Jessica Greelish Dressage | Public figure
Jessica Greelish Dressage
Phone: +61 459 108 008
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25.01.2022 I see a common miscommunication problem when dressage judges write on a test that they want to see "more bending and more flexion" because the rider reads this and it can put him on the wrong track. In an effort to fix the problem, the rider only brings the horse out of balance. That is because correct flexion is the outside ear over the line of the spine in a straight line, where you can just barely see the horse's inside eye from the saddle. Not more. The neck balances the whole body, so if it is brought in too much on the line of travel, you will lose balance.
24.01.2022 Huge thankyou to everyone who came to the Jess Greelish clinic today Geat lessons and beautiful horses Jessica Greelish Dressage
24.01.2022 Use a combination of exercises using light aids to fix a problem instead of going to harder aids. For example- if your horse lacks impulsion in the half pass, try adding a lengthen at the start and end, with the half pass being between the quarter lines.
24.01.2022 I needed some new breeches, so I went into Horseland Gold Coast and they put me on to Samshield Dianne breeches... Wow, they not only are very flattering (I still havent lost all the baby fat lol ) but are super comfortable and when you ride, they have the perfect amount of grip without making you stuck! Im a big fan
24.01.2022 WANTED AGISTMENT ON THE GOLD COAST I have a lovely gelding to ride for four weeks and I need somewhere to ride him. Im looking for a property with safe facilities ... and a fenced arena with a good surface. I live in Mudgeeraba, so within a 20 minute drive would be ideal. Please contact me if you could help me out in this matter. Thanks!
23.01.2022 Focus on riding the withers up, when you bring the poll up, to maintain the roundness over the top line.
22.01.2022 7 year memory of the 6yo class with Cavalia in Denmark where we scored 89% such an amazing mare!!
22.01.2022 A clear picture to illustrate the difference between pulling on the inside rein thus pulling round the head and not using seat, leg and body position Vs. Contact with the outside rein, turning the horse by the shoulders instead of the head with outside rein, seat, leg and body position and asking Stellung in the inside jaw with very tiny rein aids, releasing the inside rein and using the inside leg & seat position to scoop up the hind leg energy and keeping it traveling up in front of the rider
21.01.2022 Instagram: @pontushugosson
20.01.2022 The horse that wants to do the job is always going to do a far superior test than the one being forced. Enjoy the connection you have with your horse
19.01.2022 Pedro Torres Dressage Masterclass - Riders List We are excited to announce the riders that will be in tomorrow's Dressage Masterclass are: - Heather (Danson Dressage) riding Istan De Azuel - Emma Booth Para Equestrian riding Kirby Park Joy - Clair Arnold on Dolcima - Jessica Greelish on Good Time - Justine Greer on Yarramee Fonzie Congratulations to the riders selected, it is going to be amazing! If you haven't got your tickets, there are still only a limited number available! Get them here:
18.01.2022 Just a quick message to let my clients know that Im going to be unavailable for lessons this week. My poor darling Josie has pneumonia and a partially collapsed lunge. She went down hill rapidly Friday night but hopefully by tonight we should have some better results. Thanks for your understanding. Regards, jess Josie
18.01.2022 Our lovely mare Cavalia who I competed at the World Young Horse Championships in Verden as a 6yo and trained through to Grand Prix has had her 1st competition at inter 11 with Ben Conn in Germany, with a convincing win on 74% is a strong field of 47 competitors! Congratulations ben!!! This mare is currently offered for sale to the most discerning and ambitious buyer.
16.01.2022 A write up on one of Jesss clinic lessons in Horse Deals. Out today, a good read and a good refresher. .
15.01.2022 Lovely day for a clinic
14.01.2022 One of the best parts about being back in Brisbane is having access again to the amazing Jessica Greelish a rather big tune up was needed and well over due ...luckily I had Madi Allan there to film so I can re watch, re listen, and catch all the wild gesticulating/ head tilting/ mini trot and canter steps from Jess now thats a committed coach! Some of my favourite Jess-isms from this weekend: Ride the line, not the lead (Body position in counter canter) Hands forward! Hind legs forward! (Aka - for Christs sake let go of her head) I dont want a pointy outside shoulder (Great visual for bending through the body and lifting the shoulder in the shoulder in) PUMP.THOSE.HINDLEGS.THROUGH (Aka - for Christs sake sit on your arse and use it ) For those on the west side of Brisbane, Im looking to get Jess out this way regularly where it suits so PM me or her if you wanted to try a lesson (prepare for a full body workout and your head spinning with theory for days!). Thanks for everything youve done for Felini and I
14.01.2022 Hey girls I have a amazing coach travelling to me weekly if you would like a lesson or we can organise a clinic at the grounds let me or Jess know
13.01.2022 EXERCISING HORSES DURING COVID19 SITUATION. QUEENSLAND - AUSTRALIA. A number of people have shared information from Policelink Qld which indicated that horses off property was not classed as exercise for people and therefore illegal under the COVID19 restrictions currently in place in Qld. I have spoken with my colleagues at Policelink Qld this morning (15/4/2020) and confirmed that this information is not correct. Policelink are sending another response to the person who originally asked the question which she should receive shortly. In a nutshell, you are able to ride your horses off property provided you abide by the isolation laws in place. You may ride with one other person who does not reside with you or anyone who does live with you. If you are riding on someone elses property then there can only be two people at a time visiting the property. Racing Qld has different rules as it is classified as being a workplace so exercising racehorses is work, not personal exercise. Trail riding is fine so long as the isolation laws are strictly obeyed. Hope this helps. Please share.
12.01.2022 A good rider always gets special lessons just for his position and suppleness. Do a lot of dressage work outside on the hills. From time to time, ride with short stirrups in a jumping saddle. If you only ride in your custom dressage saddle, you get like a stiff soldier, not a person who can find balance in anything. Learn to ride with short and long stirrups and even no stirrups. Learn to ride ponies and horses with big gaits. The more situations you have in the saddle, on varying terrain and in different saddles, the more flexible you will be at the end of the day.
11.01.2022 If he gives more expression than asked, praise him, teach him to enjoy expression. ... Jessica Greelish
09.01.2022 If you feel your horse is not uphill, add energy to the current ground cover, till you feel the withers lift. Focus on the balance between the wither and hindquarters over the poll vs hindquarters
08.01.2022 Little trip down memory lane with Lancaster and I in the KUR at Falstabo CDI
08.01.2022 TERRANORA LAKES EQUESTRIAN CLUB DRESSAGE, SHOWHORSE, RIDER CLASS CLINIC with Jessica Greelish and Paula Anthony Saturday 1 June 2019 $90 for the day ( 4 group l...essons ) private lessons also available Enquiries Paula 0413 733 294 or email [email protected] See more
08.01.2022 Heather Gees beautiful new boy at the Jessica Greelish Clinic today. What a perfect combination.
08.01.2022 Its important to teach the horse to have fun in the forward
06.01.2022 big thanks to Jessica Greelish for another super lesson today!
06.01.2022 *shoulder in- on the green horse you can use the inside calf in the middle of the horses rib cage to create the bend / angle but as you fine tune the shoulder in the inside calves job is to bend the forward rib cage, while the outside legs job is to wrap the horses pelvis around the inside leg.
06.01.2022 Thanks Paula Anthony for organising another great clinic at TLEC. The improvement in our lessons with Jessica Greelish has been amazing
06.01.2022 Thanks Jessica Greelish for another beautiful lesson this morning at Elements Equestrian. Teddy is getting stronger and stronger with each ride
05.01.2022 Sue and her gorgeous Zac relaxing between some stunning Piaffe Passage work. Next Clinic with Jessica Greelish is 7th, 8th and 9th March. PM me for details.
05.01.2022 In the half pass, feel for the horses pelvis wrapping around your inside leg
05.01.2022 Im very excited to announce that this Sunday 7th of July, I will be holding a clinic in conjunction with Horseland Gold Coast at Southport pony club. There are a limited number of spots still available, and fence sitters are welcome. There will be talks on the biomechanical balance of the horse and rider as well as the launch of Horselands new Albion saddle range. Come join in on the fun day!
04.01.2022 Very proud of my young student Frankie always putting in 100% effort! Congratulations!!!
04.01.2022 Ride a forward hind, to a forward hand
02.01.2022 A little flashback of me riding the horse Rivendell Jewel (breed by us in Australia). While based at Alex and Diederik van Silfhouts in the Netherlands. Their training system was so well suited to this sensitive mare. She blossomed into such a fun horse and powerful horse to ride!
02.01.2022 Feel for the horse being upright underneath you