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Mish Thurlow Author in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Coach

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Mish Thurlow Author

Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 451 179 462


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24.01.2022 Happy Birthday to this Beautiful Soul!!!! @anneka_bananaka thank you for being a phenomenal human and for loving me I treasure our friendship! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with an abundance of laughter and joy and love and chocolate and all the good stuff! #surfbuddies #lifebuddies #happybirthday #loveyou #smilingfordays #magic #memories

23.01.2022 Magic is there. In every moment. If you are looking for it, you are more likely to see it. Become receptive. ... Love, Mish #findingthelight #sunrise #magic #momentsofmine #reflections #receptive #gratitude #truthseeking #reminders #yoga #insight

23.01.2022 Banana banana banana Sometimes we need to remind ourselves not to take life so seriously and stop to smell the freshly baked banana bread Thank you @connoisseurusveg for the delicious #bananabread recipe. It is my go to It requires #nodairy and #noeggs and is 100% #scrumptious ... If you’ve got some oldish bananas hanging around in your fruit bowl I highly recommend her recipe. Love, Mish @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland

23.01.2022 I’m not even kidding when I say I dance ALL THE TIME! I dance in my car, in the kitchen while I’m cooking, I dance while I’m cleaning, while I’m checking out the surf... I dance while I’m shopping and I dance when I need to process something or I’m feeling stagnant or stuck. Dance is like self care for me. It lifts my energy like nothing else can. I don’t put boundaries around it or expectations. I move the way the songs moves me. Starting at @thehouseofsole_ in 2018 was th...e first time I had ever learnt choreography and yet not learning choreography prior never stopped me from moving my body in a way that felt good. I understand that dance isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t feel the tingle in their feet when a song comes on... but if you do... this is just a little reminder to drop the pressure and the self judgement and move in a way that brings you joy Even if you don’t feel the tingle, give it try, you might be pleasantly surprised #reflections #dancing #selfcare #movement #joy #love #lovetomove #movemententhusiast #truthseeker

22.01.2022 A Message From the Sun Everything in life can be a teacher. A guiding force helping us along our path to better understand ourselves and live more into life. There is a message held within each moment. Like a seed waiting and ready for germination. Only when the conditions are optimal, when there is enough water and sunlight will the seed begin to grow. ... Until that moment, the potential lies dormant within it. But it is always there. Waiting. Ready. For the opportune timing. You are the seed. Love, Mish @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland

22.01.2022 Sometimes you hear people complaining about the rain. I hear you, when you’ve just done your hair, if you’re sleeping outside, if your washing is out or if you’re scared of driving in it - rain can be less than ideal. But rain is also nourishing for the ground, soothing for the ears, cooling for the weather, purifying for the soul. The rain itself isn’t good or bad. It appears according to how you see it. ... Today I choose to see it with love. So I hope that the next time you’re outside and you feel a raindrop hit your cheek, think of me and know that it is a kiss from the heavens Love, Mish #perspective #rainydays #flipthatship #magicinlove #lessons #dailyreflections #quotable #clarity #raindrops #clearit #yoga #truthseeker #groundedspirituality

22.01.2022 It’s true. I make the choice consciously. Because when I get it done it takes the stress out of the week to come. I actually enjoy cleaning and doing the laundry. I use it as a practice of mindfulness. So when the tasks are completed I feel more at ease and peaceful. Not only because when my outer space is clean my inner space feels clarity too, but because after a couple of hours of practicing being present while cleaning I feel more focused and alert. ... Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. You don’t have to hate it. You CAN CHOOSE your cleaning journey. Don’t let the necessary activities of daily life weigh you down ~ let them lift you up. Instead of dreading it #findthelight Love, Mish

21.01.2022 Wow!!!! What a day yesterday was!!! I am only just starting to come down from the high! There are SO many people that helped make this dream a reality for me! Thank you to @nurcha_bodymindearth for holding the space for my launch & to Zoe for making the GORGEOUS & DELICIOUS CAKE! ... My dearest friend Jacinta with her new business @sage_and_salt_art for illustrating the book and being a guiding light while I was formatting and designing the book. Please show her some love @emmafranklinbell for supporting me through my writing journey and helping make my dream a reality! If you are thinking about writing a non-fiction book - SHE IS YOUR WOMAN! To my right hand woman @carenad_m for her help & support leading up to the launch and on the day @cullumstege for showing up 100% for the filming of the launch! I can’t wait to show you all what we’ve been working on!!! Watch this space! To my gorgeous hairdresser @hairbyalanna_ for working her magic and for her constant support and love! If you are after quality hairdressing she is your gal! Thank you to @dissh for the STUNNING outfit! To my beautiful family and my friends all over the world thank you for loving me unconditionally! I love you all SO MUCH!! I hope that through reading the book and implementing the practices that you will start to find the light that colours your life Love, Mish Truth Seeker is available for purchase at Nurcha Kawana, on Amazon and is coming soon to my website!! #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

21.01.2022 Find your tribe. A phrase that gets used quite a lot when it comes to self help, personal development and mental health. Why is it important to find your ‘tribe’? A tribe is simply a powerful community of people who help motivate and support you to be the best version of of yourself without judgement, pressure or criticism. A tribe is a family The best part is that you don’t only have to have one. The more the merrier really. ... I am so grateful for all the incredible tribes I am a part of past & present. @crossfitnook @thehouseofsole_ @unitygym @nurcha_bodymindearth @cafeviebuderim Thank you thank you thank you So when two tribes join for a morning of sweaty fun with @trainingwithtahnee I get beyond excited!! @intra.flow tribe meets @barreandbike tribe We’ll be back Sunday at 8am @elishadyckk Happy Wednesday Everyone! #goodvibes #positivevibes #tribevibes #barreandbike #spin #fitness #cardio #endurance #findyourtribe #intraflow #tribe #community

19.01.2022 I love rainy days. I also love ocean memories. Some of my favourite memories of 2020 have been in the ocean with the people I love. ... We’ve spent a lot of quality time laughing and being present together in the ocean and I cherish it so much! Looking forward to the ocean adventures of 2021!!! Love, Mish #surfergirls #surfsup #oceanlove #chakka #sunshineseasand #truthseeker #findingnemo #findingthelight #oceanadventures #magicinthewater #blueskies #happyvalley #2021 #smilingfordays #happinessonaboard #boardmeeting

18.01.2022 This morning was a FANTASTIC reminder that if given the opportunity to be, things that happen in our lives can be positive teachers. If you missed the details check it out in my story. Here are some pictures of the wonderful things I got to see while walking to work this morning instead of driving. ... Happy Monday everyone! #alwayslookonthebrightside #eventscanbeteachers #dontletwhathappenstoyoudefineyou #perspective #blessed

18.01.2022 Immerse yourself. Don’t worry too much about the outcome. Lose yourself in the knowing, in the learning, in the adventure and then be pleasantly surprised. And so I immerse myself. In meditation. In surfing. In HIPHOP. In cooking. In life. Love, ... Mish #immersion #excellence #enjoy #bejoy #livejoy #truthseekers #findingthelight

16.01.2022 You can take the girl out of Africa but you cannot take Africa out of the girl. Thank you to @rhythmculturedrumsingdance for taking us through a fiery journey of expression and creativity with African Drum & Dance Thank you @mimi_goforfit_ for holding the space for this beautiful event. ... My heart is full. Love, Mish #dance #africandance #drum #rhythm #beat #truthseeker #letgo #gobeyond #befree #ignitetheflame #movementismedicine #intraflow #love #joyinmovement

16.01.2022 Processing emotions. Being Vulnerable. Remaining open. Being Receptive. Inviting the light. Love, Mish ... #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

16.01.2022 When you’re caught up in your head you don’t notice what’s actually going around you. You’re so focused on a previous event or what’s happening next that you miss it. You miss life. You’re sleep walking and you need to wake up and become #receptive When you start to practice being present you become more receptive, you notice more of life, you feel more joy and life becomes less stressful. There are a few ways you can tap into the present moment and become more receptive to... life. I write about them in Revelation Seven of my book Truth Seeker. One of the ways is mindfulness: becoming acutely aware of where you are and how your body is moving in space. At the end of the day, remember that it is a daily practise and through repetition you will inevitably become more open and receptive to the magic of life. Love, Mish #quotable #wearetruthseekers #wakeup #truthseeker #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #magicmoment #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

15.01.2022 SO MUCH JOY! Pancakes, Movement, Ocean Dip & Markets Oh my heart is so full! I could have just as easily stayed in bed, and sometimes I definitely need the extra sleep but I am SO HAPPY I made the effort to get up and make the start of my Sunday all about #findingthelight ... How do I do it? Often I use @melrobbins 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method which works 98% of the time. Other times remind myself that I feel more joy when I move my body, when I am surrounded by people who inspire me and when I jump in the ocean Make plans that enhance your life and fill your body with Joy. Love, Mish

15.01.2022 This is my default face. You know how people talk about resting b!#*% face (RBF)? Well this is my resting joy face (RJF). I think (and this is just a theory) that I have smiled so much throughout my life that my smile muscles are super developed so it actually take a heck of a lot more effort to frown than to smile!!! Funny side story: my RJF is probably the reason why whenever I go to a clothing shop or retail store that someone always asks me where something is and then t...hey realise I don’t work there So if I smile at you it means I work there right? Oh what a laugh. Hope you had a great day & if you didn’t that’s okay too, I hope you sleep well and tomorrow is better. In Love & Truth Seeking, Mish #defaultface #rjf #restingjoyface #smilingfordays #healthylifestyle #healthybodyhappymind #boxing #smile #smilemuscles #strength #boxing #endurance #smileendurance #truthseeker

15.01.2022 You know what brings me joy? Supporting small local businesses like @hooz.hoo at the Sunday @cottontreemarkets Scrunchies and Head-wraps have made their way back into our lives and Hooz Hoo seriously have some beautiful pieces! I even got a helping hand figuring how to assemble it on my head (easy once you know, daunting when you don’t) ... So if you live on the #sunshinecoast I highly recommend checking them out at the markets or you can hop on their website too Love, Mish

14.01.2022 To sit and watch the workings of intricately connected life Remembering to slow down and prioritize.... The bees they have a message they teach us to push on They teach us to work together to fly smoothly but be strong. So next time you’re questioning it take some time to notice Search for a bee as a reminder to sit a while and to focus. I hope you all have THE best Thursday! Remember there are reminders of love and joy in everyday! Maintain your receptivity enough to notice Love, Mish P.s. 3 weeks until the Launch!!!!! #lessonsfromabee #nature #mothernature #naturalworld #magicineverymoment #listenhearknowbecomebe #buzzlife #noticeit #truthseeker #sunflowerlove #beelove #slowmo

14.01.2022 Don’t hold back. Dive in. Love more. Shine brighter. Don’t give other people the power to make you feel small or unworthy. Plan things in your day that fill you up so much that even in the quiet moments with yourself you still smile. At the end of the day, your happiness is your responsibility. Embrace it. It’s nobody else’s business but your own. ... Love, Mish

13.01.2022 I’M CELEBRATING! It’s my birthday week this week but honestly everyday I am alive I celebrate. Even the somewhat bad days. The experience of this human life is so multi-dimensional. So expansive and miraculous. Yoga teaches me to ask myself the real questions. Who am I? How do I want to feel in the world? How do my thoughts, words and actions affect others? What is my purpose? ... On Friday I celebrate my 29th year on this strange and magical earth we call home. I don’t feel scared or upset that it’s my last year of my 20’s I feel grateful and ecstatic for the simple reason that I feel blessed to have this life and to connect to the earth and the people in my life the way I do. So here’s to you! Let’s celebrate life together. Love, Mish

13.01.2022 I absolutely LOVE this! Marianne talks about the difference between living a materialistic life and a spiritual life. She explains that in a materialistic life you have this fear that if I have than you have less, rather than in a spiritual life where when I am living in the light of my true being it subconsciously liberates you to live from the light of YOUR true being. May we let go of judgement and seek empowerment. May we let go of fear and live with love. ... May we rise up and in doing so help others rise with us. May we always remember that every person and event can be a guiding light in our lives. #revelationsix #truthseekerbook #theguidingforce Love, Mish #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

13.01.2022 Yesterday was an absolute dream come TRUE!!!! Thank you to everyone for your messages for your support and love! Thank you for your social shares & tags of the event and your books! My heart is OVERFLOWING!!!! I still feel like I need to pinch myself!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ... Love, Mish #myfirstbook #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #magicmoment #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

12.01.2022 Music for me is a way to shift my state of being. It does for me what I can imagine the rain does for the earth. It purifies me and leaves me nourished, alive and vibrant. What does music mean to you? What’s your song of the week? I’d love to hear it! ... Love, Mish #music #dance #movement #asoultotheuniverse #wingstothemind #flighttotheimagination #lifetoeverything

10.01.2022 Spend some time learning from people who inspire you to break out of your comfort zone, who challenge you in a positive way and motivate you to live life to its fullest capacity. Last night I got to attend two stupidly amazing HIPHOP workshops at @thehouseofsole_ by @t_sole8 & @_rileyhinds_ Honestly I am speechless. The vibe was SO high, everyone left a little sweatier but a whole lot more joyful. ... I believe that when you take the time to invest in yourself by investing in what others have to share, you understand more about yourself, what brings you joy and lights up your life. Love, Mish #findingthelight #smilingfordays

10.01.2022 When given the choice. Choose kindness. Always choose kindness In Love & Truth Seeking, Mish ... #kindness #dailyreflections #writing #soulscribble #experiences #lifelessons #youmatter #yourlifematters #magicineverymoment #happiness #joy #throwkindessaroundlikeconfetti

08.01.2022 I made a wonderful new friend at my launch yesterday. She shared with me that she never considered that our health is more than just our bodies. She always thought she was relatively healthy because she exercised and ate nutritious food, but she has just recently begun to understand that we are SO much more than just our bodies. I loved seeing the sparkle in her eye when she spoke about her *aha* moment! Remember that we are complex beings & that you not only need to take t...he time to nourish your body but also your mind and soul. I share some ideas on how to do this in Revelation 4 of my book which explores the practises of pressing pause and nourishing our lives. Tell me what you think when you get there Love, Mish #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #magicmoment #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

07.01.2022 Sometimes I wear earrings - it doesn’t change who I am. Sometimes I tie my hair back - it doesn’t change who I am. Sometimes I wear glasses - they don’t change who I am. ... Sometimes I wear different clothes - they don’t change who I am. So without all the external layers... Who are you? #selfdiscovery #trueessence #whoareyou #introspection #magic #observation #inwardjourney #yoga #meditation #truthseeking #love #whatisreal #ilovewhoyouare #embraceyourhigherself

07.01.2022 You’ve got this. Maybe you’ve started a new business. Maybe you’re a new mum. Maybe you’re having a tough time at the moment. This is a reminder that YOU’VE GOT THIS. ... Everything in your being is charged and ready to take on anything life throws at you. Ride the wave. Practice #findingthelight Remember to make the time to nourish your body, mind and soul. THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT YOU! Take care x Love, Mish

04.01.2022 This made me giggle. Can you imagine... the Ancient Yogies of India sitting around in lotus talking about their booties and six packs? It makes me think about how you might come to the path of yoga with the intention of becoming more flexible, stronger and more toned in your body... Yet after practicing it for a few months or years your intention shifts from the external and the physical to the internal and the spiritual. ... A few years ago a good friend of mine asked me why I practice yoga. I said because it makes me a better person. Practicing yoga has given me tools to cope and manage in my everyday life, it has increased my compassion for others and has helped me to walk on the path of #findingthelight in life. Remember your ‘why’. It can change overtime and that’s okay - nothing is permanent and your intention can evolve. Love, Mish

04.01.2022 The day has arrived!!!!! Book Launch Day is here!!! My heart wants to EXPLODE with excitement and love!! I can’t wait to see you! I’ll be posting throughout the day! Stay tuned in! Love, ... Mish @nurcha_bodymindearth Kawana 10am-2pm. Reading at 12pm with cake #truthseeker #booklaunch #authorlife #yoga #yogi #myfirstbook #findingthelight

04.01.2022 There aren’t a lot of things in life that are certain. Especially right now. One thing I know for sure is that we all want to be loved. Whether it’s love from our parents, from our partners or for ourselves, there is a deep longing to feel loved and cared for. Feeling loved feels safe. And when we feel safe we are more likely to feel happiness and joy. ... You need to know that you are worthy of love. When you truly accept this fact then you will open yourself up for more love in your life. Even if you’re still working on feeling worthy of love - that’s okay. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forwards. And if it’s worth anything, I love you. Love, Mish

03.01.2022 Creativity takes Courage. AND I am beyond proud of @jac_whitto for launching her creative platform after doing a phenomenal job at illustrating my book Truth Seeker! We received a print in the mail and I honestly could not stop crying with Joy! Jacinta you have done it my beautiful friend. You have taken the courageous first step and I am so excited for you!!! ... Love, Mish #collaboration #projects #magic #love #art #creativity #alcoholink #quotable #truthseeker #joy #connection #findingthelight @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland

03.01.2022 Without a doubt one of the happiest and most joy filled days of my life! #authorlife #howdidigethere #truthseeker #magicmoments #autograph #booksigning #joyfilled #gratitude

02.01.2022 LET’SSSSS GOOOOOOO!!!!! #hiphop #dance #movement #magic #keepyoursolemoving #squeeksometakkie #adultclass #thehouseofsole

02.01.2022 For those of you that wanted to be a part of it but couldn’t, here is the recording of the reading from the Truth Seeker Book Launch on Saturday Copies are now available for purchase on my website From my soul to yours ... Love, Mish #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine Special Thanks: @nurcha_bodymindearth @dissh @sage_and_salt_art @jac_whitto @cullumstege @hairbyalanna_ @carenad_m @thekaizenmovementau @total_rehab_solutions @emmafranklinbell

01.01.2022 Sunday’s are for pancakes, sunshine, surfing, spending time with people we love, stretching and drinking Chai Love, Mish ... #sundayfunday #magicmoments #pancakelove #minipancakes #vegan #anythingyoucanmakeicanmakevegan #truthseeker #makeyourown

01.01.2022 You know that saying - Always remember to stop and smell the roses. It’s this idea that throughout our everyday lives we need to take time to bring our awareness into the present moment enough so that: 1. We are aware of the roses and 2. That we take the time to smell them. ... This doesn’t actually mean you need to stop and smell all the flowers - although I have been known to do so It’s a reminder that we need to: 1. practice being present in our lives and 2. Take those small moments out of our day to be grateful, to be kind to ourselves and to focus on the things that bring us joy. Have a deliciously sweet day everyone #reflections #magic #stopandsmelltheroses #presence #focus #joy #selfcare #momentsofmine

01.01.2022 Processing death can be challenging and confronting for a lot of people. The hardest thing for me and for many people all over the world is that we can’t get to our loved ones in these times of need and sadness. I would give anything to give my mum and gran a hug. I want to share my truth with you. As death is as much a part of life as living is. In honour of his life & memory ... Love, Mish @thebarefootchiro @thekaizenmovementau @intra.flow #processing #grief #poetry #death #truthseekers #truthseeker #booklaunch #yoga #yogi #selfacceptance #quotable #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #keepshinning #youvegothis #youdoyou #gratitude #authorlife #oceanlove #movementismedicine

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