Jenny Pearce | Pet service
Jenny Pearce
Phone: +61 3 5626 7027
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25.01.2022 Excellent article
25.01.2022 This was the third of the Live Facebook videos - sound crappy because most of them weren't using their megaphone properly. There's a lovely cameo interview Manolo Mendez towards the end. he's got a cute accent but the words "stupid government" came through a number of times, loud and clear lol! See more
24.01.2022 Christmas specials for 2020. Peace on earth facilitated by our horses. "Sharing is caring" is the theme for this Christmas. Have a look and see what I've done with that here! Todays's photo: I took this photo while laying in the grass with my beautiful Rapunzul. Peace on earth indeed...
23.01.2022 We’re doing an on-line LIVE CLINIC during February for those interested increasing their skill in healing with both people and animals and I can’t imagine a better time in the history of the human race to be running this. Share this around please. <3
22.01.2022 Marie Richard's gorgeous equine affirmations calendar for 2021. Yes please! <3 <3 <3
21.01.2022 I've decided to run Facebook very differently, posting blogs and articles without any links to them. If you're looking for what's so special about what we do here, this FREE lesson is a great place to start.
20.01.2022 I'll be doing some Facebook Lives from the BIIIGGG protest at Parliament House in Melbourne tomorrow. Rather than do a specific time, I thought I'd bring you stuff as it happens! <3 Brumby Lives Matter! Leave our pathetically few brumbies who outran the fires alone!
19.01.2022 This was the second Live facebook video when the brumbies arrived. What INCREDIBLE temperaments, which I think I prob made clear lol!
19.01.2022 Big expletive alert and a way forwards all in the same post. Friends on Facebook will be aware that I’ve had the plight of the brumbies on my mind and actions over the last few months. (That’s probably an understatement!) I’ve gone to protests, recorded them for you to watch and learn, marched and shouted until I was exhausted, written passionate letters, spoken to people, signed petitions, produced a video that I’m really proud of and encouraged others to find the actions ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Horse people around the world unite. On Monday they start shooting the brumbies in the Victorian high country. This is a letter to the Premier of Victoria - Daniel Andrews - who has the ability to stop it. You can write to him too, on the contact form on his website Use the form further down this page, his email is in overload. Open letter to Daniel Andrews...Continue reading
18.01.2022 The title of today's blog from my website is SHE SAID "THERE SURE IS A LOT OF SAD STUFF GOING ON WITH HORSES." I had an email this morning from Kathy who talked about her heart hurting when she was watching a video of a horse getting pulled around in a jumping arena. The horse was playing up, the owner was getting more frustrated, losing their seat and that in turn made the situation in the horse’s mouth even worse. The pain was getting worse, so the horse was complaining b...Continue reading
17.01.2022 If your horse’s potential for an active, healthy long life is of concern to you, you’re going to want to hear this. So grab a cuppa and sit down for a couple of minutes for some plain talk that’s a bit disturbing to start off with, but ends up well, with much happier lives for us and our horses both. I’ve come to understand that we help our horses live an active, healthy long life or we hurt them. I’ve spent the last 26 years as a alternative health specialist for horses, g...aining more and more understanding of the wide reaching impact of stress on the horse’s body. I’ve come to understand that our horse’s relationship with humans is the single biggest factor that effects their health. It’s bigger than the barefoot or shoes argument. It’s bigger than bits or no bits. It’s bigger than being able to buy the latest best saddle. And it’s certainly bigger in the effect on their body than the benefits of being able to afford the best muscle and bone and veterinary care that money can buy. You'll find the rest of this article here:
15.01.2022 I got to meet this delightful youngster in the photo yesterday at the brumbie protest in Melbourne, where we were trying to stop the government shooting our wild horses. She was telling me that she was teaching her brumbie to jump. He’d lost an eye, presumably in the trap when he was caught from the wild. I said about how the missing eye would affect his ability to perceive distance and height for a jump and that she’d have to find a way to tell him when to take off and ho...w high he needed to jump. She smiled at me and said, "that’s OK. I figure that if I" and she lifted her body in a perfect impression of a rider’s body jumping "if I just lift my body, he’ll come with me". She must be errr... maybe 8 years old now and she gets One-ness THAT well already? Wow... High five kiddo! And I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that this is a horse that if he was still wild would have been shot last night if the pro brumby people hadn't won a one week reprieve in the Supreme Court. One week folks, to re-group and find a way to create a safe and happy home range forever...
14.01.2022 I heard a dangerous horse story yesterday that incensed me.
10.01.2022 My latest blog post just went up that might explain just a little WHY us horse people are so passionate about our horses and also our wild horse. It's titled "A students measurable healing with her horse" and it's an even bigger deal since this used to be an aggressive horse. Use the link on the pinned post at the top to get to my website and the blog link is across the top of the page.
09.01.2022 They don't have to die alone. Today I'm gifting a specialised meditation designed for a deep connection and healing - a solution to the people who have much loved old folks in hospitals and in aged care, who are in lockdown away from them and maybe even dying alone. Well... solution is too strong a word because the most preferred solution would mean that you walked into their room, held their hand and got to tell them that you love them and so many people can't do that. What ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 The wild horses It’s like touching the very fabric of existence. I thought you might enjoy a beautiful story about the brumbies from my blog today. Persuading AJ to tell this story, I had to hold up the it’s for the brumbies card. That was the one thing calculated to over-ride her natural shyness and modesty. This young woman wouldn’t consider herself a spiritual warrior and yet she’s stepped up with such passion and level headedness and a wide open heart to be exactl...Continue reading
09.01.2022 The abysmal capacity of humans to cause physical damage to horses. 37% ... That's THIRTY SEVEN PERCENT had xray proveable bone damage caused by nosebands - the innocent little noseband. THIRTY SEVEN PERCENT... Far out...
08.01.2022 This post is about a very special friend... <3 The anatomy of miracles - what's common to them? See... what other people call miracles, I call normal. Don't ...get me wrong, I appreciate the heck out of every one of the err... dozens and dozens, hundreds even? extraordinary healings I've played a part in over three decades. I've been reflecting on what's common to all these "miraculous" healings and the timing is not rocket science given that it's exactly the thing we're going to be talking about / discovering / understanding / using / developing in the Paradox of Healing clinic. Who could have guessed twelve years ago, that such a simple request in a horse clinic that was already a blaze of joyfulness, would change my life forever and hers too? Cheryl wanted to get her co-ordination happening for getting on her horse from the off side, because her arm didn't work properly. She'd had a bad injury from a fall off her horse back in New Zealand, that had resulted in a thin and visibly damaged arm that was so weak that she couldn't hold the weight of a cup of tea. It's hard on a horse when we use them to practice something like that, so I had the idea to pull out my steel vaulting horse, strap a saddle on and practice without a horse first. Picture it. Here we were, surrounded by hay and horse stuff in one half of the shed and my husband's mechanical workshop stuff in the other half. Old hay sheds in AUS seem to play a big part in my stories lol! I'm sitting on a bucket beside the vaulting horse, holding the stirrup to make sure the saddle doesn't move and Cheryl starts walking around to the off side to get on. Blehhhh.... She started almost gagging, she felt so sick. As she stepped away from that feeling, she felt better. When she stepped forwards again to come to the right hand side of this "horse", she felt sick again. It didn't take long for us to realize that she was being guided to get on from the near side first. Step by step she was guided by her own feelings to re-create the accident that had crippled her arm. We found the rhythm of approach the "horse", feel yucky, stop, back away and get another layer of understanding of what had caused that terrible accident and more importantly, how to avoid it happening again. She had got to the stage of standing up in the stirrup, when I noticed that she was leaning her full weight on her "crippled" arm and that it looked different. "Errr Cheryl... look at your arm". I still have this vision of her standing in the stirrup and lifting her arm up with a look of wonder on her face, swivelling her wrist from side to side and watching the blood fill the withered muscles and the arm seem to straighten in front of our eyes. See... what happened that day was that she understood the purpose of the accident. The flood of understanding around why it happened, the big picture of the benefit of it to her life - all of this released the emotional stress and the physical tension from it that had been stored in her body and her body was able to heal the way it was designed. Cheryl said earlier today... My most clearest memory back to that is the joy I remember my arm changing I remember using it and then being surprised I was using it. The memory says I felt strength, my arm felt mine again and felt strong. I know I was digging into raw places and spaces like we talked about yesterday And I know at the core of the onion layers is this raw place where possibility lives That’s the magic. My arm was allowed to be .... I was allowed to be .... and we discovered the BE ing of it. X It was the paradox of healing at work, even if I didn't understand that at the time. One day I might talk about more of the so called miracles. The 4 star eventer who released a lifetime of old injuries, also on Magic the vaulting horse. The retired lady from Alaska who arrived creaking and groaning with what she thought was old age, who not only found the bounce in her walk, but also found her youthful pelvic stretch for a beautiful riding seat again. The young farmer whose 20 year old "dead" foot injured from being caught in a harvester, just slid the supposedly fused bones back into place - he could feel his foot and walk normally again. Then the other day in a group riding seat lesson, another lady released an old neck injury that had been plaguing her for years. And just yesterday we were working in a healing session for a donkey with a neurological condition the vet diagnosed as EPM and the lady's hands were on fire and the energy was so touchable for Caro and I that you could have poked at it with a stick and rolled it along the ground - THAT was also the paradox of healing in action. AND the donkey has dramatically improved. What I've come to understand is that there is a common thread in all these extraordinary healings and it's what I'm calling the Paradox of Healing. You can find that ... I'm going to call it the magic place... where the energy runs so strongly that extraordinary things can happen. You can apply it with your loved ones, with your own horses, or as an addition to any therapy that you already do. You can even apply it to yourself. And no we can't "fix" everything and if you join us on Paradox of Healing, you'll discover why you wouldn't want to and that itself is part of what seems to be a contradiction, but isn't when you dive into it like we're going to be doing for 4 weeks over the month of February. Come and join us. You'll find it on my blog on my website This is a LIVE ONLINE CLINIC, with two different time zones for each session - LIVE so that it's totally responsive to everyone's needs and circumstances and what a time in the world to re-discover how to flow oh so beautifully with the universe. Today's photo: Was taken by me. It's Clara, the lady from Alaska on the same steel vaulting horse that Cheryl experienced her "miracle" - that we named Magic because magic happens on Magic. And yet it's not really magic at all, just perfectly normal when you understand and flow with the life and love of the universe.
08.01.2022 This was the most powerful and certainly the most heartfelt speech of the day at the protest at Parliament House yesterday, made by AJ Tanner, the organiser of the protest. She's also the mum of Ryleigh, the subject of that lovely post laying on her brumby's back from a couple of weeks ago. It's only about half the speech, but at least we have a recording of part of it.
08.01.2022 Who would have thought that horses would have such a big part to play in helping us navigate the world as it is right now to find our way through a minefield of misinformation and political spin, to figure out what’s best for us and how to support our loved ones, how to achieve what we’re so passionate about and how to deliberately manifest the kind of world that we want to live in? Oh, you’ve been in despair? You’ve been feeling helpless with all this crappy stuff going on...Continue reading
06.01.2022 I've only been able to make this announcement of Bobby's death in stages. One stage was this article I wrote a month ago. Telling you all today, is the next stage of allowing myself to feel my grief and the joy that's part of that. If you've suddenly had a red haired horse talking to you in your dreams or your meditations or your Quiet Minds, then I expect it will be Bobby - being the Master Teacher still, from beyond.
05.01.2022 Utterly fabulous article!
05.01.2022 If you're looking for what's so special about what we do here, this FREE lesson is a great place to start.
02.01.2022 I feel so helpless he said. (My blog this morning DOES have horse context! <3 ) We were talking about corruption after corruption in politics, inexplicable government inaction on our climate and our planet, the insidious influence of big corporations against the public interest, the spending of billions and billions of dollars of borrowed money to boot the economy from Covid but spending it on things that are going to make climate change worse, government approval of 850 f...Continue reading
02.01.2022 A Free Mini clinic on Feel for / Communication with your Horse . It's a Live Event on Sunday, November 22nd at 7:00 AM Australia Sydney time Saturday 8pm Universal / GMT time.... EVERY single person who puts their hand up to work with me personally on this free Live Event - will get a brief session to help you find, clarify or deepen your sense of Feel for your horse. I've never met anyone I couldn't teach how to Feel for / communicate with their horse. (Errr maybe one, many years ago and I'm sure I could help her now.) In fact, I don't teach you Feel, you already have it. I just bring it to your attention and give you all kinds of ways to get it stronger and clearer. And that's exactly what we'll be doing on Sunday. How do you join in? Those who are registered for the Key to the Kingdom of Horses free video lesson will automatically get the details on how to join in and how to get the best out of your mini clinic. So go the the blog on my website, registration for the video is on every page. See you there!
02.01.2022 Do you want YOUR face on this photo? Share it, tag me, private message me, with a head photo and I'll put you on the picture too. I can see a SEA of faces that gun, protecting the wild horses. What a visual message for for ALL the politicians contemplating barbaric acts! It might take me a while to get them all done - but I WILL get them all done. I'll put them up on the comments on this post here. If there's a flood of faces going up, I'll be doing it in groups. You're welcome to copy and paste this picture when your face is on it, back onto your own Facebook page. Maybe tag me or some way of making sure that people can find me to add their own photos to it. <3 Just one thing - MEAN it! <3
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