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23.01.2022 A woman should be two things: who and what she wants. - Coco Chanel
22.01.2022 A healthy baby is not the best outcome. (That might sound weird, but keep reading) A healthy baby is the baseline.... The best outcome is a physically, mentally and emotionally well mother AND baby. ANY THING less than that, means there is something not quite right, that the birthing person is left to work through, while trying to nurture and support their new baby. Birth trauma occurs to 1 in 3 birthing people. That does not mean it is normal. It means it is common. Birth trauma doesn’t need to be physical injury either, it can be anything that invades or erodes ones trust, body or experience. How can we avoid birth trauma? Setting up a strong support around you Plan and prepare for a birth that feels good to you Advocate for yourself Make informed choices that are your own How can we help someone with birth trauma? Validate their feelings Listen DO NOT console with ‘at least you have a healthy baby’ What can you do if you’ve experienced birth trauma? Find a trusted person to debrief with Know your feelings are valid Healing is possible for you, be gentle and take your time. Did you know this about birth trauma? Has anything surprised you? #birthtraumaawarenessweek
21.01.2022 This post talks about perinatal loss, so the responsibility is yours to check in with yourself and if you’re in a position to read on. Yesterday, I watched a powerful mama, supported by her loving partner, birth her anencephaly baby at 31 weeks. This fatal condition was known about for a long time, allowing time to accept, grieve and prepare.... The plan was to be induced in a month, but this little lady was a fan of throwing curve balls and wanted to pick her own birthday, with waters breaking last week. As we were quietly waiting for the induction process to begin, to bring a little angel earth side, this is what I wrote... The calm before...the storm? ‘Storm’ doesn’t seem right. It’s not a storm. There is broth beauty and pain on the horizon. Maybe a sunset is better? Stunning. Magic. Divine. But fleeting. Those moments of the Halo of pure golden light cannot stay forever. Its place has been decided and it is not to stay, but to move on. However, just because we can no longer see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there, radiating its light. We just have to sit in the darkness for a bit, knowing the rays are shining in and will always be back to rain it’s light on us. Her little light came out strong and she gave her parents the gift of feeling her heartbeat, her breath, her warmth and even hearing her little baby sounds, before gently leaving. I will always speak her name (once her parents have been able to tell everyone they need to). Her life was short, but it was still a life. Her birth was followed by death, but she was still born. Rest easy little angel. You are a fighter. A trickster. A lifetime of ‘I love you’ followed you as you left. And you are absolutely, endlessly beautiful.
21.01.2022 NEW LOGO! Ain’t she a beauty? (Thanks to Kim from a local biz, @creativelaunchstudio ) ... When I first started this doula business in November last year, with a little logo I made myself on Canva, I didn’t imagine I would be paying a graphic designer to create the logo of my dreams less than a year later. WhyBRIGHT? Because I want to be a ray of sunshine for you and your experience. I want to infuse it with joy, lightness and fun. So you can look back on your pregnancy, birth and postpartum as a bright period, rather than a dark time. Together, we do the work and ride the roller coaster, and then we buy the photo at the end with our weird screaming faces, because we just had so much fucking fun. The link in my bio has my packages and mini services, courses and ALL the ways you can work with me. Or, send me a DM and we can start the convo. See more
15.01.2022 Let’s talk EARLY LABOUR. When you’re armed with the variation of expectations to have for early labour, then you’re going to be so much more prepared to navigate the rest of your labour! Lemme break it down. ... Who experiences early labour? most commonly first time labourers also quite likely for subsequent labourers How long does it last? how long is a piece of string? hours or even days sometimes it will start and then stop for hours, days or even a week (as a doula, I’ve seen all these happen and they were second time birthers) surges will usually be shorter than a minute and can come quite irregularly on the flip side, you could be surging every 2-5 mins but the intensity isn’t as strong - more on this next... What does it feel like? starts off like mild cramps you can usually still talk through them or even keep doing what you’re doing What’s happening in my body? baby is moving down your cervix is thinning and opening even IF your contractions stop for a period of time, know you’ve made progress and simply had a head start and a bonus opportunity to rest What should I do? rest, eat and hydrate conserve energy get comfy and do things that make you feel good to boost oxytocin (aka contraction fuel) don’t suddenly start your to-do list treat it like this is going to last a while, so you expel your energy appropriately- and if it’s shorter, BONUS don’t clock watch - HIDE the clocks don’t try and force active labour kicking in because that tension will only cockblock it surrender to the process How do I know when I’m not in early labour anymore? head down, focussing, breathing and working hard through each surge is a good sign you feel yourself going inward, to your own world for each one Closeness of contraction isn’t the best indicator that you’re in active labour, because like I said before, you could be contracting every 2 mins but without as much intensity when it regularly FEELS really intense and the contractions are lasting longer What was your early labour like? I want to demonstrate how different it can be!
13.01.2022 If something is gonna hurt me, then I’m gonna turn that lemon into lemonade! Failure is how we grow. Heartbreak is how we grow. The key point being: when we are ready.... I’m not some Flippant Fiona or Naive Nelly, ‘tra-la-la-lah-ing’ my way through life, dismissing the issue by immediately putting an annoying positive spin on every shitty thing that happens to me. First, I’ll cry, or sook, or wallow. I’ll do the ‘whyyyy me’ thing. I’ll entertain my inner critic telling me I’m not good enough, for a moment or two. I’ll usually call a friend/husband/Mum or all of the above. And then, once all that emotion and hurt has moved through my body, I look for lessons. What has it taught me? What can I be grateful for? Spoiler: there is always something! And that’s the ‘positive’ part. Once I’ve done all that, I make the aforementioned lemonade, by tweaking my approach and begin stepping closer to my vision. The pain may still be there, but now I’m doing something with it. So, I challenge you to think of a crummy thing that made you feel a bit yuck, and look for the lessons.
12.01.2022 ‘I can’t do it’ Those four words in birth usually mean one thing: transition! (Post 1/2 - transition)... Do you know what this is? It is literally the part where you transition from active labour to pushing, as the cervix gets to fully dilated and alllll the fibres of the uterus have finished gathering up the top of it, ready to push baby out! It’s usually the shortest but most intense stage of labour. So, why the sudden panic? Back in our cave lady days, there were a shit tonne of potential threats around, like wild predatory animals, cliff edges, running streams etc. Our body knew birth was close, so it sent a bucketload of adrenaline through our system, making us hyper aware and able to spot any threats. Our clever body didn’t want us to birth a baby in a place where they would be in danger - so the adrenaline allowed the opportunity to deal with the threat or move to safety. Luckily for us, wild animals aren’t really part of our birth experience these days. But our natural, physiological response of checking for danger still happens. And this is where we tend to panic and want our Mum, or believe with the fullest conviction that we can just be done with it all just by saying so. Understanding WHY we can react to transition this way is wildly crucial to our birthing experience, but for some reason, not many people are given this. Is any of this news to you? Stay tuned for the next post on transition which is how to get through it!
12.01.2022 What do you call two doulas who share a room on a retreat? WOMB MATES. ... I’m home, on my own couch, after 2 nights away. That was the first time EVER I’ve gone away on my own. I have left my kids before, but always had my hubby with me. Going away, on my own, is actually so big for me. When I was younger, my Mum used to have to pick me up from sleepovers, listen to me begging her to collect me from school camp over the phone and write letters to my teachers to ask if I can share a bed with my best friend on camps. I suffered intense separation anxiety, not just from my Mum, but from my comfortable home. In our early days, Steve went to Bali for 7 days and I cried like he was leaving for a year. I went home after the airport and resembled that scene from Bridget Jone’s Diary where she’s moping on the couch watching romances. I missed him terribly. FIFO-wife life helped me move through that but I still struggle going to new places and staying anywhere that isn’t my home. Even going away with my family, leaves me craving my comfort zone of my home. I had a tiny wobble on the first night, consoling myself by saying I would just leave the next day. But after a fun night out with the girls, I felt way more settled and content to stay and enjoy this opportunity to rest and recharge. Now I’m home, feeling super refreshed and chilled out. It’s like the mental load of motherhood/marriage/entrepreneurship all lifted when I finally gave myself the space to do so. Plus I spent the time with some pretty badass women, who made me laugh more than I can count. I pushed myself to do something soooo far beyond my comfort zone...even if I did pack a zillion calming oils, crystals and other creature comforts. I’m 29 years old and finally calmly spent my first time away from home. Anyone else struggle with this orrrr just me?
11.01.2022 I’m an excellent doula. I absolutely have plenty of moments of self doubt and imposter syndrome, but I believe in myself enough to make a career out of this and to ask for a financial exchange for my services. I couldn’t figure out how to describe this kind of work until I landed on the term ‘soul worker’.... A soul worker isn’t just a doula. It’s a coach, a mentor or any kind of person providing intuitive guidance. It’s a role where empathy is a necessity. Connection, guidance and support comes easy. But for all of that to exist, it means the biz side of things needs to be solid. And that’s where things can begin to feel overwhelming. If you know you’re an absolute badass at what you do, but lacking a bit on the biz side, then my new course BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS is calling you! I’m a real person, who figured some hard shit out, and now I want to show you ALL of my processes and seamless workflows that have made my business feel EASY! It’s packed with juicy, tangible advice you can integrate to reduce the overwhelm and revel in expansive flow! Are you ready to take charge of your biz processes and feel confident, clear and EXCITED about the biz side of things? SWIPE to see what you’ll accomplish after this course! The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 I won’t be running this again for the foreseeable future because I’m packed with birth bookings. So if this is calling you, NOW is the time. You’ve got until Friday 28th Aug to enrol!
10.01.2022 Welcome to my Gemini mind. Went to go buy some bubbles to have some afternoon drinks with a bestie....left with a tattoo. The tattoo shop is right next door to the bottle shop. ... As I parked, I remembered I had been wanting to get Marlo’s name added to my arm tattoo - and since I had no kids with me, it felt like a good time. I walked in, they had a spot, and I said I wanted to add my third child’s name plus ‘just something more’ as I waved my hand over my current tattoo. Tom suggested flowers. I said I LOVE FLOWERS. So he drew up some flowers. YAY FLOWERS. Sunflower and natives: my favourite. 45 mins on the table, and it was done. And then I finally bought that Prosecco.
09.01.2022 Ectopic Missed miscarriage Miscarriage Born still Passed away... 4 weeks 9 weeks 24 weeks 35 weeks 5 hours 3 days 2 weeks Surprise Planned IVF Sperm donor Natural conception You conceived again quickly First loss Third loss Tenth loss Already have a child Have no other children One twin survived Two triplets survived No matter what, no matter when, the loss of your baby meant the loss of a dream of your life together, and the space you made for them remains empty. And your baby and grief are valid. 7pm tonight, October 15, we light a candle for the ones who aren’t in our arms today.
09.01.2022 Your body has created the life and sustained it. It doesn’t give up at the finish line, tap out and not finish the job. Your body knows how to birth.... It’s capable of getting the human it has brought into existence, out into the world. And this doesn’t exclude csections. If you need to deviate and find another way to bring your baby here - that is still your body signalling that choice, at the time you need to make it. Your job, is to follow what feels right and create an experience that feels right, with people that feel right. And to trust in your body and your instincts that lie within.
09.01.2022 The idea of creating community over competition has lead to a HUGE game changing shift in my mindset. I stopped comparing I stopped thinking I wasn’t good enough... I stopped thinking my way was wrong because others were doing it differently I started staying in my lane and gaining momentum I felt expansive and in flow when I just concentrated on what I was doing I basked in the freedom of knowing we ALL had something to offer and together, were making a difference This is why I have NO trouble sharing my exact workflows and processes, programs & documents that helped me turn over $25k in 8 months. Wanna get in on the action and create ease, clarity and confidence in your business? Then join a bunch of other badasses in my course BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS. SWIPE to see what you’ll accomplish after this course! The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing (plus get the replays) Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 I’m seizing the chance to run this before going on-call for my birthing clients for a prolonged amount of time, so this is your chance! I won’t be running it again for quite a while! Doors close Friday.
09.01.2022 WHERE TO START WHEN PLANNING YOUR BIRTH. Ask yourself this: ‘what is my vision for birth?’ I encourage you to focus on how you want to FEEL, rather than how it looks.... Because the type of birth a Mama aims for (undisturbed, water birth, epidural, csection etc) is influenced by how they want to feel. So the feelings gotta come first, my friend. Once you hone in on your vision for birth, you use that as your compass for the choices you make. WHAT type of birth? WHO will support you? WHO will your care provider be? WHERE will you birth? HOW does it all honour my vision? All of those choices need to be made around what will give you the BEST chance to align with your vision. For example. I want to feel strong, capable, calm and in charge. Birthing undisturbed, ideally in water (because it’s a natural pain relief) will help me feel those things. Being supported by a midwife who is the expert in physiological births will help me feel those things. Birthing at home, free to choose as many or little support people as I please, will help me feel those things. Then, you plan and prepare for your unexpected, less ideal (yet possible) birth scenarios, so something is in place. And you follow the same process, constantly checking in your vision. ‘What choices can I make, going down a path that isn’t expected or my first choice, that still honours my vision?’ The power is always yours, even if your birth takes a turn. But, you must be CLEAR on your vision, and clear on your contingency pathways beforehand. Always come back to your vision, and you’re giving yourself the best chance to feel fucking amazing. What is, or was, your vision for birth? Photos by @ambermay.birthphotography
09.01.2022 TIPS FOR BIRTH PARTNERS Supporting a birthing person through the hugely transformative, epic and powerful journey of labour and birth can feel quite daunting! No one can replace the oxytocin vibes you bring. Birth partners are often huge grounding forces, so please know how vital you are just by being there! ... What else can you do? I know how much birth partners love practical advice, so here ya go my friend! Tips to support the labouring Mama. (Psst, you may wanna save this post! ) THE DO’S Learn your partners love language and form support around it (eg. words of affirmation - so use powerfully encouraging phrases) Make sure she is hydrated by holding her drink up and encouraging her to drink Recognise silent moments for you aren’t always silent for mama, so you don’t need to fill those moments Know her preferences so you can help advocate for her, especially when it’s challenging for her to sentences together Keep yourself hydrated and snack often Learn practical ways to support your partner, like hip squeezes, acupressure, light touch & breathing Help her to breathe long, deep and slow Help maintain a dark, cozy, safe environment around her Tell her how amazing she is doing THE DO NOT’S Mention the time...and if you do, definitely do not ever mention it again Ask how much it hurts Ask if she’s coping Ask her questions during a contraction Take offence if you’re told to ‘fuck off’ (we can only manage incredibly blunt ways to communicate our needs in the birth space) Tell her to need to HELP her relax using the tools you’ve learnt Try chat about anything logistical outside the birth like ‘When should I tell Mum to feed the dog?’ Have you got any other suggestions?
08.01.2022 Pregnancy after loss. When you resist feeling joy and excitement because you felt silly for exploding with happiness and losing a baby the first time. When you worry about every level, test, result and twinge because you didn’t notice any signs the first time.... When feel disconnected from your baby because you’re terrified of losing your dream of your life together like the last time. When you tell barely anyone of your news because you couldn’t face having to explain where the baby went again. Pregnancy after loss is a fucking washing machine of emotions. You cope by resisting the light feelings, and are consumed by the fear of loss. In my experience though, allowing yourself to feel joy and excitement doesn’t make a loss feel any worse. It’s devastating no matter what. So why not enjoy every moment you have with them? It’s Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month this month, and whilst a light is beginning to shine on this devastating yet common occurrence, talk around the pieces to pick up after the loss, needs to happen too. The gift of a baby after the loss of one rarely brings instant joy, but rather instant fear. And I think that’s something which is overlooked. It would make sense to assume we would feel so elated to be pregnant again, and to a degree we are, but it’s just not as simple as that. Fear is prominent, and the grief is stirred right back up again, as every scan, emotion, feeling and conversation reminds us of the one/s before. Early days of pregnancy is tough enough, compounded by this extra level of emotions to work through. So, be there for those going through this. Make sure they know their feelings are valid and they’re safe to go through them.
07.01.2022 All three babies are having a sleep over and ‘Steve and Jess’ are back together again for a night out. But not too wild because: 1. Parenting hungover sucks balls 2. Steve is going fishing tomorrow... 3. I’m on call But it’s just so nice to have a night of only wiping my own bum, not sharing my dessert and having uninterrupted conversations.
06.01.2022 When you’re so happy the bathroom is finally done, your hands go blurry. Swipe through for our new bathroom! It wasn’t any where near as traumatic as I thought it would be.... Although an issue with puddle flanges almost got me. Yeh, bathroom reno is WAY more than choosing tiles and taps. RIP Chicken Print Tile and Lavender Bath.
05.01.2022 His little hand holding my top. I’ve got a game changing ‘fun fact’ for you, about this part of birth. It all kicks off when baby lands on Mama’s chest.... Mum’s body is like ‘oh yes, my baby is here’ which trigger the Montgomery glands in the nipple to send out a scent similar to amniotic fluid (what your baby has been swimming in all this time). This smell then makes the baby feel ‘yessss, I found the right human, I’m home!’ So, baby starts making their way to the nipple (this is also why they get bigger and darker close to birth because they are literal honing beacons of liquid gold). As baby starts the ‘breast crawl’ their little kicks on Mum’s tummy stimulate the uterus to contract and clamp down, so the placenta can be birthed. Also, as the baby attaches to the nipple, it’s common for them to come on and off, with the purpose of releasing surges of oxytocin (aka contraction fuel) which help birth the placenta. So basically, Mum and baby just work together, just as they have done the whole time, for the final part of the birth! This is also why introducing the syntocin injection (synthetic hormone to ‘speed’ up birth of placenta) after an intervention-free birth can actually increase the risk of haemorrhage because that sweet little hormone dance I talked about above is being interrupted. Did you know about the intricate details of how Mum and baby work together for the final stage of birth? How cool is it, that without doing or saying anything, it can just happen, and it’s all initiated by that skin to skin contact!
05.01.2022 My Sunday Spirit Animal.
05.01.2022 My motherhood style has changed a lot since carrying that blonde hair, blue eyed human in my belly. Back then, I was all about ‘going with the flow because the medical professionals know best’ for birth which actually meant I didn’t have enough education or information, I wasn’t guided and nurtured the way I expected I would be and I was scared, exhausted, in pain with a cascade of intervention I didn’t even understand. Then, my parenting style was ‘babies thrive on routines’... which meant I was trying to force my sweet little human into a nap schedule, like she was a square trying to fit into a circle. ‘Don’t let her fall into bad habits and create a sleep crutch’ was the voice I heard, as I took her away from people she was falling asleep on, and put her down instead of holding her close. The desperation rose as sleep deprivation took hold of me, and societies conditioning wrapped with cold promises of sleep eroded my instincts. I wish I could go back and give her all the things my instincts tell me now. To prepare for MY birth, and know I’m the expert of myself, my body and my intuition. To hold her close, and nourish her with more than just my milk. But with my heartbeat, my voice and my warmth. Whoever is reading this, I need you to know something. Don’t be like me. Know that you can have an amazing, epic birth with some preparation and support. Know that you can sleep, while remaining connected and secure in your bond, and without a tear shed from your little one (or you!). I’ve always been ashamed of how I birthed and mothered my eldest. And I will always carry some of that. But I also use it to guide others, so they can experience better.
04.01.2022 What have your kids lost of yours? Marlo the magician has made quite a few things disappear. To name a few... My $250 sunnies (location still unknown) My purse (found in a pot plant after a week) Car Keys...multiple times Bottles (‘‘twas a very yucky, mouldy discovery) Integral screws of flat pack furniture This is new to me. Three kids in and I never one on of these on my hands before. So, what have you lost because of ninja-hands kids? See more
04.01.2022 Like a whole new life of my own just began. I remember that feeling. I was still me, but also, not me. Like an up leveled version of me.... On a scientific level, we literally rewire. New neural pathways are created from pregnancy ( brain is real!) as our brain is altered so we can essentially keep our kids safe. This is things like heightened and intensified emotional sensitivity changing of priorities strengthening of intuition hormonal changes So, no, we are not some crazy, hormonal b***. We are undergoing a necessary transformation to be able to mother our kids, and keep them alive & safe. And then, when our baby, that we worked so hard to get here, lands on our chest, all slippery and warm, we transform in a second. To a Mother. And every single cell in our body is overcome with the determination and conviction, that this is our little human. The road is not always easy. Navigating this change within our selves can feel uncomfortable and strange, sometimes confusing and full of grief. So, we need unwavering and judgement-free support, to feel safe as we unfold into our new self.
03.01.2022 Nap time empire. That’s what I like to call what I’m building. Motherhood and business don’t need to be seperate.... Accepting that and running with it is the backbone of achieving what I have with three kids. I can scale my business. Connect, support and guide multiple clients. And care for my kiddos. When I physically meet with clients or attend births, I have my kids looked after. But when I’m making virtual calls, teaching things online, or getting work done, my kids are at home with me. I schedule these things around my baby’s nap time. My kids get to watch a movie, and have some snacks. Sometimes, they do pop in to calls and ask me to open something or exit out of the YouTube ad they’ve accidentally clicked on. I’m not really a strict scheduler - and I’m usually rushing out the door with seconds to spare, but I have a few easy strategies use my time and still get shit done. Badass Business for Soul Workers has a bunch of these in there for you. PLUS an abundance of practical, tangible advice you can integrate to make your business operate with ease! Are you ready to take charge of your biz processes, and revel in the ease and expansion that flows? Are you ready to feel confident, clear and EXCITED about the biz side of things?! SWIPE to see what you’ll accomplish after this course! The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 I won’t be running this again for the foreseeable future because I’m packed with birth bookings. So if this is calling you, NOW is the time - cart is open for a super limited time. Mere days are left!
02.01.2022 This was me in November 2019. Attending a $5000 doula training that went across 10 days...with my 4 month old on my lap. I didn’t have $5k.... I couldn’t leave Marlo because he wouldn’t take a bottle. But I still went and made it work. I just paid off my last instalment, using my own money made in my business. And I’m still intrinsically bonded to the sisters I shared the life changing experience with. Little did I know, I was even sitting with one who would be my very first client, with her 10 week jelly bean in her womb. (@laurenmcleod.doula I’m looking at you!) All I knew then was that I want to be a doula. I didn’t have too much of an idea about the biz side of things, besides knowing I wanted it to feel easy, expansive and without overwhelm. I spent hours YouTubing, googling and reading, and managed to build my own website, create online and in person products and services, streamline my workflow and create processes that meant I could work smarter, not harder. In 8 months, I managed to get 95% booked, have all of my products purchased multiple times and turn over more than $25k. The reason I’m tooting my horn here is so you can see what I’ve done, and trust me enough to want to learn from me! Because I want to show you EVERYTHING. I want to save you tears, late nights and hours upon hours of trying to figure shit out. How? Introducing: BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS! Head to the link in my bio to read more about what you’ll get coz the Instagram caption just ain’t long enough to tell you! If you’re ready for ease, expansion, growth and confidence within your business when it comes to gaining clients, techy stuff, time management and admin processes, then become a badass! The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing (plus get the replays) Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 You’ve got till Friday to join!
01.01.2022 The juggle. Squeezing in a snack, fresh from visiting one of my mamas and her two week old, about to do a branding shoot. And the very first photo @sarahbaughen candidly snapped sums me up so well.... While I was seeing my client, eating my lunch and shooting some new pics, my potential clients were able to submit a form on my website, get my Investment Guide and book a virtual meet with me. This is just one of the many workflows where I can automate some things, so I can show up where it counts, instead of spending energy ticking off lists and manually doing so much. And, I wanna share it with you! I’ve tried it, tweaked it, tested it and now have workflows that work! And they’re yours when you join my group mentoring course, BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS. This is for any coach, mentor, birth worker or consultant that seeks to make a positive impact on their clients lives. Is this you... Amazing at supporting, guiding people but feel like you’re not reaching the people that need you? No idea where to start when it comes to creating a workflow that takes enquiries to bookings, seamlessly? Overwhelmed with the biz side of things like bookkeeping and the techy stuff? Wanting ease and clarity, so your biz can tick along while you continue to create positive impacts on the clients you support and guide? But do you want.. To take charge of your biz processes, and revel in the ease and expansion that flows? To feel confident, clear and EXCITED about the biz side of things?! SWIPE to see what you’ll accomplish after this course! I was able to figure this out, with LESS than a start-up biz budget! This is the last chance to join Badass Business For Soul Workers. The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing (plus get the replays) Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 Doors to enrolments close Friday! And I won’t be running it again for a long time.
01.01.2022 What a week! Your investment helps me support these little people. FINAL HOURS TO JOIN BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS! Join 21 other badasses over the course of 4 weeks, as we create ease and excitement within our businesses!... Calling all coaches, mentors, birth workers, consultant and anyone who works on a 1:1 basis, supporting people. Are you ready to finally feel ease, confidence and clarity when it comes to the biz side of things? Are you ready to quit spinning those mental wheels and instead drop that badgirl into drive? BADASS BUSINESS FOR SOUL WORKERS is a 4 week group mentoring program where I’m going to show you the exact systems, processes and workflows I used to turn over $25k in 8 months of business, and become a highly sought after doula. SWIPE to see what you’ll accomplish after this course! The Details 4 weeks of weekly Zoom calls with screensharing (plus get the replays) Access to exclusive FB group where I provide more support, tailored to your specific questions A bunch of biz docs for you to model and make your own (think contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policy and client intake forms) Kick off SEPT 1 I’m seizing the chance to run this before going on-call for my birthing clients for a prolonged amount of time, so this is your chance! I won’t be running it again for quite a while! CUT OFF is midnight tonight so squeeze in now! Link in bio! @ Perth, Western Australia
01.01.2022 In this little gap between talking about my biz course for 10 days straight (WHICH STARTS TOMORROW with 30 badasses!) and before we get back to the birth talk - here’s a lil snap of my fresh 4yr old boy and I. And then my whole gang, where I was clearly the only one feeling enthusiastic about taking a photo. @ Perth, Western Australia
01.01.2022 Happy 4th Birthday to my middle man. My snuggle pot. My golden heart. My big feelings boy.... My sweet boy Jagger, I love you. @ Perth, Western Australia