Jihad Dib MP | Public figure
Jihad Dib MP
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24.01.2022 It was good to chat with Sheikh Mohammed Al-Zoubi and his daughter, Sarah about a range of things, including community volunteering, working with young people and addressing racism whenever we see it. Sheikh Mohammed has been at the forefront of interfaith and intercultural work for a long time. Auburn Islamic Community Centre (Auburn Musalla)
24.01.2022 In hard times, it is important to remember there is much goodness in the world. Riverwood Community Centre hosts "One Meal - it makes a difference every week to support my local community; providing people with a warm meal and a sweet treat. I recently had the opportunity to join Riverwood Community Centre as it provided meals; and the stories I heard were truly touching. Knowing that people catch a bus or train just to have one warm meal, for one night makes me realise just how much this service is needed. They all do an amazing job, volunteering their time and resources to help the members of our community that need it the most.
23.01.2022 Are you involved with a local sports club? Would a little bit of funding for equipment help? If please think about applying for The Local Sport Grant Program. We have a total funding pool of $50 000 and I know from projects in the past, small grants have made a huge difference to our local clubs. Applications close on Wednesday 5pm 7 October 2020.... https://www.sport.nsw.gov.au/clubs/grants/localsport
23.01.2022 Four years ago in Lebanon , the place of my birth. For their Independence Day, I hold hope for a brighter future for this incredible country and its people.
22.01.2022 Domestic and family violence is a horrible thing and something we do not want in our’s or any other community. As a community, we’d normally be walking through the Lakemba towards parry park around now but this year, we can’t do that. We should still affirm our commitment to stamp out this behaviour and to make it clear that there is absolutely no excuse for gendered abuse and family violence. Respect for women and children is a cornerstone of a better society and we all have a role to play in building one.
21.01.2022 My colleague Tania Mihailuk MP and I had a sneak peek at the F3 Gym...I smashed it on the bench press imagine how much more I would have lifted if I had worn my gym gear...
20.01.2022 Racism is not normal. At its simplest, the end to racism starts when we reinforce and recognise that we all come from diverse backgrounds; and that we are all Australians irrespective of the way we speak, dress or celebrate our religious beliefs and traditions.
19.01.2022 Over 3000 people in our community will suffer because of changes to Job Seeker today. With over 1.62 million in need of financial support, this is not the time to make it even harder for them. We are still in the pandemic and people are doing their best trying to find work. Cutting payments to people when they still have the same expenses does not help. What we need from the Government is more jobs, not more cuts.
19.01.2022 Blessed to be the son of the most kindhearted, wise and generous man I know and a father to three beautiful children who always inspire me to be better. AlhamdAllah (thanks to God) fir everything. I’m also thinking of and sending my love to, those who have lost their fathers or are distant from their children today.
19.01.2022 Really appreciated being on the Marcus Paul In The Morning show earlier today. Spoke about the meaning of Ramadan and the special times, self discipline and acts of charity during this month. Also spoke about the interfaith element and sharing iftars together.
18.01.2022 I want to thank Craig Foster and STARTTS for joining a local soccer team made up of Rohingyan refugees, Sydney Rohingya Football Club-SRFC. Giving them encouragement, support and a positive outlook on the future. For many, this team is the best thing in their lives at the moment. Unfortunately, they were not successful in winning the season but they sure have won the hearts of the people of Lakemba.
18.01.2022 COVID-19 Restrictions Update Restrictions have been further eased! As of today, you can now reunite with friends and family in Victoria. Also, as of next Tuesday, 300 people are able to attend weddings and funerals. I know that this year has been difficult, but this is amazing news for us and I am really proud that everyone has been keeping COVID safe.... Don’t forget to wash your hands, practice social distancing and get tested if you have any symptoms. https://www.nsw.gov.au//what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rul
17.01.2022 If you needed more proof the Liberals will look after their own - here it is. 95% of the $250 million community fund went to Liberal and National held seats...Our own council was never even told about it. I call it for what it is...a rort. https://t.co/B8oX8Pu1S2
17.01.2022 As the school holidays are approaching, it is good to know the rules and restrictions that are in place. More changes are yet to come and I will keep you all updated. Make sure this school holidays that you please be safe and sensible, good practice is making a difference. You can see all the rules and restrictions via the link below: https://www.nsw.gov.au//what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rul
16.01.2022 There are some things that are very difficult to talk about but we need to accept its reality and take action. This year, in particular, has been incredibly hard for young people. We know there’s an increase in the sense of isolation, helplessness and tragically, youth suicide. Putting all politics aside, we need to provide better resourcing to those who can assist young people and we must work as a Parliament to address this issue as one of our highest priorities. Please ...be sure to look out for yourself and one another and if you don’t feel well, know that you don’t have to deal with this on your own. These services are also there to help: Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline Official 1800 55 1800 NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
15.01.2022 The amount of local fundraising to support the people of Lebanon and Beirut points to people’s generosity of spirit. This particular fundraiser is quite unique because it is designed specifically to support students in areas worst affected by the blast. I am proud to join with schools and The Australian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce for such an important cause. The student materials will be manufactured in Lebanon to keep people employed as well! If you would like to donate, please see the details in the graphic.
15.01.2022 It was only meant to be a couple of minutes of video but I talk too much and it became 5 !! Thanks to the team @Thrive LMA for creating opportunities for young people to become their best selves by sharing stories of others.
14.01.2022 Rest In Peace Sophia, a beautiful human being who always carries a smile and would do anything to help others. My colleague Sophie Cotsis respectfully sums it up below. A sad day and big loss for our local community. Her death came as a shock to all of us but her memory will live long.
13.01.2022 Have an enormous amount of time for this grassroots organisation that does so much work to support our community. Always happy to work with them.
13.01.2022 Our community is incredibly fortunate to have many amazing Grandparents who do wonderful things to make our society better. For Grandparents’ Day this year, we are taking nominations for the 2020 NSW Grandparent of the Year Award. All grandparents are exceptional and are often there to keep families together and fill in the gaps when things become difficult. If you have or know a Grandparent who deserves special recognition, please make sure you nominate them for the NSW Grandparent of the Year Award by contacting my office on 9759 5000 or at [email protected]
12.01.2022 I've been visiting Mohamad from Elwazze Creamery-Sweets in Punchbowl for many years. He makes THE BEST Qatayef in Kashta and Jebneh (Pancakes in cream and cheese) in the business. It's a Ramadan favourite of mine and I always go way over the top. What do they say....never shop when hungry?
10.01.2022 Today, I was joined local graduates of the Canterbury City Community Centre and Sydney Community College for their Women’s Course in the fields of Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways and Introduction to Community Services. It was a bit different because of safe distancing but we still managed a beautiful ceremony. The course started in February and it has taken all this time due to Covid and a change in teaching and learning. These women have been resilient and I am pl...eased to say, every single person who started the course, saw it through. In my speech, I mentioned how proud their children would be of them for their resilience. The biggest challenge of all was not only the fact that the students had to learn from home but having access to, and learning new technologies, often in trying circumstances. The Community Centre is wonderful and their work inspirational. I want to thank Liz and the team for doing everything they can to meet the needs of our local community.
09.01.2022 In recognition of NAIDOC Week 2020, last week I presented a Notice of Motion to Parliament. It is important that we celebrate and acknowledge the history, culture and achievements of First Nations people. #NAIDOC2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe National NAIDOC
08.01.2022 We are living in unprecedented times and we need action on getting people trained and prepared to work. We have over 450,000 people on Job Seeker in NSW and all the Government has still not come up with anything to increase the number of Apprenticeships and Traineeships. It’s time for action
08.01.2022 Last week, I visited Greenacre Baptist Christian Community School and caught up with the impressive Principal, Mark Shume, who took me for a tour of the school and shared with me how they are managing the complications of this school year. While I wasn’t able to teach the students a lesson in handball, I did join the Kindy students for some healthy and nutritious lunch and checked out their awesome Fathers’ day cards and thoughts about big school.
07.01.2022 Wishing you and your families a blessed month of Ramadan. May fasting be easy and your faith, strong. Thank you in advance to all those making a special effort to feed the less fortunate and for those who welcome friends of all faith and none, into their homes during this special time.
07.01.2022 The weather is warming up, the footy is excellent and the bbq is getting a workout. Don’t forget to put your clocks one hour forward tonight. At 2 am, it will be 3 am because of daylight savings. Have a great long weekend.
05.01.2022 Wishing my Bengali friends a happy New Year! My best wishes for a year filled with blessings, goodness and the love of family and friends.
05.01.2022 Trying out the famous Ramadan ‘love juice’ at The Spot carwash cafe after a day of fasting. Love Sam photobombing in the background...what a date night
04.01.2022 To everyone celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival today, I hope that the full moon brings you prosperity, wealth and good luck.
03.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day and many of you would have checked in on a friend, neighbour, colleague or family member. You may have even sent or received a text message. We have experienced a difficult year in between the bushfires and the Pandemic. It is time to make an effort to look out for each other, not only today, but tomorrow, the day after that, the week after that and the month after that. Asking about someone else is ongoing.... As human beings, we all have our ups and downs and we all need to know that someone cares for us. If you need help contact the following services: Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline Official 1800 55 1800 NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
02.01.2022 Last week, the Shadow Minister for Volunteers, Jo Haylen and I spent our R U OKAY Day at Foodbank NSW & ACT. An organisation I like to volunteer with on a regular basis. They are there for people in need and it is always rewarding and humbling to spend time packing food supplies for people who need them most. Whoever you choose to support and whatever it is you do, thank you to all the volunteers who give of their time to help others; its what makes our country better.