Jivemecrazy Modern Jive Dance Club in Williamtown, New South Wales | Sport & recreation
Jivemecrazy Modern Jive Dance Club
Locality: Williamtown, New South Wales
Phone: +61 408 826 455
Address: 4 Sandeman Rd 2318 Williamtown, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.jivemecrazy.com.au
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25.01.2022 Mate - what an awesome night we had last night. Was great to see a good turn-up, an excellent vibe and people hanging around chatting - actually had to kick them out. Was so great to dance with Carolyn Andriessen who showed up unexpectedly as did Royce and El Pearce and Ken and Sue Wellham. New dancers doing superbly and veterans strutting their stuff. Was also great to have the Rogers family there from Tassie. ... If you couldn't make it, you missed out on some magic. We even had a few couples including Mark Priems with Clarissa Nothnagel, Royce and El and Corina and I refreshing some classic advanced moves with Carolyn. There were aerials and death-spirals and pirouettes galore. A few sore muscles today I'll bet.
25.01.2022 we're teaching Hunter Valley Grammar Year 10 again at the moment. The best year ever. We'd love the students to post their thoughts about the experience as we go.
25.01.2022 Jivemecrazy I134 tonight's intermediate lesson
24.01.2022 Dear friends, the cards and bar code system has been fixed. So we're hoping for less confusion tonight. Also someone mentioned to me last week that it was a bit hotter than comfortable, so we're dropping the temperature a few degrees. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to make your dancing experience excellent. Tonight's intermediate routine is more challenging too. You will enjoy it. It's not this latest video, but the previous one we posted. Some nice easy variations, as well as a a fairly difficult duck-turn double spin for the ladies. Hope to see you there.
24.01.2022 Yep. We're on tonight. Don't miss out. Come and support us and bring a friend - especially a lady friend. We still need more ladies. See you there at 6:30.
23.01.2022 No class tonight - classes follow school terms. Check our calendar here: http://www.jivemecrazy.com//local-classes-/class-calendar/
23.01.2022 Last night's Intermediate class for the record.
23.01.2022 One thing we haven't told you yet. If you pay $50 or more in advance, you get an extra 10% credit. You also get to just swipe and enter since you will have a positive balance. No fussing with cash and change. Less queuing and more dancing! You can check your balance online at any time at http://www.jivemecrazy.com/members
22.01.2022 Another funky dip in this week's intermediate routine. Hope you all come out and enjoy it. Such a great vibe last week in the intermediate session. Don't forget that High school students are free. Uni students are half price. ($5). Please support us in any way you can even if it's just sharing the video on your timeline or liking this post. Thanks heaps. Reminder: This week is the last class for term 2. Term 3 we are changing to Monday nights - same time and venue. Starting 13th July. Be there!
22.01.2022 Just a reminder: No dancing tonight. Classes resume Monday 13th July 6:30pm.
22.01.2022 Beautiful night with wonderful people and great atmosphere
21.01.2022 Heading out to warm up with some fantastic moves tonight. Come and join me at classes. 6:30 pm Williamtown Hall.
20.01.2022 Awesome night last night. Big crowd, heaps of young people, nice size intermediate class who all did very well at the routine and so much fin dancing with you all. Thanks everyone for your support. REMINDER: Last Thursday class next week. Term three we are starting on Monday nights! This is something we've wanted for a while. Thursday night is clashing with Dance Vibe Modern Jive in Newcastle and we regretted that we couldn't get the venue on the Monday until now. Hopefully it will clash with fewer sporting nights and late night shopping for you all as well. Check the class calendar for confirmation of dates http://www.jivemecrazy.com//local-classes-/class-calendar/
20.01.2022 Dancing on tonight and we will actually be doing the Intermediate routine that I posted a couple of weeks ago. See you there. Here it is again: https://www.facebook.com//vb.101501068/10156246886745596/
19.01.2022 I'm gonna check this out: https://www.facebook.com/EddiesSupperClubNewcastle. Will arrive about 9 and see if I can get a dance. Anyone keen?
18.01.2022 OK ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning Jivemecrazy classes on 5th February at Williamtown community hall just near the Newcastle Airport. The venue is an old building but has a nice big floor and very adequate air conditioning. Classes start at 6:30 for beginners and 8:00 for intermediate. Stay tuned for more info and please please - tell your friends. Be prepared for a very light mood and lots of laughs, a modified course, great music from diverse genres and an atmospher...e of welcome for all. It's about fun and the celebration of life, music and movement. https://www.google.com.au//data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x6b736
17.01.2022 Some nice moves for the intermediate students tonight. A couple of very elegant floorcraft sequences, a nice one arm dip and a spiral lean. Plenty of fun for the beginners too so don't miss out. Lock it in and come every week to maximise your enjoyment, fitness and progress.
16.01.2022 Hey friends. Just a note to ask for your support. We need to get the word out about Jivemecrazy and also get more folks to come along. You may be sitting there thinking, "I'm glad Corina and Brent are teaching again. I'll get along and check it out soon." But do't wait. We need a good crowd and a good feel to introduce new folks to. Last week we had nearly twice as many men as women - so ladies - please come along and bring a friend. Also this week we may be seeing some high school students from the course we ran at Hunter River High. We received a great response from the students and several said they'd like to attend the public classes. This is very exciting - seeing high school kids enjoying dancing. So will you please come, show your support and give them a good welcome to the scene. Thanks heaps.
16.01.2022 Our New Years resolution is to teach weekly dance classes. We aim to start classes in the first week of February. There are still a few details to finalise and we will post these shortly. The big questions we would love your input on are as follows.. What night out of Monday or Thursday would you prefer? What you like classes to start earlier, say 6:30 instead of 7pm?... We are keen to get back on the dance floor and would love to see you there. Kind regards Corina.
16.01.2022 Dancing is on tonight. Don't miss it. We've had a great crowd lately and even a large intermediate class. Thanks everyone for supporting us. It's been fun and tonight will be no exception. Bring a friend and change their life.
16.01.2022 Classes starting on 5th Feb at Williamtown - see previous post. Here is some more info. PRICES $10 per head as an introductory offer. Full-time (card-carrying) students enter for $5.... Advanced dancers enter for one song with a beginner. That means they enter for free but we ask that they dance one song in freestyle dance time with a beginner level student. Advanced dancers must be qualified by Corina or Brent. Criteria for assessment can be found on our web site in our terms and conditions. TIMINGS 6:30-7:30 Beginners 7:30-8:00 Open Floor free dancing 8:00-9:00 Intermediate Class 9:00-9:30 Open Floor free dancing Get more info here: http://www.jivemecrazy.com/blog/
15.01.2022 This is not a great video friends but it gives some idea and some record of the intermediate moves for tonight. I'm sure we'll do it better tonight and you will too. It has a decidedly west Coast flavour to some of it - don't you think?
14.01.2022 Hello friends who love dance. Corina and I have been enjoying some time off teaching these two terms. We have been discussing different classes and what makes them popular. I wonder if you could tell us what you value most in a Modern Jive class? Some ideas are: quality of instruction, new content, music diversity, sound quality, mood and ambience, positive and fun-loving, cheap prices, even numbers, floor space, venue close to home. I know these are all important, but which are the most important to you? Thanks.
14.01.2022 Tonight's intermediate will be something like this. (Ref I115)
14.01.2022 One day left! Jivemecrazy starts Thursday. Things to remember: Wear shoes without too much grip if you can. Ladies make sure they don't fall off your heels. Class starts at 6:30. Doors open a little early for new regos Bring a bottle of water or drinks of your choice.... Bring a friend. Williamtown Union Hall - first street east of the Airport. Like and share this post. Thanks for your support. See more
13.01.2022 A lovely smooth routine danced here to Greg Adam's version of Smooth Operator: https://open.spotify.com/track/6hkaLG70wHWVRVJtx8wDnU
13.01.2022 Dancing classes are on tonight. 6:30 Williamtown Union Hall. We'll have the heating on early so you're warm when you arrive. We're excited to see if Monday suits most people better. It's going to be a great term of dancing. Don't miss it!
13.01.2022 Lookin' forward to dancing tonight. Will warm up those icy feet. Don't forget that you have to come every week to get the most out of it. So be there and join us for some laughs and rhythm.
12.01.2022 Just another reminder. No classes tonight. Next class is Monday 13 th. Yep. This coming Monday. Cu there.
12.01.2022 Come and have a dance with the birthday boy . Great moves for beginners and intermediate dancers. See you all there.
12.01.2022 A big thank you to everyone who came tonight. Thanks for making our new students feel welcome and creating such a fun atmosphere. Loved every minute of it.
11.01.2022 Help us kick start our first class for the year, this Thursday night 6:30 pm 5th Feb. BYO refreshments. See you there!
11.01.2022 On of my favourite moves in this intermediate routine for tonight. Come and enjoy it! 6:30 Williamtown Hall.
11.01.2022 See you there tonight folks. Come and have some fun.
11.01.2022 Eddie's Supper Club is on next Friday 4th April at the Polish club and we'll be there. As I said in my last post, it's a great atmosphere - extensive work has been done on this venue and now it has the best vibe in town. Our Table Corina and I are starting a table of 8. Just 6 more seats available at our table, so if you'd like to catch up, grab a dance and reminisce about old times, please let us know (0408 826 455) and book your tickets via the website above.... Three Types of Tickets This time Karen is offering three different types of tickets. Dinner, supper, and dancing only. All three have different entry times and you can read all about it on the web site www.eddiessupperclub.com Early Bird Prices Until the end of Saturday, you can score early-bird prices. A full three course dinner, entertainment and dancing for just $50, down to dancing only 9-12 for just $7. This offer will not be available next week so get in quick. Free Tuition We will be offering some tuition through the night just quietly for those who would like to learn a little dancing or perhaps just a nice move or two. So if you have a partner who doesn't dance yet, this is a great chance to bring them along and help them see that they can do it and enjoy it. We really hope to see you there. Brent and Corina.
11.01.2022 Folks there will still be no power tomorrow night (23-04-15) at Williamtown due to the storm, so dancing is off. Please spread the word and we'll see you next week.
10.01.2022 Just a reminder friends, there's no class tonight or next week. Next class is 5th Oct. See you then!
10.01.2022 Dancing is Back on Tonight. Power is up and all is well. We look forward to seeing each of you there.
10.01.2022 Hey dancing folk - Jivemecrazy is back on tonight at 6:30. See you all there.
09.01.2022 Hoping to get to John and Carolyn's Advanced class tonight at Club Jive. Anyone?
09.01.2022 Tonight we're hitting a few floorcraft moves. Check out the preview.
09.01.2022 Hey Friends, Class is ON TONIGHT. It's a great way to finish a great weekend. Be there! 6:30 Williamtown Hall. Hoping to see some of those terrific dancers from Hunter Valley Grammar School who absolutely shone during the competition on the last day of term. It will be nice and cool in the building and there will be cold drinks available. Head back to work or school feeling invigorated.
09.01.2022 I little bit of slow sensuality in this coming intermediate routine. Hope to see you guys out to enjoy it. Don't forget, if you're one of our awesome supporters, or want to be, to like and share this post for us. Thanks heaps.
09.01.2022 Set up early and ready to dance. Come join us.
09.01.2022 Fighting Life’s Three Big Enemies. Life is potentially excellent and wonderful full of opportunities, experiences, love and laughter. Life is short, so any enemies of the potential good in our lives ought to be treated very seriously. Many of us tolerate factors in our life that steal our happiness for far too long. We learn to live with things that don’t need to be lived with. Three of the big enemies of life are Depression... Relationship breakdown Physical immobility. read more -> http://www.jivemecrazy.com//fighting-lifes-three-big-enem/ See more
08.01.2022 Don't forget dancing tonight and that students enter for half price. Also if you pay $50 or more in advance, you get 10% extra credit. Awesome cheap. Great music, great atmosphere, great people. We actually enjoy dancing! See You there.
08.01.2022 Hey dancers. Corina and I were just chatting about staying in shape through this long winter. So hard to get out running or surfing when there is snow outside :-) . But dancing has a different feel about it. It's not lonely, cold, dark or wet. It's warm, dry, bright and fun and it's on tonight. So don't be tempted to stay in just because it's cold outside. That thinking will see you unhealthy and unhappy. Come and join us instead. BTW, it's been great seeing more students attending classes and doing so well too.
08.01.2022 Dear dancing friends, We regret that Jivemecrazy dance classes will no not be running in 2016. Teaching classes in 2015 has been a blast, although after much consideration we need to focus on other priorities for this season of our lives. Thank you for your support and friendship over the past twelve months. If you have found a new passion for dancing or just rekindled an old one, please continue. Get out there and dance. There are many fantastic dance companies in Newc...astle who would value your attendance. Kindest regards Corina & Brent
08.01.2022 Looking forward to dancing tonight. Here's a peek at the intermediate routine. Please support us by coming along and also by sharing this post. Thanks heaps.
07.01.2022 Come on out tonight for a mini class and dance party. Last class for 2015. See you soon.
07.01.2022 Eddie's is back. Don't miss it. here's the info:
07.01.2022 A great night had by all at Eddie's Supper Club. Lots of dancing, great food and good conversation. It was so lovely to catch up with old friends. Thanks everyone who attended.
07.01.2022 Yep - we're on tonight. Don't forget to come along regularly and support us. Tonight's intermediate is this one: https://www.facebook.com//vb.101501068/10156226991300596/
06.01.2022 Hey friends, dancing on tonight. 6:30. Great turnout last week including heaps of new people, some from Hunter River High. Commit to dancing because if you are regular you get heaps more satisfaction and health out of it. I'll see you there. .. Brent.
05.01.2022 We need your help! In 2015, we're focusing on teaching Modern Jive in High Schools. If you are involved with a school, you know a PE teacher or your family members are involved with a high school anywhere in the Hunter region, We'd love to send you some brochures about what we do if you would hand them on for us. That would be an immense help. Hear what staff are saying here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hc9-s8s7jk
05.01.2022 Heading out to dance tonight. Looking forward to catching up with everyone. Save a dance for me...
05.01.2022 What did you do last night? I went dancing and I'm better for it. Life is short. Turn off the TV, move your body, meet some people, learn some stuff. Get outside. You can dance tonight at "Club Jive", or Wed or Thurs at "Dance Vibe", and on Mondays at Jivemecrazy, or why not ALL THREE! See you on the floor. Want to learn 3 ways you can suffer from lack of dancing? Read here: http://www.jivemecrazy.com//fighting-lifes-three-big-enem/
05.01.2022 More intermediate fun for the upcoming weeks. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow (Thursday at 6:30). We appreciate your help in getting the word out there that we are back by sharing and liking this post. Thanks heaps.
04.01.2022 Great article in the Advocate about us this week.
03.01.2022 Hey friends, I have been meaning to tell you. On valentine's day Corina and I went along to Eddie's Supper Cllub and had a really great time. The music allowed for a good deal of our modern jive and there were other styles we enjoyed watching too and even had a bit of a go. The food was good, atmosphere was excellent and the service was exceptional. I think it's a good thing happening there. It is on again this Friday and there are two types of tickets you can buy. Dinner t...ickets are $60 and supper tickets are $25. Get along there and I don't think you will be disappointed. Stay tuned too for some free tuition at Eddie's from J&C and Corina and Me on a later date. More info and booking at: http://eddiessupperclub.com/
02.01.2022 Thanks all for making our first night a great one. We're looking forward to this Thursday, teaching a new beginner move and, mixing it up a bit with the intermediate routine as well. Was great to see so many loyal supporters return and quite a few new faces too. Don't forget your membership card for quick entry. If you're coming for the first time and you'd like to make things quicker at the door, you can register in advance here: http://www.jivemecrazy.com/members/
02.01.2022 We're in for some fun tonight. Come and join us. Bring a friend. 6:30
02.01.2022 Just a bit more fun for the intermediate/advanced dancers - from our archives. Looking forward to seeing you all tonight. By the way Perry is bringing some sugar-free drinks tonight for those of you watching your sugar intake.
01.01.2022 Great night last week. So keen new intermediate students. Plus fun for all in beginners. Here's a peek at tonight's intermediate. New members, pre-register at the link below
01.01.2022 What night would you like us to teach dancing? Monday or Thursday night. Let us know what you think.
01.01.2022 Last class for term 1 tonight. Come and enjoy it. Remember Students half price and high-school students enter free!
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