JJJ Business Coaching in Sydney | Business consultant
JJJ Business Coaching
Locality: Sydney
Phone: +61 427 949 129
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24.01.2022 While the current restrictions are in place, now is the perfect time to be communicating with your customers on a more regular basis to build that trust in you and your business. Every time that you communicate with a prospect or a customer you are continuing to build that relationship. Remember, people still buy from people! Show them that you care and continue to build that trust. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #optimism #trust
23.01.2022 JOBKEEPER UPDATE Eligibility Employers (including not-for-profits) will be eligible for the subsidy if, at the time of applying: their business has an aggregated turnover of less than $1 billion (for income tax purposes - 1) and they estimate their turnover has fallen or will likely fall by 30 per cent or more; or ... their business has an annual turnover of $1 billion or more (for income tax purposes) and they estimate their turnover has fallen or will likely fall by 50 per cent or more; and their business is not subject to the Major Bank Levy. Self-employed individuals will be eligible to receive the JobKeeper Payment where they meet the relevant turnover test outlined above, and are not a permanent employee of another employer. For charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), they will be eligible for the subsidy if they estimate their turnover has or will likely fall by 15 per cent or more relative to a comparable period. This lower turnover decline test does not apply to universities and non-government schools that are registered charities, who will remain subject to the turnover decline tests set out above for other not-for-profits and businesses. 1 - Aggregated turnover is an entitys annual turnover from carrying on a business plus the annual turnover from carrying on a business of any business or individual connected with or affiliated with the entity. The fact sheet can be accessed below and I highly encourage you to speak with your accountant to make the most of the entitlements that you are available for in the announced stimulus packages. https://zcu.io/uJlP
22.01.2022 World Abundance Through Business Re-education! This is the vision of ActionCOACH and is part of the WHY I invested to become an ActionCOACH and be part of 1000+ coaches worldwide who buy-in and believe in that same vision. Now is the greatest time for me to live into that vision.... If youre a business owner and need advice on how to navigate through and identify opportunities that are available during these current times. Feel free to reach out to me. https://zcu.io/9YCj #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsport #realpeoplerealresults #empathy #gratitude #optimism #proudtobeanactioncoach #vision
18.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WISDOM Youve probably heard of the 5 Second Rule (5-4-3-2-1-blast off) made famous in the Mel Robbins book of the same name, but have you heard of or ever used the Five Minute Rule as outlined by Hal Elrod in the short 45-second video below? https://zcu.io/dNFZ ... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #controlthecontrollables #icantchangeit #halelrod #impacttheory
18.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION One of the greatest assets you can have is a Growth Mindset where you realise that there is ALWAYS something new to learn. Love this quote by Tom Bilyeu.... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsport #mondaymotivation #growthmindset #learnbeforeyouearn
17.01.2022 TEAMWORK TUESDAY Do you want to have a better connection with your team members? Do you agree with Richard Bransons philosophy, where Virgin prioritises employees first?... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsports #realpeoplerealresults #teamwork #caring
16.01.2022 TEAMWORK TUESDAY Whos ever had a manager that lives by the statement in the image? Would you call them a leader...?... Did you feel motivated to follow their direction...? One thing that Ive learnt throughout my career, along with coaching sporting teams, is that your actions speak far louder than your words. To build trust and credibility with your team, you need to lead by example. Behave and act in the way that you expect them to. Far too often a business owner or manager believes that their rules dont apply to them as they are above them. Let me tell you this is NOT the case if your goal is to build a team that will go in to bat for you when the chips are down. You must be congruent in your actions and behaviours with what you demand and expect from your team. As we begin to wind back restrictions and re-open, this is more important than ever. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #teamwork #leadership
15.01.2022 As restrictions begin to lift and you get back into your daily routines. Remember that our country is built on the back of small business. Get back out there and support your local small businesses. In order for them to flourish and thrive again share in the comments below your favourite small business so that they can get the recognition and exposure that they deserve.... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #BuyLocalShopSmall
15.01.2022 JobKeeper Update; Key points are summarised below or read through the Prime Ministers media release: The Government is extending the JobKeeper Payment by a further six months to March 2021.... Support will be targeted to businesses and not-for-profits that continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. The payment rate will be reduced and a lower payment rate will be introduced for those who work fewer hours. Other eligibility rules remain unchanged. The payment rate of $1,500 per fortnight for eligible employees and business participants will be reduced to $1,200 per fortnight from 28 September 2020 and to $1,000 per fortnight from 4 January 2021. From 28 September 2020, lower payment rates will apply for employees and business participants that worked fewer than 20 hours per week. https://www.pm.gov.au//jobkeeper-payment-and-income-suppor
15.01.2022 FRIDAY FUNNY With schools going back next week, I wonder if this will happen...? Enjoy the weekend!
14.01.2022 Many people struggle with where to start with video content. Geoff and our friends at SONIC SIGHT have provided a great list to make this easy for you. https://zcu.io/dLmG #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #video #engagement #sonicsight
14.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WISDOM - UNDERSTANDING THE CHANGE CURVE With everything thats going on around us at the moment, I thought that Id share the Change Curve graph that outlines the emotions and feelings that many of us, as well as people we know, will be going through at the moment. Its important to move through the change curve as quickly as possible to get to the problem-solving mode, where actions get taken to progress.... For some, it may take a little longer to pass through the change curve than others. I just wanted to highlight it to you all as it may help you communicate and have an understanding of what others are going through so that you can show some empathy and understanding their way. Now more than ever does the importance of having built a strong support network around you become evident. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsport #realpeoplerealresults #empathy #gratitude #optimism
14.01.2022 I have found that there is a big difference between leading and managing. The numbers part of your job (KPIs etc... i.e. managing) is the easy part. Dealing with the different personalities and motivators for your team members, then adapting your approach to them is where the challenge comes in. I have found that many learn far more from your actions than from your words. The old "Do you as I say, not as I do" doesnt cut it when you are a true leader.... Lead by your actions, to encourage, inspire and educate, so that they (your team) can dream bigger, be better and achieve what they thought was unachievable. As a great friend of mine recently said: "You can influence an individual, but you cant change them. We can only change ourselves, IF we have a willingness. The first step is often self-awareness." Tony Robbins also states that one of the most valuable traits you can have is self-awareness. Are you aware of your own personality profile and your motivators? Are you able to identify this in others and then adapt your approach, communicating in a way that makes sense to them? #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsport #leadership
13.01.2022 Today was the day that a few friends and I had planned to start our fundraising walk with Chafing For A Cause. The original plan was a 240km walk from Camden to Batemans Bay in just 4 days. Seeing as that had to be cancelled weve taken up The Push-Up Challenge instead. Even though its the weekend, we dont stop. To prove that were actually doing the push-ups, heres a video of a quick set of 30 from this morning heading towards todays total. TODAYS TARGET: 169 PUSH-UP...S MENTAL HEALTH FACT The effects of mental ill health are especially felt by our First Nations people. In our country suicide rates remain disproportionately high for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In 2018, suicide was the leading cause of death for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous children, accounting for more than a quarter (26.5%) of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child deaths. In 2018, there were 169 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who died by suicide. Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can be found here: https://headtohealth.gov.au//aboriginal-and-torres-strait-
13.01.2022 MOTIVATION MONDAY There are numerous studies that have lauded the benefits of a morning routine, especially when it includes some form of physical exercise to release your bodies natural happy drug - endorphins. Ive recently started my morning routine with an accountability call with a friend that keeps us both on track, which leads straight into a workout before the day starts.... Heres a short article describing some of the benefits - https://zurl.co/gu5H. Theres also a great book by Hal Elrod called The Miracle Morning that sets out his life SAVERS for setting up the day. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #morningroutine
12.01.2022 As Victoria moves into higher restrictions and we see many states in Australia closing off their borders, many will begin to feel that same sense of fear that we had back in March. Its almost as if we have all been thrust back to the beginning of The Change Curve again. I thought that Id reshare a video I created 3 months ago in the hope that it can help you understand and empathise with other business owners and staff around where they sit on the curve and how we can help them get to the Problem Solving and Moving On phases sooner rather than later.
11.01.2022 Some great advice from Hal Elrod. What will you be doing this week to increase your energy...? #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsports #realpeoplerealresults
11.01.2022 Understanding the Change Curve and identifying where others are on the curve.
11.01.2022 Hump Day Enlightenment Such a great message and one that is well worth revisiting. A few of you have been told what you CAN and CANT do of late.... Now is the time to let your light shine bright!!! #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #lisanichols #letyourlightshinebright https://zcu.io/lNAg
09.01.2022 Whats the release you use to take your thoughts away from your business? Add them to the comments below. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsports #release
08.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WISDOM Incredibly powerful and thought provoking words by Tom Bilyeu. Really stopped and made me think, Ive been guilty of this too. ... Dont over complicate it, break it down into manageable steps. It reminds me of a question an old boss used to constantly use: "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time" #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsports
08.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Interesting take by James Clear, the author of the book Atomic Habits, on the danger of focusing on goals and what your focus should be on instead that actually drives the results. What are your thoughts on this?... https://zcu.io/bR6T #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #motivation #jamesclear
07.01.2022 Being an eternal optimist, one of the greatest challenges I have is running into people with a scarcity or closed mindset. I think it was Brian Tracy who said "You wont change someones opinion, but they will often make a different decision based on new information." I guess they just have to be open to it.... ... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsports #realpeoplerealresults #learnbeforeyouearn
07.01.2022 TEAMWORK TUESDAY A recent Harvard Business Review study found that three key factors drive trust in leadership: Consistency, Good Judgment and Positive Relationships. Slightly ahead in influence within the study was the factor of positive relationships. If a relationship has not been formed, or if the relationship is broken, it is virtually impossible for trust to germinate and grow. This ultimately proves that an emotionally connected leader with a clear vision is more like...ly to be trusted and receive support. How are you tracking with those three key factors in your business and with your team...? What can you do to improve on this TODAY? #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsports #leadership
07.01.2022 TEAMWORK TUESDAY Covid-19 has forced the hand of the many traditional business owners who dont believe that their staff are working unless they are in the office, to have their staff working remotely from home. The majority of business systems now, whether they are CRM, accounting or project management tools are almost all cloud-based, meaning that all you need is an internet connection and a phone to work from just about anywhere.... As someone who did between a 1-1.5hr daily commute each way through Sydney traffic for far too many years. I personally believe that you are often more productive and work longer hours while working from home without that commute. The article in the link below shows a recent 2019 study that found that Working From Home Increases Productivity. What is your experience with this and do you agree with those numbers...? https://zcu.io/XdpG #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #workfromhome #workremotely
06.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WISDOM Im currently reading the book Wooden written by the legendary Hall of Fame UCLA basketball coach John Wooden. The passage in the image caught my attention and I felt it needed to be shared. ... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsports #realpeoplerealresults
06.01.2022 FRIDAY FULFILMENT What a way to end the week...? Many of you may know that I recently offered to provide 5hrs of pro-bono coaching to business owners that need assistance during the current #covid19 pandemic.... Last night I received the image below in a message from one of the clients who have taken me up on this offer with the comment "Reminds me of you". I was blown away and filled with such #gratitude that I can be seen in such a way. Ticks all the boxes for my purpose of having a positive impact on the lives of the people I work with. I hope that you all have had an opportunity to be filled with #optimism this week. Have a great weekend all. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsport #realpeoplerealresults #fulfilment - with Adam Scully
06.01.2022 Is there a worse way to start a Monday morning than to see a near-empty coffee tin...? Im reading the great NBA coach Phil Jacksons book Eleven Rings at the moment and throughout the book, he throws in some great quotes and proverbs. With the craziness and noise circling at the moment, this one struck me:... "Forget mistakes, forget failures, forget everything, except what youre going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day." ~ Will Durrant #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsport #mondaymotivation
05.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION THURSDAY Some very interesting takeaways from this talk and I encourage you to watch the video in its entirety and then note in the comments your #1 Learning from it... and then what behaviour will you change based on this. Knowledge is a powerful tool, putting that knowledge into ACTION is where real CHANGE occurs.... https://zcu.io/xoNF #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsports #realpeoplerealresults #minset
03.01.2022 NSW Small Businesses to be eligible for $10,000 grant The NSW Government will put $750 million into the Small Business Support Fund as the centrepiece of a third wave of support measures to keep small businesses afloat. Ms Berejiklian said the new fund was based on the hugely successful scheme rolled-out during the recent NSW bushfires, which provided $42 million to 4,200 businesses within the first 10 days of launching.... This is about getting cash into small businesses when they are struggling right now in the face of an unprecedented situation, Ms Berejiklian said. To be eligible, businesses will need to: - Have between 1-19 employees and a turnover of more than $75,000; - A payroll below the NSW Government 2019-20 payroll tax threshold of $900,000; - Have an Australian Business Number as at 1 March 2020, be based in NSW and employ staff as at 1 March 2020; - Be highly impacted by the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020 issued on 30 March 2020; - Use the funding for unavoidable business costs such as utilities, overheads, legal costs and financial advice; - Provide appropriate documentation upon application. Applications for a small business grant of up to $10,000 will be available through Service NSW within a fortnight and remain open until 1 June 2020. For the full press release go to - https://zcu.io/lMEP #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #coachingnotjustforsport #realpeoplerealresults #covid19 #smallbusinessgrants
03.01.2022 If you want to learn a great way to increase your chances of success in life and business, be sure to comment below so that you can register and attend to see me present this Thursday morning for BNI Morningstar online via Zoom. 6:45am - 8:30am this Thursday 14th May 2020. #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #bni
03.01.2022 FRIDAY FUNNY With the events of the last 10 days, this seems appropriate. #jjjbusinesscoaching #fridayfunny #donttakelifetooseriously
03.01.2022 TEAMWORK TUESDAY Where is your focus when dealing with your team members? Is it on the bottom, middle or top layer in what I talk about in the video?... #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #coachingnotjustforsport #teamworktuesday #3dcoaching
02.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Accountability is one of, if not the greatest factor, along with self-discipline that will help you achieve your goals. As a business owner, the challenge is often who is going to hold you accountable to do the things that need to be done?... In Marshall Goldsmiths book Triggers, he provides a simple process that can help you achieve this with his daily questions. This is where you make a list of questions that are important for you to keep on track. All of the questions must begin with "Did I do my best to...". The reason the question has "I" in it is so that you must take ownership of the answer to that question. Any question with you in it externalises the response and opens the door for you to pass the blame on to someone else. An article on the process can be found at the link below. There is also an app for iPhones available for this as well that allows you to schedule a notification during the day to ask your questions. https://zcu.io/AlNg #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #triggers #accountability
01.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WISDOM I decided to re-read Tim Ferris great book Tools of Titans again this week and a quote at the very beginning of the book struck me as extremely powerful. As individuals, we often get caught up on having to be perfect or concerning ourselves on the opinions of others. Constantly comparing someone elses achievements against our own, or lack thereof.... We all have our flaws, embrace them, find the positive in them, use them to your advantage to make you stand out and be unique - this is your USP! #businesscoaching #jjjbusinesscoaching #realpeoplerealresults #USP #timferris
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