The Journey Coach | Personal coach
The Journey Coach
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25.01.2022 Are you ready for 2019? A client recently said her goal was to close out 2018 well before she started 2019 - I love how my clients inspire me so I took this to my coach! ... It can be helpful to ask questions like - *What are 3 highlights of 2018? *What are 3 difficult situations you faced in 2018? *What did you learn about them & about yourself? #finishing2018well #learningisintheprocessing #takeaways #thrivingdespiteof #readyfor2019
24.01.2022 Intentional is a bit of a buzz word at the moment. Im a bit of a word person & rather like it! Although, intention without action is no more than a wish. Taking action is very much a part of coaching. I so enjoy seeing my clients achieve their goals whether they are physical or around personal growth. #morethanawish #action #hittinggoals #intentionallythriving
24.01.2022 Wonder what the the greatest predicator for a happier healthier life was according to a 75 year study following the same group of men? It wasnt fame, success, money or hard work. It was good relationships. So where are you putting your time & energy?... Really worth watching the TED talk
24.01.2022 Yesterday I was having coffee with my daughter (mum bliss) at my favourite cafe & noticed this unusual pink flower with a single purple flower protruding out of it. It was so beautiful, simple & unusual. In the rush of the day it can be so easy to miss the little things but its those little things that can add up & make such a difference. They add colour & texture to our day. What little thing did you notice today that brought joy to your heart? #pause #littlethings #colour #joy #thrivingintentionally
23.01.2022 We live in an age where offense has become almost contagious. We see so much injustice and the media (incl social) can take advantage of this. Collecting & holding onto offense is costly. Its friends resentment, superiority, judgement, hopelessness & bitterness will be happy to accompany it. It will steal your joy and start to build a fence between you and others. ... Offence can feel so good initially but it is toxic. #offense #afence #toxic #bethechange
23.01.2022 Nothing like time at the beach with grandies to make my heart sing! Now back to reality! #nature #beauty #family #friends #thankful
22.01.2022 It’s a fresh New Year & I’m already being made aware of all that needs to be done! So easy to rush into the doing & forget that I’m a human BEing first! We live in a culture that defines our being by what we do & what we have. ... What impact would you have on those around you if you focused on your BEing first? Who are you becoming in 2019? #happynewyear #focus #BEing #bethechange #intentionallythriving
22.01.2022 Work/ life balance is such a common problem for working parents. On the way to my school reunion last Friday I sat next to a lovely lady who spent the next hour telling me about how much she loved her work but felt so guilty because she was always tired when she was home. She recognised that part of her problem was trying to balance her work with the needs of her 2year old daughter. As she talked I asked her questions & she got some clarity around one step she could take to... start to rebalance her life. Do you feel you are living a balanced life? If not, what is one thing you could do to start to achieve this? #balancinglife #work #family #intentionallythriving See more
22.01.2022 What are you feeding on? It certainly increasingly appears we are what we eat. So it follows that what we feed our hearts & minds will have an impact on us too. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer part of staying healthy involved choosing to stop immersing ourselves in the news with all its fear & negativity (we instead selectively read the digital media). It made such a difference to our mental & emotional health. ... So what are you feeding your heart & mind? #healthychoices #feedmymind #feedmyemotions #intentionallythrive
21.01.2022 Its so easy to give away our power when we feel overwhelmed with our circumstances or the people in our lives. Im so thankful for learning this because up until that point I could end up feeling powerless & hopeless, a victim of life. We are so powerful. We may not be able to change our circumstances but we get to choose how we respond to them. ... How are you choosing to respond to life? #powerful #choice #freedom #hopeful #thrivinginspiteof
21.01.2022 Another tip for thriving this Christmas is singing! Yes, singing! According to Professor Sarah Wilson of University of Melbourne singing or just thinking about singing is good for us on so many levels - especially the health of the brain. She considers it a natural therapy. Well worth listening to the 1.27 minutes. ... #singyourheartout #goodforyou #goodforyourbrain #amazingcreations #cheaptherapy #thrive
20.01.2022 Do you have a family Christmas tradition? Ive noticed that some of our familys traditions have changed over time. What hasnt changed is that there is an open invitation to anyone who is spending Christmas alone to join us. ... What is your favourite Christmas tradition? Would you like to create a new one? #familytradition #Christmascelebrations #joytotheworld
20.01.2022 Wondering where 2018 went? Feel like you are on a treadmill whose speed has been turned up? Life has a way of living us unless we live it! ... Ready for a change? I would love to help you intentionally live 2019. #intentionalliving #choice #whatreallymatters #thrivingdespitecircumstances
20.01.2022 Catch up girls date with my gorgeous niece before she heads off to Scotland for a couple of years. A core value of mine is family so Im in my happy place when Im out playing ladies. What is your happy place?... #coffee #shopping #lunch #shopping #coffee
19.01.2022 Grit & determination! This is a picture of my daughter & mother-in-love! Both are dentists. My mother-in-love had to fight against male prejudice & it took my daughter 10 years of hard work at uni to achieve her dream. So special (not a term Id normally use in this context!) to have my daughter do our check up & clean today. ... Part of coaching is helping people turn their dreams into reality. #dreams #action #grit #determination #hittinggoals
18.01.2022 Are you a person who goes to what if when you think about the future, your relationships, career or anything else? - what if this happens or what if that happens? What if can drag you down the path of fear & limitation. Try swapping that out with What next? This is empowering as it opens up possibilities & choice. From that position you can take action. #whatnext #possibilities #choices #thriving
17.01.2022 Going to walk my talk as a Life Coach - taking some time out from posting to refresh & regroup till 21 January. Planning to enjoy time out with my husband, the beach, my adult kids & grandies! #refresh #regroup #family #beach #lifeisgood
16.01.2022 This is my mum (& daughter) celebrating her 80th Birthday. She has been bed ridden in an Aged Care Home for 2.5years. At times she can be in a lot of pain but wow she is so thankful & positive despite her circumstances! She never ceases to amaze me. Her faith in God has been her anchor & she keeps telling me how blessed she is. The staff (whether nurses, cleaners or kitchen staff) just love her because she is always encouraging them. ... She is such an example to me of a person thriving despite her circumstances. Who inspires & encourages you? #amazingmum #thankful #encouraged #inspired
15.01.2022 Do you feel like you are almost being squeezed with all the Christmas celebrations & catch ups? That you get more easily irritated? Could be you are an introvert - being with people generally depletes your energy reserves. I love nothing more than being with my precious family (& now my gorgeous grandies). And Im an introvert. ... So my reenergising strategy is to get up early before everyone else and have some quiet time or go for a walk. What reenergises you? #awareofmyneeds #introvert #lovemyfamily #strategy #lovemylife
14.01.2022 Its a fresh New Year & Im already being made aware of all that needs to be done! So easy to rush into the doing & forget that Im a human BEing first! We live in a culture that defines our being by what we do & what we have. ... What impact would you have on those around you if you focused on your BEing first? Who are you becoming in 2019? #happynewyear #focus #BEing #bethechange #intentionallythriving
13.01.2022 Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free & realising you were the prisoner - Max Lucado Love this quote. Forgiveness can take time and doesnt make what the other person did okay. I have had clients who are still chained to people who are no longer alive. ... Sometimes you may need someone to help you through this journey of letting go while at the same time honouring your heart. #lettinggo #aprocess #livinglighter #freedom #intentionallythriving
12.01.2022 Happy Friday! This weekend is my school reunion in Sydney. So looking forward to catching up with friends that I that havent seen for a while. So many special memories! I come alive connecting with my family & friends. #weekend #catchingup #friends #memories
11.01.2022 As Christmas quickly approaches it easy to get caught up in all that has to be done. The list can seem endless & the stress can set in. Then on top of that can be the family gatherings. For some that is so special & for others a challenge to say the least. So what strategy do you find helpful to interrupt this, pause and regroup so that you live life rather than letting life live you? ... I love to go on a walk out to where the cows are - my moo cow therapy! This time the calves were literally skipping! #intentionallylivinglife #enjoyingChristmas #interruptstrategy #pauseandregroup
10.01.2022 What are your expectations around Christmas Day? Excited? Thankful? Stressed? Apprehensive? Maybe dreading it? Our beliefs& expectations direct our brains to look for & find evidence that will support them. ... What mindset are you going into Christmas Day with? What colour glasses will you choose to wear? #selfawareness #mindset #choice #thankful #lookforthegood
10.01.2022 Are Christmas celebrations enslaving you? Do you have a picture in your mind of how you would like your Christmas to be? Maybe its recapturing a past Christmas or its a picture of this ideal one. ... Sometimes the expectations we put on ourselves can cause a lot of unnecessary pressure & stress. When this happens it can be helpful to take a deep breath or three, ask ourselves what really matters? #whatsimportant #expectations #choice #freedom #enjoyingChristmas
08.01.2022 Its so easy to blame social media for increasing FOMO (fear of missing out) anxiety. We are bombarded with information, news, the latest trends & more. There is a counter movement occurring where people are choosing to take control & say no to the demands of FOMO & yes to JOMO (joy of missing out). They are clear on what is important to them. They recognise that they can intentionally choose what will really bring them true joy.... If you are struggling with FOMO anxiety, what is one thing you could do to reduce this? #whatreallymatters #choosejoy #notoFOMO #wearepowerful
08.01.2022 Have the waves of life have been relentless or you do feel trapped on that treadmill? There is hope & there are options. As a coach its so rewarding to see clients go on a journey of discovery. Love this quote on so many levels -... Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it in the present. Peter Kozmic #expandselfawareness #hope #faith #dance #thereismore
07.01.2022 I love flowers especially those that have a fragrance. My garden is full of Gardenias, Mock Orange, Jasmine & fragrant Magnolias. Coming back from my walk I was greeted with their beautiful fragrance. Im so thankful that I can smell them & for the flowers themselves. What are you thankful for today? Thankfulness is such a great antidote to the negativity we are bombarded with. ... #thankfulThursday #fragrantflowers #joyinthemoment See more
07.01.2022 To embrace 2019, what do you need to let go of? * self-limiting beliefs * unrealistic expectations... * unhelpful habits * offense * .......... #intentionalcheckup #lightentheload #healthylife #embracing2019
07.01.2022 A lot of people are very clear about what they dont want in life, jobs & relationships - although they may not voice it. When the focus is on the problem/issue it is hard to find ways forward because what you focus on has a habit of growing. I really enjoy helping my clients get clarity around what it is they do want, to then voice that and take action. ... #clarity #whatdoyouwant #findyourvoice #action
07.01.2022 I love this quote from C S Lewis on so many levels. It accepts reality and at the same time recognises that possibilities & opportunities are present now to build a good future. As a Life Coach I so enjoy helping my clients discover these & build a better ending to their story. #noregrets #choices #possibilities #presentthriving #goodending
05.01.2022 I was out having a brekki date with my husband & I kept getting wafts of a beautiful perfume. Turns out it was this Ivory Curl. Social media releases all types of fragrances ranging from offense, rage, victimhood, justice, kindness, positivity to generosity. This got me thinking, what kind of fragrance do I want to release more of? ... #brekkidate #waftingfragrance #release #morekindness #moreunderstanding See more
03.01.2022 Part of my journey of learning to thrive despite my circumstances has been learning to listen to what my heart is saying. Am I sad, disappointed, angry, content .... ? I recognised my ways of coping - keep busy & carry on - werent working. I actually started to get mild panic attacks because I had so many balls in the air I couldnt control. I started to see I had made my life about doing rather than being. I reached out & got help and Im so glad I did. ... How are you coping with life? Are you listening to your heart? Its so easy to listen to our thoughts only. #heartlistening #humanbeing #intentionallythriving #morethanmythoughts
03.01.2022 Do you find the busyness of life goes to a whole new level as we approach Christmas? That the tension between what is urgent & what is important increases? You are not alone! ... This is where it can be helpful to get clear around what is really important to you & make sure that the important is not missed in the day to day choices that you make. What really matters to you? How is that showing up in your life? #corevalues #urgentvsimportant #increaseyourawareness #choice
03.01.2022 Are you just surviving? Or are you waiting for something to change - people, jobs, circumstances... When you do that you give away your power. Thriving is an inside job. Its about learning to take responsibility for yourself, your thoughts, feelings & behaviour.... It is recognising that just staying in survival mode is a choice & that you can go on a journey of choosing to learn how to thrive despite your circumstances. Has surviving become your default mode? If so, what is one step you can take to start to change this habit? #choice #thriving #thereismore #insidejob
02.01.2022 After big celebrations like Christmas it can be helpful to just pause and reflect on what we can takeaway from the day. So easy in life to just keep moving without processing for example what was good, unhelpful or even something we learnt about ourself. When we visited my mum in an Aged Care home I was so challenged & inspired by her thankfulness & positivity despite her circumstances & pain. ... Life is ultimately what we make of it although that battle can be very real at times. #pause #reflect #learn #grow #thrivingintentionally
02.01.2022 A tip for thriving on the lead up to Christmas is to each day look for 3 things to be thankful for. This encourages our brain to look for the good in each day & is a great antidote to stress & overwhelm. It can be fun to get our family or friends to join in too - the more the merrier! The great thing is this is an area we have complete control over & a positive habit we can establish for 2019. The benefits are immeasurable on every level.... #cultivatingthankfulness #focusingonthegood #intentionallythriving #settingup2019
01.01.2022 I enjoy mountain bike riding & this was me having a lesson preparing me for Queenstowns (NZ) more sedate trails. I was taught that I had to be careful where I put my focus because where I looked I would go. So if there was an obstacle in my path I had to look beyond it so I didnt hit it. The same can occur in life - when we focus on the obstacle that is when we get stuck. ... Are you focusing on the issue or the options to move through it? #whereisyourfocus #lookahead #options #movethrough #thrive
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