JEMs | Businesses
Phone: 0450524770
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22.01.2022 Welcome !!! The NEW july course JEMS Batti course .. All 22 girls were soo excited to start and loved doing the Neshama lesson with them :)) My Sunday morning... just became so much more brighter .. Do u know any of these awesome JEMS
22.01.2022 Jems Camp is going to the farm 85% full
21.01.2022 Catch Up !! MAZEL TOV Daniel and family !! Wow what a special Barmi and ALL the ZOOMERS!!... U make us sooo proud and u def are a child of ur parents - no mistake :)) Knowing u from before year k and seeing u grow is amazing ... Although it was VERY hard not to be with ur family in South Africa - we def enjoyed being ur family in Sydney !! May u continue to give Nachas to ur family !!
20.01.2022 What A STUNNING Yom Tov it was.. It was UPLIFTING, SWEET and the heavens poured lots of Brochos on us !!! Soo nice to see so many of u ... Shana Tova
20.01.2022 Your Seder plate and Haggadah package will be ready for pick up today . For your convenience there are going to be two pick up windows, pickup will be; Tuesday... from 2-5 PM and Wednesday from 12-2 PM. Pickup will be from the front of 36 Flood St, Bondi ( above Our Big Kitchen), please remain in your car, and tell the volunteer at your window the booking name and how many you have ordered. Selling your chametz before Pesach is an extremely special mitzvah, to do it in a few easy steps, click this link For lots of Pesach resources, especially for children visit May we celebrate this Pesach in Jerusalem together with Moshiach. Wishing you a happy and kosher Pesach. Rabbi Dovid and Laya Slavin, Rabbi Yossi and Rivky Shuchat and the whole team at JEMS, OBK and cteen
20.01.2022 Year k-1 loving Jems Camp
19.01.2022 Your child the leader at Your Seder: Check out this link for amazing content by the JEMs staff and others & get in the Pesach spirit with lessons, songs stories & games + exercise and Tefillah videos! Best watched on a big screen.
19.01.2022 I feel so LUCKY to attend a MEANINGFUL Bat Mitzvah almost every week !! Mazel tov Emma and family :)) To see 2 Great Gradma’s , 2 sets of grandparents and soo... many uncles and aunts made me a tad bit jealous but Sooo happy for u ... ur soo blessed Ur Dvar torah , planting plants for Tu Bsvat , celebrating on ur ACTUAL jewish birthday, and making packages to give out to the homeless was just AMAZING!! Thanks for letting me be a part of it ! May u continue to give nachas to ALL ur family
18.01.2022 Looking for a older teen , uni student or adult with a CAR that would like to volunteer ( can def count for hours if someone needs ) for around 2 hours a week ...and do special Mitzvah deliveries in the east It will def make lots of smiles and make ur week sooo much better Happy to pay for petrol For JEMS Please PM me thanks
18.01.2022 No Better feeling then to go into SHAVOUT knowing that ALL ur Jems have a special bag full of goodies and games .. We love EACH and every JEM and can’t wait to see u all back next week
18.01.2022 Camp is filling up
16.01.2022 Year k-1 glow sticks disco party
15.01.2022 The BEST magic show in the east BRENDAN MONTANNER Came to Jems camp Thanks Hasham for the Blue sky
13.01.2022 JEMs camp is heading to vision Gymsports for a packed day of fun and exercise (3+ hours and 8 activity rotations) EXCLUSIVE USE. Get in on early bird rate:
12.01.2022 Welcome all the year K’s and New Families to JEMS !! We can’t wait to have u join our special family !!
12.01.2022 Thank you Jackie Radom for lots of JEMS masks !? May we one day only need it for dress up
11.01.2022 This year Rosh Hashana will BLOW us away with lots of good surprises . This is open for ALL ( children to grandparents ) from JEMS or ANY school etc A family... meaningful service which includes edible Rosh Hashana craft , family game , children’s activities - adult meditation and inspirational words from Nefesh Rabbis .. , the whole family then comes together for shofar blowing and Shema and Taking out of torah , and kiddish . Each family will leave with fresh yummy sweet round challa from OBK, Jewish calander for this year and a Shana Tova bracelet with a ballon . Limited spaces due to Covid . Time slots are 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 pm U must book - The is a Sliding scale of how u can help contribute
11.01.2022 The best thing to do eruv Yom Kippur Send out a bunch of jems adults Milestone birthdays :)) Lchaim ... Happy birthday to ... Mark Krawchuk Annie Klien Joanne Lazarus Ari Covalenco Anthony Davis Brad Schapiro Thank u Frazer family for doing the delivery’s and of course Chida Levitansky!!! A day after ur sons Bris ..
11.01.2022 Ok :)) ALL ur answers were SO creative and true BUT this was the right answer for the slogan Instead of Slowing down during COVID 19 JEMS Sped up and going full speed ahead .. help us continue to grow. (all tax deductible)
10.01.2022 Jems movie theatre First in the world with Tye dye bean bags
09.01.2022 Hi Sydney Jewish community Wanted to share for UR kids a Ma Nishtana video thats exciting to watch and will help them practice! We will be raffling off two UE B...luetooth Speakers for any child that sends in a small video or voice note of them practicing! Send a What app to 0450 424 770 feel free to share!
09.01.2022 Thank You Aaron and Kerryn Langer for your love and support with Jems and for being a Gold Sponsor. We love Aiden and Olivia. We were soo happy when they wen...t to Mount Sinai but still kept in touch with us. Their smiles are contagious. May Hasham pay u back for ur Kindness in only ways that HE can -with Health, happiness, and Nachas. May we only Celebrate with Simchas. KEEP THE MITZVAH ROLLING. Spread the word for the next day or soo..
06.01.2022 Come hear all about Bat Mitzvah .. which ever school , shul u go to there is LOTs of good ideas to get ..
06.01.2022 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND READY to GO -SEDER PLATES are Here ... It comes with a stunning Haggada , Shmura Matza , full Seder plate , kiddish cup and even Matza balls :)) Order now to avoid disappointment as in the past
05.01.2022 Catch up Mazel Tov #1!! Mazel Tov Robyn and Family on ur Batti !! Sorry I wasnt there to celebrate with u but was DEF there in spirit... I feel so honored to have known u since year K and looking forward to seeing u in ur teenage years volunteering and giving back !! Ur a awesome JEM !!
05.01.2022 A BIG THANK YOU to our matchers for the upcoming JEMs campaign 1-2 Nov. Your support will enable all funds donated to be DOUBLED!! May Hashem pay you back in wa...ys only he can with health & happiness & Nachas! BuyEast Sydney Buyers Agent Mark Cadry Nicky Cadry 1st Street Financial Jeremy Fisher Tali Fisher Quantum Partners Accountants & Business Advisers Phil Opit Sally Opit , Adam blackman Sergio Kulikovsky Tatiana Heilbut Kulikovsky Goldie Marko Kevin Bermeister Bev Berm JEMs Board Of Management JEMs Grandparents Anonymous
04.01.2022 Jems on Fire :)) Brendan is awesome
03.01.2022 The NEW years Jewish Calendar is on the way with ALL the jewish holidays , candle lighting times etc .. Happy to post one out to u - just book thru the link Shana Tova
03.01.2022 Stop 2 :)) such fun
03.01.2022 Year 5-6 rocking the house !!
02.01.2022 Thank You Alex and Lindy Klein and grandparents Lazarus for your love and support with Jems and for being a Gold Sponsor. We love Rachel and ALL Lazarus gra...ndkids Rachel brightens up our Mondays with enthusiasm and jamming attitude. May Hasham pay u back for ur Kindness in only ways that HE can -with Health, happiness, and Nachas. May we only Celebrate with Simchas. KEEP THE MITZVAH ROLLING. Spread the word for the next day or soo.. See more
01.01.2022 Last Min change due to weather .. Tomm Wednesday Jems camp will be going to lollipop play land - laser Skirmish- And Rock climbing .. Kids can do all 3 ... EXCLUSIVE USE Video 7 spaces left Farm - THURSDAY( a few spots left ) Shabbat Chef ( matza ball and soup , challa making ) Trash percussions.. Coach Al play ball - FRIDAY ( a few spots left ) /camp
01.01.2022 We are LIVE. Help JEMS keep jamming and rocking Sydney. We thank the community support. Let’s spread the word
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