It was fab! Beccy Cole and Libby O'Donovan sang and they were AWESOME. They have a brilliant breast song. I don't know whether they have a clip of it. See more

12.01.2022 Exciting day at our local polls today. The Voluntary Euthanasia Party flyer comes with a free brick. Presumably for DIY.

12.01.2022 I swear the last promotion for this evening's viewing. ABC TV premiere of Bleak at 9PM tonight.

11.01.2022 My mother, fighting for women since 1924.

08.01.2022 I thought I might rent my left trouser leg out on Airbnb. These are so comfortable it seems wrong not to share them. Thank you Stellar Magazine for the excerpt on Enduring Powers of Attorney.... Todays Tip: Your parent should always have their own solicitor. Not your solicitor or your bad siblings solicitor, their solicitor.

08.01.2022 Fabulous to have been included in Apple Books ANZ, 'What to Read This Month' feature! Please note this link will only play nice with Apple devices (Mac, iPhone and iPad) that are updated to iOS12 for Australian and New Zealand customers, but not across other platforms, such as PCs.

08.01.2022 Happy publication day, soon to be followed by happy pub day, I hope.

07.01.2022 Hello. Long time no post. I hope all my eleven Facebook followers are doing well. I wanted to let you know about a live Facebook streaming I am doing this evening. It is on the Breastscreen NSW Facebook from 7pm till 7.20 pm tonight. It is with myself and Dr. Nirmala Pathmanathan. We are answering all your questions about breastscreening. Well Dr Nirmala is answering them and I am holding the mic. I think I am holding the mic or maybe I am getting a live breast screen - I fo...rgot to ask. I better go and pluck my nipples. It should be very informative and fun and hopefully will encourage women to use this life-saving early detection tool. The very basic figures are these. One in 8 women will have breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection means a five year survival rate of 98%. To detect breast cancer early, a Breastscreen is the best way to do it. Breast screens and if you are between the ages of 50 and 74, you need to have one every two years. And yet many of us don't do this simple life-saving thing. Many women think it can't be them. No family history, too young too old, full gym membership and so they don't bother or they delay. One important fact is that 9 out fo 10 women diagnosed with breast cancer don't have a family history of it. Also of course, we women tend to prioritise everyone else but ourselves, selfless angels that we are. We all know we should fit our own oxygen mask first even if your children are looking at you and panicking and will never trust you again. It also might be that women reach 50 and are going through menopause and think, "I dont want to deal with anything or anyone else, thank YOU." For motivation and to give me courage I have a breastscreen buddy. we have been motivating each other and encouraging each other for ten years. we go together and then and then we eat cake. To conclude my sermon, one of the most simple ways to take care of yourself is to have regular mammograms. They are easy, they are free, they are readily available and they dont hurt as much as speezing into lacy bras or 6 inch heels or a pair of Spanx for a night out.

07.01.2022 Everything you need to know about supporting ageing parents. For more info:

06.01.2022 This is me taking a selfie when I was on Studio 10 this week to plug Taronga Zoo. The photo is Joe Hildebrand,Jo Casamento and Ita Buttrose. Who takes a selfie without a self in it? My kids don't even believe that is me. I haven't got a selfie stick but I do have one of those things that pull up your socks when you can't reach your feet.

06.01.2022 This week is Macular Degeneration Awareness Week. I've seen the effects of this disease in my family and I encourage all Australians over 50 to have an eye test and macula check. Early detection can save sight.

06.01.2022 Hello again. Well the pilot for Bleak went to air last night. I told my mum and dad, average age 90, and they set their alarm to wake up and watch it. It was on at 9pm. They rang this morning and mum said your show was on at 8.30 not 9 pm and I said I don't think so and she said yes I saw you and you were very good and looked very dignified, Mum has Macular Degeneration and can't really distinguish faces so I don't know who she was watching ( Fiona Bruce? Mary Berry? Leigh Sa...les?) but I am relieved and grateful to whoever the dignified woman was because I said to dad, I am sure that wasn't me because I am sure the show I was in started at 9pm and he said, oh no you weren't in that show, I saw the start of that show and it was disgusting. I shut up. I forgot the show started with a trapeze sex scene on the kitchen table - which wasn't me. I need body doubles for that nowdays. Thanks to everyone who tuned in to see the wonderful Kates,one in front and one behind the camera. See more

06.01.2022 Thank you Sarah Kanowski and ABC Conversations, it was wonderful talking with you. I do have one amendment to make. My parents have eaten kale, they just dont know it yet. My nephew slipped some into their pasta last week.

05.01.2022 Can’t wait to talk to the girls again!

05.01.2022 Friends, followers, country persons, lend me your ears! So excited to be part of this brilliant festival for your ears and whats in between them. Check it out and support our artists. EARFEST 2020 IS OFFICIALLY LIVE! Have your mind blown with amazing, unique and inspiring pieces being released every day for the next month.... it kicks off TODAY with a spectacular, soul searching version of Elvis Costellos Ship Building, performed by Cold Chisels Ian Moss and Thirsty Mercs Phil Stack #earfest2020 @eardrumcreative Also - if you check out their website you can subscribe for free to all the latest - and follow their Facebook whilst your at it EarFest 2020 EarFest 2020

04.01.2022 My heartfelt sympathy goes to the Orlando victims, their families, their loved ones and the entire LGBTQI community. Words alone are not enough to express the horror of this murderous intolerence.

04.01.2022 Wear discreet protection when delivering emergency banana cake to your elders. I will be joining Richard Glover on his Drive program on ABC Sydney at around 5 pm tonight to discuss ways we can help our elders.

03.01.2022 Listen to your elders. We are so busy making ourselves heard to the old and deaf, we often forget to hear them when they speak. Here is my contribution to #earfest2020 listen now @eardrumcreative or

03.01.2022 "There are only 48 hours to go till Frocking Hilarious Comedy Gala! If you're coming along on Wednesday evening, get ready to laugh! If you haven't got tickets yet - what are you waiting for? We're pleased to announce Jean Kittson as your MC as Judith Lucy Official Page headlines an unmissable line-up of Australia's funniest women. Gretel Killeen... Jackie Loeb Geraldine Hickey Rebecca De Unamuno Katie Burch Becky Lucas Skit Box GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!"

02.01.2022 Cant wait to talk to the girls again!

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