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Jenny Ottaway

Phone: +61 412 951 007


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22.01.2022 HEALING AND LOVE GO TOGETHER Like peanut butter and jelly Like Vegemite and butter Like salt and pepper... Like mac and cheese Like birds of a feather, flocking together Like sugar and spice Like hugs and kisses xo Like Yin and Yang You get the drift To begin the healing process, you start with you. Healing. Loving. Let love in. For all your mistakes For all your setbacks For all the decisions you made that you wish you’d done differently For all your supposed shortcomings For all your peccadilloes For all your beauty For all your wisdom For all your strength For all your compassion For all your understanding For everything that makes you, you. In ThetaHealing, we start to heal the things that are calling out to be healed; through intentional questioning we dig deeper to find the cause of that issue and we send love to all that you are, through Source, the Universe, through a Higher Power. It’s a beautiful process and one which, as a Practitioner, is a privilege to hold space for you. I have a few spots available coming up in March for ThetaHealing. If you’d like to experience this and you feel called to do so, here is my invitation to you to visit my website link in bio to book your session. I look forward to serving you. #wholistichealth #thetahealing #wellnesslifestyle #yourlifeyourway #healing #relationships #mindset #mindbodyspirit #lovingmyself #lovingyou #loveheals

21.01.2022 ARE YOU A LIST MAKER OR DO YOU GO WITH THE FLOW? I’ve always been a list maker for as long as I can remember. When I was 16, I visited my older brother in NYC and he had one of those yellow legal pads with a To Do list and he said an organized person always makes lists. I decided I would be an organized person because I admired my brother, he gave good advice and I knew an organized person gets things done!... Which frees me up to do more fun things, right? Well, I love me a good, long list of things that I can tick things off. That sense of satisfaction upon completion, of drawing a line through that task and knowing it’s done has served me well. It also provides structure for my day so I know what needs to be done. What it also did as a bonus was get the thoughts out of my head and onto a piece of paper so that I didn’t have to think about it. I wasn’t left guessing or struggling to remember what items I had to do that day. What didn’t serve me as well was when I’d get interrupted or other things would take precedence. I used to get so frustrated with others but also myself when things didn’t go to plan, as per The List. But over the past few years, as part of my mindfulness practice, I’ve found a way to move freely within my day and it’s called flow. In the 60s, the hippies used to say, Go with the flow. They espoused a philosophy of taking life easy, not getting worked up, not struggling or fighting. Flow allows me to listen to my intuition and do what feels right in that moment. So whilst it’s great to have structure in your day, it’s also a good idea to allow for flow so that you can just well, flow. And being the good Libra that I am, a balance of both feels perfect! How about you? Which do you prefer? Or do you practice both? #mindsetmatters #mindfulnesspractice #yourlifeyourway #practiceflow #thetahealing #relationships #selfempowerment #wellnessjourney #healing #gowiththeflow

21.01.2022 WE THINK WE HAVE FOREVER until we don’t. I was scrolling through some old videos on my phone recently. Watching them and reminiscing about birthdays, the girls’ milestones, trips overseas, family and friends; a moment in time, captured forever.... One video from late 2012, I had a chuckle I was dancing Gangnam Style on my office desk! It was all part of a dare. I didn’t hold out much hope for a purchase order I’d been chasing to arrive before 2012 finished, worth a lot of money to my company. I said, If that deal comes in before Christmas, I’ll dance Gangnam Style on my desk! Well, at 6pm on December 21st, after everyone else had gone home for the day, I received the email with the signed deal attached! Hooray!! I celebrated with the only other person in the office, a colleague from Finance. I asked him if he’d take the video of me, so I could keep my promise to the sales team. I did it! The finance guy chuckled through most of the video. I admit it was quite a sight. It’s an awkward dance but even more so on top of a small desk! At the end, his voice on the video said, RSA Style, the company I had won the deal for. Whatever happened to the guy who took the video, I wondered? I googled his name. And I was shocked by what I found. His obituary. He died in 2018, he was 51 years old. He’d not been well when I worked with him; I think he left employment to look after his health. It made me so sad to think he was no longer here chuckling though life. He was such a lovely human and colleague. Peter Mikelans, you were a beautiful soul. And this made me realise. Today is the day to stop waiting. To do what YOU want to do with your life. To dance like only the Finance guy is watching lol. If you’re putting off a career change or maybe you want a better, more fulfilling life for yourself but you don’t know where to start, book a discovery call with me now. Let’s chat about where you want to go. DM me, I’d love to hear from you! And I’ll leave you with some pics I screenshot from the video. #wellnesscoaching #thetahealing #yourlifeyourway #mindsetmatters #healing #nowisthetime #coaching #dreamlife @ Sydney, Australia

19.01.2022 SEEING IS BELIEVING... IS RECEIVING I do a lot of work with my clients on visualization. That’s where your thoughts, what you imagine or ‘see’ become things.... I teach them they can visualize whatever they wish to manifest for themselves in their life. But they have to believe it. That’s the important part. When they allow themselves to be open all possibilities that await them, they soon receive. How does this work and if it works, how come we all haven’t won the lottery? Let’s break it down. Our thoughts are so powerful. Have you ever thought about someone and the phone rings, and it’s them? Visualization works like that, with more intention. People have visualized jobs, cars, houses, partners, better relationships, even quitting smoking. The list is endless! Once you visualize ‘the thing’ keep doing it. Desire plays a part as do limiting beliefs. You gotta want it. But if you don’t believe you can have that, you won’t. And sometimes you don’t always get what you want. You get what you need. Oh and about the lottery. In the long run the only ones who truly ‘win’ are the lottery companies! Below is me on my podcast show. Except I don’t have one yet! I’m visualizing it, so stay tuned! What do you think? Does visualization work for you?

02.01.2022 MY COWORKER IS ALWAYS TALKING* *barking And interrupting my work and my train of thought.... In our ‘new normal’ of working from home, does this sound familiar? I ask her firmly to be quiet. Even though we’ve ‘talked’ about this many times. She always looks contrite when I mention that some people have to work around here. I consider moving desks but I like working by the window with the sunlight streaming in and my nice view. It’s conducive to working. I consider alternative solutions. When I was in the 3rd grade at elementary school, if you were a talker, you’d get this big 6 foot piece of 3-sided cardboard put around your desk to keep you from seeing your classmates and talking, no joke. (Speaking from personal experience, ahem.) Maybe I should implement a similar thing here? It happens far too often than I would like: I’m on an important Zoom call and she is outraged that another dog DARES to walk by her turf! I put my microphone on mute and hope I don’t have to speak until she stops. I’m working on a new coaching program, deep in creative thought and she’s at it again! I’m going to have to have a word with my coworker about respecting my boundaries and honoring my need for peace during focused concentration. I’m doing my twice daily Deep Meditation practice. And suddenly the silence is broken! Where’s the boss when you need someone else to emphasize how important it is to maintain a professional working environment? Oh, that’s right. I AM the Boss! Like a public servant who knows their job will always be secure, she continues on with her behavior as she’s forgotten what you said anyway. She knows she’s a well-regarded and much-loved individual contributer around here. As such, we allow her her peccadillos because she brings so much joy to our working environment. I know there are solutions. I could put her in another room, outside or use a water sprayer to deter her. But the endearing thing about this coworker is, she loves to be near wherever I am and 75% of the time is a hard-sleeping colleague. Her non-performance reviews are usually glowing except for this one annoying habit. Can you relate? #fridayfun #dogcoworkers

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