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Jo Angwin Yoga | Pilates studio

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Jo Angwin Yoga

Phone: +61 412 581 031


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25.01.2022 11 weeks ago Jo presented ‘The practice’ to all white dog yoga students. The practice was designed to introduce and explore a more directed and specific focus on regular and committed practice. The exploration of Asana and the practice of yoga in this way was designed to inform yoga students of the technology, science and linking of the poses, encourage and develop understanding of ‘The Practice ‘ as a whole and help hold students steady in these challenging times. ... . THE PRACTICE- commenced on Monday 20th July -11 weeks ago! . The practice explored 5 main themes. 1 Standings. 2 Backbends 3 Forwardbends 4 Balancings 5 Restorative The weekly focus was woven throughout all yoga classes on the timetable, with clear considerations for the levels of classes and appropriate Asana (poses) . Congratulations to everyone who committed to ‘The practice’ - the exploration has been so much fun, loads of challenge and most of all the practice has provided a constant and very practical way to remain focused, steady and strong. The last week will cover each and every practice we have explored together. We would love to hear your stories of how ‘the practice’ has worked for you! . Email your reflections and your photos to [email protected] . #stayingfocused #howyogaworks #onedayatatime #dayafterday #strpbystep #standing #backbend forwardbend #balancing #restorative #iyengaryoga #yoga NEW CHALLENGE ON ITS WAY! Xjo . @brewerjayne love this photo

25.01.2022 Breakfast Masala oats, ghee and coriander. . #slowfood #energy #foodforhealing

25.01.2022 Hey folks! Here is the information regarding the mantra we talked about this morning in class! Enjoy your day x

25.01.2022 Snippet from tonight class - Continuing to explore and play with the split leg variations in yoga 2/3 Inversion . Tuesday 8pm. . #backisgettingstronger #inversions #dropback #openuptheindustry

23.01.2022 Siddhasana - semi divine, purity. Learning to sit. . The Siddhas say that as among Niyamas, the most important is not to harm anyone, and among the Yamas is moderate diet, so is Siddhasana among the asana’ - pg: 88 Light on yoga - B.K.S Iyengar ... . #siddhasana #semidivine #purity #relaxingasana #attentive #alert #kneestiffness #anklestiffness #lumbarregion #abdominalregion #spine See more

23.01.2022 We are all feeling it. . This Coming Saturday Jo will be conducting a mini workshop for all of you who need some time out. There is no extra costs involved, (standard class price) and no experience necessary except for the willingness to work into supportive, longer holds and learn about the minds nature. ... . You will need some extra bits and pieces to help support you. - bolster or large firm pillow. - chair (any kind) - several blankets (the firmer then better) - a crepe bandage (from your first aid kit) - warm clothing and a warm room. . The session will be 90 minutes long and include supported postures, basic breath practice and basic mindfulness principles. #irritated #anxious #anxiousminds #pressure #rest #releif #pranayamabreathing #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealth #health See more

22.01.2022 Less noise. Closer. Quieter. Steadier. .... With so much noise around us, loud voices, loud minds, loud attitudes, loud actions, loud people finding silence and steadiness has become the intention, the study and the residual effect of daily practice. . #sayless #besteady #goquietly #study #watch #bewithyou #silencefirstlisten #thenspeak

22.01.2022 Yoga Helps Put the Pieces Back Together . #pranayama #breathwork #selfstudy #timeforyou #beingwithyou #selfcare #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogaaustralia #breathinbreathout @whitedogstudio_melbourne @whitedogstudio_newtown

22.01.2022 Join Heath (and Jo) tonight at 6pm for a fancy little Friday night stretch off. . Heath will be setting the pace, choosing the flavours and putting Jo’s little yoga brain through his regular Friday night stretch sessions. , Could be good for a laugh! ... . Uncensored! Microphones on! . #famouslastwords #notbadforanoldbloke @contrologycollective #stretching #fridaynightlive #couldbegoodforalaugh #yogapilates #pilatesmaster #yogamaster #fridaynightvibes #twistermoves See more

22.01.2022 Finding balance. . #ardhachandrasana #balance #standing #virtualyogaclass

22.01.2022 Set your compass. . Garner the courage to be grateful and refuse to fall into the mental trappings of being the victim.... Aim at the light and be divinely responsible for making a difference to others, however small. Have the courage and the fortitude to keep looking up. . #responsibility #sutrastudies #divineresponsibility #selfreflection #selfstudy

22.01.2022 Very excited to announce this one! . From January 2nd I will be facilitating a unique class at White dog studio, Newtown focused on the original Iyengar yoga method of prop use and rope work. ... The props allow exploration of a incredible range of asana that are otherwise out of reach to most students and practitioners. Class numbers are limited to 6 per session. . Bookings essential. Follow the link in @whitedogstudio_geelong bio and book now. Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. . #yogapractice #iyengaryoga #methodology #iyengaryogaaustralia #yogawithprops #yogawithropes

22.01.2022 Notes from todays workshop for Women’s Health. Attentive listening is perhaps the most important cornerstone of a relationship. If, by practicing yoga, we can establish a relationship with ourselves, then listening and being attentive to ourselves becomes a key aspect of the practice. It may be that the sole purpose of the various asana (body positions) of the practice of yoga are to enable us to listen to ourselves more attentively. ... Stretching or contracting a muscle triggers a process of creation in which your body speaks loudly and clearly to you. Pay attention to what your body is telling you, be clear, gentle with your mind and your body. Points of study (Looking through the lens of yogic philosophy.) Yama/Niyama Ahimsa - non-violence: firm, clear, gentleness towards all, cultivating truthfulness - Satya. Aparigraha - temptation to compare ourselves, understand and accept all families, all people are different and decide what is best for you and stick to it however be open to self examination. Saucha - cleanliness in speech and in mind. Tapas - dedication to stay active and well on all levels. To develop inner strength and to see and act with strength and vitality. Use AGNI - element of fie to ignite the light in the mind to say Please open - be interested in waking up again and again. The body is treacherous - Tamasic by nature. It never wants to do anything, the body won’t move unless there is a will to do so. - recover from fatigue - free the nerves from tension and shakiness - for a time keep all those mental involvements at rest and then when the fresh mind starts to come to the surface you are then ready to do. Let us try to understand the psychology of this. X JO #yogapractice #womenshealthweek2020 #womensupportingwomen #understanding #care #compassionquotes

21.01.2022 When the student sums up the practice perfectly. Thanks @brewerjayne . Many of us are not comfortable describing our asana practice as prayer even though through practice we are, step by step, learning how to surrender our egos. Often our rationality and skepticism make it difficult for us to allow and assign the highest motive to our practice. ... Surya Namaskara is an act of connection with Surya, the solar deity who is a symbol of the light and consciousness and helps direct our attention away from the physical and towards the spiritual in practice. Surya is also a healer and thus doing Surya Namaskara can be your reminder of the healing benefits you gain by committing and returning daily to practice, returning to cultivating the perspective that practice helps us connect with the source that it is greater than ourselves. . #noreligion #foreveryone #foreverybody #acceptance #steady #focused #commitment #mentalhealth #service #selfcare #direction #reverence #notreligiousbutspiritual See more

21.01.2022 THE WHITE DOG WAY! . X looking forward to seeing each and every one of you x

21.01.2022 Look out!! Thanks and @contrologycollective. . #pilatesmatwork #pilatesreformer #smallbusinessowner #knowyourworth #skills #teachertrainingcourse

20.01.2022 Lovin’ the baby backbends in surya Namaska thread this week. . Join me today and tomorrow for some spinal adjustment . #spine #backbends #extensions #suryanamaskar @whitedogstudio_melbourne

20.01.2022 . WESITE UPDATE . Today our website had a little spring cleaning. You will find everything is still there.... ABOUT - you will find our teams happy little faces smiling at you - just in case you miss us. . OUR CLASSES - you will find CLASS TYPES, BOOK NOW and live TIMETABLE links. . PRERECORDED - you will find our ON DEMAND and MEMBERS LIBRARY links. . PRICES/PACKS you will find our PRICES and the NUTRITION PACK links. . MERCH you will find the link to our affiliated website with teejunction who help us create our Merch on demand and ship it direct to you. . FAQ’s is there for you. , CONTACT is there if you need us. . We hope this helps you all have a smoother experience when you jump on our website. Have a great day folks! . #pilatesmelbourne #yogamelbourne #pilatesgeelong #yogageelong #movegoodfeelgood #reformermelbourne #reformergeelong #clientexperiencematters

18.01.2022 We are all feeling it. . This Coming Saturday from 11:30am - 1 pm I will be conducting a mini workshop for all of you who need some time out. There is no extra costs involved, (standard class price) and no experience necessary except for the willingness to work into supportive, longer holds and learn about the minds nature. ... . You will need some extra bits and pieces to help support you. - bolster or large firm pillow. - chair (and kind) - several blankets (the firmer then better) - a crepe bandage (from your first aid kit) - warm clothing and a warm room. . The session will be 90 minutes long and include supported postures, basic breath practice and basic mindfulness principles. To book go to Create an account, purchase your pass and then book in. A link will be sent to you prior to the session on Saturday morning. Look forward to seeing you there. xJo . #irritated #anxious #anxiousminds #pressure #rest #releif #pranayamabreathing #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealth #health

18.01.2022 It’s all about balance. #study #smallbusinessowner #skillstosharefuturetobuild

18.01.2022 . I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the 5562 clients who attended the 976 virtual classes taught since the beginning of the covid closures in March. Each and every one of you have been an integral part in my life this year. There is no way I could have done it without you. .... I am deeply and eternally grateful to each and every one of you for being there with me each step of the way. . We did this together as a community. . #connection #community #inthistogether

18.01.2022 Examples of balance can be found everywhere, even in those places where you least expect them. Dr Patrizia Collard, The Mindfulness Bible #balance #mindfulnesspractice #bakasana

17.01.2022 What to Remember When Waking By David Whyte In that first hardly noticed moment in which you wake, coming back to this life from the other... more secret, moveable and frighteningly honest world where everything began, there is a small opening into the new day which closes the moment you begin your plans. What you can plan is too small for you to live. What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough for the vitality hidden in your sleep. To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others. To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritance. You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged. Now, looking through the slanting light of the morning window toward the mountain presence of everything that can be what urgency calls you to your one love? What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky? Is it waiting in the fertile sea? In the trees beyond the house? In the life you can imagine for yourself? In the open and lovely white page on the writing desk? . #slow #steady #morningmeditation #agiftofwords See more

17.01.2022 Strength and stretch in yoga practice. Learn to remain emotionally steady, and emotionally contained when you search for space. Jo Angwin - virtual yoga classes @whitedogstudiofootscray

17.01.2022 Putting it all together. Over the last 4 weeks we have been learning this, one asana ‘type’ at a time. Wk 1-standing Wk 2- backbends Wk 3- forward bends... Wk 4- banancings This week we work them all - not always in that order - practiced and familiar. . If you would like to learn this ‘practice’ join me next week when we start all over again- learning - consolidating - refining. . . #suryanamaska #thread #learning #stepbystep #technique #asanafocus

17.01.2022 Bloomers and backbends. #yoga #iyengaryogaaustralia #backbends #urdhvadhanurasana #yogawithprops

17.01.2022 Whoops! Missed one. Last assignment submitted today! #pilatestraining #matpilates #reformerpilates #cert4

16.01.2022 The Foundations of Yoga . How do we start? . Let your first step be about action and keep it very simple. ... . Make a choice to attend a minimum amount of classes per week and book them in. . Being the first day of a new year your mind may be very eager and ready to go all out but please simmer down. Trust that some restraint will serve you well and commitment is about realistic, long term, unwavering practice. . Dedication to sustained action is the very first place to start. . To book 1. Follow the link to the website in our bio. 2. Check out our class types/timetable. 3. Book into classes that best reflect your experience with yoga. . Yoga 1 is for beginners or those returning to practice after a period of time off. Yoga 2 is for those who are yoga fit, practicing regularly. Yoga 2/3 is for those with a commitment to regular practice and dedicated to self study. . Take a trial Commit for a time See what happens. Please note: To start yoga you do not need to be fit, strong, flexible have fancy yoga wear. Like all good things the business of yoga that we are sold via products and images on social media has very little to do with the practice. . #yoga #begin #keepitsimple #dedication #selflove #commitment #iyengaryoga #restraint #action #startfromthestartagain #beginagain #whatisyoga #foundationsofyoga @jo_angwin_yoga_whitedogstudio @katiedb_

16.01.2022 Congratulations to you @healing__herbs . I started the Surya Namaskar challenge 12 weeks ago with Jo and I haven’t looked back since!... My exercise routine, prior to covid, consisted primarily of running, reformer and move good. I have wanted to start a yoga practice for a while, however I could never get into yoga. Now, I can’t not start my day without Surya Namaskar! Through Jo’s teaching and guidance, these past twelve weeks has helped me get stronger and improve my flexibility. But more importantly, helped mentally. I feel more grounded and well equipped to tackle my day, once I have completed my daily practice. I know that my yoga practice will continue after this pandemic and I am so grateful to Jo for her dedication and passion! I Can’t wait for the next challenge Jo! Xx @healing__herbs . #yoga #regularpractice #makesadifference #steadiness #mentalhealth #strength #flexibility #commitment

15.01.2022 Want to learn how physical yoga practice can improve your relationship with yourself, your quality of interactions with others and your ability to concentrate? . In 2021 White Dog Yoga classes will be focused on presenting a consistent and methodical curriculum dedicated to the study of the foundations of a yoga practice. No matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced student of yoga, learning about the foundations of the practice can help you observe what you thin...k, the way you act and how you conduct yourself in the world. . Join Jo and Kate as they present the foundations of Yoga in action - The Iyengar way. . Follow the link in our bio to grab yourself an intro pack and start the year committed to learning how to take good care of you. . The foundations curriculum commences for all levels January 2nd 2021. . #iyengaryoga #abhyasa #vairagya #karmendriyas #jnanendriyas #kriyayoga #obstacles #asanapractice #pranayama #dharana #dhyana #citta #memory #arambhavastha #precision #learningtoadjustmylens #yogafoundations #iyengaryogaaustralia #learnyogawell

14.01.2022 SITTING TOGETHER Mindful Meditation 6:45am Monday to Friday. ... Start the day steady and grounded with a short seated mindful meditation practice. All you need is a comfortable seat. This session is suitable for everyone and free to all. . If you are a white dog studio client you can simply book in via the website or your app. New to white dog - please create a profile by following the link in our bio. . Looking forward to sitting with you. XJo . #mindfulness #meditation #sittingtogetherquietly #morningpractice #freeclassforall

14.01.2022 "The severity of practice by itself is not the yardstick for measuring success. A pure mind and a right intention are necessary. Yoga must be done gradually. The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible or standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is to create space where you were once stuck. To unveil layers of protection you have built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates.... To make peace with who you are. The goal is to love... well, you. Shift your focus and your heart will grow" Geeta Iyengar . #iyengaryogateacher #geetaiyengar #yogapractice #whitedogyoga #selfstudy

14.01.2022 Wishing you and your family the very best for Christmas. Heath, Jo, and the team x . #family #friends #connection

14.01.2022 So good to be back in this space teaching face to face! Loved it!!

13.01.2022 Another enthusiastic workshop filled with fun and laughter! #yoga #yogaclasses #yogaworkshop @whitedogstudiofootscray @whitedogyoga_joangwin #joangwinyoga #ropesworkshop #iyengaryoga

13.01.2022 THE PRACTICE Creating balance physically, mentally and emotionally through consistent, uninterrupted, focused practice. A Practice that is creative, connected and consistent. Our next 10 weeks of exploration begins Monday.... . P.s. all ye yoga folk will find this poster in their inbox tonight, oh and F###k covid Xjo . #yogapractice #mentalhealthmatters #meditation #suryanamaskar #yoga1 #yoga2 #yoga3 #pranayama #breathingexercises #restorativeyoga #balance #foryournervoussystem #foryoubody #foryourmind #foryourbreath See more

13.01.2022 The harvest of presence, the evanescent moment of seeing or hearing on the outside what already lives far inside us; the eyes, the ears or the imagination suddenly become a bridge between the here and the there, between then and now, between the inside and the outside; beauty is the conversation between what we think is happening outside in the world and what is just about to occur far inside us. Beauty is an achieved state of both deep attention and self-forgetting; the sel...f forgetting of seeing, hearing, smelling or touching that erases our separation, our distance, our fear of the other. Beauty invites us, through entrancement, to that fearful, frontier between what we think makes us; and what we think makes the world. Beauty is almost always found in symmetries: the symmetries seen out in creation, the wings of the moth, the airy sky and the solid earth, the restful, focused eyes of a loving face in which we see our own self reflected: the symmetry also, therefore, of bringing together inner and outer recognitions, the far horizon of otherness seen in that face joined to the deep inner horizon of our own being. Beauty is an inner and an outer complexion living in one face. Beauty especially occurs in the meeting of time with the timeless; the passing moment framed by what has happened and what is about to occur, the scattering of the first spring apple blossom, the turning, spiraling flight of a curled leaf in the falling light; the smoothing of white sun-filled sheets by careful hands setting them to air on a line, the broad expanse of cotton filled by the breeze only for a moment, the sheets sailing on into dryness, billowing toward a future that is always beckoning, always just beyond us. Beauty is the harvest of presence. --David Whyte.

12.01.2022 What if I told you there was no final pose... No completed pose... No end point... What if I told you that each and every pose you learn is revealing parts of itself, parts of another and a part of the whole. .... Slow down there is no hurry, no grading, no belts, no levels and no certificate. Slow down, connect, become steady and content with where you are in each and every moment. . #nowheretogo #nofinish #notacompetition #partoftgewhole #bewithyou #iyengaryogaaustralia #yogapracticenotyogaperfect See more

12.01.2022 This week’s focus - STANDING POSES. . Surya Namaska transitions. . Place yourself... Elongate Open up Look where you are going Place yourself Elongate Open up Place yourself Elongate Open up . #suryanamaska #transitions #adhomukhasvanasana #ekupadaadhomukhasvanasana #trikonasana #stepping #yoga #deliberatepractice #focused #steady See more

12.01.2022 Everything in the standing poses is right here. Learning to use your feet and your legs for your hips and back. . #inversions #upsidedown #rightwayup #standingposes

12.01.2022 Some days all you can do is stand up tall with your shoulders back and get on with the next thing that presents itself. . #smallbusiness #challengesofcovid #supporttheteam #supportthecommunity #keeplookingforward #stepbystep #tatooonmychest #community #connection #lovewhatido #lovemyteam #womensupportingwomen #resilience

11.01.2022 I’ve been doing yoga for around 6 years, but it wasn’t until I joined white dog in 2016 that I became addicted. I love the time it gives me to focus on nothing but being present, in my body. I also love seeing my strength grow and working towards challenging poses (I WILL do a handstand). This year, yoga has been my saving grace! It would get me out of bed every morning and ready for another day inside. ... Without it I think I would have lost my mind. I have now decided to take a sabbatical from work and travel around in my van to see family, friends and our beautiful country. I haven’t been to the studio much at all this year, but virtual classes have me feeling stronger than ever, while being able to be the gypsy I am. @raymentemma Queensland, Australia. . #suryanamaskar #virtualclasses #committed #dailypractice #nomatterwhereyouare #stayingsteadyandstrong #yogapractice #gypsysoul #travelling #timeout @whitedogstudiofootscray

11.01.2022 If you can adapt to and balance in a world that is always moving and unstable, you learn how to become tolerant to the permanence of change and difference. Balancing asanas teach and cultivate tolerance. BKS Iyengar . #bksiyengar #iyengarmethod #iyengaryogaaustralia #balancingpose

11.01.2022 On Saturday 5th September at 11:30am join Jo for a Restorative/Pranayama session just for ‘Women - exploring the physical, physiological and mental health benefit of yoga for women’s cycles. I was 28 years old when I was first introduced to Geeta Iyengar’s book A GEM FOR WOMEN. I was pregnant with my first child and had started attending regular classes at @cliftonhillyogastudio in Melbourne. My main practice at the time was KUNG FU however a weekly yoga class had become a ...regular thing since injuring my knee in a sparring drill a few years earlier when a young guy had decided to wipe the floor with me @nadine.danceofvitality My dominate practice was sweaty and vigorous and my body was hard, my head was hard! (went with the territory I guess, a crowd controller by night and a drug and alcohol therapist by day) Needless to say I was not at all sensitive to breath, mind or body! I had never considered my physical practice in relation to my Menstrual cycle. I had never, in all my years as a physically active young woman, been introduced to the ideas that my menstrual cycles affected training, not by any of my couches/trainers/teachers whilst playing sports at school/University, cross country running, swimming, hiking, horse riding, circuit training, lifting weights at the gym nor in my Kung Fu martial arts practice. Not one of them had ever asked me at the beginning of a session where I was in my cycle or if I was menstruating. @peterscottyoga was the first teacher I had that really challenged me to understand my practice in relation to my cycles, studying with him opened up an entirely new approach to my physical and mental health as a woman and lets just say that I am grateful to him for putting up with my hard head and pushy practice. At 31, after my second child I had a pretty scary pap smear test come back and with Peter’s assistance, we used Gem for Women and Geeta.S. Iyengar’s Guide to Women’s Yoga Practice (Lois Sternberg) to heal my body. My doctor agreed to give me a 6 months window before surgery so I put my teacher training aside and spent 6 months dedicated to women’s menstrual phases and appropriate practices. I got the all clear 7 months later. I have been fortunate enough over the years to work with the guidance of Geeta’s comprehensive manuals and Peter Scott’s support to help women dealing with their everyday lives being affected by Cancer treatments, PCOS, Endometriosis, PTSD, Chronic fatigue, IVF, Menopause, Post Natal depression, Injury, Drug dependancy, Eating disorders,Trauma, Grief, Loss and Death. I don’t muck about with my body anymore. I know my cycle affects my practice, my teaching, my energy, my appetite, my moods, my creativity, hell my cycle affect everything. I am grateful to Dr. Geeta. S Iyengar and to Peter Scott for helping me understand myself, my states and for teaching me to be a woman that is sensitive to the needs of my body, my mind, and my breath. - Jo

10.01.2022 Finding steadiness and balance requires persistence, understanding and courage. The yoga2/3 group have been working on the smaller components of this. Each little bit of what is needed in the forward bend side, what is needed in the back bend side, what is needed of the hips, the spine and the legs. . Yoga 2/3 inversion practice @whitedogstudiofootscray ... . #iyengaryoga #balance #ekapadachatuspadasana #halasana #chatuspadasana #sarvangasanavariation See more

10.01.2022 Bakasana from Sirsasana. . The think you learn in lockdown! . #strengthandmobility #bakasana #sirsasana #eveneffort

09.01.2022 You know that the antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest? The antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness. David Whyte, Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity . #threepointheadstand #findingbalance #steadiness #balancingposes #sirsasanavariation #bakasana #iyengaryogaaustralia #iyengarmethod

09.01.2022 Bookings now open!! . PLEASE NOTE : OUR BOOKING SYSTEM LOOKS A LITTLE DIFFERENT NOW. WE HAVE BOTH VIRTUAL AND IN STUDIO CLASSES ON OUR TIMETABLE. .... WHEN BOOKING VIA THE WEBSITE - you will see all the in studio and Virtual classes for both locations so please be sure to take the time to choose/note the location first, followed by the class style/type. . BOOKING VIA THE MBO APP when booking via the MBO APP be sure to choose/note the location first then the class type/style. . BOOKING BY YOUR HOME COMPUTER. When booking via the MBO platform from your home computer be sure to choose/note the location first followed by the class type/style. Can’t wait to see you x . #moreoptions #vitualclasses #instudioclasses #newlookbooking #chooseyourownadventure See more

09.01.2022 There is a lot of talk about body size shape and shaming in our industry and it is needed but this red hot topic of ageism directed at the female lead seems to lay silent behind everyone’s lips. I have seen many incredible women in this industry over the last 20 years experience ageism and bullying at times in their lives when they were struggling through menopause, caring for ageing parents, dealing with death and loss and separation. With the majority of new clientele bei...Continue reading

09.01.2022 Proud of my ongoing commitment to my practice during lockdown and forever grateful to Jo for leading me to a more steady, grounded place where I spend more time in my body and less in my head. Ang X . @anjh_kingsol #commitment #steady #letyourbodyleadtheway #suryanamaskar #yogapractice ... #showingupformyself See more

08.01.2022 Basic backbend actions for the upper body. How to move the spine forward, in and up. Modified Gomukhasana variations.... Be tall - stretch the crown of the head to the ceiling. Be broad - spread the shoulders to opposite sides of the room. Use your ribs - draw the back ribs in and up. Use your shoulder blades - grip the shoulder blades deep onto the back ribs. Lift, spread and open your chest. . #gomukhasana #backbendpreparation #shouldertightness #neckdiscomfort #armsbehindback #chest #optimism #will #determination #rejuvenation @katiedb_

08.01.2022 We all have our unique ways of taking care of ourselves. . Join us this week as the Women of White Dog share a little piece of their lives with us all. .... Celebrating women’s health week together. . #womenshealth #celebratingwomen #stories #tricks #remedies #ladylove #recipes #movies #walks #food #films #poetry #commitment #service #inspiration #womeninhistory #family #culture #community #confidence #connection #love See more

07.01.2022 This book #storytotell #mymothersmother #notsolongago #blessingsinthepages @jamilarizvi @mccabehelen

07.01.2022 Keep an eye on socials folks. Limited class times. Limited spaces. . #iyengaryoga #yoga #facetoface

07.01.2022 Nice work on Fairy Friday @kdm_kylie_dawn I love love love this - mayurasana in a dress!! Who’s next?? .... #mayurasana #armbalancing #goodforalaugh @ifitz_photography See more

07.01.2022 Sutra II.46: Sthira Sukham Asanam = asana is a steady comfortable posture What does this mean? Do we hold the posture longer? Do we do the ones we like, the ones that feel good? ... The Yoga Sutras define asana as the posture that brings comfort and steadiness. Sounds simple enough, right? The only problem is the the every day push and pull, challenges of life, both physical and emotional, make it difficult to maintain a sense of comfort and steadiness. Tonight’s VIRTUAL Yoga 2/3 (Inversions) was a was all about finding a place to sit in the asana to work to and away from. The session is dedicated to the practice of the Inverted poses, Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Sirsasana & Sarvangasana (Handstand, Head and Shoulder stand). In general, and as far as yoga is concerned, spending some time upside down is a way to boost all the major systems of the body (circulatory, respiratory, nervous and glandular) whilst giving your heart a rest. Handstand and Headstand are the more stimulating and invigorating of the inverted poses. They help to increase physical strength, memory and concentration and enhances mental capacity and emotional stability. Shoulderstand is the more nurturing of the inversions. It has a cooling and quietening effect and can assist glandular and hormonal health. Once developed the inverted poses work together on all the bodies systems to bring balance and strength physical, physiologically and mentally. #iyengaryoga #inversions #upsidedown #changeyouperspective #findingacomfortableseat

07.01.2022 Iyengar Yoga - in studio . All levels welcome. Spaces limited to 8 people per class. Bookings now open.... . Monday 6pm All levels 7 pm All levels Thursday 6pm Surya 7 pm All levels . Slow and steady return to practice. Everyone welcome. XJo @whitedogstudio_geelong #iyengaryoga #support #connection #creativity #community See more

07.01.2022 My first ‘chosen’ teacher. Komson Suteero - Buddhist Monk. (1996) . Last week I was asked this question?... Why do you care, why are you so focused on supporting teachers who are in your classes/employment/training? Joy . My intentions are often misunderstood however I know it is not about helping them, that is not what they need. It is about engaging them in a mutual productive trade of energy and ideas. Ideas that give them an opportunity to pursue their chosen livelihood and most importantly so that many, many people get an opportunity to be a beneficiary of who they become and what they produce. . Gratitude for your teachings dear man. I miss you. X . #lollipopmoments @miss_annia #support #responsibility #direction #pursue #engaged #question #demand #yesyoucan

07.01.2022 Tonight’s yoga 2 . Exploring Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - one leg, construction of a bridge, neck balance. . Combining effort and understanding.... . #learnyogawell #yogawithprops #understandingeffort #understandingpropuse See more

06.01.2022 This weeks Surya Namaskar and so much more... #floorvinyasa #shoulders #standingposes #rollings #abdominals #yoga #morningpractice

05.01.2022 A slower paced Surya with my teacher @jo_angwin_yoga_whitedogstudio a must in these times. Intention set to stay steady. Continued prompts to bow the head down bow the head in, this keeps me ‘in’ my practice. Namaskar to you Jo and all that as Jo said choose to get on the mat @katiedb_ . #steady #intention #suryanamaskar #onedayatatime

05.01.2022 Little peak into this mornings practice. 75minutes in 30seconds . Enjoy your day. X ... . #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #seatedarmvariations #floorvinyasa #virasana #armvariations #standingforwardbends #suryanamaskar #standingposes #seatedforwardfolds #twists #hiplifts #chatuspadasana #savasana See more

05.01.2022 This year has been tough to say the least. My studies have taken a back seat again and again and again as I have been called upon to shift and change in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Nearly there.... Thanks for making it possible for me. @contrologycollective for making time and @whitedogstudiofootscray for the vibe. . #cert4 #refotmerpilates #matpilates #training #study #smallbusinessowner

04.01.2022 IYENGAR YOGA GEELONG Small group classes Monday 5:45pm all levels (1 space left) 6:45pm restorative (2 spaces left)... . Follow the link in our bio to book your space now. . #iyengaryoga #yogawithprops #yogapractice #deepenyourunderstanding #asana @whitedogstudio_geelong See more

04.01.2022 Each pose holds pieces of another. Be with you right where you are now. There is no end pose. Jo Tonight’s study - find the thread between salabhasana, dhanurasana four, Pincha Mayurasana to Sayanasana. . #study #inversion #backbend #extend #stateofmind #noendpose #salabhasana #dhanurasanavariation #pinchamayurasana #sayanasana #iyengaryogateacher #iyengaryogaaustralia #lightonyogastudy #bksiyengar #geetaiyenga

04.01.2022 Upavista konasana - seated wide-angle pose. This variation of upavista konasana is adapted to help beginners and those with stiff backs to stretch the legs out to the sides, omitting the forward bend of the original asana. The pose gets its name from the Sanskrit words upavista, which means seated, and Kona, which translates as angle. This asana relaxes stress-related tension in the abdominal muscles. - BKS IYENGAR YOGA The path to holistic health. . #upavisthakonasana #seated #angle #uprightvariation #tension #abdominal #release

02.01.2022 Did you know that 1 in 5 people experience symptoms of mental illness each year? In fact, every day in Australia, 8 people will die from suicide. Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. But this October, we’ll be putting one foot forward to make a difference to the lives of people touched by mental illness and suicide. ... We're fundraising to raise money for life-changing research into treatment and prevention of mental illness, as well as vital support services. Support our challenge and help change the lives of people living with mental illness. Sponsor me or come and join our WHITE DOG STUDIO team. Let’s do this for our friends, our family and our community.

02.01.2022 Learning new transitions for Surya Namaska. . ... yogas citta vrtti nirodhah. Yoga is the study of what and who we become under the push and pull of the various external influences we face in our day to day lives. On the mat we get to ‘see’ and to ‘practice’ adjusting and in turn restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking various forms (Vrttis) as a result of the pressures of our every day lives. . #hindupushups #transitions #shoulderstrength #conversationwithyourbody #developingconnections #noendpose #yogapractice #iyengaryoga

01.01.2022 Last night I was moved to tears when our little studio held the bodies and the hearts of some of my most long term friends and students. It was an overwhelming feeling to look at all the faces that I have known for a decade or more, once again right there in yoga together. Thankyou all for your ongoing support, your commitment, kindness and love. Last night cracked my chest wide open and reignited the determination I need to keep showing up. I love what I do and I do believ...e yoga has that capacity to heal and carry us through life’s challenges. . I am grateful. The roots are deep. . #yoga #bellarinepeninsulayogaclasses #togetheragain #tara #jane #carol #keir #nell #danielle #kierstan #michelle #gillian #jess #carissa #robert See more

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